Unread postby Wormwood » 12 Oct 2020, 18:13
I just spent 20 min typing up a rant about the racial skills.... in the end it seems most of my confusion was due to the tracker's table of the same being rather out of date. L. Elves don't get a master bow racial bonus, D.Elves DO get a +1 Merc bonus (I think?), Dracoliches can only learn expert Dragon ability. If the table in the tracker could be updated to reflect how the racial skills function currentlyI'd appreciate it!
I still think D.Elves are way unbalanced compared to L.Elves with no actual reason to choose L.Elves over D.Elves other than for the increased challenge, very similar to humans in 7 (I really liked the idea of giving them a +1 bonus to all misc. skills, even it it means that, in terms of the merc. skill, if you wanna GM it you have to pick either a human or D.elf, no greedy dwarven priests lol).
Oh, and 2 questions that occured while I was trying out creating two crack-hybrid characters for attempted solo-play (Dragon-class D.Elf and a Necromancer-class Dragon/Future Dracolich for anyone curious).
1) Is it possible to have the starting skill slots completely empty during character creation? Or do I just have to live with my Dracolich having a staff skill he can never use? I guess it makes little difference in the long run, the combo would be so broken that having one less usable skill at creation could almost be considered balancing, lol.
2) Once more reffering to the racial skill table, the dragon gets racial bonus to dodging/unarmed and can learn these skills (I think unarmed comes with character creaton if race/class both = Dragon). However, when I tried both my half-dragon-half-D.elf and my necromancer dragon (tested out regular dragon, ghost/zombie dragon and dacolich just to see if there were any noticeable difference), only the living dragon necromancer was able to learn dodge and unarmed, while the D.Elf wth Dragon class and undead dragons all were unable to learn the unarmed/dodge skills. I guess my question is, bug or feature? xD
PS: Not gonna lie, loving the fact that this merge with the optional racial skill unlocker allows for some disgustingly overpowered and just plain bonkers combos (Dragon-monk? Vampire-paladin? Minotaur-warlock (DARKSTORM!)? Making humans an actual viable race choice? All perfectly brilliant), even if I think it has some kinks yet to be fully hammered out. Keep up the good work!