[MM6] Is There Any Data On Stuns From Weapon Skills?

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Bandobras Took
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[MM6] Is There Any Data On Stuns From Weapon Skills?

Unread postby Bandobras Took » 06 Feb 2020, 22:26

I'm assuming the chance to stun is equal to the skill rank, and that stunning an opponent keeps them from acting for a short time.

Those are both vast assumptions, though. Even if they're accurate, how long does the stun last? Is it affected by anything? Are there enemies that are immune to it?

Mainly, I'm curious if four party members devoted to increasing stun chance can actually stunlock a given enemy.
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Re: [MM6] Is There Any Data On Stuns From Weapon Skills?

Unread postby raekuul » 06 Feb 2020, 23:14

I suppose the first thing to test is the concept that "stunning an opponent keeps them from acting for a short time," via the Earth Magic stun spell. (My understanding is that all it does is knockback, which gives you enough time in realtime mode to disengage - provided immunity doesn't screw you over)

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Bandobras Took
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Re: [MM6] Is There Any Data On Stuns From Weapon Skills?

Unread postby Bandobras Took » 06 Feb 2020, 23:40

That's a question, too . . . is the stun effect of weapons just a copy of the Earth Spell, or is it its own effect?
Far too many people speak their minds without first verifying the quality of their source material.

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