So now, could someone point me in the right direction to change this BACK to the original version please.

That well was downright cheap if you had GM in body magic, it's probably a good thing it got nerfed some. Pretty sure it didn't cost 5k gold to use, in fact it gave you gold as one of the prizes and allowed to accumulate obscene amounts of it. Haven't tried the well yet in the merge with any party so as to not make things unfair, but with the bolster and no dark magic user in my party it may in fact be more of an equalizer than an unfair advantage.deltaco1023 wrote:Ok quick test run I did in MM7, the difference is in the original MM7 it did NOT charge you 5000gp per use (current party has 60,000gp) so if you had Protection of Magic....well you could abuse it.
So now, could someone point me in the right direction to change this BACK to the original version please.
I'll repeat my own post: Get out12.lua from decompiled MM7 scripts, delete from file everything not relating to well's event (205), and put it into scripts/maps. From there you can modify its behavior (or modify nothing to restore default behavior).deltaco1023 wrote:So now, could someone point me in the right direction to change this BACK to the original version please.
Thank you! It worked!Eksekk wrote:I'll repeat my own post: Get out12.lua from decompiled MM7 scripts, delete from file everything not relating to well's event (205), and put it into scripts/maps. From there you can modify its behavior (or modify nothing to restore default behavior).deltaco1023 wrote:So now, could someone point me in the right direction to change this BACK to the original version please.
Yes they made it harder to obtain the "last" (based on gp value) Master spell and the Grandmaster spells as well...you won't find in them most shops as easily as before!Echo wrote:Was something changed in regards to purchasing Fly spell from guilds? I can get it no problem in MM6 Free Haven, but in MM7 Tularean and MM8 Alvar all I get is Invisibility and Implosion (reloaded a fair bunch of times to make sure). Hmm.
Re-hardcoding monster types relations for Antagarich and Enroth. Emerald Island works similar to MM7 (other places [and races] have to be checked). Guards in Enroth don't have Ally set, so they won't react to anything related to peasants. There are four monster types in MM6 for peasants but only two were used. I've hardcoded all four.cthscr wrote:Actually, guard do become hostile in Merge if you attack their civilans. It's just that their civilans are only one kind of peasants (and that is the exact bug).cthscr wrote:Oh, the latter is obviously a bug. But I don't think I did something to bring it, and it's present in Base Merge as well.raekuul wrote: Except that in Unmodded MM7 the guards do become hostile if you attack their civilians (even in Nighon, where the guards would randomly kill their own civilians). Guard Hostility was not linked to your reputation so much as to your conduct.
Function 0x4386A3 (I'd call it AreMonstersAllies [params: ecx,edx - map monsters pointers]) is just stupid... Well, it's MM7 legacy changed the laziest way possible. Fun fact: map monsters are allies if they are of the same monster kind unless their Ally field is different.
Maybe I should make negative Ally to check for monster Group instead of kind.
Code: Select all
-- Monster Allies
-- Support groups as negatives (1)
mem.asmpatch(0x4386B6, [[
jns @std
test edi, edi
js absolute 0x4386D8
mov edi, dword ptr [ebx+0x34C]
neg edi
jmp absolute 0x4386D8
jnz absolute 0x4386C6
movsx eax, word ptr [ecx+0x6A]
-- Support groups as negatives (2)
mem.asmpatch(0x4386C8, [[
jns @std
mov esi, dword ptr [ecx+0x34C]
neg esi
jmp absolute 0x4386D8
jnz absolute 0x4386D8
movsx eax, word ptr [ebx+0x6A]
-- Use sane comparison first
mem.asmpatch(0x4386DB, [[
cmp esi, edi
jz short 0x43874D - 0x4386DB
push 0x80
pop edx
]], 12)
-- MM7 human, dwarf, elf peasants
mem.asmpatch(0x4386FB, [[
push 0x75
pop ecx
cmp esi, ecx
jl @opt1
cmp esi, edx
jg @end
cmp edi, ecx
jl @end
cmp edi, edx
jg @end
jmp short 0x43874D - 0x4386FB
push 0x69
pop ecx
push 0x6E
pop edx
cmp esi, ecx
jl @end
cmp esi, edx
jg @opt2
cmp edi, ecx
jl @end
cmp edi, edx
jg @end
jmp short 0x43874D - 0x4386FB
push 0x74
pop edx
cmp edi, edx
jle short 0x43874D - 0x4386FB
]], 0x438737 - 0x4386FB)
-- MM7 goblin peasants, MM6 peasants
mem.asmpatch(0x43872F, [[
push 0x90
pop ecx
push 0x95
pop edx
cmp esi, ecx
jl @end
cmp esi, edx
jg @opt1
cmp edi, ecx
jl @end
cmp edi, edx
jg @end
jmp absolute 0x43874D
push 0xC1
pop ecx
push 0xCB
pop edx
cmp esi, ecx
jl @end
cmp esi, edx
jg @end
cmp edi, ecx
jl @end
cmp edi, edx
jl @end
push 0xC2
pop ecx
push 0xC6
pop edx
cmp esi, ecx
jl @opt2
cmp esi, edx
jg @opt2
cmp edi, ecx
jl @opt2
cmp edi, edx
jg @opt2
jmp @end
push 0xC9
pop ecx
push 0xCA
pop edx
cmp esi, ecx
jl @ok
cmp esi,edx
jg @ok
cmp edi, ecx
jl @ok
cmp edi, edx
jg @ok
jmp @end
jmp absolute 0x43874D
hi,justl wrote:hi,
another predetermined/-positioned wand with no charges found - this time in the land of giants
position is a bit north of colony zod
Honestly, Fly is kind of redundant in MMMergeEcho wrote:I've gotten Town Portal in Evernmorn with ease, I've also seen Lloyd's Beacon there just couldn't afford it due to price changes I added. It's just the Fly that eluded me, and I was wondering if I accidentally messed something up so I checked a bunch of times in both MM7 and MM8MM6 was completely vanilla indeed, first time opening the guild, Fly was there. MM7/MM8 failed in like 20 reloads.
It's fine, I was mostly wondering if I broke something when I fiddled with the files, but good to know I have not
I absolutely do not agree with any of thisraekuul wrote:Honestly, Fly is kind of redundant in MMMergeEcho wrote:I've gotten Town Portal in Evernmorn with ease, I've also seen Lloyd's Beacon there just couldn't afford it due to price changes I added. It's just the Fly that eluded me, and I was wondering if I accidentally messed something up so I checked a bunch of times in both MM7 and MM8MM6 was completely vanilla indeed, first time opening the guild, Fly was there. MM7/MM8 failed in like 20 reloads.
It's fine, I was mostly wondering if I broke something when I fiddled with the files, but good to know I have not
1) You can recruit dragons, who automatically get Fly on attaining Master rank in Dragon Ability
2) I think the Warlock promotion awards a Dragon NPC if you're on the Community branch?
3) Cauri Blackthorne comes with the Fly spell
Still, it's useful to know the shop distributions in case you want to skip Cauri/Dragon NPCs. I want to say Fly is specifically removed from the Master Guild of Air in Erathia and will only show up in the Paramount guild? I remember something to that effect, at least.
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