Era of Chaos - Help Wanted

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Era of Chaos - Help Wanted

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 17 Apr 2020, 11:29

Era of Chaos team is looking for volunteers to help them polish in-game texts. (Finally! Image ). If you are spell nazi, please lend them your helping hand.

And also, they are seeking for a new mod. Knowledge of Discord Bot welcomed. Hurry up! Sooner means better.

Original announcements follow below:

Greetings Lords!
We know how much you value the text quality in game. We have always attached great importance to the game localization. Now, give us your suggestions by filling this form.

Once your suggestion is adopted, a secrete gift pack will be sent to your game account!

Greetings Lords,
we're hiring moderator again! Now we have 1-2 openings for Discord mod. If you're interested in, please register via this form

Read full article...
Last edited by Pol on 18 Apr 2020, 08:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Era of Chaos - Help Wanted

Unread postby Pol » 11 May 2020, 21:49

Mods were found, congrats!
CM-Evelyn wrote:Greetings Lords. We're glad to announce that we have two new members joined in our mod team recently - @BrenX (Brendan EU-21) - FR as Discord moderator, and @meowy as our new Facebook Group moderator, welcome!
Besides, we'd like to introduce @(EU-23) NeverJustice (Lead mod) as our new Discord moderator leader given his contribution by far. We look forward to the team to continue to bring more convenience and help to the community in the future!
And they also enabled smoogle translate.

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