New, exciting upcoming interview, and Part 2 with Michael Wolf

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New, exciting upcoming interview, and Part 2 with Michael Wolf

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 28 Oct 2020, 00:29

Hey again everyone!
It's me HeroOfPunk... Oh wait, actually. PoL was nice enough to make my wish come true, I am officially MadMax instead of HeroOfPunk, a name that has been with me since I was 15 and had a 40 cm Mohawk.
Oh well, on with some more interesting news!


My math exam is finally over, which means I will now have time to finalize the edits of Part 2 of the interview with Michael Wolf, a legendary Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Level Designer!
ICYMI, here's the first part of the interview:

Part 2 is coming, THIS WEEK! 

But wait, THERE'S MORE! I really do believe it is tolerated to use the good old Caps Lock in this case. Because, next up for a interview is LavaPotion, just in case you may have missed them, they are masterminds behind the Heroes of Might and Magic inspired game Songs of Conquest. You can check out their first reveal trailer in the video below!


So, that's all the good news, right? Well not really.
To end this all around positive article, I wanted to end with some of the stats that we have accumulated through our 3 interview videos released so far.
Subscribers: 96 (So close to 100!)
Most viewed video: Interview with Michael Wolf, 1145 views
Most commented video: Interview with Tim Lang on Aeolwyn's Legacy (Watch here!)
Likes in total on our videos: 162

Dislikes on our videos: ZERO, ZIP, NONE! That's pretty damn insane? (Please don't go disliking our videos to mess with our pride)

So, that only leaves one thing.

What questions do you want us to ask LavaPotion about Songs of Conquest? Most likely, this interview will be held eye to eye as the developers and I happen to orginiate from the very same little small swedish city.
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