The King’s Bounty Franchise Bundle includes the long-awaited sequel to the legendary King’s Bounty video games series, King’s Bounty II (pre-purchase version), as well as the critically acclaimed titles of the most iconic representatives of the turn-based RPG genre, King's Bounty: The Legend, King's Bounty: Armored Princess, King's Bounty: Crossworlds, King's Bounty: Warriors of the North, and King's Bounty: Dark Side.
Blitz discount, time limited and most likely short living. Hurry up, feed your curiousity in timely manners.Bundles are a special discount on a set of products. If you already own some of the products contained in the bundle, purchasing the bundle will allow you to "complete the set" paying only for the products you don't already own while still receiving the full bundle discount on each of those products.
What we know about the game so far.
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