Glory of Days Past → A New Way

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Grail Quest
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Glory of Days Past → A New Way

Unread postby Grail Quest » 28 Jun 2007, 15:34

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Grail Quest
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Glory of Days Past → A New Way

Unread postby Grail Quest » 28 Jun 2007, 15:34

I found that the key to this campaign is not to be afraid of losing towns as you head down the underworld, and also to build your forces before heading down. Blue can out-hire you initially and they have Ogre Mages, which are really great as damage-soakers if nothing else. Losing towns loses you money per day, but money seemed plentiful (possibly because the AI doesn't try to flag every resource, sometimes just riding by them!), so don't worry too much. In the worst case, trade resources for cash.

Have a strong expeditionary force. Keep buying troops practically every day and have them meet you if you are on the move and exploring. Charge down to the underworld and take Blue's castle, which is the only one that has a Tavern.

Once you do that, you will see that Blue had a strong town, including the Breeding Pit that increases creature production 50%. Stock a strong army and slowly head up, keeping an eye on the teleporters or leaving a reserve force to hold castles.

Now that you've swapped positions with Blue, blue will be on the receiving end of what it did to you. You can now hire faster than Blue and you can also hire Ogre Magi.

As soon as you take the last city, you win (unless there are enemy armies around, in which you must hold your cities for 3 days), so be sure to have picked up all the permanent bonuses, including those from towns, before finishing. Quest
Edited on Fri, Jun 29 2007, 10:19 by Grail Quest

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Wheeler Dealer
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Re: Glory of Days Past → A New Way

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 03 Oct 2022, 02:49

Glory of Days Past, Expert, a journal, I normally play @ Champion Difficulty but getting a barbarian started is so hard it's just not fun.

A New Way max 12

Week 1, Grabbed all the berserkers I could, followed the road, flagged 3 mines, doubled back to the Mercenary Camp and then went to flag the two centaur stables.

Week 2, Couldn't beat the 90 bandits and 90 pirates guarding the shipyard. Went all the way back to the beginning to fight a couple of difficult battles to gain artifacts. Beat the centaurs to gain a dwarven shield, now for the berserkers and harpies to get leather. Waerjak got 2 levels (one from a chest) which I spent on combat to make him more likely to survive.

Week 3, Finished the neutrals near the beginning. Now I just have to bide my time until I can recruit enough berserkers and centaurs to defeat the bandits and pirates guarding the dock. Had to use my potion of healing but not my Potion of Immorality.

Week 4, Defeated the skeletons, got a cart of lumber. Nothing left that I could do before confronting the bandits and pirates.

Week 5, defeated the guardians of the shipyard. Waerjak and 33 centaurs couldn't beat Screaming Tom. Waiting on reinforcements.

Week 6, Defeated Screaming Tom, had to use my potion of Immortality. Kilmer joined on 2,4,6.

Week 7, captured the crystal mine losing 100 berserkers. Tried the Potion of Immortality (PoI) tactics (from the walkthrough) on the nomads, no dice, used 3 PoI and only killed 10 nomads.

Week 8, However the PoI tactics did work on the company of wolves just on the other side of the Green Border Guard. A Blue hero with a huge army popped out of the yellow portal and attacked Waerjak, impossible. had to back up a day and avoid the area of that portal. None of the available battles seem achievable, but I did steal a Cyclops Cave from Blue.

Week 9, Orange out @ 3,1,1. Waerjak fought this battle alone. Recruited the Stronghold, Frunag. Got some serious troops that let me take out some neutral stacks and gain 2 levels (L9). Waerjak has GM Combat and Melee. Blue came out and took my Cyclops Cave!

Week 10, Used 2 PoI to beat a company of harpies and reach a Training Ground. Reached L12, GN Combat, GM Melee, Expert Archery, Advanced MR. Blue took Frunag, nothing to be done for now, evacuate. Defeated the Behemoths with just Waerjak.

Week 11-12, Recruited Battlepeak, captured Austri. Immediately had to retreat from Austri but I hired a general to do some flagging. Caravan general and troops to Battlepeak.

Week 13-14, Waerjak and 51 harpies beat the 70+ Griffins guarding the Breastplate of Regeneration, lost all the harpies and 3 or 4 PoI. My general lurked near the gold mine until the guardians wander far enough for her to dash in and flag the gold mine.

Week 15, Took Austri again and hired an Order Lord. Waerjak defeated the penultimate Blue hero. The last Blue army is holed up in Frunag (underground, south).

Week 16, Blue abandoned Frunag to retake Austri, Fine with me, Frunag has a Castle and Waerjak hadn't visited the Wrestling Pits or Areana of Honor. I'm massing all my troops for an assault on Austri. Very difficult battle. Lost all my troops and used about 5 PoI! Won @ 4,4,4.

A Necessary War, max 20

Week 1, A Green Army was threatening my town, Waerjak took them out on turn one. Then defeated the peasants to the east. Flagged a sawmill, an ore pit and a gold mine. Hired an Order Lord.

Week 2, Captured a crystal mine, cleared the nearby Learning Stone, hired a priest.

Week 3, Claimed Zija, hired another Order Lord.

Week 4, fighting around the north passage to get to the tunnel.

Week 5, took a Green stronghold, found the tunnel, eliminated the cerebi, Rushbrooke (preserve) joined (any army could approach).

Week 6, took Green's last town. Waerjak L19. Cleaning up large neutral stacks left behind.

Week 7, took one of the Blue towns. Waerjak hit L20. Time to join him up with the priest and finish the map.

Week 8, Blue down to one town.

Week 9, Blue took back a preserve. Orange garrison in the center of the map is a huge PITA!

Week 10, Paladin up to L16, took back the other preserve for the spells. Mostly using an army of 2 heroes, 3 Mantises and 5 Faerie Dragons.

Week 11, One more bonus to collect, then the Tree of Knowledge and done.

Week 12, Blue took one of my strongholds. Sigh.

Week 13, control all towns @ 4,1,5. Some wandering blue troops prevent the finish. Waerjak L20, Isabeau L19.

A King's Choice, Max 25

Week 1, Took stronghold on day 5. Just my two heroes can easily win all these battles.

Week 2, done with the east side north of the Blue Gate. I should have gone for the gold mine [63,45] much earlier.

Week 3, Moving west, no real resistance. Took out a Blue hero with 250 berserkers and also a lone green hero.

Week 4, took the NE neutral stronghold.

Week 5, Building infrastructure and mines.

Week 6, A Green hero with a small army crossed the pond near map's center. Oops, the Sea Monsters got him before I could get there. I decided to swing through Blue territory for the experience, used the Tree of Knowledge.

Week 7, Used the Green Portal to jump to the Green territory. Captured 2 neutral strongholds. Waerjak reached L25 using the second ToK.

Week 8, my paladin reached L25 at the ToK. Own all the Green towns.

Week 9, Finished on 1,3,1. Never used the third ToK, never used creatures except to speed up my armies. My paladin reached GM Life Magic but only had a couple of L4 spells. Waerjak reached L2 Nature Magic but never got a L2 spell.

One Tribe

Week 1, Sent Waerjak and my Paladin out separately. Hired a knight and an order lord. Flagged everything in my starting area and bought passage through the southern quest gate. Waerjak reached L26. Used chests for xp.

Week 2, Cleared the SW including the asylum. Tried to build an army around my paladin, knight and creatures but I keep taking unacceptable casualties.

Week 3, entered the SE and took another stronghold, sent Waerjak ahead to the eastern area. I continue having trouble developing my towns because of the short supply of resources. I have 6 Order Lords chipping in but it's still slow going. No real opposition yet.

Week 4, up to 9 Order Lords, my thief has L4 Stealth, the #2 army is strong. Took another asylum in the SE.

Week 5, control 7/8 towns, Waerjak at L31. My paladin's army is formidable, and my thief is L10 with Master Stealth. Nine Order Lords in groups of three roam the map.

Week 6, Went underground and captured the last Blue town. Waerjak (L31) with 17 Thunderbirds traveled NE to battle Vogel. Wasn't even close, Won @ 2,2,3.

As usual with barbarians, the beginning was very difficult and the rest pretty easy.

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