Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby cthscr » 18 Feb 2020, 10:26

Templayer wrote:EDIT: The README is quite outdated at this point, the Community Branch now has a settings file so that you can toggle features.
cthscr wrote:*THUD*
Could you update it?
Maybe a bit later, there will be an issue regarding user settings file.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby TheAnyKey » 18 Feb 2020, 11:06

Can anyone tell me where I can buy the Dimension Door tomes in MM8 to go back to MM6 or MM7? In MM6 the magic shop in Paradise Valley, in MM7 the magic shop in Deya, sells them. Where can I buy them in MM8?

Edit: I've found one in Balthazar's Lair.
Last edited by TheAnyKey on 18 Feb 2020, 16:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Phobos » 18 Feb 2020, 16:08

TheAnyKey wrote:Can anyone tell me where I can buy the time travel (?) tomes in MM8 to go back to MM6 or MM7? In MM6 the magic shop in Paradise Valley, in MM7 the magic shop in Deya, sells them. Where can I buy them in MM8?
Probably Regna since it has a high-level magic shop. You could also use town portal. It turns to dimension door when used in specific places, so no need to always rely on those tomes ;)

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby eilacomeva » 18 Feb 2020, 16:13

Templayer wrote:
eilacomeva wrote: When I did it it took me FOREVER for him to understand that yes means yes, don't be discouraged if the bug is still there.

Oh, btw, when I did it I wanted sorcerer=>light and cleric=>dark, but my sorcerer knew a couple of dark spells, those were erased ALSO from my cleric - not sure if it's been fixed since.
The input bug should already be fixed, I think, but I do not remember anybody reporting that second thing with a Path change.
Added to the Bug Tracker and as an GitLab Issue.

Character allignment change also removes the opposite allignment spells from other party members (while their class stays)

cthscr commented on the GitLab Issue:
It's done for Game.CurrentPlayer only (if we speak about Enroth). Is it reproducible?
That's how it was in August 2019; I didn't keep a savegame from back then and I'm not sure if it's still the case with the updated version.
@TheAnyKey do you have a game where you can verify that? Assuming you want light GM, you need to have two characters with a cheap dark spell, switch ONE character to the light path, and check if the OTHER still has that dark spell.

Otherwise I'll try starting a game to check.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby TheAnyKey » 18 Feb 2020, 16:31

eilacomeva wrote:
Templayer wrote:
eilacomeva wrote: When I did it it took me FOREVER for him to understand that yes means yes, don't be discouraged if the bug is still there.

Oh, btw, when I did it I wanted sorcerer=>light and cleric=>dark, but my sorcerer knew a couple of dark spells, those were erased ALSO from my cleric - not sure if it's been fixed since.
The input bug should already be fixed, I think, but I do not remember anybody reporting that second thing with a Path change.
Added to the Bug Tracker and as an GitLab Issue.

Character allignment change also removes the opposite allignment spells from other party members (while their class stays)

cthscr commented on the GitLab Issue:
It's done for Game.CurrentPlayer only (if we speak about Enroth). Is it reproducible?
That's how it was in August 2019; I didn't keep a savegame from back then and I'm not sure if it's still the case with the updated version.
@TheAnyKey do you have a game where you can verify that? Assuming you want light GM, you need to have two characters with a cheap dark spell, switch ONE character to the light path, and check if the OTHER still has that dark spell.

Otherwise I'll try starting a game to check.

I've already overwritten the "before" save file. But upon selecting the "Light Path" my Dark skill disappeared from my skill list and with it the Dark magic index in my spellbook. I don't know whether it erases everyone's spell skill. I'm almost at the choosing point again. So I'll check. I don't have a second starting Light/Dark character though. Shouldn't you be able to hire a Lich after you chose the Light path or deposit your Dark caster in an inn while you choose your path?
Last edited by TheAnyKey on 18 Feb 2020, 17:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby joanthedark » 18 Feb 2020, 17:53

Good day people, the gloves Fleetfingers do not seem to be giving +8 damage to those with Grandmaster Bow. First here's the gloves for those who don't know them:


Next I show how the +8 Bonus is working on the character by right-clicking the Bow skill:


The Shoot Bonus is also working because at Expert level it reduces recovery time (first image without Fleetfingers, second with it equipped, less is better):



Now I demonstrate how the Attack Bonus increase works (Normal Bow), but Attack Damage doesn't (Grandmaster Bow), despite the character being Cauri Blackthorne (she has Grandmaster Bow by default):



Additional info might be that I have still not used the character unlocker so this issue exists in the regular version of the Merge mod as is (for all I know it could be in vanilla even and was never fixed by GrayFace or the merge modders, worth looking into).

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Khorghakh » 18 Feb 2020, 19:26

cthscr wrote:
Khorghakh wrote:Still not quite sure how it works... what does E/1/2 mean exactly?
E = Expert skill rank (which becomes +1 skill rank to any class with the skill already)?
And the numbers are + to skill level rather than skill rank?
First is Mastery for classes that have no access to skill.

Second is bonus Mastery for classes that have access to skill.

Third is Exception (meaning no changes for those classes). Number is Class Kind (look into Class Extra.txt). If Exception isn't a number (or negative number), then it is class' SPStat oriented: I (or -1) for Intellect-based, P (or -2) for Personality-based, S (or -4) for any spellcaster, W (or -5) for zero spellpoints.

Edit: and if it's not positive number, you have to see it as "exceptional inclusion".

PS. From Scripts/Structs/RacialSkills.lua

Code: Select all

if ... Exc == -4 and SPStat == 0 or Exc == -5 and SPStat >  0
I'd say that current Meditation workaround should be applied to spellcasters only, rather than warriors only, which was intended behavior. But it is the opposite way in reality...

Upd: nevermind, there is common 'not' before all the second part of comparison.
Thank you for that info.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 18 Feb 2020, 21:33

Phobos wrote:
TheAnyKey wrote:Can anyone tell me where I can buy the time travel (?) tomes in MM8 to go back to MM6 or MM7? In MM6 the magic shop in Paradise Valley, in MM7 the magic shop in Deya, sells them. Where can I buy them in MM8?
Probably Regna since it has a high-level magic shop. You could also use town portal. It turns to dimension door when used in specific places, so no need to always rely on those tomes ;)
Yeah, Regna had an unused high-level magic shop in vanilla MM8. Probably due to an overlook. It is used in the Merge, custom in-door animation and all.
MMMerge Tracker (= Info + Paint Tracker + Missing Features + Suggestions):
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby tomchen1989 » 18 Feb 2020, 21:34

Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) localization for MMMerge is complete.

MM6,7,8,Merge i18n project:
The project is intended to be not only for Chinese but any language. But for now there's only an introduction in Chinese for non-developer players. However you can get a glance in workflow.md, settings.py and tools. .po (gettext) files are in 3_i18n directory.


You may take a look at the final production files of zh_CN i18n:
https://github.com/might-and-magic/mm67 ... CN/mmmerge

There are several i18n-readiness issues for MMMerge:

In order to localize NPC names, I had to alter ProcessNamesTXT() in Scripts/General/NPCNewsTopics.lua.

(In data folder) There are several images in select.icons.lod that need to be localized, and select.icons.lod is loaded after "10 LocZHCN.icons.lod", so I had to rename it to "z10 LocZHCN.icons.lod". Which is a little messy there.


I had to write these files to make MM8 w/ GrayFace Patch support double-byte character set. My DBCS script works well for MM8 but currently not very well for MM7 and 6.

Python script to generate .fnt files (MM678/H3's font file):


Players in China community report several issues of Merge or GrayFace patch, which include:

Item "Noble Plate Armor" has no image when it's suit up:

Bow, blaster? and other weapons' recovery time is limited to 30 by GrayFace patch, I think blaster has an option in the .ini file, but no one knows how to remove the cap for the Bow.


It's funny and weird that
Localized string for "You found %lu gold (followers take %lu)!" must always end with "%lu)!"
In the localized string for "You win! +3 Skill Points" (+3 can be +5 or +7 or +10), "+" must always be preceded by two spaces " "

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 18 Feb 2020, 21:53

As of today I have 50+ GitLab notifications.

I'll go through them eventually, just be patient. I just refuse to spend all of my free time going through these. :D
MMMerge Tracker (= Info + Paint Tracker + Missing Features + Suggestions):
Anybody can view or suggest edits.

Dedicated MMMerge Forum (Bug Tracker included): shorturl.at/lryAF

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby eilacomeva » 18 Feb 2020, 21:55

It appears that the bug about choosing path has been fixed in the meantime; savegame just in case at https://1fichier.com/?tra820bnypr8jwcw2xqu


btw, maybe I'm not such an idiot after all... I tried to just hire random peasants on the streets and I couldn't find anyone to join - all the hunters etc were now useless NPCs instead of being available to join my team, while after, you know, you finish the game and choose a certain option, I quickly started to find peasants (or even "grand" peasants :D)

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby eilacomeva » 18 Feb 2020, 21:56

Templayer wrote:As of today I have 50+ GitLab notifications.

I'll go through them eventually, just be patient. I just refuse to spend all of my free time going through these. :D
Yes, yes... "refuse"... ;)

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby eilacomeva » 18 Feb 2020, 22:00

tomchen1989 wrote:Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) localization for MMMerge is complete.

MM6,7,8,Merge i18n project:
The project is intended to be not only for Chinese but any language. But for now there's only an introduction in Chinese for non-developer players. However you can get a glance in workflow.md, settings.py and tools. .po (gettext) files are in 3_i18n directory.


You may take a look at the final production files of zh_CN i18n:
https://github.com/might-and-magic/mm67 ... CN/mmmerge

There are several i18n-readiness issues for MMMerge:

In order to localize NPC names, I had to alter ProcessNamesTXT() in Scripts/General/NPCNewsTopics.lua.

(In data folder) There are several images in select.icons.lod that need to be localized, and select.icons.lod is loaded after "10 LocZHCN.icons.lod", so I had to rename it to "z10 LocZHCN.icons.lod". Which is a little messy there.


I had to write these files to make MM8 w/ GrayFace Patch support double-byte character set. My DBCS script works well for MM8 but currently not very well for MM7 and 6.

Python script to generate .fnt files (MM678/H3's font file):


Players in China community report several issues of Merge or GrayFace patch, which include:

Item "Noble Plate Armor" has no image when it's suit up:

Bow, blaster? and other weapons' recovery time is limited to 30 by GrayFace patch, I think blaster has an option in the .ini file, but no one knows how to remove the cap for the Bow.


It's funny and weird that
Localized string for "You found %lu gold (followers take %lu)!" must always end with "%lu)!"
In the localized string for "You win! +3 Skill Points" (+3 can be +5 or +7 or +10), "+" must always be preceded by two spaces " "
In case I ever get around to make an Italian translation(*): THANK YOU.

(*) Basically if anyone cares enough about it to motivate me and let me know if I mistranslate something; me and my brother are ok with English (or at least he never complained to me, who knows)

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby eilacomeva » 18 Feb 2020, 22:07

joanthedark wrote:Good day people, the gloves Fleetfingers do not seem to be giving +8 damage to those with Grandmaster Bow. First here's the gloves for those who don't know them:


Additional info might be that I have still not used the character unlocker so this issue exists in the regular version of the Merge mod as is (for all I know it could be in vanilla even and was never fixed by GrayFace or the merge modders, worth looking into).
Confirmed in vanilla mm8 with latest grayface patch - savegame at https://1fichier.com/?sfoffhuht065bkp8y1nc

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby eilacomeva » 18 Feb 2020, 22:12

Btw, I believe sometimes adult NPCs have the dialogue meant for children - eg with https://1fichier.com/?3cu5v2l3heqkm9a18y2v ("believe" because it's not a human, but iirc it also happened in some other city, I just forgot to take a screenshot)

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby tomchen1989 » 19 Feb 2020, 12:36

Another bug report from Chinese MM forum
In New Sorpigal we can't join the Buccaneer's Lair Guild and the Blade's End Guild
(Elemental and Self Guilds work fine)

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby cthscr » 19 Feb 2020, 13:26

tomchen1989 wrote:In New Sorpigal we can't join the Buccaneer's Lair Guild and the Blade's End Guild
From what I've seen/tested they should be auto-joined.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby TheAnyKey » 19 Feb 2020, 13:40

I think I`ve broken my MM7. I've gotten the Fort Riverstride plans and confessed, with them in my inventory, to Queen Cathrine. My Troll survived the execution and so I went to the nearby temple and had his four beheaded companions revived instead of reloading a save state. What I did not realize was, that Cathrine took the plans from us.

Now we don't have the plans to deliver to the Elf King. Judge Grey does not "retrieve" the plans for us and the vault within Fort Riverstride does not open any longer. Hence I can't finish that quest and neither the Trumpet incidence nor Judge Grey's death trigger. I cannot progress in the main questline.

Is it possible to edit the plans in or skip the quest? I'd be happy about any solution.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby tomchen1989 » 19 Feb 2020, 13:46

Bugs and problems I mentionned above are reported here:

Can't join Buccaneer's Lair Guild and Blade's End Guild

Bow recovery time limit

Item "Noble Plate Armor" has no image when it's suit up

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby LadySoulCrystal » 19 Feb 2020, 13:58

TheAnyKey wrote:I think I`ve broken my MM7. I've gotten the Fort Riverstride plans and confessed, with them in my inventory, to Queen Cathrine. My Troll survived the execution and so I went to the nearby temple and had his four beheaded companions revived instead of reloading a save state. What I did not realize was, that Cathrine took the plans from us.

Now we don't have the plans to deliver to the Elf King. Judge Grey does not "retrieve" the plans for us and the vault within Fort Riverstride does not open any longer. Hence I can't finish that quest and neither the Trumpet incidence nor Judge Grey's death trigger. I cannot progress in the main questline.

Is it possible to edit the plans in or skip the quest? I'd be happy about any solution.
I'm not sure if this would help simply because of how that section of the game works, but using the CheatEngine program and the appropriate MM8 merge cheat table you can give the plans back to yourself. My guess is that your entire party was supposed to die there forcing a reload but your troll prevented that. If that is something you want to do I can get the links to the program and the pre-formatted table, but if the game registered that you gave the plans to Catherine I don't know if you can give the plans to anyone else (if the dialogue prompt is still there).

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