Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 01 Mar 2020, 12:37

andrey wrote:Old bugs and suggestions are now in GitLab:

Code: Select all

[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/207]Lloyd's Beacon pictures come from another playthrough[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/208]Blasters no longer work on oozes[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/209]Percival explodes only on successful hit[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/210]Water creature (triton crusader) casts air spells[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/211]Dimension door to Tularena Forest - wrong image[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/212]Troll leader shows minotaur dialogue lines[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/213]Dragon hunter pets drop artifacts[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/214]Percival has undocumented “Speed +40”[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/215]One-time occurrence: promotion to Minotaur Lord quest disappeared[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/216]Dark Dwarf Compound - Door trap still works after opening the door[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/217]Killing reactor no longer teleports & dispells[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/218]Verdant congratulates repeatedly[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/219]Repeated MM6 victory movie after re-visiting the hive[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/220]Some MM8 teachers tell wrong locations[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/221]Description of stats is MM8-specific[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/222]Easter egg "Rock" no longer marked[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/223]Messed inventory after receiving MM8 black potions from houses[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/224]Cuisinarts no longer cast spells[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/225]Loretta Fleisse does not accept ankh after clicking other dialogue[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/226]Duplicate artifacts spawned[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/227]Reanimation spell - description mismatch[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/228]Duplicate monster names mess up bounty hunting[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/229]Dragon Cave in Eofol - no entry message[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/230]Paralyzed monsters stay paralyzed upon re-entering a dungeon[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/231]Dimension door can throw you into water or from height[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/232]Jadamean bounty hunting ranks are not in the awards[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/233]Grognard - wrong name[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/234]Cannot sell Mace of the Sun[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/235]One-time-occurrence: Dwarven Lieutenant attacks silently[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/236]Eofol - Item generated falling to the sea[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/237]Dragon shark flying in Tularean Forest[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/238]Reanimated zombie becoming hostile when attacked[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/239]Reanimation/bounty exploit[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/240]Some items lost sound[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/241]Unmanageable awards list[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/242]Returned Gryphonheart’s Trumpet, judge Gray died the same day[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/243]Unclickable pillars in the walls of mist[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/244]Cannot click on sideways barrel in castle Harmondale any longer[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/245]Two MM7 Acromage quest artifacts missing[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/246]Crossing to shoals takes no time and does not remove spells[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/247]Switching to another window cuts in-game movies[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/248]White spots appear on the minimap[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/249]MM7 obelisk flower does not show up[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/250]First hall in Temple in a Bottle no longer has any items on the tables[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/251]Temple in a bottle: no maze title, no maze info[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/252]Strange reagent found sometimes[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/253]NWC dungeons: chimes and blessings for missing character[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/254]Fort Riverstride: left side of the door is unclickable[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/255]Tavern in Nighon:  left side of the door is unclickable[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/256]Some quests no longer increase reputation[/url][/quote][quote="andrey"]More old bugs and suggestions are now in GitLab:
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/257]Castle Gloaming and The Pit: unfriendly shades (barely reproducible)[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/258]Guards are no longer angry for killing griffins in Erathia[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/259]Library at Castle Navan gives nothing at all[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/260]Game crashed on an attempt to answer the riddle in the breach. One-time occurrence.[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/261]Enter Clanker’s Laboratory after talking to Archibald, and you start facing the wall[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/262]Reanimated creatures not counted as undead[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/263]Second promotion party members available for level 1 party[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/264]Arcomage AI failures[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/265]FixChests removes pre-identification[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/266]No money after blackmailing wererat leader[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/267]Graphics glitch when reading scroll inside the house[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/268]Smugglers’ Cove: guards not hostile when going to anoited herb potion room[/url][/quote][quote="andrey"]Old bugs are now in GitLab:
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/270]Monsters stuck in walls[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/271]Bargaining increases price[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/272]"New Game" does not ask for continent in some cases[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/273]N/u class attempts to join[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/274]Jadame Oracle - wrong dialogue lines[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/275]Master Necromancer cannot equip Blade of Mercy[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/276]Hireable lich sometimes does not look like a lich[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/277]Some amethysts are called “Amythest”[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/278]Free Haven Sewers - teleporter door can be opened from the outside[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/279]Free Haven - sewer entrances do not match[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/280]Items in magic shops can be completely obscured[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/281]Obelisk riddles become a mess when switching continents[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/282]Some chests that contained loot & quest items now contain quest items only[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/283]NPCs say wands “can never be recharged”[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/284]Dagger Wound Islands - one step counts as falling[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/285]Fly book - possible to get earlier[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/286]Divine Intervention book - possible to get earlier[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/287]Bounty monsters spawn in cities[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/288]Monsters cannot cast non-projectiles[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/289]Monsters and guards stare through the fence[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/291]Boss monsters lost unique names[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/292]Sword remains in the stone in Castle Ironfist[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/293]Bow of carnage does not work in some narrow corridors[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/294]Screen goes black in some "sweet spots" in dungeons[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/295]Teleporter in shadow guild takes 5 food[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/296]Fell down through the textures in Goblinwatch, in corridor with coded doors[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/297]Mist -2457, 8944. Fruit tree still has apples after I picked them[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/298]NPCs are still talking about dark containment[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/299]Unidentified MM8 artifacts and relics are not marked as such[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/300]Memory crystals no longer make specific sound[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/301]Dragoon Caverns - weird new room[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/302]Some telepathy scrolls are doing mind blast instead[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/303]No walking sound in many places[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/304]Golem appears at Harmondale before animating[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/305]One-playthrough-occurence: no pure body resistance in Blackshire[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/306]Destroy Undead got some area of effect[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/307]Becoming a Baa follower does not lower your reputation[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/308]Genie lamps give you bad items if your luck is high and skill points if it is not[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/309]Sometimes drinking cauldrons does not produce any sound[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/310]Shrine at Eel Infested Waters still says "Poison resistance"[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/311]Two faerie keys in hall under the hill[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/312]Dragons remain hostile after taking alliance[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/313]Expert armsmaster in Enroth does not tell you where the master is[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/314]Archibald contacts you when you first visit Land of Giants, no matter what[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/315]Hearts of elements give no experience when teleporting out of the castle[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/316]Tomb or VARN instead of captain's code just asks "Answer?"[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/317]Releasing Archibald does not drop your reputation.[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/318]Enroth Oracle - curtain mess[/url]
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/319]MM6 death animation does not speak[/url][/quote][quote="andrey"]New bug in GitLab:
[url=https://gitlab.com/templayer/mmmerge/issues/269]Thunderfist Mountain - graphics glitch[/url]
My god.... you should see my email storage after this. :D :D :D :D

Also had to put all of that into code due to some shi.tty forum limits.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 01 Mar 2020, 12:39

Also I just fixed some stuff and added new translations to the Czech version of TxtEdit for GrayFace, but I just send it to him, so I have no idea when those changes will be applied.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby raekuul » 01 Mar 2020, 13:43

Has a "shuffled main quest items mode" been considered, to encourage hopping continents periodically as opposed to doing them in sequence? Since there's no real incentive to hop continents without completing them first, there's a tendency for players to go through and complete the game one continent at a time, which is a significant balance problem if the starting continent is anything other than Jadame (even at max bolster).
Last edited by raekuul on 01 Mar 2020, 13:44, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby andrey » 01 Mar 2020, 14:39

Templayer wrote: My god.... you should see my email storage after this. :D :D :D :D

Also had to put all of that into code due to some shi.tty forum limits.
I know :-Z 50 URLs at a time. Had to split my messages because of that.
raekuul wrote:Has a "shuffled main quest items mode" been considered, to encourage hopping continents periodically as opposed to doing them in sequence? Since there's no real incentive to hop continents without completing them first, there's a tendency for players to go through and complete the game one continent at a time, which is a significant balance problem if the starting continent is anything other than Jadame (even at max bolster).
Are you sure there is such tendency? IMHO it is much easier to hop between continents all the time to pass certain quest, get certain items, collect treasures or even check the high-end shops. Though, bolster might need some fix in any case. And for parties w/o town portal it is a completely different story.
eilacomeva wrote: THANK YOU!

I can't reproduce the bug where guards in the pit don't react to bounty monsters - savegame at https://1fichier.com/?w1ph2yomrcxfvfkx6o78
What I see is that the guards that are not killed fight back; I was 100% sure that the OTHER guards would also intervene, but apparently this savegame proves my memory wrong :D
You are welcome! I cannot reproduce the bug either. I guess, it will be closed if it is not reproduced by anyone in reasonable time.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 01 Mar 2020, 16:08

toreadorlelder wrote:Well, now, THAT was quick...

Started in Enroth, finished it. Then to Antagarich...high-level Knight fights can be quite stimulating. Anyway, ripping through the promotion quests, got the dwarves done. Talk to the ambassadors, then bop back and forth to make sure the elves and Erathia are nicely at each others' throats. Start in Erathia, finish by dropping off the plans in the Forest.

So as I exit the castle...BOOM!! Messenger arrives saying the war's on. Excellent. Fly up, grab trumpet...no reason to wait. Head back, turn in to the Arbiter of course. Boom. Sweet, done. Next up was to the castle, because the chests there are my favorite long-term storage location. Drop off some of the stuff that's needed for Verdant later. What to do now....

Undecided, I head out of the castle. BAM!!! Guess who just died....

Whole thing took a day, mostly because I finished Riverstride after the elven throne room was closed down for the night. Quite a pleasant surprise there.
The thing with the Judge was already reported, so I appended your report:
Returned Gryphonheart’s Trumpet, judge Gray died the same day
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 01 Mar 2020, 17:22

Templayer wrote: :gong:
eilacomeva wrote:
Templayer wrote:...

Since you do not have a gitlab account, you haven't been notified - both a savegame and a video of this was provided.
As Templayer would say, don't remind me :D
Anyway, I've seen the video, but the savegame doesn't have it - when I went to White Cap there was an NPC called Gwendolyn and her face was absolutely normal; exited the game, retried and there's nobody; re-retried, two NPCs in Free Haven & White Cap (I thought the faceless NPC was in the adventurer's inn), both with their faces looking alright.

Mea culpa: I didn't realize at first that the team is the same as in the video... even so everything looks fine on my end, can you make a savegame right where it happens or is it only in the experimental branch?
UPDATE: Sibernethy had a VERY faulty installation of MMMerge, Emjayen tested his own MMMerge files against Sibernethy´s MMMerge files and posted a screenshot on the matter: https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=618

Sibernethy reinstalled the entire thing and now those funky bugs (Cleric having an out-of-body experience - that bug became a meme - and "corrupted followers" bug) are all gone, so this issue is closed. You can add that one as "Solved" on GitLab too for any other people that have the "corrupted followers" bug.
Last edited by SpectralDragon on 01 Mar 2020, 17:28, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 01 Mar 2020, 17:36

Templayer wrote: :gong:
andrey wrote: :gong:
Ok, first of all, andrey, very nice profile picture, and 2nd of all, I have a suggestion regarding Ability trainers in Enroth (MM6 setting).

Dark Elf Ability:
-> Expert would be located in the same house where the guy with "Evil Crystal in Temple of the Fist" in Bootleg Bay is, since after the quest is complete, said questgiver would then vanish, thus leaving the house solely to the teacher
-> Master + Gradmaster would be in one of the empty (not working in base MM6) houses in Free Haven

Vampire Ability:
-> Expert would be located in a lonely inn right at the edge of the swampland in Mire of the Damned
-> Master + Grandmaster would be in the same house the questgiver for Book of Liches is (since in base MM6, that guy also vanishes from the house once the Book of Liches quest is done) inside the town/village of Darkmoor

Dragon Ability:
-> Expert would be located either with Abdul or, if the space there is already too filled, with one of the item traders (misc. item trader?) at Abdul´s Desert Resort in Dragonsand. It´d use MM7 Baby Dragon image as its icon/profile
-> Master + Grandmaster would be Blaze the Circus Master himself, since in base MM6, he only has 2 dialogue lines, thus adding 2 more shouldn´t be too much of a problem:

I can write the dialogues down if you or others so wish.
Last edited by SpectralDragon on 01 Mar 2020, 17:41, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Echo » 01 Mar 2020, 18:08

So I was thinking about the Merge lately and while I'd love to just find an answer myself this topic is way too active for it (which makes me very glad!).

My question is - has there been any more thought given to creating a static difficulty curve for the Merge as an alternative to bolstering? I've always hoped there would be one eventually cause I think it'd be very cool if you had to travel between continents to power up (or, alternatively, take on a challenge of completing X part only giving a potentially fun replayability for all three parts "on steroids").

I always preferred static worlds in open world games, Skyrim/Oblivion are awful in this regard and bless the modders than changed that! There's just something so satisfying about going back to a location that kicked my ass before and returning the favor.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 01 Mar 2020, 20:42

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 01 Mar 2020, 20:44

Echo wrote:So I was thinking about the Merge lately and while I'd love to just find an answer myself this topic is way too active for it (which makes me very glad!).

My question is - has there been any more thought given to creating a static difficulty curve for the Merge as an alternative to bolstering? I've always hoped there would be one eventually cause I think it'd be very cool if you had to travel between continents to power up (or, alternatively, take on a challenge of completing X part only giving a potentially fun replayability for all three parts "on steroids").

I always preferred static worlds in open world games, Skyrim/Oblivion are awful in this regard and bless the modders than changed that! There's just something so satisfying about going back to a location that kicked my ass before and returning the favor.
If you check the Community Branch at GitLab, Fanasilver made a (now toggleable thanks to cthscr) modification to the Bolster Monster mechanic so that now the difficulty curve is a bit better in my opinion.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 01 Mar 2020, 20:49

SpectralDragon wrote:
Templayer wrote: :gong:
eilacomeva wrote:
Templayer wrote:...

Since you do not have a gitlab account, you haven't been notified - both a savegame and a video of this was provided.
As Templayer would say, don't remind me :D
Anyway, I've seen the video, but the savegame doesn't have it - when I went to White Cap there was an NPC called Gwendolyn and her face was absolutely normal; exited the game, retried and there's nobody; re-retried, two NPCs in Free Haven & White Cap (I thought the faceless NPC was in the adventurer's inn), both with their faces looking alright.

Mea culpa: I didn't realize at first that the team is the same as in the video... even so everything looks fine on my end, can you make a savegame right where it happens or is it only in the experimental branch?
UPDATE: Sibernethy had a VERY faulty installation of MMMerge, Emjayen tested his own MMMerge files against Sibernethy´s MMMerge files and posted a screenshot on the matter: https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... height=618

Sibernethy reinstalled the entire thing and now those funky bugs (Cleric having an out-of-body experience - that bug became a meme - and "corrupted followers" bug) are all gone, so this issue is closed. You can add that one as "Solved" on GitLab too for any other people that have the "corrupted followers" bug.

Code: Select all

Reported by: Sibernethy on Discord (given by GDSpectra)
GitLab Community Branch Issue 154
"Oh gosh diddly dosh, I seem to have lost me head!"

What's even better, her expression portraits (as in animated head at the bottom of the interface) doesn't have an appropriate green background (instead it's all transparent) and when she yells, nothing comes out of her ... and if you remove her helmet, she's actually headless.
GitLab Community Branch Issue 155
Another bug is NPC Hirelings at Training Centers in Enroth having no portraits on them, instead they only have the missing sign.
eilacomeva: NPCs from gyms used to have faces last summer, and now https://1fichier.com/?rgcpow0ahmaaj4ncdtfq
I'm using rodril's latest version, not even the stable branch of your repo; what I see is a hireling with the face of the level 15 necromancer from Ravenshore.
Removed from the Bug Tracker and Closed in Issues. Info has been added to the Issues in question.

Thanks for providing a Discord gate, much appreciated! :hug:
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Echo » 01 Mar 2020, 20:51

Well, it's still a bolster curve, isn't it? Where locations scale to the team's level :) Glad there's a different version, but not quite what I was hoping for. Oh well, maybe one day someone will view this same as me or I'll have time to try and make my own version.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 01 Mar 2020, 20:54

SpectralDragon wrote:
Templayer wrote: :gong:
andrey wrote: :gong:
Ok, first of all, andrey, very nice profile picture, and 2nd of all, I have a suggestion regarding Ability trainers in Enroth (MM6 setting).

Dark Elf Ability:
-> Expert would be located in the same house where the guy with "Evil Crystal in Temple of the Fist" in Bootleg Bay is, since after the quest is complete, said questgiver would then vanish, thus leaving the house solely to the teacher
-> Master + Gradmaster would be in one of the empty (not working in base MM6) houses in Free Haven

Vampire Ability:
-> Expert would be located in a lonely inn right at the edge of the swampland in Mire of the Damned
-> Master + Grandmaster would be in the same house the questgiver for Book of Liches is (since in base MM6, that guy also vanishes from the house once the Book of Liches quest is done) inside the town/village of Darkmoor

Dragon Ability:
-> Expert would be located either with Abdul or, if the space there is already too filled, with one of the item traders (misc. item trader?) at Abdul´s Desert Resort in Dragonsand. It´d use MM7 Baby Dragon image as its icon/profile
-> Master + Grandmaster would be Blaze the Circus Master himself, since in base MM6, he only has 2 dialogue lines, thus adding 2 more shouldn´t be too much of a problem:

I can write the dialogues down if you or others so wish.
Ability trainers in Enroth (MM6)
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 01 Mar 2020, 20:54

Echo wrote:Well, it's still a bolster curve, isn't it? Where locations scale to the team's level :) Glad there's a different version, but not quite what I was hoping for. Oh well, maybe one day someone will view this same as me or I'll have time to try and make my own version.
Did you check the equation?
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Echo » 01 Mar 2020, 21:00

Templayer wrote:
Echo wrote:Well, it's still a bolster curve, isn't it? Where locations scale to the team's level :) Glad there's a different version, but not quite what I was hoping for. Oh well, maybe one day someone will view this same as me or I'll have time to try and make my own version.
Did you check the equation?
To be perfectly honest I have no idea how to find it there... I've never used Github, looks quite confusing. I'll try to find it later :tired:

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 01 Mar 2020, 21:01

joanthedark wrote:Visual glitch with the Roland painting in Castle Gryphonheart:


After grabbing it:


Saving and reloading:


Probably happens due to high res textures not aligning properly after it's picked up. Sadly I forgot to try it without the wrapper.
Is the wrapper even necessary with the newest GF patch?

Visual glitch with the Roland painting in Castle Gryphonheart
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 01 Mar 2020, 21:02

Echo wrote:
Templayer wrote:
Echo wrote:Well, it's still a bolster curve, isn't it? Where locations scale to the team's level :) Glad there's a different version, but not quite what I was hoping for. Oh well, maybe one day someone will view this same as me or I'll have time to try and make my own version.
Did you check the equation?
To be perfectly honest I have no idea how to find it there... I've never used Github, looks quite confusing. I'll try to find it later :tired:
It's not github, it is gitlab. Check the README.MD file.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby andrey » 01 Mar 2020, 21:12

SpectralDragon wrote: Ok, first of all, andrey, very nice profile picture, and 2nd of all, I have a suggestion regarding Ability trainers in Enroth (MM6 setting).
I can write the dialogues down if you or others so wish.
Thanks! Was choosing between this and MM6 Zoltan :-)

The ideas are nice, actually. Will add some comments in GitLab.
Last edited by andrey on 01 Mar 2020, 21:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 01 Mar 2020, 22:00

andrey wrote:
SpectralDragon wrote: Ok, first of all, andrey, very nice profile picture, and 2nd of all, I have a suggestion regarding Ability trainers in Enroth (MM6 setting).
I can write the dialogues down if you or others so wish.
Thanks! Was choosing between this and MM6 Zoltan :-)

The ideas are nice, actually. Will add some comments in GitLab.
Oh we just recently had a discussion on Zoltan from MM6 with GDSpectra! She will love your message! :D
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby toreadorlelder » 01 Mar 2020, 22:05

raekuul wrote:
Has a "shuffled main quest items mode" been considered, to encourage hopping continents periodically as opposed to doing them in sequence? Since there's no real incentive to hop continents without completing them first, there's a tendency for players to go through and complete the game one continent at a time, which is a significant balance problem if the starting continent is anything other than Jadame (even at max bolster).

Are you sure there is such tendency? IMHO it is much easier to hop between continents all the time to pass certain quest, get certain items, collect treasures or even check the high-end shops. Though, bolster might need some fix in any case. And for parties w/o town portal it is a completely different story.
I agree. Plus, some trainers are much easier to reach (or achieve) on particular continents than others, and IIRC in some cases it's easier to fulfill some prereqs on certain continents. If you take grandmaster alchemy, then hopping for reagents can help. Finally, you can hit all the shrines, altars, skill challenges, etc. for those boosts. They add up...and several repop. This is really good even if you're limited to Town Portal; to exploit the shrines in MM6, I do a lot of training at Ironfist in small doses of a couple levels, to leave time to hit the various shrines. Oh, and in this strategy, if you don't have Lloyd's, or if you have only 1 character with Lloyd's and want to conserve your Beacon spots...find a Pathfinder. Map crossings take 3 days less...so 2 days for most of em. That makes it faster than the travel schedules.

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