MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby DaveHer » 22 Apr 2020, 18:29

Anubis wrote:Update: I fixed it by editing the map files + editing monsters.txt & removing summons. All good now. :-D

I'm curious about something else, though. Your three quests on Emerald Isle -- Two of them are impossible to complete in the beginning. There is no way to get a Platinum Ring for the 2x Rings quest. There is also no way to get a "Bow and Quiver" for Zedd's Bow/Chain Mail quest.

Unless those drop off Assassins or something? I didn't feel like save-scumming for those items.
That is correct. You have to wait until you get them on the main land and get the key from the dwarfs to come back to Emerald Island. Sorry :devious:

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby Anubis » 26 Apr 2020, 01:27

Your mod is based off Maestro's mod, correct?

On Maestro's page regarding his mod:
Q: Maestro.
A: New NPC and quests in Maestro MOD. He will grant you 2 quests. First - to kill gragon king and queen and bring back 2 books from them. Bought books will not work for Maestro + do not try to learn that spells. Maestro will grant you and present his own book. Knowledges in that book are extreamly rare so read this book could only heroes with ancient knowledge. 2nd task will give you possibility to learn Grand Dark Magic but first you should became a Lich. The quest is the same - pass Walls of the Mists and retrieve Soul Jars. You can solve it inside invisibility spell or kill 3 Guardian Angels. After that you could became a Lich and learn Grand Dark Magic.
Where is the Maestro NPC located?

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby DaveHer » 26 Apr 2020, 03:06

Anubis wrote:Your mod is based off Maestro's mod, correct?

On Maestro's page regarding his mod:
Q: Maestro.
A: New NPC and quests in Maestro MOD. He will grant you 2 quests. First - to kill gragon king and queen and bring back 2 books from them. Bought books will not work for Maestro + do not try to learn that spells. Maestro will grant you and present his own book. Knowledges in that book are extreamly rare so read this book could only heroes with ancient knowledge. 2nd task will give you possibility to learn Grand Dark Magic but first you should became a Lich. The quest is the same - pass Walls of the Mists and retrieve Soul Jars. You can solve it inside invisibility spell or kill 3 Guardian Angels. After that you could became a Lich and learn Grand Dark Magic.
Where is the Maestro NPC located?
Yes the mod is based on Maestro's mod. First you have to get the quest at Harmondale that takes you to run the gauntlet. If you survive the gauntlet. You get to meet Maestro. He can change your classes. I my self never made it through the gauntlet. It is very tricky. lol :D
GrayFace is helping with the monsters summoning other monster. See GrayFace thread on MM7 Patch.
Last edited by DaveHer on 26 Apr 2020, 03:09, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby Anubis » 26 Apr 2020, 17:48

I've done the Coding Fortress. BigDaddyJim shows up. Not Maestro.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby DaveHer » 26 Apr 2020, 21:58

Anubis wrote:I've done the Coding Fortress. BigDaddyJim shows up. Not Maestro.
My mistake. It has been a long time since I played the game and at that time I never looked for a teacher for grandmaster of dark magic. I have no idea where he might be. I assume you searched all over Deja (The land of dark magic)? There must be someone in this forum that might know. Maestro is the maker of that part of the Mod, but he has not been around for a while. I will help you search.
Last edited by DaveHer on 26 Apr 2020, 21:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby Anubis » 27 Apr 2020, 05:30

Thanks. My Dad is playing the mod as well and found him. Apparently he's at Eeofol where the Grandmaster of Armsmaster skill is. I haven't been there yet.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby DaveHer » 27 Apr 2020, 15:05

Anubis wrote:Thanks. My Dad is playing the mod as well and found him. Apparently he's at Eeofol where the Grandmaster of Armsmaster skill is. I haven't been there yet.
Thank You very much. I hope you and your dad are enjoying the game. :-D

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby Anubis » 27 Apr 2020, 15:51

Yep. Just finished the game. Was definitely good. I liked the decor changes you did, especially with the areas like Evenmorn Island, Deyja, Nighon, and Tularean Forest. Stone City was handled pretty smartly too. How'd you do that kind of stuff anyway? Using MMExtension?

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby DaveHer » 27 Apr 2020, 17:22

Anubis wrote:Yep. Just finished the game. Was definitely good. I liked the decor changes you did, especially with the areas like Evenmorn Island, Deyja, Nighon, and Tularean Forest. Stone City was handled pretty smartly too. How'd you do that kind of stuff anyway? Using MMExtension?
Yes and Blender and Corel Draw. I used blender to make the platforms and fences and other thinks. Corel draw to apply the palattes to the new sprites and to make adjustments to them. I did not create new palatte. I used the existing palattes. GrayFace's text editor for editing files. It is complecated.
I was never able to finish the game because I could not figure out the last part where you are sent into a cave and suppose to bring every body out alive. I reanimated the ones that die but that did not work. :(

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby Anubis » 27 Apr 2020, 17:44

I was never able to finish the game because I could not figure out the last part where you are sent into a cave and suppose to bring every body out alive.
There's a dragon in there called "Jester's Folly". I had trouble with it too at first because I was trying to clear everything.

The solution is that you need to know where the "Jester's Folly" spawn location is. Once you know the spawn location, start the battle and quickly make your way to that dragon until you're in melee range of it and go into turn-based mode. May take a few tries but you'll eventually succeed. Once you're in turn-based mode and in melee-range of Folly, you can proceed to attack it.

To attack the dragon: I held down the right mouse button so that the monster sprite animations freeze. I did this so I could identify which dragon Jester's Folly is. While keeping the right-mouse button held, left-click on Jester's folly to hit it. Rinse and repeat until dead.

Once Jester's Folly died, I used the "Telekinesis" spell to grab the corpse (which had the control cube) since it was out of reach and blocked by the other dragons/hydras. I then circled around the perimeter of the battle to grab all six companions. After grabbing your six companions, you could either choose to continue fighting the enemies in there without fear of your companions dying, or just leave via the exit. I opted to just leave via the exit.
Last edited by Anubis on 27 Apr 2020, 17:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby DaveHer » 27 Apr 2020, 21:02

Anubis wrote:
I was never able to finish the game because I could not figure out the last part where you are sent into a cave and suppose to bring every body out alive.
There's a dragon in there called "Jester's Folly". I had trouble with it too at first because I was trying to clear everything.

The solution is that you need to know where the "Jester's Folly" spawn location is. Once you know the spawn location, start the battle and quickly make your way to that dragon until you're in melee range of it and go into turn-based mode. May take a few tries but you'll eventually succeed. Once you're in turn-based mode and in melee-range of Folly, you can proceed to attack it.

To attack the dragon: I held down the right mouse button so that the monster sprite animations freeze. I did this so I could identify which dragon Jester's Folly is. While keeping the right-mouse button held, left-click on Jester's folly to hit it. Rinse and repeat until dead.

Once Jester's Folly died, I used the "Telekinesis" spell to grab the corpse (which had the control cube) since it was out of reach and blocked by the other dragons/hydras. I then circled around the perimeter of the battle to grab all six companions. After grabbing your six companions, you could either choose to continue fighting the enemies in there without fear of your companions dying, or just leave via the exit. I opted to just leave via the exit.
That's complecated. I do not know how you manage to figure that out and thanks. :tsup: I need to put this in my notes.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby plenum » 06 May 2020, 00:12

Hey! Thanks for your effort!
Any news on summoning fix bundled in mod files?

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby DaveHer » 06 May 2020, 01:43

plenum wrote:Hey! Thanks for your effort!
Any news on summoning fix bundled in mod files?
I am going to have to do something that I did not want to do and that is to disable the Gargoyles from spawning Bats. Grayface was helping on this but he stopped. Alvee was crashing and now it is fixed, but I was not able to fix the barrow downs the same way. So I ask Grayface for help. See the thread for MM7 patch.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby plenum » 06 May 2020, 06:01

Anubis mentioned also those:
These summons do NOT work well with the mod:

24 Devil
48 Whirl
54 Elven Lancer
64 Stone Gargoyle (in Barrow Downs only)
65 Marble Gargoyle (in Barrow Downs only)
211 Gigant
Do you plan to disable their summoning too?

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby DaveHer » 06 May 2020, 12:33

plenum wrote:Anubis mentioned also those:
These summons do NOT work well with the mod:

24 Devil
48 Whirl
54 Elven Lancer
64 Stone Gargoyle (in Barrow Downs only)
65 Marble Gargoyle (in Barrow Downs only)
211 Gigant
Do you plan to disable their summoning too?
Be aware that monsters summoning other monsters is a special feature of the original MM7Rev4mod by Big daddy Jim. This is why I did not want to disable it, but it looks like I am going to have to do it. Grayface has not replied to my last post at MM7 Patch thread.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby lightbringer23 » 06 May 2020, 20:05

See, now this is what I get for being gone for a while. Last time I checked in, your CCR mod was still in development. You've also up and redone the great MM7Rev4?? Fantastic!

Now, for the ultimate dream of mine ....
... What might it take to integrate Rev4 into the Merge? 8|

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby DaveHer » 07 May 2020, 01:44

lightbringer23 wrote:See, now this is what I get for being gone for a while. Last time I checked in, your CCR mod was still in development. You've also up and redone the great MM7Rev4?? Fantastic!

Now, for the ultimate dream of mine ....
... What might it take to integrate Rev4 into the Merge? 8|
Many Months and Rodril would have to do that. :D

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby lightbringer23 » 07 May 2020, 05:13

Kinda figured, so not likely. Well, I can still dream.

Meanwhile, once you get the spawn situation settled, I'll have the Rev4 redone to check out. I've been trying your CCR today, and I'm quite impressed!

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby DaveHer » 07 May 2020, 10:15

lightbringer23 wrote:Kinda figured, so not likely. Well, I can still dream.

Meanwhile, once you get the spawn situation settled, I'll have the Rev4 redone to check out. I've been trying your CCR today, and I'm quite impressed!
Thank You :)

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 Redone

Unread postby Anubis » 07 May 2020, 15:28

Be aware that monsters summoning other monsters is a special feature of the original MM7Rev4mod by Big daddy Jim.
BigDaddyJim's mod never had monsters summoning other monsters aside from Archmages (summoning Light Elementals) and Necromancers (summoning ghosts). Those two monster archetypes had that ability in the vanilla MM7 game as well.

Every other monster that is able to summon in the current mod was only exclusive to Maestro's Mod.

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