Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby AllVladin » 01 Oct 2021, 15:20

Hi there,

I have encountered an issue. In the Alvar-Dark dwarf dungeon i need to find the metal rod (have found it many times in last years allready, I know which chests it is supposed to be in).
The problem is, no rod there.. Have tried 3 times allready (respawn included). The quest is on, but no way how to get the item.

Is there a console command to generate it? I dont know where the problem is, but i would love to move on.

thank you,

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby Eksekk » 01 Oct 2021, 20:21

Also note that if you're playing revamp (a version of Merge managed by cthscr), you can put mainline quest required characters into NPCs instead of party and they work, no need to dismiss party members. A great QoL change!
Unfinished mod by me: MM7 Rev4 mod, MMMerge version.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby Eksekk » 01 Oct 2021, 20:23

AllVladin wrote: 01 Oct 2021, 15:20 Hi there,

I have encountered an issue. In the Alvar-Dark dwarf dungeon i need to find the metal rod (have found it many times in last years allready, I know which chests it is supposed to be in).
The problem is, no rod there.. Have tried 3 times allready (respawn included). The quest is on, but no way how to get the item.

Is there a console command to generate it? I dont know where the problem is, but i would love to move on.

thank you,
Use this command:

Code: Select all

evt.GiveItem{Id = 663}
Unfinished mod by me: MM7 Rev4 mod, MMMerge version.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby rizarefaldi » 02 Oct 2021, 03:47

So, new to Might and Magic and this seems to be a good starting point for people like me.

A bit overwhelming though, which of the three games is typically a better starting point?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby raekuul » 02 Oct 2021, 12:49

That depends on what you want to do with the game.

I generally suggest starting with MM8 - the NPCs you're required to collect for completion (Overdune Snapfinger and Dyson Leland) are actually pretty decent if you can get them the stat improvements from other regions (particularly the Shrine of the Gods in Enroth), and you have practically free access to flight and master Water magic (either through Cauri Blackthorn or by training your own spellcaster, as Water M is readily available in Jadame and Necromancers can learn Water M without having to promote). In addition, the Merge-unique quests start from Jadame and are roughly about as difficult as the raid on Regna, so that also gives you a good benchmark for when you should be talking to V.

The only other point of advice I would give you, is to make sure that the first character you create can ignore deep water in some way - I usually keep a couple potions of Water Breathing. Following V's quests to completion separates the first character from everybody else at one point, and you need to cross deep-ish water. In an ideal world you'd keep a wetsuit from MM7's ending but those things are bulky and prevent the wearing of other equipment.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby Ossie » 03 Oct 2021, 00:17

I remember in the vanilla games that there was a point where Attribute values essentially "wraparound", and if they get high enough, they effectively drop back to 1 and give the corresponding penalty, rather than a bonus. Something to do with the maximum value that can be held in the field, after which anything higher wraps around and starts again. I know the highest Attribute bonus is at 500, after which there is no further benefit, but does anyone remember the value at which it wraps around and becomes worse?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby Echo » 05 Oct 2021, 00:46

Eksekk wrote: 01 Oct 2021, 20:21 Also note that if you're playing revamp (a version of Merge managed by cthscr), you can put mainline quest required characters into NPCs instead of party and they work, no need to dismiss party members. A great QoL change!
That is, indeed, a lovely change. Especially for fully premade parties! And also anyone who goes with MM8 dudes, but doesn't feel like using a Troll or already has a cleric in the form of Talimere :yes:

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby StormyG7 » 07 Oct 2021, 22:05

I started a new game recently on the merge with the community-master expansion thing in Enroth, but I noticed that I couldn't get new random NPCs to appear after a time. Not only that, the random variations were often weird like some minotaur zombie cleric.

I saw in the MMExtension files, you can modify the NPCs for hire, but I only see the ones from MM8. I want to collect one of each NPC kind by portrait with a class that I feel matches their portrait. I figure the only way I could do this is with MMExtension by adding them manually; however, I don't know how to do that or if it is possible.

Also, I want to make my own class that can grandmaster every skill just for the first main character with hybrid class spell point and hit points per level similar to archer or paladin; no need to promote. There are a few problems with this:
First, on the left side of the skill menu, it cuts off any additional weapon or magic skills so you can't see them or add points when you have too many. I am thinking that this could be fixed if I could simply reduce the font size for menus or make the resolution higher so that more text can show on the menus. If not, I have a feeling that there's no easy solution to it.
Second, I used the peasant class and renamed it, but I don't want to have to override that class or any other class. When I try to add a new class to the text files, it is not available in-game.

EDIT: also, I wanted to visit the other continents earlier to at the whimpy low level creatures before I became OP for the early plot, but I had to grandmaster water magic and buy some expensive spells first. It took some doing and I was about level 18 by the time I could travel between each with llyod's beacon. Is there a shortcut or an option to allow ships to sail to the others early on?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby raekuul » 07 Oct 2021, 23:44

You can't sail "by ship" because the games take place in different years - MM6 is something like seven or so years before MM8, and the fact that MM6 already happened is why Escaton is willing to "lose" the keys to the prisons of the elemental lords. You're locked in to needing Master Water magic at the minimum but that only takes 27 skill points (you should have 30 by level 6 7; grandmaster by comparison needs 54 skill points, which you'll have 58 by level 12) and about 10k gold as long as you start in Jadame and pick up a Necromancer.

Alternatively, start in Enroth and hire one of the Gate Masters from Abdul's Discount Resort over in Dragonsand for 5k gold (though that does require working with the NPC interface)
Last edited by raekuul on 08 Oct 2021, 01:54, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby toreadorlelder » 08 Oct 2021, 00:48

Multiple quick cast slots...

Couldn't find any discussion....and i tried...about these...but...with some trial and error, I found the base config. f5 - f8 are connected to quick slots 1-4. Definitely convenient...I'll have to think about how I want to use these.

BUT, the follow-on question...is there a file that shows/allows me to change the assigned keys?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby StormyG7 » 08 Oct 2021, 10:26

@toreadorlelder, if you go to settings, you'll see up near the title, there is an 'extra settings' button. You can click that and you'll be brought to a menu with arrow buttons near the bottom. Just flip to the right one, and you should see the keybinding options for the new quick cast slots.

raekuul wrote: 07 Oct 2021, 23:44 You can't sail "by ship" because the games take place in different years - MM6 is something like seven or so years before MM8, and the fact that MM6 already happened is why Escaton is willing to "lose" the keys to the prisons of the elemental lords. You're locked in to needing Master Water magic at the minimum but that only takes 27 skill points (you should have 30 by level 6 7; grandmaster by comparison needs 54 skill points, which you'll have 58 by level 12) and about 10k gold as long as you start in Jadame and pick up a Necromancer.

Alternatively, start in Enroth and hire one of the Gate Masters from Abdul's Discount Resort over in Dragonsand for 5k gold (though that does require working with the NPC interface)
I heard you can sail by ship past a certain point in the game. Perhaps this was a community modification. I'm not so dense that the timeline was lost on me. The fact is, it is not as high a priority for me as is being able to meaningfully interact with the introductory areas for each game as a low-level party would.
Also, with a few plot tweaks that don't affect much of the game, all of these games could happen near simultaneously. In fact, if you want the events of MM6 to be history prior to MM8, all you have to do is make it a requirement that MM6 is completed before visiting Escaton. In my mind, this is what's happening. I can go into the files and change a few strings of text, suddenly the plot works around it being in the same timeline.
Regarding the requirements to visit other continents I mentioned, I had grandmaster water magic with my main character because I modified his class to be one that could grandmaster any skill. I had it by level 18 because I collected horseshoes in every town I went to across the 3 continents and it didn't take many.
Early on, I did hire a gate master NPC at around level 6 for most party members, but that is far from convenient as you have to travel to exotic locations like Dragonsand, Murmerwoods, and Evenmorn Isle. It was easy enough to run past everything once I traveled to those locations, but that's far from the same convenience afforded low-level parties who travel by boat or stable.

I tire of looking up forums to find solutions to problems for modding games, only to find someone who took time to respond, but offered no help -- only defends the status-quo as if their preferred way of playing games should be everyone's preferred way. It's getting tedious finding the same happens to me when I become active on a forum once in a blue moon to find help from the community. If you don't have a solution and you decide to downplay, deride or write off a problem, you are just an antagonist to everyone who comes across this forum during a google to find a solution to a similar problem.

Again, there are just a few tweaks I want to know how to make in order priority this time:
First and foremost, is there a way to add new characters to my party using portraits not typically available (I've noticed early on you can, but it's too random and does not cover every possible portrait), and if so, how? I've tinkered with MMExtension and the roster.txt file, but I haven't figured it out.
Second, is there a way to increase game resolution so that excess skills are not cut off the skill menu or to reduce the font size? Or perhaps there's another solution besides limiting the number of skills given to a class that could learn every skill in the game.
Third, how do I create a new class without overwriting the others in the class text files?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby toreadorlelder » 08 Oct 2021, 15:59


If it was a snake.......

There are some really nice improvements in here, too. I have dual monitors...one's in portrait, the other's in landscape. Put the game onto the portrait mode, expand to full screen...ohh looky, looky. REALLY nice. The longer view range looks good.

I do have to get used to it being quite a bit faster. Mostly that's no problem, have to see about larger-scale combats.

Overall liking the changes so far! Great job!

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby Eksekk » 09 Oct 2021, 18:55

toreadorlelder wrote: 08 Oct 2021, 00:48 BUT, the follow-on question...is there a file that shows/allows me to change the assigned keys?
Yes, look up extra settings (in normal settings screen, look at the top).
Unfinished mod by me: MM7 Rev4 mod, MMMerge version.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby StormyG7 » 11 Oct 2021, 00:03

The script that controls which team members randomly populate the training locations is NPCMercenaries. I am trying to find the conditions that caused them to stop spawning. I'd like to modify them so that there is always a new mercenary every day. At least that way, I could find a teammate from every race for every class that I want.

If anyone knows how to change this, I'd like to find out. I think I've found solutions to my other problems.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby cthscr » 11 Oct 2021, 04:53

StormyG7 wrote:The script that controls which team members randomly populate the training locations is NPCMercenaries. I am trying to find the conditions that caused them to stop spawning.

Code: Select all

if mapvars.LastMercsRefill ~= Game.Month and CurContinent ~= 4 and math.random(1,6) > Party.count then
Also you should have an empty space in roster.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby StormyG7 » 11 Oct 2021, 19:58

Thanks, yes I figured it out yesterday. I went through and modified the conditions by simply replacing the 'if' conditions with 1 is 1, "1 == 1" and the HaveFreeMer function to only have the condition that player is in party, and nothing else.

Next, I will modify the generation of random mercs to suit my preferences. I think I removed the empty space in the roster requirement. That might've been why I couldn't get anymore. Will I get crashes if I go over a certain amount, possibly the amount of empty space in the roster.txt?

Also, I want to change the level they are so it is always level 5 or lower. I like building them from the ground up more or less. I saw there is a function to determine their level using exp. If I modify that, I could make it something like math.random(0,"whatever exp is needed for level 5").

Next, I'm going to attempt to add boat schedule locations to travel between Ironfist, Erathia and Ravenshore to make it easy for low-level parties to experience the early plot, quests and dungeons without being way over the level.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby wedge5096 » 13 Oct 2021, 13:05

I asked a while ago about how a peasant can become a necromancer in Jadame, and I was referred to this spreadsheet:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... 1976332258

Necromancer is not listed on this spreadsheet as a promotion for peasants. I've done some more searching, but I cannot find the answer.

I did go to Shadowspire and visited the house of the guy who promotes vampires, and I saw the offer to join the Necromancers' Guild, but when I clicked it, he just said something about "pay and study or get out" and nothing happened.

I have seen multiple posts indicating that it is possible for peasants to become necromancers, despite their absence from the spreadsheet, and I won't ask for more advanced game hints, but it would be really helpful to at least know what classes are available to peasants (beyond those on the spreadsheet) and where I can become those classes. I'd like to start with a party full of peasants and then take it different directions, so it would be great to have this information.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby Ossie » 13 Oct 2021, 20:09

wedge5096 wrote: 13 Oct 2021, 13:05 I have seen multiple posts indicating that it is possible for peasants to become necromancers, despite their absence from the spreadsheet, and I won't ask for more advanced game hints, but it would be really helpful to at least know what classes are available to peasants (beyond those on the spreadsheet) and where I can become those classes. I'd like to start with a party full of peasants and then take it different directions, so it would be great to have this information.
I started with 5 Peasants in MM6 and found people (houses) in New Sorpigal to convert each of them to the other base MM6 Classes. I'm no expert but I understand this is the intention: there are people in the first town of each starting game who can convert your Peasants. Unless you want to play through the entire game as a Peasant, the first step is always finding someone to convert you to one of the traditional Classes, and they are always in the starting town for each game. Then promotion for the traditional Classes are as normal.

Even though you can pick any race from any of the games, the available starting Classes are only those available in that game world. What I'm not sure about is whether this works across games: ie can you can start with Peasants in MM6, convert who you want to whatever Classes are available in New Sorpigal, and then convert others to MM7 or MM8 Classes once you reach Emerald Island or DWI?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby raekuul » 14 Oct 2021, 03:22

I believe you have to take an extra step to go from Peasant to Sorcerer in order to get to Necromancer, but as I've never done this I don't know what it actually is.

Necromancers (and all of the MM8-specific classes) are absent from the spreadsheet because the spreadsheet specifically focused on skill trainers - I was trying to find out if there was a trainer in Enroth that would let me go from Peasant to Ranger (there was not at the time, and I'm not in a position to check the current trunk/branches to see if that's changed)

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.07.2021]

Unread postby wedge5096 » 14 Oct 2021, 06:24

I figured out how to promote sorcerers/peasants to necromancers in Jadame.

The guy who promotes vampires in Shadowspire is, in fact, the key to it, but in my haste, I had double-clicked on his "Join Necromancers' Guild" dialogue option, which is why I got the "pay and study or get out" message. It turns out he wants 10,000 gold (unsurprisingly) which I did not have at the time. When I loaded from a previous save and clicked that dialogue option only once, he made it clear that he wanted 10000 gold.

When I got the 10,000 gold and joined the Necromancers' Guild through him, he immediately promoted all sorcerers and all peasants in my party to necromancers. If you have any remaining undifferentiated peasants in your party for whom you want to choose a class other than necromancer, you might want to choose classes for them before you join the necromancers' guild, or you will end up with potentially unwanted necromancers in your party.

There appear to be no quest prerequisites for joining the necromancers' guild and turning sorcerers/peasants into necromancers, as I headed straight for shadowspire after reaching ravenshore, having done nothing else. I didn't even deliver dadeross' letter to elgar fellmoon first for the story mission. All you need is 10000 gold.

If you pick up another sorcerer or peasant later, after paying 10000 gold to join the necromancers' guild, I don't know if you'll get another chance to promote those characters to necromancers, as the "promote necromancers" dialogue option at the same house seems to refer to the promotion from necromancer to lich.

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