Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby candida » 24 Nov 2019, 10:10

Thonkerton wrote:https://youtu.be/9okFHYhR-IU
Don't know what to say, I can town portal to Shadowspire just fine.
Doesn't work in my case (the town hall is in color on the map, but cannot be clicked)


Fixed (just saved & loaded).
Last edited by candida on 24 Nov 2019, 10:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Thonkerton » 24 Nov 2019, 10:36

candida wrote:
Jezebeth Noir wrote:I like the idea about drowning in the plan of water. Now it's the easiest of all planes, it really needs some unique feature.

Axes looks extremely weak even with the last patch. How do you think, does it make sense to change it feature from breaking armour to chance to decapitate an enemy with one blow?

And once again about vampires. Don't you think it would be interestig to change vampirism from the ranged attack to vampirism buff on their unarmed attack?
Are you even aware of the fact that the axes inflict by far the highest damage of ALL weapons, especially two-hand versions?
One handed axes might look weaker than others if just going by the numbers but they don't really show the full effect of the halving AC. It may also throw off that one handed axes have lower base damage than others, especially compared to Halberds. I don't think any change needs to be made for them, especially now that you can make Dwarf Knight and they can GM Axe and Armsmaster. Whatever the base damage for axe is will be counterbalanced by the axe + armsmaster skill both increasing damage, whereas for swords you only get additional damage from Armsmaster, not from sword skill itself.
candida wrote:
Thonkerton wrote:https://youtu.be/9okFHYhR-IU
Don't know what to say, I can town portal to Shadowspire just fine.
Doesn't work in my case (the town hall is in color on the map, but cannot be clicked)
Did you drink from the central fountain in Shadowspire?
Last edited by Thonkerton on 24 Nov 2019, 10:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Jezebeth Noir » 24 Nov 2019, 11:16

candida wrote:Are you even aware of the fact that the axes inflict by far the highest damage of ALL weapons, especially two-hand versions?
It will depend on chance to decapitate enemy, it should not be too high. In addition GM in axes is available only for two exotic classes, rangers and minotaurus, and I wouldn't mind improving them. Especially minotaurus, for now a minotaur-paladin is better at everything than a minotaur-minotaur.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 24 Nov 2019, 13:07

Macros the Black wrote:Shouldn't Goblins be an available race if you start in Enroth?
Check the Tracker in my signature, check the optional modifications section, under there use the Character Creation Unlocker. By using it, you will be able to select any race class combination for every continent.

So if you want to for example have a Goblin Necromancer while starting in Enroth, you can.
There is also a new content due to this fact - if you make a Dragon Sorcerer (or a Dragon Necromancer), you can turn him into a Dracolich later, with custom paperdoll and custom portrait animations.

Also there are now Minotaur Liches, Dwarven Liches,... and also zombies.

GDSpectra promised that she will work on the Troll Lich (Troll Zombie is already done) after she is finished with the Golden Dragon.

If you haven't checked yet, check out the Black Dragon, it's awesome. You will be able to make one during character creation if you use the unlocker. I think it has been implemented in the newest Merge version?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 24 Nov 2019, 13:14

candida wrote:• Many chests have different contents when you open and close them (by the 2nd opening, 99% there is one more item, even the artifacts/relics come twice (B).
It's not different contents, if the generated loot is too big to fit the chest, it remains in limbo until you empty space for it and reopen the chest.

This wasn't the case in Vanilla and I'm not sure if it's intended, maybe yes maybe no, in any case very strange. If it fits, it sits, if it doesn't, it doesn't
That has been the case of vanilla + GF patch for YEARS now. :canthear:

The artifact / relics coming twice however, that might be a bug.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Dess » 24 Nov 2019, 17:07

Just an update on the missing vase and dragon egg quest items. Tried a full reinstall and patched up the game, items still dont spawn, I have also tried asking the seer for lost items but he doesnt provide them either, sadly.

edit: Another update. Got the dragon egg to spawn now, it was there all of a sudden after making a whole new playthrough (one that didnt include any would-be warlocks unfortunatley) but the vase problem still persists.
Last edited by Dess on 24 Nov 2019, 19:10, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby candida » 24 Nov 2019, 20:20

Templayer wrote:
candida wrote:• Many chests have different contents when you open and close them (by the 2nd opening, 99% there is one more item, even the artifacts/relics come twice (B).
It's not different contents, if the generated loot is too big to fit the chest, it remains in limbo until you empty space for it and reopen the chest.

This wasn't the case in Vanilla and I'm not sure if it's intended, maybe yes maybe no, in any case very strange. If it fits, it sits, if it doesn't, it doesn't
That has been the case of vanilla + GF patch for YEARS now. :canthear:

The artifact / relics coming twice however, that might be a bug.
I got 2 Ethric Staves from the same chest in Escaton's Palace. In another one, I got 2 Yoruba plate armor after closing and re-opening.
Nice for your pocket to sell them, though :D

As for Vanilla + GF, I don't know, I installed GF only for the merge, but Vanilla without GF did not have this.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Thonkerton » 24 Nov 2019, 20:36

candida wrote:
Templayer wrote:
candida wrote:• Many chests have different contents when you open and close them (by the 2nd opening, 99% there is one more item, even the artifacts/relics come twice (B).
It's not different contents, if the generated loot is too big to fit the chest, it remains in limbo until you empty space for it and reopen the chest.

This wasn't the case in Vanilla and I'm not sure if it's intended, maybe yes maybe no, in any case very strange. If it fits, it sits, if it doesn't, it doesn't
That has been the case of vanilla + GF patch for YEARS now. :canthear:

The artifact / relics coming twice however, that might be a bug.
I got 2 Ethric Staves from the same chest in Escaton's Palace. In another one, I got 2 Yoruba plate armor after closing and re-opening.
Nice for your pocket to sell them, though :D

As for Vanilla + GF, I don't know, I installed GF only for the merge, but Vanilla without GF did not have this.
Escaton's Palace has weird "hardcoded" features with artifacts that probably cause conflicts with merge, I got 4 Thors there. The vanilla behavior for the place is to give you all the artifacts that spawned in the world elsewhere but you didn't pick up or artifacts that didn't spawn in the world to be picked up. Or something like that. This is further increased by the removal of artifact limits in Merge. I would prefer to have actually good gear rather than copies of artifacts that are mediocre, especially considering how Bolster takes equipment value into account.
Last edited by Thonkerton on 24 Nov 2019, 20:38, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby raekuul » 24 Nov 2019, 22:07

Jezebeth Noir wrote:
candida wrote:Are you even aware of the fact that the axes inflict by far the highest damage of ALL weapons, especially two-hand versions?
It will depend on chance to decapitate enemy, it should not be too high. In addition GM in axes is available only for two exotic classes, rangers and minotaurus, and I wouldn't mind improving them. Especially minotaurus, for now a minotaur-paladin is better at everything than a minotaur-minotaur.
With how race skills are implemented, a Dwarven Knight would also be allowed to learn Grandmastery in Axes (Class Mastery + Dwarf Basic), which is where the "Axes have the highest damage of ALL weapons" comes from as a Knight gets Grandmaster Armsmaster as well, which is an additional +20 to damage amd -20 to cooldown rate at legal minimum. (Please note that this works even without the Racial Skills mod - the Racial Skills table shipped with Merge gives +1 Axe Mastery to Dwarves and Minotaurs, leading to an otherwise-impossible "Dwarf Cleric With An Axe")
Last edited by raekuul on 24 Nov 2019, 22:09, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Rodril » 25 Nov 2019, 00:13

Showing up, to avoid causing frustration, how it was at summer. I have not done updates recently, because i've jumped deep into monster's AI implementation of original engine, and changes i've made, are very raw and are not tested enough. More conrete, i've became tired of monsters hitting walls with their heads, when you stand just behind the corner, or goblins and guards in New Sorpigal gazing at each other being unable to jump over short wall. I would like to make monsters smarter at tracking player's location, also i'd like to make them able to climb over small obstacles. Of course, this will be optional or even part of bolstering mechanic.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Anubis » 25 Nov 2019, 00:20

I would absolutely love to see smarter AI in the Might and Magic series. Best of luck in your endeavors with that, Rodril!

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Macros the Black » 25 Nov 2019, 01:56

• Lesser Earth Elemental casts blades at Level 9 Master while Earth elemental casts rock blast at Level 5 Master, also Vanilla bug, I think (V, B).
I think this was intentional in the vanilla game for balancing purposes; blades is a very weak spell while rock blast is quite powerful (especially used against you).
• Regnan Crossbowman is a WOMAN, maybe it’s better to change the name to archer, etc. (C).
Archer applies only to bow users. For crossbows, the word is Arbalist. :)
Templayer wrote:
Macros the Black wrote:Shouldn't Goblins be an available race if you start in Enroth?
Check the Tracker in my signature, check the optional modifications section, under there use the Character Creation Unlocker. By using it, you will be able to select any race class combination for every continent.
Yes, not to worry, I know about the tracker and the unlocker :tsup:
I was merely commenting on what seemed like a possible small oversight to me since for instance Minotaurs seem to be allowed in Enroth without the unlocker :)
Last edited by Macros the Black on 25 Nov 2019, 02:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 25 Nov 2019, 18:49

candida wrote:
Templayer wrote:
candida wrote:• Many chests have different contents when you open and close them (by the 2nd opening, 99% there is one more item, even the artifacts/relics come twice (B).
It's not different contents, if the generated loot is too big to fit the chest, it remains in limbo until you empty space for it and reopen the chest.

This wasn't the case in Vanilla and I'm not sure if it's intended, maybe yes maybe no, in any case very strange. If it fits, it sits, if it doesn't, it doesn't
That has been the case of vanilla + GF patch for YEARS now. :canthear:

The artifact / relics coming twice however, that might be a bug.
I got 2 Ethric Staves from the same chest in Escaton's Palace. In another one, I got 2 Yoruba plate armor after closing and re-opening.
Nice for your pocket to sell them, though :D

As for Vanilla + GF, I don't know, I installed GF only for the merge, but Vanilla without GF did not have this.
Yes, vanilla without GF outright deletes overflowing items, and if it is a quest item you can even soft-lock your game, I think.
I much prefer the safer way GF employs.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 25 Nov 2019, 18:57

Thonkerton wrote:
candida wrote:
Templayer wrote: That has been the case of vanilla + GF patch for YEARS now. :canthear:

The artifact / relics coming twice however, that might be a bug.
I got 2 Ethric Staves from the same chest in Escaton's Palace. In another one, I got 2 Yoruba plate armor after closing and re-opening.
Nice for your pocket to sell them, though :D

As for Vanilla + GF, I don't know, I installed GF only for the merge, but Vanilla without GF did not have this.
Escaton's Palace has weird "hardcoded" features with artifacts that probably cause conflicts with merge, I got 4 Thors there. The vanilla behavior for the place is to give you all the artifacts that spawned in the world elsewhere but you didn't pick up or artifacts that didn't spawn in the world to be picked up. Or something like that. This is further increased by the removal of artifact limits in Merge. I would prefer to have actually good gear rather than copies of artifacts that are mediocre, especially considering how Bolster takes equipment value into account.
Added to candida's report as an extension of the duplicated items he described there.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 25 Nov 2019, 19:00

Rodril wrote:Hello.
Showing up, to avoid causing frustration, how it was at summer. I have not done updates recently, because i've jumped deep into monster's AI implementation of original engine, and changes i've made, are very raw and are not tested enough. More conrete, i've became tired of monsters hitting walls with their heads, when you stand just behind the corner, or goblins and guards in New Sorpigal gazing at each other being unable to jump over short wall. I would like to make monsters smarter at tracking player's location, also i'd like to make them able to climb over small obstacles. Of course, this will be optional or even part of bolstering mechanic.
Holy crap, YES. That would be amazing!

That would certainly breathe a new life into the M&M formula and experience!

EDIT: Also that was the second time I thought you got hit by a car and thus left us as orphans.
Last edited by Templayer on 25 Nov 2019, 19:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 26 Nov 2019, 16:29

Rodril wrote:Hello.
Showing up, to avoid causing frustration, how it was at summer. I have not done updates recently, because i've jumped deep into monster's AI implementation of original engine, and changes i've made, are very raw and are not tested enough. More concrete, i've became tired of monsters hitting walls with their heads, when you stand just behind the corner, or goblins and guards in New Sorpigal gazing at each other being unable to jump over short wall. I would like to make monsters smarter at tracking player's location, also i'd like to make them able to climb over small obstacles. Of course, this will be optional or even part of bolstering mechanic.
Thank everything at that, since I was starting to get worried that stuff are getting out of hand when it comes to new stuff as well as new bug reports (the infamous"missing vase" one still happens, apparently, as well as one user gave out a HUGE bug report a page ago. Thanks, that person!) ... and I kind of am still, since I don't wish you to spend your entire time just polishing this game in order to remove both old and new bugs that this mechanic might cause (in which case, I definitely support it and I wish you all the luck with it! :tsup: ), since well, I really don't wish you to overflood you with stuff like new gear and whatnots (as you can see in CIQ in the Tracker with those bloody MM6 hats and helmets and all). ^^;

Speaking of mechanics and since you're the only one I know that knows this sort of stuff, can you tell me what does it take to get a new character into the game like MM8 and make it properly functional as well, please? I'm planning on doing that with vanilla MM8 and I have no idea where to start. ^^;
Last edited by SpectralDragon on 26 Nov 2019, 16:45, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 26 Nov 2019, 16:43

Xfing wrote:Aight, here goes. If you don't want this quest to be repeatable, those parts can of course be omitted:

After Tor Anwyn declines your Warlock quest due to you being on the Light path, another dialogue option appears with him: "Dragon"


"Then again... as I said, I don't blame you for choosing the Light. I actually have taken quite a shine to you guys, and I've heard of your deeds. I might be able to help you after all, though perhaps not in the way expected. Ever wanted to have a dragon? Your own dragon? Taming these things is a pain, let me tell you, and requires months if not years of hard work. But if you raise one from a hatchling, it'll be attached to you, just like an animal or a person. See, I happen to know a spell that forces a dragon to hatch from its egg and to grow quickly afterwards. It's part of the Warlock familiar ritual, actually - though as we have already discussed, the ritual wouldn't take with you guys. You are too lacking in ambition and lust for power that the magic feeds off. But no harm done - just get a dragon egg here and I'll hatch it for you. You'll have to feed the little guy until he grows and can be of any help to you, mind you! First one is on the house - if you happen to want more, you'll have to compensate me for the service - it's quite an exhausting spell to perform after all! Oh, and the hard part is that those eggs can only be found in the dragon caves of the Land of Giants. Sorry for not mentioning it earlier - you'll have your work cut out for you, but it'll be worth it!"


"No luck yet? Can't blame you, not everyone can just waltz into a cave full of dragons and heartlessly steal their unborn offspring. I mean you guys are kind fellows after all, right? And it might be a bit tricky to do for other reasons too, like dragons being the most powerful magical beasts in the lands... Oh well, keep trying! Just come see me when you succeed."


"You did it! Let me look at it! (Tor admires the egg from multiple angles before carefully laying it down on a table and delicately tapping it with his wand). There, that should do it! I swear, that easily took all the juice out of me! I'll need hours of bed rest after this! Anyway, here's your healthy little critter. Just feed him well and he'll grow into a self-sufficient beast soon enough! Oh, and he'll need a name too of course, though you can wait with that until he grows bigger."


"You've actually succeeded! And you've brought more than just one egg too! Let's take a look! (Tor examines your collection of dragon eggs, visibly impressed). There are several types of dragons for you to choose from. As we agreed, I can do only one of them right now, so tell me which one you want and I'll hatch him for ya."

Options appear based on how many types of eggs you have: "Green Dragon", "Gold Dragon", "Red Dragon", "Black Dragon".


"I understand, you need to think about it. Well, take your time."


"Very well, <chosen dragon type> it is! Now let's get down to business. (Tor takes an egg of the dragon color you chose and carefully sets it on his table, then taps it gently with his wand). There, that did it! He'll be out of the shell in no time at all! Take good care of the adorable little thing, will ya? And good luck on your journeys, my Lords! I need to take a rest, this spell always runs me ragged!"


"Alright, so about this compensation we talked about. 200,000 gold pieces will cover it, I suppose. We of the Warlock's Guild have our expenses and don't just do charity dragon hatching, mind you! And it goes without saying that you'll need to procure more eggs too, which I don't imagine will be to easy to do."

Afterwards it just loops to the previous dragon-hatching dialogues. Upon deciding, 200,000 is automatically deducted from the party's funds. If you don't have enough, Tor will just say:

"Sorry, that's not the amount we agreed upon. Please come back when you have the gold."

And that's pretty much it lol
I'm imagining all of this in MM7's setting and it all just fits. Well done, xfing, this one is just what we need in order for those not using the Unlocker to get the Gold Dragon if they get the egg containing it/choose to have it (mind it, people, Gold Dragon will sound the same as Brown Dragon, which I'm completely alright with!). Bumping it forward! :D :D
Templayer wrote:[GDSpectra promised that she will work on the Troll Lich (Troll Zombie is already done) after she is finished with the Golden Dragon.
If you wish to know if the Black Dragon is in, just check Altered Gamez's Dragon Squad videos. ;) When it comes to Troll Lich though, since people don't like the idea of it here (or at least ones that spoke up here), I'll make it exclusively for you. Any person that wishes to have a Troll Lich in their mod/game will need to ask YOU personally in order to get the assets, once I start doing them, that is. It's much easier for me this way.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 26 Nov 2019, 18:19

SpectralDragon wrote: If you wish to know if the Black Dragon is in, just check Altered Gamez's Dragon Squad videos. ;) When it comes to Troll Lich though, since people don't like the idea of it here (or at least ones that spoke up here), I'll make it exclusively for you. Any person that wishes to have a Troll Lich in their mod/game will need to ask YOU personally in order to get the assets, once I start doing them, that is. It's much easier for me this way.
I do not understand that. I do not remember anyone speaking against the Troll Lich. And the first thing I am going to do with these assets will be sharing them with everybody and putting them in the implementation queue anyway.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Strobe » 27 Nov 2019, 00:11

Rodril wrote:Hello.
Showing up, to avoid causing frustration, how it was at summer. I have not done updates recently, because i've jumped deep into monster's AI implementation of original engine, and changes i've made, are very raw and are not tested enough. More conrete, i've became tired of monsters hitting walls with their heads, when you stand just behind the corner, or goblins and guards in New Sorpigal gazing at each other being unable to jump over short wall. I would like to make monsters smarter at tracking player's location, also i'd like to make them able to climb over small obstacles. Of course, this will be optional or even part of bolstering mechanic.
Wow, if that is possible to do, it would be amazing! Hope this idea will see day light some day.
Dess wrote: Just an update on the missing vase and dragon egg quest items. Tried a full reinstall and patched up the game, items still dont spawn, I have also tried asking the seer for lost items but he doesnt provide them either, sadly.

edit: Another update. Got the dragon egg to spawn now, it was there all of a sudden after making a whole new playthrough (one that didnt include any would-be warlocks unfortunatley) but the vase problem still persists.
Hmm, i just did today the vase quest, worked fine. I didn't started dragon eggs.

The first quest i found not working is Arch Druid quest. Zokarr's skull not spawned, however Zokarr's Poleaxe (or Halberd dunno) is there.
Not sure, if this is well known, but im listing eveything i find, making sure everything will be reported here.


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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Dess » 27 Nov 2019, 06:46

I did the arch druid quest just fine, you get the skull by clicking on the bone pile next to the axe I believe.

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