error with Verdant quest after click on "Attune Endurance"
Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:68: Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:483: cannot convert 'string' to 'unsigned short'
stack traceback:
Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua: in function '__newindex'
...d Magic VIII - Day of the Destroyer/Scripts/Core/evt.lua
in function '__newindex'
...d Magic VIII - Day of the Destroyer/Scripts/Core/evt.lua:432: in function <...d Magic VIII - Day of the Destroyer/Scripts/Core/evt.lua:420>
...d Magic VIII - Day of the Destroyer/Scripts/Core/evt.lua:458: in function 'Set'
... of the Destroyer\Scripts\Global\Quest_SavingGoobers.lua:366: in function 'AttuneStat'
... of the Destroyer\Scripts\Global\Quest_SavingGoobers.lua:430: in function <... of the Destroyer\Scripts\Global\Quest_SavingGoobers.lua:430>
...estroyer\Scripts\Structs\After\LocalizationAndQuests.lua:591: in function <...estroyer\Scripts\Structs\After\LocalizationAndQuests.lua:543>
arguments of '__newindex':
(*temporary) = (table: 0x045ccd70)
(*temporary) = 18592850
(*temporary) = "Disease1"
local variables of '__newindex':
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = ("cdata<unsigned short *>: 0x011bb452")
(*temporary) = "uint16_t*"
(*temporary) = ("cdata<unsigned short *>: 0x011bb452")
(*temporary) = 1.4613039108291e-302
upvalues of '__newindex':
assertnum = (function: 0x045ca5a0)
Protect = (function: 0x045cae58)
size = 2
ffi = (table: 0x045514f8)
type = "uint16_t*"
Unprotect = (function: 0x045caf38)
stack traceback:
[builtin#19]: at 0x01165960
...estroyer\Scripts\Structs\After\LocalizationAndQuests.lua:319: in function 'v'
Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:68: in function <Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:63>
arguments of 'v':
evtId = 995
seq = 0
local variables of 'v':
t = (table: 0x2cb64b08)
upvalues of 'v':
CurrentNPC = 803
CurrentQuests = (table: 0x210e8cf0)
UpdateCurrentQuests = (function: 0x2a856e90)