Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby KeyOfGeneralUse » 14 Mar 2020, 09:31

I have 30 hard levels in Firemagic and +45 levels from items = level 75. Are skills now supposed to go beyond level 60 or is this an oversight? Also, are multiple relics or artifacts supposed to add up? Regular +skill items, like rings or amulets "Of Fire Magic" only work on one item, relics and artifacts, e.g. Morgan + Ring of Fusion + Staff of Elements, work cumulative.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Toby » 14 Mar 2020, 10:34

Say hello to our potential new friends :D


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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 14 Mar 2020, 12:56

KeyOfGeneralUse wrote:I have 30 hard levels in Firemagic and +45 levels from items = level 75. Are skills now supposed to go beyond level 60 or is this an oversight? Also, are multiple relics or artifacts supposed to add up? Regular +skill items, like rings or amulets "Of Fire Magic" only work on one item, relics and artifacts, e.g. Morgan + Ring of Fusion + Staff of Elements, work cumulative.
Yes and yes. "Hard" levels go up to 60 and buffs can go over. Some bugs arose from that, and they are being dealt with (hopefully now that Rodril is here again, asm is a b.itch to work with).
Some skills (base + bonus) cycles on 64 regarding attack modifiers, recovery time or damage

Yes, relics and artifacts do now have comulative effects.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 14 Mar 2020, 13:03

Toby wrote:Say hello to our potential new friends :D

A Skeleton and a Zombie Lich. Nice work. I've sent you the modified eyes for the Zombie Lich as a suggestion.

Also please do not flame this thread with a discussion about Zombie Liches being viable or not. Anybody doing that will be blocked by me and thus permanently ignored by me forever.

That discussion has been on this thread like five times. If you do not like Liches coming in multiple variants (besides the vanilla skeleton), then you do not have to use those in-game.

You have to WANT Zombie Liches to even ever see one in-game. So please do not go into offense about this against people that want it to have a greater variety.

(Radical Purism is a certain way to pi.ss me off, especially if somebody is forcing their ideas on someone while this is purely optional content...)
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 14 Mar 2020, 13:11

While we are at the subject of Enhanced Undead, GDSpectra just finished....



(The picture(s) are in lower quality since I do not have much time today (just printscreened it from the tracker))
Last edited by Templayer on 14 Mar 2020, 13:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby NotABroom » 15 Mar 2020, 10:35

Templayer wrote:
NotABroom wrote:Can I allow MM8 races to be playable in MM6 somehow? I would like to play a dark elven knight.
Of course you can. Go to the Tracker in my signature, go into the Optional Modifications section and download the Unlocker.

The unlocker will allow you to play any race class combination on any continent.

Some content made by us will also become available to you by doing that. Like for example if you make a Dragon Necromancer and later promote him to a Dragon Lich, he will become a Dracolich, with custom community made paperdoll and portrait animations. :^)

Same for a minotaur. :)

Also you can make more than one character at the character creation. There are additional buttons for that there.
Just saying, because some people thought so and didn't notice them. Right Eila? :D :D :D
Thanks man, it worked. Now I can finally play vampire goblins and zombie priests. :)

Another question: How can I switch to MM6 or MM7 interface? I saw the option in controls, but as I change it my game crashes as soon as I leave the options menu. I didn't find anything about that issue in the tracker. I also installed the InventoryGrids mod, could that be interfering with the UI changing?
Last edited by NotABroom on 15 Mar 2020, 10:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby cthscr » 15 Mar 2020, 13:04

NotABroom wrote:Another question: How can I switch to MM6 or MM7 interface? I saw the option in controls, but as I change it my game crashes as soon as I leave the options menu. I didn't find anything about that issue in the tracker. I also installed the InventoryGrids mod, could that be interfering with the UI changing?
Known issue since 22.09.2019 I guess. https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/-/issues/44.
Fix: https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/-/ ... tch.UI.txt

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 15 Mar 2020, 17:07

NotABroom wrote:
Templayer wrote:
NotABroom wrote:Can I allow MM8 races to be playable in MM6 somehow? I would like to play a dark elven knight.
Of course you can. Go to the Tracker in my signature, go into the Optional Modifications section and download the Unlocker.

The unlocker will allow you to play any race class combination on any continent.

Some content made by us will also become available to you by doing that. Like for example if you make a Dragon Necromancer and later promote him to a Dragon Lich, he will become a Dracolich, with custom community made paperdoll and portrait animations. :^)

Same for a minotaur. :)

Also you can make more than one character at the character creation. There are additional buttons for that there.
Just saying, because some people thought so and didn't notice them. Right Eila? :D :D :D
Thanks man, it worked. Now I can finally play vampire goblins and zombie priests. :)

Another question: How can I switch to MM6 or MM7 interface? I saw the option in controls, but as I change it my game crashes as soon as I leave the options menu. I didn't find anything about that issue in the tracker. I also installed the InventoryGrids mod, could that be interfering with the UI changing?
Just to add to what cthscr said:

We have multiple versions. You probably have the base Rodril's version of the Merge.
Then there is a Community Fixes branch (which should have that and other problems fixed by the community), and the Community Branch (which has community-made features, each toggleable).

You can get both of those and a how-to install them here:
https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/-/ ... /README.md

We do know about the newest version for the base Merge, so no emailing is necessary.

Yeah, the Merge is great on giving more variation to the table.

We should get the base zombie stats for character creation as soon as possible, so that the Solo Zombie Paladin challenge runs would be viable again. xD (I did it once in vanilla MM7 by using a save-game editing tool :D :D )
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby AllVladin » 16 Mar 2020, 09:16

Templayer wrote:
Templayer wrote:
AllVladin wrote:Guys I am sorry, but I have to do something wrong.

All three games finished, Verdant quest for telelocator also finished yet I cannot figure out how to enter Breach.
Please give me a hint,

Quite recently I've translated the Merge parts into Czech, and there are A LOT of dialogues.

So I should remember what should happen after getting the telelocator.

But I don't. :D :D

Somebody else will help, surely. :P
raekuul wrote:Try casting Town Portal where Escaton's Crystal used to be.

reakuul didn't use a quote, so there is a chance of you not getting his message, so I am "thudding" you this way to see it just in case.

thank you very much! beach is finished. hope there will be more special content coming ;)

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby antipaladin » 16 Mar 2020, 21:57

this is the most , if not then close too, awesomenest thing i have ever seen.
i must ask few questions though,
is there a way to know where are the hirlings in eneroth antagrich part (to join party) or are they randomised/
they also don't apear in the advantures in in eneroth part if i haven't any room for them.
is there a premade order in which i must play the mod?
i really wanted to add a goblin, but it seems if i dont start with one, i cannot.
MM6 is the hardest of the lot, so it makes sence to play it last.
MM8 is the eassiest...
idk, any responce would be awesome :<
installed update that u linked previously, and game crashes on startup or when open a savegame..
Last edited by antipaladin on 17 Mar 2020, 05:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Rodril » 17 Mar 2020, 11:56

antipaladin wrote:installed update that u linked previously, and game crashes on startup or when open a savegame..
Please do not install anything i link, except from first post or if i ask you to. These links in most cases contain unstable/untested features. Now you have to revert to previous version: delete "Data\Tables" and "Scripts" folders and put ones from latest version linked in first post.
antipaladin wrote:1. is there a way to know where are the hirlings in eneroth antagrich part (to join party) or are they randomised/
2. is there a premade order in which i must play the mod?
3. i really wanted to add a goblin, but it seems if i dont start with one, i cannot.

1. Randomised.
2. No, you can play in any order and travel between continents at your will.
3. You can start as Goblin on Antagarich or hire one in Deyja.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby antipaladin » 17 Mar 2020, 12:14

do you have a discord or something? is there a way i can chat with you other then forums? my head is exploding with ideas.
should i finish one continent fullest, only then move onwards to the next or i can jump around? i don't understand since verdant scares me with becoming old..8|
edit2: i also noticed that if you make a peasent, it can be "made" into a class, but is also fully randomised,
i also would like to ask if your going to add some more costume races\classes
like dark dwarfs angels and etc..
i had somewhere paper sprites done for centuar... :canthear:
also while minotours and elves and are able play from get go mm6, they are the only ones, why is that?
edit 3: at what point does the randomistion occures? during start game? entery to a map for the first time or every time the map is enterd?
edit4 : some of the advantures inn doesnt work in MM6, and in 7th i couldnt find em what so ever..
i belive placing them on starting loactions (new sorpgial, haromondale) would fix the situation...
edit5: after going on some reading in MMMtracker i have not understand how to implant all those juicy stuff you guys did, except bowing before your greatness for coming up with something so incredible awesome (and something to do as my country is probblay going into even more quarntine nowdays) you must explain me how to do the mmmerger chjarcter unlocker and etc..
edit6: i have noticed gitlab offers more updates then this link with dracolich and stuff, but i cannot access it or rather dont know how.. :embarrased:

edit7; i have noticed that not all sprites for newer items work as it said so in the tracker (noble plate for the mintour) am i to add them myself or?
Last edited by antipaladin on 17 Mar 2020, 17:27, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 17 Mar 2020, 17:57

Templayer wrote:
Toby wrote:Say hello to our potential new friends :D

A Skeleton and a Zombie Lich. Nice work. I've sent you the modified eyes for the Zombie Lich as a suggestion.

Also please do not flame this thread with a discussion about Zombie Liches being viable or not. Anybody doing that will be blocked by me and thus permanently ignored by me forever.

That discussion has been on this thread like five times. If you do not like Liches coming in multiple variants (besides the vanilla skeleton), then you do not have to use those in-game.

You have to WANT Zombie Liches to even ever see one in-game. So please do not go into offense about this against people that want it to have a greater variety.

(Radical Purism is a certain way to pi.ss me off, especially if somebody is forcing their ideas on someone while this is purely optional content...)
Mind ya, I took over the Skeleton and I´m completely redoing it. Toby also didn˙t make a NPC icon or a compound paperdoll for it ... that˙s gonna be all taken care of. He´s left with the Zombie one now and good luck to him. :tsup:

Only bad things are that it˙s gonna take a few weeks ... as usual and that it´s gonna be externally blocked until the noises that can be imported into the mod have been made. :D :D :D
Last edited by SpectralDragon on 17 Mar 2020, 18:00, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 17 Mar 2020, 22:34

KeyOfGeneralUse wrote:Is it supposed to be that when dual wielding sword & mace neither skill raises the damage value? When wielding a mace alone the damage is increased normally, as per weapon skill.
Made a separate thread about this on these boards, not sure if Grayface fixed it already.

So heyy, what's new? I've been out of the loop for some time

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 17 Mar 2020, 22:56

Templayer wrote:
Also please do not flame this thread with a discussion about Zombie Liches being viable or not. Anybody doing that will be blocked by me and thus permanently ignored by me forever.
Your impatience and anger issues make you despise having to have to actually argue against opposing views so much that you'd rather shut yourself off in your echo chamber completely. But that's actually disadvantageous, since you you might be missing out on some valuable suggestions from some people who you chose to ignore forever over something so petty.
You have to WANT Zombie Liches to even ever see one in-game. So please do not go into offense about this against people that want it to have a greater variety.
Well, you were rather hostile to the idea that the vanilla game could add racial skill cap modifiers on top of class ones to mix things up in creating unique skill/class combos. You viewed that as a restriction too, while it was pitched with the very intention of promoting variety. Today I agree that a purely vanilla experience in terms of skill caps should also be available (since a robust vanilla is crucial to have as a good basis for building all those add-ons on top of), but I still find compelling the option of having some sort of official sanctioning for a modified skill system. Granted, anyone can modify a table to their liking, but playing "just another mod" feels different to playing in a way sanctioned by the creator's blessing.
(Radical Purism is a certain way to pi.ss me off, especially if somebody is forcing their ideas on someone while this is purely optional content...)
Ironically, being opposed to diversifying the skill cap system is a purist stance :D

Well good for you that it pisses you off, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a forum and everyone has every right to discuss anything they want freely, and taking offense to opposing design ideas is against the very spirit of debate that forums are about. Also, not sure who you're alluding to as "forcing their ideas", since we all know that the only person who has the power to do that around here is Rodril. If you mean me, I never forced anything, I just strongly encouraged discussion about certain design ideas, which you didn't appreciate.
Last edited by Xfing on 17 Mar 2020, 22:58, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 17.03.2020]

Unread postby antipaladin » 17 Mar 2020, 23:39

i think MMMerged should have the class system of MMX and MMIX.
let me explain;
you get to choose a race first, each race have 3 availble classes (one of might, one of magic, and one of hybrid) , each of them is "original" in it own way, with it own capabilitys ups and downs with 3 upgrades (one in each continent)
Goblin can go
as the hybrid
Thug - > Rider - > Bandit - > Raider
as the magic
Wilding - > Shaman - > Chaos Druid -- > Great Shaman
as the might:
Goblin-> Hobgoblin - > Gog Goblin - > Goblin Lord
and etc...

made a discord channel, becouse why not

Edit2: FOund the advantures inn in MM7 :| :tired:
Last edited by antipaladin on 18 Mar 2020, 08:18, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 17.03.2020]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 18 Mar 2020, 09:04

antipaladin wrote:i think MMMerged should have the class system of MMX and MMIX.
let me explain;
you get to choose a race first, each race have 3 availble classes (one of might, one of magic, and one of hybrid) , each of them is "original" in it own way, with it own capabilitys ups and downs with 3 upgrades (one in each continent)
Goblin can go
as the hybrid
Thug - > Rider - > Bandit - > Raider
as the magic
Wilding - > Shaman - > Chaos Druid -- > Great Shaman
as the might:
Goblin-> Hobgoblin - > Gog Goblin - > Goblin Lord
and etc...
Sounds good, only problem is that that would demand a huge overhaul of the entire promotion system and there are already problems on where to get Racial Ability trainers in both Enroth (MM6) and Antagarich (MM7).

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 17.03.2020]

Unread postby antipaladin » 18 Mar 2020, 10:43

is it a coding issue? i mean the racial ability trainers could be prefixed.
i would also highly advice against randomistion of party memmber hirlings, my RNG capabilitys are lowest.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 17.03.2020]

Unread postby raekuul » 18 Mar 2020, 14:11

You're proposing a total rewrite of the race/class system when we're already in the middle of a total rewrite of the class/race system.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 17.03.2020]

Unread postby KeyOfGeneralUse » 18 Mar 2020, 17:57

My game crashes when I try to get Magic training. Here a screen from the Water magic trainer with the debug console that opens when I click on "Master of Water".

Last edited by KeyOfGeneralUse on 18 Mar 2020, 17:58, edited 2 times in total.

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