Masters of Magic → Slart's Fjord

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Masters of Magic → Slart's Fjord

Unread postby Angelspit » 02 Jan 2005, 13:07


Click on map for larger image

You start this scenario in the bottom left corner with
Violet, Bohb and a basic Preserve castle. Bohb should be sufficiently
leveled up to start clearing things out by himself and his summoning
spells. Meanwhile, Violet should be used by herself as well, working on
clearing out the local mines. Violet will sometimes have a tough time
clearing out some of the heavily guarded mines, but you can always whittle down
the forces then retreat and try again with reduced defenders. But for now,
lets focus on Bohb. Send Bohb northward until you
reach the end of the small water inlet just to your north. Once you reach
the waters end, turn the corner westward and take your first neutral town. Another preserve. Don't worry about defending this town (or your first one
for that matter) because we're going to eliminate the nearby opposition before
they can gain a foothold in the area. Once you recover your spell points
from the battle to take the neutral preserve, head east. You will shortly
find yet another neutral town. This time it's a Stronghold. Follow
the standard formula for victory with Bohb. Summon, summon, summon. Once you clear out this town, recover your spell points yet again (mana potions
are very useful for this especially since you can't recover spell points in the
mage-guild-less Stronghold towns). Again, ignore town defense for this
newly acquired town. Instead, head north along the far right edge of the
grass-lands. In a few days travel, you'll find yourself face-to-face with
the sole Red town. Another Stronghold. If you've pushed yourself by
focusing on simply taking towns, you'll be at the Red town well before they've
gathered a sufficient army to oppose the
solo Bohb. If, by chance, they've acquired more troops than Bohb can handle
by himself, simply have Violet join Bohb in the assault against Red. Truthfully, you
shouldn't have much difficulty in defeating the Red stronghold. If you do, I'd highly
suggest re-starting and trying again with a more aggressive tactic. But
either way, you should eventually eliminate the Red AI.

Now that you have 2 preserves, 2 strongholds and no
nearby AI enemies. It's time to build up your forces. For every
castle you've taken, you should've immediately started generating gold with the
City Halls as quickly as possible. Now it's time to start focusing
on dwellings. Primarily I focused on the Preserves because there are
numerous external preserve dwellings in the area to supplement your
troops. It's also a very good idea to build up the mage guilds and
libraries in both Preserves to further increase Bohb's spell selections.
One of the biggest bonuses to playing the left half
of this map so aggressively is easily explained by simply sending either Bohb or
Violet to the north. You'll shortly come across a Pyre (Phoenix dwelling)
tucked away in the middle of a mountain range. Slightly west of this is a
quest hut. The quest requires you to eliminate the Red AI team. Well, we've just done that so you'll be able to reap the rewards right
now. And what a bonus it is. The reward is free Phoenix dwellings in
BOTH your preserve towns AND access to the Pyre hidden in the mountain
range. At this point, you'll truthfully not be strong enough to take this
external dwelling, but the acquisition of the two free dwellings in town is just
too good to pass up. Now that your two main towns are pumping out
Phoenix's, you can take some time to clear out the left half of this map and
gain some experience for Bohb and Violet.
While clearing out the left half of the map, make
sure to send Bohb over to visit the school of Order just south/east of your
first Stronghold town. Gaining some Order Magic skills is a great idea
considering the fact that your last AI opponent (and all the remaining towns on
the map) are Academy's.
Once you feel sufficiently pumped up
(troop-wise) it's time to take the fight to Teal. The easiest access to
Teal's snow-bound territory is by fighting your way past a level 4 wandering stack
due east of your second Stronghold town. In my game it was a stack of
Titans, but this may be a random level 4 placement. But whatever the troops
are, your two excellent heroes and a formidible stack of Phoenix's should do
the trick. Once you're through, keep heading east (and south a
little bit). You'll shortly come to your first Academy town. By the time
I reached this castle it was only week 4 and there was basically no
resistance here. But if you've dawdled in clearing out the left side, it may
be better defended. But not so defended that your army can't handle
it. Once you take this town, settle down a bit to re-coup Bohb's spell points and
to mainly send out several single troop scouts to open up some of the
snow areas. Just to the north of this new town you'll see several
power-up locations that both heroes will want to visit as well as a gold mine and a
few other goodies. And past all of those (about 2-3 days travel) you'll
find your second Academy. This one's in the upper right hand corner of
the map. This one was much better defended, but the defenders still
dropped like flies and there wasn't even a hero to help defend them. *sigh* Apparently the AI heroes are out exploring while I scooping up
their towns. Durnit! Anyway, after I'd taken this second Academy
(and built up the mage guild / libraries / Universities .... in BOTH towns) I
decided to head south from this second town. (I'd also shuttled some
fresh Phoenix's via the caravan). At this point it's the middle of week 6
and I've yet to see a Teal hero. As I'm heading south, low and behold, I
see the main Teal hero standing outside a small farming hamlet. He's
just standing there. Well, who am I to pass up an easy target. I make
a bee-line to this hero and mop the floor with him. And what do
you know...he's got the Archmage's Hat equipped (well...he DID have
it equipped). Scenario Done. Unfortunately it was
rather anti-climactic, but that will tend to happen sometimes if you play
as aggressively as I did this one. Oh well, they can't all be
great maps. (but this one had the potential to be. Maybe I'll play
it again...only slower. NAH! )
At the end of this one Bohb had reached level 18 and
had Master Nature, Expert Order, Advanced Chaos, Death and Life magic. He
also had Master Sorcery, herbalism, Expert meditation, and several other
advanced & basic secondary magic skills. Violet on the other hand was
also maxed out at level 18 and was nicely equipped with G.M. Combat, master
archery, expert melee, advanced resistance. She also had a nice helping of
tactics. Adv. Tactics, Expert offense and defense, and advanced
leadership. I tried to develop the nobility skill but all I could get was
basic nobility and advanced estates.

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Wheeler Dealer
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Re: Masters of Magic → Slart's Fjord

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 18 Feb 2021, 18:04

Playing on Champion.

Could not separate Bohb and Violet at first. Fought the early neutral stacks with just the two heroes so the computer would only have 2 stacks. Early on I couldn't take them all. Lots of "Pick your fights" and "hit and run"

Gold and wood were my greatest needs. I ultimately hit Level 18 without using either Tree of Knowledge so feel free to take money from the chests. I ultimately hired 5 Order Lords primarily to generate gold.

I never built a Nature army, instead I was using the Stronghold troops because of moral issues. Teal never crossed over to my side and when I took his cities they were not well developed. The final battle was trivial.

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Wheeler Dealer
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Re: Masters of Magic → Slart's Fjord

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 19 Feb 2023, 05:51

Slart's Fjord Max 18

Many challenging battles with the big neutral stacks. The computer players were never a problem, so I just took my time and picked my battles. I kept Violet and Bohb together throughout but never hired troops to fight.

I had 6 Order Lords, a thief, a druid and a knight but really didn't use them much. I think Violet and Bohb hit every possible stat improvement and reached L18 easily.

Here are some excerpts from my journal.

Week 1, cleared the area near my preserve. Wood and gold are in short supply.

Week 2, captured a neutral stronghold, then Red's stronghold eliminating Red.

Week 3, took a neutral preserve. I feel like I have this scenario under control, but it's still slow. Many of the battles with neutral stacks require lots of magic from Bohb, so he's always low on mana.

Week 4, building, exploring. Still haven't hired an army for my two heroes. Most battles Bohb summons Water Elementals (the Swiss army knife of summoned creatures).

Week 5, Explored the College of Order Magic. Spending a lot on potions of mana to keep Bohb fueled!

Week 6, Cleared everything important on the west side. The 15 Phoenixes were exciting! Never figured out why a stack of Phoenixes will just pass its turn for no apparent reason?! Still working with only heroes and summoned creatures.

Week 7, defeated the 40 Titans to gain access to the east side of the map. This was a surprisingly easy battle. Bohb had a Tome of Order which let him cast Forgetfulness.

Took the wrong route, needed to circle clockwise from the neutral academy. After reversing myself I captured one of Blue's 2 academies. Reached the Coliseum of Magic, Violet topped out. Bohb took about an hour of trying different tactics before he made it.

Week 8, Took the last Teal town. Defeated the Teal hero to win the scenario. I only used heroes and summoned creatures.

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