New HOMM3 bug found- after 22 years!

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New HOMM3 bug found- after 22 years!

Unread postby cjleeagain » 20 Jul 2021, 02:57


There's always something new to experience in H3!

After 22 years, I have found a HOMM3 game breaking bug. You can't do anything about it other than to use Windows' system to force-shut the game down.

Moreover, AI being AI, it's predictable for the same day. The action will be repeated. I've tried this a few times. I do not believe this bug can be overcome except by replaying savegames from several days ago, and hoping that AI will make different decisions if it's sufficiently far back enough.

I was not able to take a screenshot of it using Windows' system, so had to make a very short video instead using my phone.

Please let me know what's the best place to upload such a video and I'll do it.

BUG description follows:

I'm playing a map where there are many portals and monoliths. One of my AI enemies went through a two way monolith, and wanted to go to another location, but kept 'pressing' space instead.

And since if you press space, no movement points are consumed, the computer kept trying to go to other portal locations but was unable to do so. Probably other locations were blocked in some way. Computer didn't think to end turn and try again next turn, or to go back to the original starting point. It just kept trying to go to another lith exit.

So my computer was stuck on a repeating loop where my AI enemy couldn't go anywhere and couldn't use up its movement points. After a few minutes, I gave up and had windows close H3.
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