Unread postby GrayFace » 21 Dec 2021, 22:49
Version 2.5
<< MM6 - MM8 >>
[+] Set ShooterMode=1 to enable FPS-like mode. Press attack button to toggle the fight mode, then press left mouse button to attack and right button to use quick spell. Regular quick spell button also works. No auto-targeting is done. A sword icon indicates this mode, which also shows health of target (or last hit) monster.
[+] Now you can set a spell that would be used when you press regular attack button. E.g. you can set Poison Spray as Attack Spell and Heal as Quick Spell. Add EnableAttackSpell=0 to INI to disable.
[+] Direct unaccelerated mouse input supported through MouseSensitivityDirectMul option. To enable, set it to a positive number, e.g. 1.0.
[+] Player condition priorities changed to demonstrate the worst condition (weak, cursed etc.). Add FixConditionPriorities=0 to INI to disable. New conditions order is Eradicated, Dead, Stoned, Unconscious, Paralyzed, Asleep, Weak, Cursed, Disease3, Poison3, Disease2, Poison2, Disease1, Poison1, Insane, Drunk, Afraid, Zombie.
[+] Now while you're holding right mouse button hint would be shown for the element you're pointing at. Especially useful for checking current time. Add ShowHintWithRMB=0 to INI to disable.
[+] In inventory screen unidentified items are now painted green while you're holding right mouse button. Add GreenItemsWhileRightClick=0 to INI to disable.
[+] Set DeadPlayerShowItemInfo=1 to be able to see items of unconscious players with right click.
[+] Better fix for inactive players acting: now you can select inactive players, but if you press the attack key, an active player would be selected.
[+] MouseLookPermKey option sets up the key that changes mouse look mode, but the mode doesn't get restored when a dialog is opened.
[+] Set ExitDialogsWithRightButton=1 to make right mouse button act as Esc in houses, NPC, map entrance and message dialogs.
[+] WinScreenDelay hidden option controls Win screen delay during which all input is ignored. Default is 500 (half a second instead of game's original 5 seconds).
[+] Set AddDescriptions=1 to add option descriptions straight into INI file. Set it to -1 to remove them.
[+] MonSpritesSizeMul option allows you to change the scale at which monsters are displayed in right button dialog. E.g. set it to 0.5 if you upscale monsters by 2. Mods can change it dynamically through the patch options API.
[+] House animation is no longer restarted when you click any topic. Add FixHouseAnimationRestart=0 to INI to disable this change.
[+] Free space check when saving a game. Add CheckFreeSpace=0 to INI to disable.
[+] Changing view distance by setting dist_mist option is now supported, but useless, because it won't increase ground drawing distance.
[+] Automatic horseman and boatman speak time detection. HorsemanSpeakTimeLimit and BoatmanSpeakTimeLimit hidden options are used as the maximum time allowed for the speeches.
[+] Wands no longer disappear when depleated, just break. Add KeepEmptyWands=0 in INI to disable this change.
[+] Fixed graphics of skeletons and enforcer units.
[-] Changing item graphics was causing inventory corruption.
[-] All spells cast by monsters were doing Fire damage. Add FixMonsterSpells=0 to INI to disable this fix.
[-] AOE damage wasn't dealt to paralyzed monsters.
[-] Element hints staying visible in some dialogs after moving the mouse off the element. Add HintStayTime=0 to INI to return this behavior. Default is 2, making hint stay up for 2 frames.
[-] Casting stronger buffs did nothing if a weaker, but longer one is active.
[-] Item spells were causing bugs when cast onto the very first item in the inventory.
[-] Now you can pick up items stolen from you from corpses of thieves.
[-] Monster attacks were causing a player switch even if Endurance eliminates hit recovery.
[-] When casting a Quick Spell the spell points check was incorrect (it assigned GM spell to another school of magic)
[-] The game couldn't be run normally when current folder is different from its folder. Add KeepCurrentDirectory=1 to INI to disable this fix.
[-] Unconscious players could identify/repair items in shops before. Add FixDeadPlayerIdentifyItem=0 to INI to disable this fix.
[-] Another situation where game could crash due to vertex-less facets.
[-] New Day effects (weakness, insanity etc.) weren't triggered on beginning of a month when pressing "Wait until Dawn" and then Esc.
[-] Often there was full brightness outdoors for a minute at 5:00 AM.
[-] Random item generation routine was generating the first matching item with bigger probability and last matching item with smaller probability. (Thanks for Tomsod for this and many fixes that I've incorporated)
[-] Buff duration was displayed incorrectly in the cases like "1 day 5 minutes".
[-] "N/A" string for ranged damage wasn't localizeable.
[-] Water Walk was draining mana every 5 minutes instead of every 20 minutes. Add FixWaterWalkManaDrain=0 to INI to disable this fix.
[-] My bug: You were able to learn unavailable magic skills with keyboard navigation.
[*] Now spell skills that don't fit on the screen (say, if you change class in Rev4 mod for MM7) are now drawn over buttons. It's still better than making them inaccessible.
[*] 3DO and other logos are now shown when intro is postponed by NoIntro=1, unless NoIntoLogos=0 line is added to INI. You can cancel logos with Esc and still watch the intro.
<< MM6, MM7 >>
[-] Horizontal speed of snow was effected by strafing too much.
[-] Copyright screen staying visible on startup if game window wasn't in focus when it appeared.
[-] Awards page wasn't updated when player is switched by pressing Tab.
[-] 'Charm' spell had wrong durations.
<< MM6 >>
[-] End game movies were unskippable, as well as the intro on first launch.
[-] Game wasn't paused in Enchant Item screen.
[-] Paralyze spell didn't do anything when cast by monsters. Add FixParalyze=0 to INI to disable this fix.
[-] Party was trying to attack enemies during their dying animation.
[-] Small text fixes in spell descriptions.
[-] My bug: Keyboard control in spell book was causing spells to be cast accidentally with arrow keys.
<< Fixes in maps >>
[-] Oracle was giving wrong hints in many cases.
[-] Dragonsand (outb3): Both Tomb of VARN doors had the same texture.
[-] Agar's Laboratory (d19): You could get +50 intellect any number of times.
[-] The Arena (zarena): Exit doors weren't triggering a confirmation dialog.
[*] Warlord's Fortress (d16): Rolled back duplicated chests fix, because it made people think there's a key for them.