cthscr wrote:
Rodril wrote:
Alrighty, after so much time, I was finally able to properly test MMMerge as it is (with Community Master branch included) and immediately I˙ve came across 2 very negative surprises:
-> These paperdolls all have their arms broken (even though when it comes to Troll one, it definitely looks like it needs to have its body positioned instead of arms due to that wonky ground shadow, unlike Mino Lich. ^^;):

(Minotaur Zombie is included because his left (our PoV) arm isn´t aligned properly)
-> This issue:
https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/-/issues/356 still being very much unresolved and thus the new (uncommon) undead (Dracoliches, Ghost Dragons, Zombie Trolls + Minotaurs and Lich Trolls + Minotaurs) still not having their new voices.
I was honestly kind of expecting that these would be resolved by now, not gonna lie, and thus I´m absolutely devastated. If only I˙d know how to assist in all this the best I can assist, especially the latter (as I´d gladly add these in there myself and make them work, but honest to everyone I don´t have a slightest hint of idea what to do when it comes to coding, like which files to change to accommodate for added stuff and how to make them respond properly in the mod, especially regarding condition and promotion changes

), as these are the only issues that are stopping this mod from being complete in my book (counting off corrupted pixelated sprites of swamp trees and that one trash heap in the Breach ^^; ).