Heroes III. Tournament: Mistrzostwa Polski - took place yesterday, the top of the day was final match of Szopa666 vs Venefiz, you can watch it here:
(scroll almost to the end, it's very long):
Tournament was arranged in H3: Horn of the Abyss. Video have english commentary. But let say, that for english the championship would need much more support and advertising.
Heroes 3 Comic Adventures annouced it too

(Click to see their comics)
Heroes Orchestra
is slowly moving to Heroes I and II repertoire. Today they released "Heroes I Battle", you can listen to it below. With love, arranged from home

Continuing in AB Walkthroughs
We have two more Armageddon Blade walkthroughs, thanks to ithacor! You can read them in our walkthrougs:
Shadows of the Forest and Seeking Armageddon
Questions for Time Lang bout upcoming game Aeolwyn's Legacy
Max started collecting questions for Tim Lang and his new Aeolwyn's Legacy, come and join with yours there.
Heroes 2 Ironfist
team left here today some teasing images, these appears exactly like ...Cyber Town. Good to hear from them, it was about a time!

Free Heroes v 0.8
Project Free Heroes was resurrected, and it's now released in version 0.8, take a look on the post from sir Dranik. Don't mistake it with Free Heroes 2 Enhanced, that's different project and it's still available here. When being reworked to java.
continues in borrowing his heroes. Ezio from Assasin's Creed was again lincensed to mobile game, this time to AFK Arena. As this become more and more common practice, god bless Sandro and Crag Hack to be just in their own games, even in mobile realm.
Thankfully Heroes Dynasty, which is fourth mobile installement after Era of Chaos, Chess Royale and Elemental Guardians is probably never going to be spread outside of China.
On all these games is typical, that they revolve about Heroes of Might and Magic but pick from there only exclusive patterns. When being quite serious about microstransactions support. The Dynasty so much, that it seems to be not plausible even within China. On the other end, the rest is still adapting to world wide market, wallets customers.
Did you know?
heroes3wog.net released another "Did you know edition", based on thelazy.net. Do you know that towers damage depends on built buildings? No? Check it!
Arrow Turrets Damage,Lucky Double Strike, Did You Know the 2nd Edition
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