MM6 ddm data format

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MM6 ddm data format

Unread postby vladtheimpaler » 18 Jun 2020, 00:51

Hi folks,

I am looking for information related the format of ddm (and dlv) file formats for MM6 specifically. The format does not match that of MM7. I am interested even more on the actor part of the ddm, as there is where the spawns of say "Peasants" are specified for a given map. The actor structure does not match that of MM7, it seems to be a lot smaller (548 bytes compared to over 700 that MM7 has).

Does anyone have more information on this? Would MMExtension source code/scripts help me here?

I reversed engineer some of the actor data in MM6 ddm but I need more.

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Re: MM6 ddm data format

Unread postby GrayFace » 18 Jun 2020, 07:59

vladtheimpaler wrote:Does anyone have more information on this? Would MMExtension source code/scripts help me here?
Sure. Look at MapMonster in Scripts\Structs\01 common structs.lua. CompileOdm at the end of Editor Odm Data.lua would give you the overall structure of Odm and Ddm.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MM6 ddm data format

Unread postby vladtheimpaler » 18 Jun 2020, 12:28

Thank you Sir, that is perfect, it worked. Your code is clear, easy to read and very helpful. Thank you for that!

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