MM: Chess Royale Released

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MM: Chess Royale Released

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 29 Jan 2020, 22:34

The game was released and it's available for download. Supported platforms are Android, iOS and PC(via UPlay). If you are curious for autobattler let go for it.

Need to say, that we here, are not. There were much better attempts from Ubisoft in the past, MM:Showdown comes to mind, which was at least arty.

Autobattler means that you get your units ready, put them in formation and rest is handled by AI. It's perfectly fair, from some viewpoint.

But it doesn't sound like a fun. It's more just like playing Dice pretending, that these are Chess with microtransactions.
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Re: MM: Chess Royale Released

Unread postby Angelspit » 30 Jan 2020, 20:53

There is a very good video preview from GameSpot's Jess McDonnell here:

She has good insights for people like me who were unfamiliar with the auto battler/auto chess genre. As a long-time fan of the franchise, she was disappointed.
I'm on Steam and Xbox Live.

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Re: MM: Chess Royale Released

Unread postby BB Shockwave » 04 Feb 2020, 00:09

If even this site's article admits this is not much of a game at all, then you know Ubisoft messed up bad...

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