So, I've mashed 3 posts into 1, reporting bugs or issues found playing MM8 with patch 2.4.1.
Hope this being useful. Thanks and Good Luck!
Troll wrong speech?
'Tis perhaps a bug? Or maybe just an original misplaced dialogue:
When completing the Troll Promotion Quest, in Ironsand Desert, by talking to Troll NPC/Hireling Volog Sandwind in northern house (after having visited the ancient troll lost home), and choosing to 'Join', he brings up an uncontextualized speech about the returning of the Axe of Balthazar...
Necromancers' Guild Leader room closed/locked earlier than expected?!
I stumbled again on a weird behavior of the game. Maybe it's 'normal'? Though never happened to me before.
I was about to deliver the Nightshade Brazier quest item to Sandro (guild leader) in Necromancers' Guild, while none of the Alliance quests concerning opposite sides were completed yet (only the one from Balthazar's Lair), however my party was unable to meet Sandro in his room. I usually understood that either of the leader rooms (Necromancer's Guild, Temple of the Sun) would only close after completion of the quest favoring its opposite side.
Then I remember what I have done to reach such embarassing situation: before 'cleaning up' the Temple of the Sun in Murmurwoods in order to take the brazier, I have completed the quest for the Eclipse artifact shield; and for this, I had to take first Deyson Leyland deep inside the Necromancers' Guild (I went down until the Skeleton Transformer location, but without making this quest, of course) in order to [get more XP and to] activate some kind of 'more advanced hostile AI' in the dungeon so to be able to open the doors from the side corridors where the articact is secured; just attacking necromancers or vampires don't do the trick, even with Deyson Leyland in the party). I've thought it would be ok just to return later and talk to Sandro, as it is common in MM8 that you can still speak to most leaders despite being hostile to their dungeon and areas. In this adventure, though, I had no choice but to ally with the "cursed Temple of the Sun".
Now, I wonder... Did that happen because the FIRST of the 2 opposite dungeons I've set to 'advanced hostile AI' was the Necromancers' Guild and not the Temple of the Sun (for the latter, I guess taking the Nightshade Brazier seems to be the AI activator)? Would the room leader in the Temple of the Sun close, on an hypothetical inverse situation? Or, what happened to me would have just happened anyway (indifferent of the order of the 'invasion'), because it's only particular to the Necromancers' Guild to close its leader room after the party's invasion?
Edit: I've found out the Necromancers' Guild trigger for locking the Leader's room: it's when the party crosses a 'halt!' message which happens right in the begining of a corridor in the lower floor, after taking the central elevator (the elevator beyond that main door which require Deyson Leyland to open). So, it has nothing to do with the Eclipse Quest or attacking the necromancers spontaneously; the trigger is that specific 'halt!'-crossing.
Arcomage money
The text telling how much money the player receives on winning Arcomage games in the Inns of Jadame not showing; if I'm not wrong, it used to show in the horizontal info bar right above the 5 character portraits.
Pure Accuracy
The quest for the black potion of Pure Accuracy in one of the houses of the small ogre village southeast of Ravage Roaming, is not given to the player; not only the quest isn't inscribed in the Quest notes, on delivering the ingredients there is no Experience gained.
Balthazar's Lair, freeing the Herd quest, Thanys
This one seems quite complicated and returns in multiple weird game behaviors.
If this Dungeon Map is cleared before the 'Form an Alliance' episode, even though Thanys will be able to join the party (provide talking to Masul first), and Masul will thank you in his throne room for saving the Herd from the flood, there is no completion of the Quest ['save the Herd'] in the Quest notes, and no Experience gained altogether; simultaneously, Thanys's quest option in his NPC dialogue in his room will disappear as soon as the player talked to Masul.
Also, and controversely, If one takes the Quest from Thanys, cleans up the dungeon and may even use the 'Last' lever which empties the lair (showing the video animation), but do not enter in Masul's throne room, and return to talk to Thanys, his Quest chat option will make him give you the same quest again! Like resetting the Quest (that is: 1) presenting again the original quest speech dialogue; 2) making the magic ping sound and making the magic animation on the character portrait who takes the quest). So actually nothing happens.

(But, what I think is happening, is that at this point, there ARE elements set to deliver the Quest to Thanys, but instead of its completion, the Quest is being reset that way for some reason). Maybe this was just not meant to be completed before reaching the Alliance episode, and so in this case the 'Free the Herd' and the 'Form an Alliance with the Minotaurs' are both just one quest after all?
Edgar Fellmoon
I think this issue was known... No money is delivered by the NPC on finishing one of his quests (that is, the Smuggler's quest); but in the dialogue he tells he gives the player money.
Minotaur Lord Promotion
I guess this one is known too. Once the quest is taken, the quest option in the NPC dialogue vanishes; and it will only reappear after something is done about the Axe of Balthazar; which usually makes players confused.
PS: Also, this vanishing quest option issue seems to be a recurrent thing it MM8. Another example I've just remembered now is the Lizardmen's quest of delivering 6 scrolls of Cure Disease to the distant huts. The quest giver's in his hut (near the magic shop of Dagger Wound Island) has his quest chat option vanished after the player picks the quest and until he or she delivers all the 6 scrolls.
Edit: Another occurence I've remember was the dire wolves quest NPC in Ravenshore.
Misterious 10,000+ Experience Points on Promotion Quests delivering [only]
I'll give an hypothetical example to understand what's going on, using the Promotion Quest for the Priest of the Sun, in Murmurwoods:
Let's say you bring the quest item Prophecies of the Sun with your main character, a Knight, who has as followers: 2 Clerics [not promoted yet] (e.g., Fredrick Talimere, Maylander) and 1 Priest of the Sun [already promoted] (e.g., Verish). What's going to happen is that each of the characters will receive at that moment X amount of Experience Points, but the 2 Clerics that are actually the Class that is being Promoted (in this unique event of quest delivering), will receive an extra 10,000 Experience Points. If later on you bring another Cleric to promote to Priest of the Sun (for example, Deyson Leyland [not promoted yet]), this character will not benefit from that extra Experience bonus, although will be promoted to Priest of the Sun. I don't really know where do the extra 10,000 Experience Points come from nor if it has to make sense, but isn't there something strange to this behavior? Shouldn't the promoted Classes (whenever the Promotion happens), get those 10,000+ extra? Or maybe such extra points shouldn't exist at all?
This same system seems to apply to all other Class Promotions in MM8.