Heroes 4, Experience table

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Heroes 4, Experience table

Unread postby TartamPuan » 15 Jan 2023, 19:24

Is it possible to change the experience table in Heroes 4? The game is great and drew me in very strongly, but I feel unsatisfied due to the impossibly high experience levels on the large maps.

I have changed the experience for killing monsters, but this affects the number of enemies at the start of the game, as apparently the game calculates the number of creatures against the experience you can gain on them.

Therefore, ideally it would be possible to change the experience table, but I have not found any such mod, nor have I discovered information on how to change this myself.

Is there such a mod, or is it possible to set the amount of experience needed to gain levels myself?

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Re: Heroes 4, Experience table

Unread postby cjleeagain » 20 Jan 2023, 17:59

As someone who has played H1 to H7 for many years, I think lots of people will agree with me. The experience table is fine.

There are scenarios where you can get to level 60 or more on just one map in Heroes 4. I'm sure other forummers will be happy to help you with them.

I think what might be more helpful, is to consider why you are dissatisfied:

1) the way to get lots of experience fast, is to play difficult maps on high difficulty with big enemy stacks. If battles are too easy to win, you will never gain much xp, so you can't really level up.

2) Heroes 4 is not designed for you to max out skill slots.
In Heroes 2 and 3, there are 3x8=24 skill slots. In many cases, you won't even need until level 20 to get Expert Everythings.
Heroes 4 has 5x4x5=120 skill slots. Nobody has ever filled all these slots simply by leveling up. You need to visit altars, visit schools, get events and so on.

3) A lot of leveling up is done by visiting Trees in Heroes 4.
If you want to build superheroes, actually the easiest way to mod this would be to open the campaign editor and add a bunch of events or trees.

Moreover, AI has no concept of deferred gratification. They don't wait till their heroes are level 30 before visiting trees. Instead if their hero is level 5, they'll visit the tree anyway to get to level 6. So don't worry about the AI visiting the trees you added. AI won't become superheroes that way.
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