Where did the time go?!

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Where did the time go?!

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 21 Apr 2021, 12:17

Hi all of you that are a part of the lovely Celestial Heavens community, where did the time go?!

It's been 2 months, no wait, it has actually been 3 months since I finished the interview with Marcus Pregent for Celestial Heavens. I was finally starting to feel a little bit better after having suffered from covid-19 for a couple of weeks. I was finally on the road to recovery and I decided to carry on and have the interview.

The interview turned in to a 3 hour long one, with lots of fun and juicy information about the Heroes of Might and Magic series, and a lot about Marcus Pregent's carreer and experiences within the gaming industry.
I saved all the videos and then I told myself "I'll try to finish the editing by this weekend."

The weekend passed. Once more I was feeling the aftermaths of the corona virus, and I slept and I slept and I slept.
One week passed. I was still feeling under the weather, unable to get back to exercising and a full 10 kg lighter than before.

The weeks passed and once again I was feeling better, but instead of the pressing tiredness of the virus, there was now college courses who drained my energy (I'll spare you the details but let's just say that I have a lot more knowledge about Satanism, occultism, AI-based intelligence and more now).


Anyways, here we are, it's April 21st and I am finally opening Premiere Pro with the intention of editing the 3 hour long video (don't worry, I am going to try to trim it down as much as possible without losing any of it's juicyness) and I am finally getting to the point of this entire post.

I just want to say that I am sorry. I am sorry for keeping you all, and of course Mr.Pregent as well waiting. But even more so, I am sorry for keeping you in the dark, without taking the time to update you all on the progress, even if there was none.
I do want to point out that I have about 3 weeks until my next exam, the most important one of my life so far. But I am taking all the time I possibly can to get this video out asap!

Now let's edit and get this video out to you all!

(PS. If anyone out there reading is some sort of a video editing guy or girl or anything like that, we'd gladly take your help in future endeavours)

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Re: Where did the time go?!

Unread postby JSE » 21 Apr 2021, 14:45

It's really great to hear from you, and it's also great that you are feeling better health-wise! Thank you for the update and for reassuring us that the video is in the making. I'm looking very much forward to this.

Personally, I would actually *like* to see the unedited 3-hour version, but I understand that you want to keep the interview stylistically in line with the previous ones.
Last edited by JSE on 22 Apr 2021, 10:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Where did the time go?!

Unread postby MadMax » 21 Apr 2021, 17:33

I too would enjoy simply posting the entire thing. But I am uncertain many people would actually enjoy that long of a clip? I will start by going through it. Taking notes and cutting out some fun bloopers like Marcus phone ringing and us interrupting the interview for a car sale! :D

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Re: Where did the time go?!

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 28 Apr 2021, 10:22

Please edit and divide the interview into thematic sections if possible. You know what I mean.
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