MM7 - WORST team compo?

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Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

Unread postby raekuul » 10 Apr 2020, 23:04

Quick getaways and essentially cutting a monster's lethality by 25%. Too bad there's so much immune to Earth Magic.

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Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

Unread postby Bandobras Took » 11 Apr 2020, 01:09

Far more than 25%. The time you spend not having to heal/raise anybody allows you to go full offense, meaning they're dead even sooner.
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Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

Unread postby d2r » 11 Apr 2020, 04:56

One layer that didn't initially occur to me in terms of intentionally-bad team design -- make the Knight a female elf. That way not only do you start with the Elf's poor Might and Endurance, but you also can't use the Hero's Belt for the Armsmaster bonus in the late game. On the plus side, the Titans late in the game will at least be focus-firing your tank rather than any of the more squishy characters.

After all this discussion, I'm starting out with KMRT. God help me.
Last edited by d2r on 11 Apr 2020, 05:00, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

Unread postby Pitsu » 11 Apr 2020, 06:36

Slow is IMO an excellent spell against melee instakillers - ancient wyverns, minotaur kings and also the first spell to cast against Tolberti/Robert. In general I am an archer fan, and an archer with slow spell is something else than an archer without it.
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Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

Unread postby keksua » 11 Apr 2020, 12:06

Ok, I'm intrigued, will try, thanks:D

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Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

Unread postby d2r » 12 Apr 2020, 05:32

Having just spent the day playing KMRT with Elf knight and monk + Dwarf ranger and thief, some thoughts.

1. Dwarves really suck in MM7. The low accuracy REALLY hurts early in the game and the fact that the Goblins in Harmondale exclusively target them can be really frustrating when you're starting out. Admittedly I brought it on myself by using dwarves for the two squishiest characters (ranger and thief), but still - accuracy is a more valuable stat early in the game than might or endurance.

2. Not having a reliable way to cast bless early on hurts way more than I thought it would in terms of being able to land hits. And I've been going through a LOT of potions because of the fact that my only healing ability - basic casting from the Ranger - only returns 7hp a pop.

3. The thief is really hungry for skill points - she's taken the lion's share of the horseshoes because I need to get disarm trap up, and merchant, and alchemy, AND weapon/armour, AND (eventually) identify item so I can lose the scholar and get a gatemaster.

4. I never realized how much I took Wizard Eye for granted; with a scholar and merchant as my two hirelings I haven't been able to get a cartographer and I've been chewing through scrolls like there's no tomorrow so I can see where all the items have spawned.

5. The Ranger is very strong early in the game because you can rush Tularean Forest early and get that one chest by the cliff the resplendent chainmail and minotaur axe are a huge upgrade. Rush Avlee next and upgrade to Hunter for magic. Zokarr's Axe (which you can get not too long after your initial trips to Erathia and Pierpont) is so good that you can basically use it right up until the end of the game.

6. A well-timed berserk scroll can let you rush the Rogue promotion. Use berserk on one of the knights, then while he ties up the other guards, run in, grab the vase, and yeet. It only took me a couple of loads to pull it off.
Last edited by d2r on 12 Apr 2020, 05:36, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

Unread postby Tress » 14 Apr 2020, 13:42

keksua wrote:Slow? I've never found any use of this spell.. Why it's any good?
Its not bad spell, aside from fact that no one takes earth magic :D , and it is surpassed by something more useful down the line, but that happens with most low lvl spells anyway. In mm8 it of course you can use dark grasp which puts plethora of curses at once , but that one is almost "I win" button similar to paralysis.
It reduced speed enemy approaches , and you can simply shoot them, given that you have space to manuver. Ranged attacks usualy are not as painful as meelee so its not bad in early parts of game, specally considering first thing everyone does is getting 4x bow.

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Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

Unread postby d2r » 14 Apr 2020, 13:51

To add on to what Tress has said, Slow comes into play way more when you're doing an insanity build like KMRT as unless you luck into getting a wand of paralyze it's your only option to handicap really nasty enemies (e.g. Minotaur kings).
Last edited by d2r on 14 Apr 2020, 13:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

Unread postby d2r » 17 Apr 2020, 12:38

So, I finally beat the game with KMRT. I cracked and played light rather than dark path, mainly because I'd just finished the dark path with a more normal party and didn't want to do it all over again. This said, it probably is one of the most challenging combos to play as (that doesn't involve doubling up on classes). Some thoughts:

1. You depend really heavily on scrolls for key spells, which makes light way easier than dark because you have easy access to the School of Sorcery's weekly high-power scroll drop (that you'd forfeit if you stormed the building for the Ninja promotion). Hour of Power on a party where EVERYONE has Armsmaster and GM in their main weapon is really a sight to behold!

2. If you get an Hour of Power scroll early, you can actually storm the Temple of Baa and take out the high priest before you even commit to the light path, allowing you to promote your monk instantly upon making the choice - fast access to Expert level spells (most notably full-party bless, heroism, and regeneration) will make it that much easier to hit the Mercenary Guild for the Ranger promotion.

3. Some of the less-used spells, like Charm, really came into their own in the Pit and Castle Gloaming - Wands of Charm let me take the Queens of the Dead out of the fight (necessary since I had no dispel magic to get rid of pain reflection) so I could take out the easier enemies - then the lone Queens were simple to avoid (or, if I ever got to them before they cast reflection, to use a wand of paralyze on and gank).

4. Stockpiling Lloyd's Beacon scrolls was critical for the Lincoln - I went through every single potion I had thanks to the Droids' triple shot and expert-only regeneration/healing, and had to make a couple of trips to the Celeste temple by burning scrolls to heal up. This would never have worked if I didn't have a stockpile of 8 scrolls that I'd accumulated over the course of the game, thanks again to the School of Sorcery.

5. Early game, you'll want a scholar (to ID items before you have the skill points to spare on giving the thief ID item expertise) and a merchant (to build up a comfortable amount of money). Gate Master + Wind Master carries you pretty much from the war to the end of the game - the on-demand fly and town portal are way more convenient than grinding for scrolls. Accept no substitutes.

6. As always, rush that Ranger promotion as soon as you can. Even basic Wizard Eye, Cure Weakness, and Torch Light are way better than not having them at all, and you'll eat through those scrolls you get in the Temple of the Moon faster than you think. And, of course, if you're going light path, grind out your five Arena wins as soon as you can manage it. Having an Explorer in the party lets you go right back to the Arena as soon as you get back to Harmondale, meaning it'll take the smallest amount of real-life time to do - it's well worth it to temporarily dump the merchant, hire the explorer, get the five wins, then dump the explorer and get another merchant.

As an aside -- I picked the redheaded elf as my Knight, and I have to say that there is something deeply funny about the thousand-hitpoint, 150-damage-a-hit killing machine constantly acting like a catty teenager and whining about breaking her nails. :tongue:
Last edited by d2r on 17 Apr 2020, 14:51, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

Unread postby Pitsu » 17 Apr 2020, 16:35

d2r wrote:So, I finally beat the game with KMRT. I cracked and played light rather than dark path, mainly because I'd just finished the dark path with a more normal party and didn't want to do it all over again. This said, it probably is one of the most challenging combos to play as (that doesn't involve doubling up on classes). Some thoughts:
I usually see light the more difficult path, but maybe it is because I never tried to charm a queen of the dead.
d2r wrote: 4. Stockpiling Lloyd's Beacon scrolls was critical for the Lincoln - I went through every single potion I had thanks to the Droids' triple shot and expert-only regeneration/healing, and had to make a couple of trips to the Celeste temple by burning scrolls to heal up. This would never have worked if I didn't have a stockpile of 8 scrolls that I'd accumulated over the course of the game, thanks again to the School of Sorcery.
Do you use cover? Many of the droids can be killed without them being able to hit you if using walls, windows and corners for cover. There are risky moments, but 4 times beaconing sounds quite many.
d2r wrote: 5. Early game, you'll want a scholar (to ID items before you have the skill points to spare on giving the thief ID item expertise) and a merchant (to build up a comfortable amount of money). Gate Master + Wind Master carries you pretty much from the war to the end of the game - the on-demand fly and town portal are way more convenient than grinding for scrolls. Accept no substitutes.
Windmaster really helps this party. It may be strange to play without townportal or beacon, but IMO they are more a luxury for might party than a necessity. Running trough maps and tunnels is tedious, but does not kill. I had scholar and pathfinder throghout the game (like in most games).
d2r wrote: As an aside -- I picked the redheaded elf as my Knight, and I have to say that there is something deeply funny about the thousand-hitpoint, 150-damage-a-hit killing machine constantly acting like a catty teenager and whining about breaking her nails. :tongue:
Like in football - if it is a serious injury the palyer is quiet. Wriggling and crying indicates that he is mainly acting.
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Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

Unread postby koval321 » 27 Apr 2020, 08:32

I completed MM7 game with 4 knights and I expect this to be challenging but it was actually easy and enjoyable, so am now thinking about take 4 mages but never use magic, play them as warriors (I think 7 is easier than 6)
Last edited by koval321 on 27 Apr 2020, 08:35, edited 1 time in total.

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