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Updates, updates, updates!

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 18 Mar 2020, 16:35

Aeolwyn's Legacy - Update#4

There's a new teaser from Brrapp Games (Tim Lang's studio) about Aeolwyn's Legacy. Not a new demo (demo sits here) just a teaser. For indie game, quite nice. :)



Heros 3 Assistent for HotA

It's small and very nifty utility to calculate spell damage, fights, artifacts and guardians (in/out of caches) on the map. And some other thingies. So, in the end, this a treasure mostly for mapmapkers.


Visit their homepage to watch their instructional videos and download.

App made by "The Xenofex". You can also subscribe to his YT channel. There are some more Heroes 3 interesting videos.


HotA Team send out a teaser about new Factory unit Dreadgnought.
ImageDreadnought can be considered the magnum opus of the Factory's engineers and artificers. It is a key unit of its armed forces, the cornerstone of its arsenal, and also an indispensable assistant in construction and heavy lifting.
More information about it here, at HC. Still not a word about Factory faction release date.


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/523167573060091914/684476843599986716/juggernaut_steel_golem.pngCreature Quest

Current version of the game is 62.20.1507 after update 1.16

  • Max limit for shards in guild storage during Guild Wars set to 7mil
  • Max level upped to 700
  • Various bug fixes (# Fixed an issue when you were not receiving your reward after completing Grand Wish Quest. # Fixed an issue where claiming reward would consume stamina. # No more any creature can display like 5D.)
Doest it helped to fix Guild Wars? No, not enough. But it's a small improvement in the rightdirection. It stopped that hellish growing only in the end.

Just to remember, previous update 1.15 from Oct 2019 introduced galleons sharing limitation: "In order to maintain fair play, there will now be a level 40 requirement for sharing Galleons in a Guild." Full log is is here.


Might & Magic Heroes: Era of Chaos

Ubisoft finally released new content, where you can play for Yog and Dracon. And got them both. Dunno with eacts levels now, so Yog starts with 74 and Dracon with 84, probably till 92.

The game got small enhancements, which are:
  • Nerfed Solmyr
  • New artifact "Live Hawkeye" granting you some limited magic dmg resistance
  • New spell slot for heroes, where you can add one speel of your choice
  • New spell Prayer and Spell Bookshelf, for getting spell tokens for your own spells
  • Guild messengers giving your Skillstones and day bonus or teleport to already revealed place. Only for the time of St. Patrick holiday.
  • Minor other fixes, allegedly also text fixes
Wasn't able to notice them anywhere, the overall text quality is still tragic.


CANCELLED E3 2020 - Los Angeles

As expected, due to an ongoing pandemic of SARS-CORONAVIRUS-2, this event was cancelled. As a replacement there could be call for an online meeting, which will be streamed. Most likely several of them.

What is clear is, that this year, you are worry free about travelling to Los Angeles.
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Re: Updates, updates, updates!

Unread postby Pol » 01 Apr 2020, 16:33

Extended CQ info about update. For Era of Chaos, they released first part of AMA (Ask Me Anything), will reprint soon.

As for EoC good site with units (Not Only) is here:
https://www.bluemoongame.com/might-and- ... a-of-chaos

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