Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
Galactic Gargle Blaster
Galactic Gargle Blaster
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby darkdill » 27 Jul 2022, 01:40

cthscr wrote: 26 Jul 2022, 17:57
darkdill wrote: 26 Jul 2022, 00:53 Casting Dispel Magic caused this to happen for me.
This is a bug in MMExtension triggered by probably a bug in MM8. Dispel has no projectile in ObjList but proc tries to create map object of this type and sends -1 as map object index.
Lazy workaround, applied in Revamp:

Code: Select all

--- a/Scripts/Core/events.lua
+++ b/Scripts/Core/events.lua
@@ -2072,6 +2072,7 @@ do

        local function Who(i, action)
                local t, kind = {}, i%8
+               if i < 0 then return t end
                i = (i - kind)/8
                if kind == 2 then
                        local obj = Map.Objects[i]
Quick look at proc 0x436E26 makes me feel like it will accept -1 and will try to get data from the memory before the array, taking garbage with unpredictable consequences.
GrayFace wrote::summon:
I'm using the full packaged Revamp, and that's where this glitch is occurring. Fortunately, it hasn't resulted in any CTD's, but it's still aggravating that I can't use Dispel against enemies who have Pain Reflection.

Anyhow, just thought I'd take a moment to put up a couple of recommendations on stuff that you guys could try adding in the future.

1. Put a cap on how much extra HP a creature can get from the Bolster mechanic. There are values for this in the Bolster - monsters.txt file, but the formulas for Bolster don't use them. This needs to be done, IMO, for at least some creatures, such as Oozes. Since MM6 Oozes split into smaller forms after you kill them, they become SO obnoxious to kill since they're immune to Physical and get boatloads of HP. No matter how strong your spellcaster is, it's gonna take them a long time and a lot of MP to kill said Oozes. Capping their bonus HP from Bolster would keep them under control.

2. Add in new enchantments. One I've said before and I'll say again is that I'd love for there to be an "Immunity to Curses" enchantment somewhere. One of the special weapons, the Sword-in-the-Stone, I noticed in the Items.txt file has some new effect that causes it to deal 10-20 Earth damage. I don't know if one can actually find that weapon in-game at the moment, but the fact that it has a new unique enchantment shows promise that we may get more unique enchantments down the line.

Galactic Gargle Blaster
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby darkdill » 27 Jul 2022, 01:46

Another bug. I'm in the Lair of the Wolf, fighting some Swordsmen, and this causes a CTD.
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1467: array index (5) out of bounds [0, 4]

stack traceback:
: in function 'error'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1426: in function '__index'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1467: in function '__index'
...G Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/events.lua:2159: in function 'f'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:2208: in function <...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:2206>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
...G Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/Common.lua:203: in function 'pcall2'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1772: in function <...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1769>
[C]: in function 'def'
...Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\Structs\After\Spells.lua:131: in function 'callDef'
...Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\Structs\After\Spells.lua:151: in function 'f'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:2208: in function <...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:2206>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
...G Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/Common.lua:203: in function 'pcall2'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1772: in function <...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1769>

arguments of '__index':
t = (table: 0x0496c5c8)
a = 5

local variables of '__index':
(*temporary) = (table: 0x1c080cc0)
(*temporary) = 9.3096149019916e-288

upvalues of '__index':
name = "Players"[/quote]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby cuthalion » 27 Jul 2022, 14:53

Grrr I sold and wasted zillions of gems while pushing it through MM6 and 7 almost to the end..only to figure out Verdane needs each type of gem from cheap to expensive for her needs. Any advise on what I should do now?
The only thing I have in mind is running in frenzy through all magic shops in all locations on all continents...Or is there a location with plenty of gems of various types?

Galactic Gargle Blaster
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby darkdill » 27 Jul 2022, 17:49

cuthalion wrote: 27 Jul 2022, 14:53 Grrr I sold and wasted zillions of gems while pushing it through MM6 and 7 almost to the end..only to figure out Verdane needs each type of gem from cheap to expensive for her needs. Any advise on what I should do now?
The only thing I have in mind is running in frenzy through all magic shops in all locations on all continents...Or is there a location with plenty of gems of various types?
Cheat Engine is your friend. :D

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Maslyonok » 27 Jul 2022, 19:50

cuthalion wrote: 27 Jul 2022, 14:53 Grrr I sold and wasted zillions of gems while pushing it through MM6 and 7 almost to the end..only to figure out Verdane needs each type of gem from cheap to expensive for her needs. Any advise on what I should do now?
The only thing I have in mind is running in frenzy through all magic shops in all locations on all continents...Or is there a location with plenty of gems of various types?
Plane of Earth in MM8

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Eksekk » 27 Jul 2022, 21:03

darkdill wrote: 27 Jul 2022, 01:40 Anyhow, just thought I'd take a moment to put up a couple of recommendations on stuff that you guys could try adding in the future.

1. Put a cap on how much extra HP a creature can get from the Bolster mechanic. There are values for this in the Bolster - monsters.txt file, but the formulas for Bolster don't use them. This needs to be done, IMO, for at least some creatures, such as Oozes. Since MM6 Oozes split into smaller forms after you kill them, they become SO obnoxious to kill since they're immune to Physical and get boatloads of HP. No matter how strong your spellcaster is, it's gonna take them a long time and a lot of MP to kill said Oozes. Capping their bonus HP from Bolster would keep them under control.
I'm not one of the Merge guys so I can't guarantee Rodril will incorporate this (though I don't know why they provided a file which doesn't work), but here's what you need to do to enable MaxHPBoost:
  • Open the file Scripts/General/AdaptiveMonstersStats.txt in any text editor (I use notepad++)
  • Change line mon.FullHP = min(ProcessFormula(Formula["HP"], mon.FullHP), 30000) to mon.FullHP = min(ProcessFormula(Formula["HP"], mon.FullHP), 30000, mon.FullHP * Game.Bolster.Monsters[mon.Id].MaxHPBoost) (use search feature, usually accessed by CTRL + F, to find it)
That's all! Now game should take MaxHPBoost into account.
darkdill wrote: 27 Jul 2022, 01:40 2. Add in new enchantments. One I've said before and I'll say again is that I'd love for there to be an "Immunity to Curses" enchantment somewhere. One of the special weapons, the Sword-in-the-Stone, I noticed in the Items.txt file has some new effect that causes it to deal 10-20 Earth damage. I don't know if one can actually find that weapon in-game at the moment, but the fact that it has a new unique enchantment shows promise that we may get more unique enchantments down the line.
This depends on the enchantment. Those that only edit stats, skills are easy to add (doable without editing game code), but those that add completely new abilities (like Splitter's melee fireball) are hard to add and require dealing with assembly. I've added for example spell resistance penetration, dark/light resistance and plan to add dispel immunity etc. Cthscr (Revamp's developer) has added a lot of new bonuses, mostly unused as of yet (check files stditems.txt and spcitems.txt from Data/revamp.T.lod, open it with Grayface's MMArchive). So it's definitely possible, but depends on skill of the developer. What I personally could use is simply new ideas! And I'm working only on Merge atm, so if I will have enough skill there's chance your bonus will be added.
Unfinished mod by me: MM7 Rev4 mod, MMMerge version.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Kinox » 27 Jul 2022, 22:26

Hello, M&M folks.

So, after some gameplays I was able to figure out new interesting updates on this issue —where Random Recruits just stops randomizing for some mysterious reason; usually, by Dismissing of certain specific Characters from the Adventurer's Inn.

Originally, I've thought only 2 Characters (36 — troll, and 37 —minotaur/clone) were troublesome; turns out there are many more, and I'm listing some of them in the list below, with the tag: SHOULD NOT DISMISS.
Note: the counting number is what is shown when looking at characters in the Adventurer's Inn.

0 — 1st Party Creation Character UNDISMISSABLE ANYWAYS
1 — MM8 (Devlin Arcanus) CAN DISMISS
2 — MM8 (Fredrick Talimere) CAN DISMISS
3 — MM8 (Simon Templar) CAN DISMISS
4 — MM8 (Overdune Snapfinger) NOT TESTED
5 — MM8 (Arius) CAN DISMISS
6 — MM8 (Rohani Oscleton) SHOULD NOT DISMISS
7 — MM8 (Elsbeth Lamentia) CAN DISMISS
8 — MM8 (Ithilgore) CAN DISMISS
9 — MM8 (Karanya Memoria) NOT TESTED
10 — MM8 (Maylander) NOT TESTED
11 — MM8 (Leane Stormlance) NOT TESTED
12 — MM8 (Volog Sandwind) NOT TESTED
13 — MM8 (Thanys) NOT TESTED
14 — MM8 (Jasp Thelbourne) NOT TESTED
15 — MM8 (Gethric Mercutura) SHOULD NOT DISMISS
16 — MM8 (Flamdring) NOT TESTED
17 — MM8 (Hevatia Deverbero) NOT TESTED
18 — MM8 (Verish) NOT TESTED
19 — MM8 (Nelix Uriel) NOT TESTED
20 — MM8 (Sethrc Thistlebone) NOT TESTED
21 — MM8 (Rionel) NOT TESTED
22 — MM8 (Adric Stellare) NOT TESTED
23 — MM8 (Infaustus) NOT TESTED
24 — MM8 (Brimstone) NOT TESTED
25 — MM8 (Vetrinus Taleshire) NOT TESTED
26 — MM8 (Dervish Chevron) NOT TESTED
27 — MM8 (Tempus) NOT TESTED
28 — MM8 (Thorne Understone) NOT TESTED
29 — MM8 (Ulbrecht) NOT TESTED
30 — MM8 (Cauri Blackthorne) NOT TESTED
31 — MM8 (Artorius Veritas) NOT TESTED
32 — MM8 (Duroth the Eternal) NOT TESTED
33 — MM8 (Nathaniel Roberts) SHOULD NOT DISMISS
34 — MM8 (Dyson Leyland) NOT TESTED
35 — MM8 (Blazen Stormlance) NOT TESTED
36 — "service purpose" troll SHOULD NOT DISMISS
37 — "service purpose" minotaur OR clone of character "0" SHOULD NOT DISMISS
38 — 2nd Party Creation Character CAN DISMISS
39 — 3rd Party Creation Character CAN DISMISS
40 — 4th Party Creation Character CAN DISMISS
41 — 5th Party Creation Character SHOULD NOT DISMISS
42 — Random Recruit NOT TESTED
43 — Random Recruit NOT TESTED
44 — Random Recruit CAN DISMISS
45 — Random Recruit CAN DISMISS
46 — Random Recruit CAN DISMISS
47 — Random Recruit NOT TESTED
48 — Random Recruit NOT TESTED
49 — Random Recruit NOT TESTED
Kinox wrote: 16 Jun 2022, 01:36
wedge5096 wrote: 14 Jun 2022, 14:34 I haven't seen any hirelings (new party members) in any taverns or gyms in over a year (in-game time).
Ok, so that's are a bit obscure issue I've also found in MMMerge, but here is what's probably going on:

In principle, there are at total 50 playable characters in the engine, and they are kind of categorized for different functions on the game. Normally, of course, it is not possible to play with all of the 50 characters without cheating; it was never possible not even in MM8.

In the case of MMMerge, for some reason, because of the current state of the Recruit Randomization feature,
it seems like you CANNOT mess up with two particular characters in your game: characters "36" and "37"; as those seem to be what devs/mods have called characters for "service purpose".
Character "36" appears (as a troll) at the Adventurer's Inn whenever you create a Party larger than 1.
Character "37" appears (as a clone of your 1st character/character "0") at the Adventurer's Inn whenever you create a Party larger than 2.
DO NOT DISMISS THEM from the Adventurer's Inn, as the Recruit Randomization feature depends on them in order to operate on its full potential: generating up to 8 Random Recruit and not any other lesser number.
I've found out that, if you Dismiss them from the Adventurer's Inn, they will themselves become Randomized Recruits, and this will mess up the randomizing system. From my own experience, you may end up being limited maybe only to 3 or 5 Random Recruits instead of the correct quantity which would be 8. And I don't know if this screwing up event is even reversible after the damage is done. What to me seems safer is (on the case of new games that is…) just getting rid of those annoying service characters only after the wanted Random Recruits have been properly recruited.

Here is the list of "playable characters"; I used mm8che.exe to verify these data:
(note: the counting numbers is what is shown when looking at characters in the Adventurer's Inn)
0 — 1st Party Creation Character
1 — MM8 (Devlin Arcanus)
2 — MM8 (Fredrick Talimere)
3 — MM8 (Simon Templar)
4 — MM8 (Overdune Snapfinger)
5 — MM8
6 — MM8
7 — MM8 (Elsbeth Lamentia)
8 — MM8
9 — MM8
10 — MM8
11 — MM8
12 — MM8 (Leane Stormlance)
13 — MM8 (Volog Sandwind)
14 — MM8 (Thanys)
15 — MM8
16 — MM8
17 — MM8
18 — MM8
19 — MM8
20 — MM8
21 — MM8
22 — MM8
23 — MM8
24 — MM8
25 — MM8
26 — MM8 (Dervish Chevron)
27 — MM8
28 — MM8
29 — MM8
30 — MM8 (Cauri Blackthorne)
31 — MM8
32 — MM8
33 — MM8
34 — MM8 (Dyson Leyland)
35 — MM8 (Blazen Stormlance)
36 — "service purpose" troll
37 — "service purpose" minotaur OR clone of character "0"
38 — 2nd Party Creation Character
39 — 3rd Party Creation Character
40 — 4th Party Creation Character
41 — 5th Party Creation Character
42 — Random Recruit
43 — Random Recruit
44 — Random Recruit
45 — Random Recruit
46 — Random Recruit
47 — Random Recruit
48 — Random Recruit
49 — Random Recruit

Unfortunately, I do not know yet any way to reverse the damage after it is done.
But at least this should give a crucial information on how not to screw up the Recruit Randomization feature on MMMerge (note: my tests were done on the Base branch).

I hope this information can be useful; maybe something about the feature could be improved.
¡Good Luck!

EDIT: New finding: The Recruit Randomization system actually seems to get screwed up by the Dismissing of ANY character from the Adventurer's Inn. So it has nothing to do in particular with the 2 "server purpose" characters. Even when they are safely kept in the Adventurer's Inn, but then you just Dismiss other characters from it, it seems to be one plausible cause of the triggering of this bug anyways.

If this is correct, then this could be a way to avoid triggering the bug without having to handle on your own some modding challenges that you'll find more info about if you just keep reading this topic from here.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby raekuul » 28 Jul 2022, 01:03

Overdune Snapfinger and Dyson Leland are story-important NPCs; I expect MM8 has safeguards against permanently dismissing them and that MMMerge can't dismiss them properly.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Kinox » 28 Jul 2022, 04:28

raekuul wrote: 28 Jul 2022, 01:03 Overdune Snapfinger and Dyson Leland are story-important NPCs; I expect MM8 has safeguards against permanently dismissing them and that MMMerge can't dismiss them properly.
I forgot to mention something like that. I've already noticed but can't confirm exactly the behavior for both of them. Apparently, they are 'Undismissable', but only until their respective Main Quest is delivered.

However, once they become 'Dismissable' —if my memory is correct that should happen— then, it is unknown whether the action of Dismissing each one of them independently from the Adventurer's Inn can disrupt the Random Recruit randomization system in MMMerge. Maybe I'll find out later.

I have no idea what those disruptive characters have in common; except that they originate from MM8 —including a 5th Party created Character, which is curious; but might mean nothing.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Maslyonok » 29 Jul 2022, 10:22

Trying to complete new Necromancer promotion quest and I just can't find where that old witch (prophetess ) is buried! What should the grave look like?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby rampage77t » 29 Jul 2022, 15:29

Maslyonok wrote: 29 Jul 2022, 10:22 Trying to complete new Necromancer promotion quest and I just can't find where that old witch (prophetess ) is buried! What should the grave look like?

On Dagger Wound Island where later in the story there is a pirate post, there is a pointed stone, by clicking on it the witch's body appears and there you can revive her for the mission

Galactic Gargle Blaster
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby darkdill » 29 Jul 2022, 23:58

Keep running into this one when fighting MM6 Master Swordsmen. Results in a CTD.
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1467: array index (5) out of bounds [0, 4]

stack traceback:
: in function 'error'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1426: in function '__index'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1467: in function '__index'
...G Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/events.lua:2160: in function 'f'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:2208: in function <...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:2206>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
...G Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/Common.lua:203: in function 'pcall2'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1772: in function <...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1769>
[C]: in function 'def'
...Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\Structs\After\Spells.lua:131: in function 'callDef'
...Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\Structs\After\Spells.lua:151: in function 'f'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:2208: in function <...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:2206>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
...G Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/Common.lua:203: in function 'pcall2'
...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1772: in function <...OG Galaxy\Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1769>

arguments of '__index':
t = (table: 0x04a12310)
a = 5

local variables of '__index':
(*temporary) = (table: 0x21416f98)
(*temporary) = 1.1544912357314e-290

upvalues of '__index':
name = "Players"[/quote]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Daedros » 30 Jul 2022, 06:37

Ossie wrote: 09 Jan 2022, 00:04 So just read through the Merge Tracker again, and missed something previously: does Meditation skill now include SP regeneration? The comment was that SP-regen items are now essentially useless: at what level of Meditation does the SP regen kick in (ie base, Expert etc), does the regen amount increase with increased Meditation level, and at what point does it "match" the regen value of items? Thanks!
I'm the one that initially suggested that Meditation skill grant a % based SP Regeneration based upon Expertise (Normal, Expert, Master, GM) level. This is because especially with the Bolster mechanic, monsters can gain huge amounts of HP, and require a large amount of spells to take down. This created a huge power gap in terms of damage output between melee chars vs casters, which is why i suggested it. Otherwise, casters would have to constantly be chugging down Divine Power potions to restore their SP.
I also suggested that the Regeneration skill receive the same treatment, being % based upon Expertise level rather than a flat amount. This was implemented as well.

Ossie wrote: 02 Feb 2022, 05:52 In short, unless this is subsequently fixed, complete the Free Haven temple quest before the Warlock promo quest. In fact, make sure you've already settled on the four "permanent" NPCs you want to keep for the rest of the game, before you pick up the Baby Dragon.
I myself prefer 4 Instructors, for a total of +60 Learning Skill to all characters, :D .

winstonthechurch wrote: 27 Apr 2022, 15:50 Thanks to the awesome people on this forum, i finally got rid of the glitch of not being able to sell/do whatever in shops, but i stumbled upon another game breaking glitch not soon after (Sigh... am i supposed to wait a whole year again to find a version not at all as bugged)
I'm still running the 5/31/2019 version of the Merge (just before multiple spell hotkeys were added), and it's incredibly stable. Judging from what i've been reading about CTDs and game-breaking bugs, the Merge started becoming more and more unstable shortly after that. Seems to be a case of "Too many cooks in the kitchen ruins the soup" in regards to all the various branches that have sprung up since then.

EstelRandir wrote: 11 Jul 2022, 01:48 With 3 worlds to explore, we really need an item vault to store items in. Would it be possible to add such a thing to the game? It would be like a really big inventory with multiple tabs. I resorted to storing items on party members in the adventurers inn. But that is a bit of a pain to have to add and remove them from the party to swap out items.
In Antagarich, Castle Harmondale can function as an item vault, with the various non-respawning chests inside it. In Jadame, the Merchant's Guild in Ravenshore has some non-respawning storage chests. Don't think Enroth has a good non-respawning chest spot for storage. Once you beat the entire Verdant questline (including the Runaway Chaos), the Breach has a large amount of non-respawning storage containers (at my request).

winstonthechurch wrote: 17 Jul 2022, 15:58 So i have been playing as a mad man, close to finish the control cube tests in 6, just on my trial by fire to be on the good path at 7 (planning on blasting through 8) but it was tough just running around all panick-ey not being able to fight back so i though "Hey, invisibility should do the trick!" (can't cast while enemies are near so have only on place to do it and one chance to make the best out of it) but i believe it is broken, or at least the description of it, i have grand master fire magic and according to that for each spell point i will be invisible 1 hour for each point in FM, but i think it is stuck at normal "expertise" since it seems to run out a couple of minutes in...
Invisibility is Air Magic, not Fire Magic...

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Maslyonok » 30 Jul 2022, 08:51

rampage77t wrote: 29 Jul 2022, 15:29
Maslyonok wrote: 29 Jul 2022, 10:22 Trying to complete new Necromancer promotion quest and I just can't find where that old witch (prophetess ) is buried! What should the grave look like?

On Dagger Wound Island where later in the story there is a pirate post, there is a pointed stone, by clicking on it the witch's body appears and there you can revive her for the mission
Ok, but nothing happens then I clicking on it. I tried it with Necromancer in my team and without. Or should I have Sorcerer to complete the quest?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Daedros » 30 Jul 2022, 09:40

From a power-gaming perspective, i find the perfect party composition (excluding Dragons) to be a Vampire Lich, a Vampire Priest of the Light, a Troll Champion, a Goblin Master (Monk), and a Dark Elf Spy. I'll include some truly end-game stats for them so you can see just how they scale up.

For the Vampire Lich, it's important to GM their Vampire skill before transforming them into a Lich, because lichdom changes their Race. GM Vampire skill gives them Mist Form, which is incredibly potent on a Lich, allowing them to mitigate one of their greatest vulnerabilities (Physical damage) while retaining the bulk of their own damage output.

The Vampire Priest of the Light receives much the same benefits from Mist Form, they're able to go into Mist Form to make themselves immune to Physical damage, while still being able to heal the party and cast other spells.

The Troll Champion is able to have both GM Mace and GM Regeneration skills, making them incredibly tanky. The Paralyze % chance from GM Mace is nuts, since Paralyze completely shuts down any foe and makes them helpless and unable to retaliate. A completely maxed out Troll Champion (60 GM Mace/60 GM Armsmaster/60 GM Plate/60 GM Shield) will have around +206 Attack/216-224 Damage/426 AC (before spell buffs).

The Goblin Master is able to get GM Armsmaster. When combined with GM Unarmed and GM Staff, they can dish out some disgusting damage (even more than the Troll Champion). They're also really tanky between the AC Bonuses, Evasion chance, and high HP of GM Unarmed+GM Staff+GM Dodging+Master Leather+GM Bodybuilding. They also have some limited utility spells with Expert Self magic (mostly status-effect removal, which makes them better than Ninjas). A completely maxed out Goblin Master (82 GM Unarmed/60 GM Staff/60 GM Armsmaster/82 GM Dodging/60 Master Leather) will have around +370 Attack/372-378 Damage/572 AC (before even spell buffs...). These are a huge candidate for skill boosts like Horseshoes (or exploiting the Wishing Well in Land of the Giants).
Hammerhands grants +1 Damage per point of Body Magic skill with unarmed attacks, so you could skip investing in Staff if you have a high Body Magic skill Priest to cast Hammerhands on the Master, to deal comparable damage per hit, but you'd lose out on the +Attack, +AC, Stun Chance, and any enchant ("of Darkness" is best) of the Staff. Hammerhands does allow your Master to unequip the staff and damage Physical Immune foes though (so long as they're not also immune to Body magic).

The Dark Elf Spy is able to learn GM Bow and GM Dark Elf skills. Combine that with GM Dagger, GM Leather, GM Disarm Trap, GM Item ID, Master Armsmaster, Master Perception and Master Merchant, and you have an extremely versatile character, able to dish out damage while filling several utility roles. A completely maxed out Spy (60 GM Dagger/60 GM Bow/60 Master Armsmaster/60 GM Leather will have around +158 Attack/157-165 Damage (dual Daggers), +92 Shoot/78-96 Damage (Bow), and 222 AC (before spell buffs). When the Master+ Daggers procs, you deal triple dagger damage (just the daggers though, not the skill bonus damage), and the Master+ Bow fires two shots (AoEing with Noblebone Bow or bows "of Carnage").
Last edited by Daedros on 31 Jul 2022, 19:14, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Eksekk » 30 Jul 2022, 12:15

Daedros wrote: 30 Jul 2022, 06:37 I'm the one that initially suggested that Meditation skill grant a % based SP Regeneration based upon Expertise (Normal, Expert, Master, GM) level. This is because especially with the Bolster mechanic, monsters can gain huge amounts of HP, and require a large amount of spells to take down. This created a huge power gap in terms of damage output between melee chars vs casters, which is why i suggested it. Otherwise, casters would have to constantly be chugging down Divine Power potions to restore their SP.
I also suggested that the Regeneration skill receive the same treatment, being % based upon Expertise level rather than a flat amount. This was implemented as well.
Now it was nerfed. Meditation doesn't scale with SP anymore, it just offers flat mastery + floor(skill / 10) regen per regen tick (2 at Expert 6, 4 at Master 14 etc.) I've removed it in my mod (when choosing hard difficulty), because I felt it may be too strong in the early game, but I've added instead mana regen items stacking, so having 4 items with it you'll have bonus 6 mana regen in addition to items (I honestly didn't check if they stack in vanilla for 4 regen or not, will have to adjust the numbers if not). I might however change it to be % based. Like you said, endgame has incredibly tanky monsters which take a lot of mana to kill, and lloyding every few mobs is so annoying.

Regeneration however retained % restore. At 60 GM (console commands) and 4-5k HP it restored about 20% per regen tick, which is A LOT. Troll knight would be virtually unkillable.
Last edited by Eksekk on 30 Jul 2022, 22:17, edited 1 time in total.
Unfinished mod by me: MM7 Rev4 mod, MMMerge version.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby rampage77t » 30 Jul 2022, 16:51

Maslyonok wrote: 30 Jul 2022, 08:51
rampage77t wrote: 29 Jul 2022, 15:29
Maslyonok wrote: 29 Jul 2022, 10:22 Trying to complete new Necromancer promotion quest and I just can't find where that old witch (prophetess ) is buried! What should the grave look like?

On Dagger Wound Island where later in the story there is a pirate post, there is a pointed stone, by clicking on it the witch's body appears and there you can revive her for the mission
Ok, but nothing happens then I clicking on it. I tried it with Necromancer in my team and without. Or should I have Sorcerer to complete the quest?
If you already have a necromancer then that mission is not necessary, it is to promote a dark adept to necromancer, now you have to look for the promotion to lich or master necromancer

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby moeppel » 31 Jul 2022, 13:07


got an issue where the game stops accepting keyboard inputs or only very delayed at best.

Mouse inputs go through just fine.

Issue started occurring in Harmondale.

Anyone ever had something like this or knows a fix/workaround?


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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby Sean1s » 31 Jul 2022, 16:34

Maslyonok wrote: 30 Jul 2022, 08:51
rampage77t wrote: 29 Jul 2022, 15:29
Maslyonok wrote: 29 Jul 2022, 10:22 Trying to complete new Necromancer promotion quest and I just can't find where that old witch (prophetess ) is buried! What should the grave look like?
On Dagger Wound Island where later in the story there is a pirate post, there is a pointed stone, by clicking on it the witch's body appears and there you can revive her for the mission
Ok, but nothing happens then I clicking on it. I tried it with Necromancer in my team and without. Or should I have Sorcerer to complete the quest?
The witch's corpse should appear. It should be reanimated (with the spell "Reanimate") and lead her to Avershara.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 15.02.2022]

Unread postby TheTate » 31 Jul 2022, 21:36

I know this is blasphemy, but is there an easy way to disable or reduce the difficulty scaler?

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