MM randomizer (updated 2024-02-07)

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MM randomizer (updated 2024-02-07)

Unread postby Anerag » 03 Oct 2019, 22:03

MM randomizer is an item and monster randomizer for Might and Magic 6 and 7.
See the included README.txt for more information.


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Last edited by Anerag on 07 Feb 2024, 13:27, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: MM Randomizer (Updated 2022-05-11)

Unread postby Anerag » 11 May 2022, 13:54

Version 2.0 is out now. Updated post.

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Re: MM randomizer (updated 2022-05-27)

Unread postby raekuul » 22 Jun 2022, 21:20

I've put together a helper spreadsheet for MM6 randmomizer. It's almost where I want it to be (I need to do a more thorough breakdown of what locations in VARN require which keys).

So far everything's based on what's at The Spoiler Centre, which means it overestimates how many "Red Dots" are in a given region (TSC counts stuff like Skull Piles, and I only want to count up chests), and it doesn't properly count up "loose" quest items like the item Janice gives you or the Memory Crystal check in Kriegspire.

One thing I want to do is disambiguate names (we have two Bathhouse Keys) and make permanent item descriptions more useful (e.g. changing the descriptions of the separate Statuettes to say which regions they belong to), which that's on the Items tab. Updated names/descriptions can eventually be added to the lods, or can even be changed after-the-fact via MMExt

The only other thing is that on the Maps tab there's a column for logic notes for reference in future revisions; this is for situations like the Super Goobers chest or in Q's Room where it's a bad idea to put required progression there just due to what it would ask of the player. With that said, "Progression" is just the Hive Sanctum Key, the Ritual of the Void scroll, one Blaster, and any access-granting-items standing between you and them (which in theory should include everything needed to access the Control Center for the Blaster skill itself, which in turn requires everything needed to access the Oracle of Enroth). Like if the Hive Sanctum Key is in Goblinwatch then the Goblin Key would be Progression.

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Re: MM randomizer (updated 2022-05-27)

Unread postby Anubis » 30 Jun 2022, 07:42

I just want to say thank you so much for putting in the time to make this randomizer! It's amazing and I appreciate your hard work!

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Re: MM randomizer (updated 2022-05-27)

Unread postby Eksekk » 30 Jun 2022, 23:03

raekuul wrote: 22 Jun 2022, 21:20 I've put together a helper spreadsheet for MM6 randmomizer. It's almost where I want it to be (I need to do a more thorough breakdown of what locations in VARN require which keys).

So far everything's based on what's at The Spoiler Centre, which means it overestimates how many "Red Dots" are in a given region (TSC counts stuff like Skull Piles, and I only want to count up chests), and it doesn't properly count up "loose" quest items like the item Janice gives you or the Memory Crystal check in Kriegspire.

One thing I want to do is disambiguate names (we have two Bathhouse Keys) and make permanent item descriptions more useful (e.g. changing the descriptions of the separate Statuettes to say which regions they belong to), which that's on the Items tab. Updated names/descriptions can eventually be added to the lods, or can even be changed after-the-fact via MMExt

The only other thing is that on the Maps tab there's a column for logic notes for reference in future revisions; this is for situations like the Super Goobers chest or in Q's Room where it's a bad idea to put required progression there just due to what it would ask of the player. With that said, "Progression" is just the Hive Sanctum Key, the Ritual of the Void scroll, one Blaster, and any access-granting-items standing between you and them (which in theory should include everything needed to access the Control Center for the Blaster skill itself, which in turn requires everything needed to access the Oracle of Enroth). Like if the Hive Sanctum Key is in Goblinwatch then the Goblin Key would be Progression.
You put really astronomical amount of work into that spreadsheet! I don't really use randomizer (but it's perfectly valid way to play, I have nothing against that) but even then I have to appreciate the effort that went into this. Thanks for helping fellow players! :)
Unfinished mod by me: MM7 Rev4 mod, MMMerge version.

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Re: MM randomizer (updated 2022-05-27)

Unread postby raekuul » 11 Jul 2022, 12:35

For those of you who use MMExt: I have a lua script that changes the descriptions and names of certain items - the descriptions now reflect more relevant information about a given item (keys now describe where they're used, letters say who they're from and to, quest items now say who they're for and where they're found), and certain items - mainly keys - have been renamed for disambiguation purposes (the Temple of Baa in Castle Ironfist is the main offender here). For now it's only for MM6; I'll make a MM7 version once I start messing with that randomizer.

The script can be found in my Github repository, in the General folder. It can be added to the General folder as-is.

If your randomizer uses custom items, this should overwrite their names/descriptions.

E: I started a MM7 randomizer run; I don't have as clean a way to make a helper sheet since the spoiler centre doesn't have maps of every dungeon and I'm generally less familiar with MM7 from a 100% Completion standpoint, but I've already started on an item renamer/renoter process for MM7.

E2: On the Spoiler Log, can you make two "groups" of items: plot-critical (for MM6 this would be the Ritual of the Void, Control Cube, Memory Crystals αβδε, the Proof of Betrayal, the Cloak of Baa, Lord Kilburn's Shield, the Hourglass of Time, the Devil Plans, The Letter, the Prince of Thieves, Prince Nicolai if his event checks ever get fixed) and "side"?

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Re: MM randomizer (updated 2022-05-27)

Unread postby Anerag » 17 Jul 2022, 21:01

Anubis wrote: 30 Jun 2022, 07:42 I just want to say thank you so much for putting in the time to make this randomizer! It's amazing and I appreciate your hard work!
Thank you!
raekuul wrote: 11 Jul 2022, 12:35 On the Spoiler Log, can you make two "groups" of items
I don't really see the point since you shouldn't need to look at the spoiler ever.
If you just want a list of the items for reference you could look at the configs which are (loosely) sorted by importance.

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Re: MM randomizer (updated 2022-07-07)

Unread postby raekuul » 18 Jul 2022, 12:13

Because I'm playing this in conjunction with the Skill Emphasis Mod (which in its current state also increases monster difficulty in order to discourage exactly the sort of encounter skipping that Randomizer occasionally needs - once the tech's all done I'm going to make a Randomizer-Aware branch that's a bit more forgiving) knowing where to focus my efforts helps immensely.

And I've only been poking the spoiler log in situations where I've got all but one item for Oracle access anyway - first time through it was the Proof of Betrayal at the bottom of the Tomb of VARN, this time it was Lord Kilburn's Shield... at the bottom of the Tomb of VARN.

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