Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 08 Jun 2022, 15:09

Wheeler Dealer wrote: 08 Jun 2022, 12:07 Thanks, I appears that this one will work. I've got the game started.

Glad to hear it's working now!

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 03 Jul 2022, 15:27

With H4Zer0's amazing work to add completely new creatures, we thought it might be a good time to show off some other amazing work that's been done, as well as give some hints of what's to come.

Take a look here. Keep in mind, these models are still subject to change. And there are several more of these as well ;)


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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby Blake » 10 Jul 2022, 15:38

OMG that's awesome!!!!
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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 11 Jul 2022, 14:24

Someone finally stumbled across the image here ;)

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby Bugle » 26 Sep 2022, 05:36

Just posting to say the Every Dog Has His Day announcement that was linked to in the OP appears to be a dead link now.

That said, having finally re-caught the HommIV bug for the first time in ages I'm looking forward to trying some of these out, so thank you very much for making them.

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 26 Sep 2022, 15:25

Bugle wrote: 26 Sep 2022, 05:36 Just posting to say the Every Dog Has His Day announcement that was linked to in the OP appears to be a dead link now.

That said, having finally re-caught the HommIV bug for the first time in ages I'm looking forward to trying some of these out, so thank you very much for making them.

Thanks for the heads up on the broken link! Should be fixed now. Hope you enjoy anything you try out!

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby Bugle » 30 Sep 2022, 20:21

Played through the first Tarnum campaign (Warlords of the Wasteland) and had a pretty good time, but a couple things stood out to me as likely bugs:

1. On mission 5, there's a quest hut near the starting town to swap the All-Seeing Crown for one of the Tiger armor pieces (the helm I think?), but I didn't find the crown until killing the very last hero of the scenario. I thought it'd be revealed by one of the eyes, but instead there was a different helm: +20 mana and 8 regen. It was a useful helm to be sure, but meant I didn't get to use the Tiger set. Was this just a misplaced item?

2. The final mission asked me to capture a specific town (the one in the bottom right corner of the map). When I did, the scenario didn't end. It didn't even end after eliminating the AI entirely. I had to wind up cheating to beat the scenario and see the ending crawl.

Other than that, though, had a blast. Tarnum is genuinely one of my favourite characters ever, so it's fun experiencing CHronicles in a new medium. Thanks so much for making all you've made so far!

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 01 Oct 2022, 18:49

Bugle wrote: 30 Sep 2022, 20:21 Played through the first Tarnum campaign (Warlords of the Wasteland) and had a pretty good time, but a couple things stood out to me as likely bugs:

1. On mission 5, there's a quest hut near the starting town to swap the All-Seeing Crown for one of the Tiger armor pieces (the helm I think?), but I didn't find the crown until killing the very last hero of the scenario. I thought it'd be revealed by one of the eyes, but instead there was a different helm: +20 mana and 8 regen. It was a useful helm to be sure, but meant I didn't get to use the Tiger set. Was this just a misplaced item?

Ah, I almost feel like I saw this during my play through, but I'm not sure why I didn't do anything about it, so thanks for catching it! It was indeed supposed to be the Helm of Power required for that quest hut.

Bugle wrote: 30 Sep 2022, 20:21 2. The final mission asked me to capture a specific town (the one in the bottom right corner of the map). When I did, the scenario didn't end. It didn't even end after eliminating the AI entirely. I had to wind up cheating to beat the scenario and see the ending crawl.

Other than that, though, had a blast. Tarnum is genuinely one of my favourite characters ever, so it's fun experiencing CHronicles in a new medium. Thanks so much for making all you've made so far!

I think I never noticed this bug because when I did my play through, the stack of Archangels was too big for me to beat and I ended up just using nwcvalhalla to finish the map and make sure the epilogue looked good (and then also reduced the Archangels a bit).

I think the issue for this one was that the checkbox to apply to a human owner was not checked in the captured script.

Both issues have been corrected and the download has been updated. Glad you are enjoying these campaigns and thanks for the feedback!

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby Bugle » 03 Oct 2022, 01:50

Oh, that's some pretty quick turnaround, very nice!

I was originally just going to sit on this bug until I was done with the Underworld campaign, but if you're turning around these bugs this quickly, I may just start over if you can get this one fixed quickly.

On the boatman level (mission 2), there was an event when walking on some of the cursed ground in the northish area which is supposed to give you negative morale, but instead gave me 255 morale. After the next fight, it fell to negative 255 morale. Permanently. Even when moving on to the next mission!

I was going to just let it be a kind of accidental hard mode, but it's been getting kind of annoying watching the negative morale on both heroes every turn.

I suppose thinking of it, I could have just restarted the mission and avoided that particular batch of cursed ground. But It's probably still something worth fixing due to the permanence of it.

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 03 Oct 2022, 17:53

Interesting. I definitely noticed the +255 morale that is supposed to give you -2 morale (forgot about the morale bug when scripting), but I never actually noticed getting negative morale permanently.

I'll see about just removing the morale scripts from the events that are supposed to give you negative morale.

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 07 Oct 2022, 13:19

Sorry forgot about this. I'll see if I can get to it tonight.

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 08 Oct 2022, 16:43

Okay, just removed the decrease morale scripts from map 2 of Conquest of the Underworld, and looked through the rest of the maps and didn't notice any other places where it was used.

The campaign has been updated. Enjoy and let me know if you find any other issues!

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby Blake » 11 Oct 2022, 05:51

Ooh I better redownload that one then!
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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 24 Mar 2023, 05:01

Revolt of the Beastmasters is now available for download / testing. I haven't tested it yet myself, so there could be some errors.

Since Bytebandit has disappeared, this campaign will still need some additional landscaping, though it does have everything on it that the H3 maps do.

The final two campaigns should be pretty quick for me to get converted and finalized as well, so look for that soon :)

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby Blake » 03 Apr 2023, 05:57

Oooh I loved that campaign back in the day! Well done mate! :)
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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 03 Apr 2023, 16:52

Blake wrote: 03 Apr 2023, 05:57 Oooh I loved that campaign back in the day! Well done mate! :)

Thanks :) Clash of the Dragons isn't far off now. Just running through my finalization process on the conversion and have a few things specific to that campaign to get scripted in, such as Tarnum's special skill of converting elves and archers to sharpshooters, and a mega dragon dwelling. I remember there being a mega dragon dwelling quest hut somewhere, so I need to find that to start with so I don't have to do the entire thing over.

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 07 Apr 2023, 17:07

Clash of the Dragons is now available for download / testing. As with Revolt, I haven't tested it myself, so there could very well be some errors, especially given the pretty heavy scripting I had to do (Tarnum's special skill and scripting a Megadragon dwelling for the WoW version of this campaign).

One more to go for H4 Chronicles!

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby Blake » 11 Apr 2023, 07:08

wow.. clash of the dragons was one of my favourite Chronicles. Well done!
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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 11 Apr 2023, 14:08

Blake wrote: 11 Apr 2023, 07:08 wow.. clash of the dragons was one of my favourite Chronicles. Well done!

Lol thanks man. Sword of Frost should be up for download by the end of the week :)

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Re: Heroes 4 The Restoration of Axeoth

Unread postby iLiVeInAbOx05 » 16 Apr 2023, 01:30

The Sword of Frost is now available for download / testing. As with the previous 2 campaigns, I haven't tested it myself, so there could very well be some errors.

That wraps up H4 Chronicles for the WoW version. I do have plans for a version using modded assets, but now I'm going to look to get Unity finally ported to H4.

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