Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 02 Nov 2019, 13:34

Templayer wrote:And this is why we should already have a Merge.ini file with options.
default value = false

And an installer where you can check those as checkboxes.
As most such big mods do. :P
Talk to Rodril about that then. ^^;
Rodril wrote: :gong:

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 02 Nov 2019, 13:38

Templayer wrote:Some funny examples:


I expect something similar for the google translated parts of the Czech translation, but I haven't had the courage to look yet. :D :D
You better do, since that is just embarrassing.

Also, I˙m dying from laughter at "He vomited a long postcard" (is he a wizard??) and "He afterdid himself" ones, since at the latter one I know EXACTLY what the line says even if I´m not Czech myself. XDDD

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 02 Nov 2019, 15:25

SpectralDragon wrote:
Templayer wrote:Some funny examples:


I expect something similar for the google translated parts of the Czech translation, but I haven't had the courage to look yet. :D :D
You better do, since that is just embarrassing.

Also, I˙m dying from laughter at "He vomited a long postcard" (is he a wizard??) and "He afterdid himself" ones, since at the latter one I know EXACTLY what the line says even if I´m not Czech myself. XDDD
:D :D
GrayFace wrote:
I have a bug report or something akin to it. My Merge crashes (HARD, no debug screen or anything) to desktop if I try recording it with DXTORY. Other software simply doesn't produce good enough results (like at least 30 FPS) or doesn't work either. Could there be something done to make it more compatible with it? I tried every possible option and codec I could think of with DXTORY.
How to record a 1440p resolution Merge at 30 (and more) FPS with zero quality loss? I have been trying to do that for months now, with no avail.

My specs are decent. FX 8350 CPU (4 GHz per core, one thread per core, 8 physical cores), GTX Titan X 12 GB GPU, 24 GB RAM, Operating system located on an SSD, and the drive the files are saved to is another SSD.

If my screen wasn't a DisplayPort 1.4 2K 165FPS one, I wouldn't have brought an HDMI capture card at this point, just for this game. Unfortunately it looks like decent DisplayPort capture cards do not exist, unless you are the army or somethin'.

ErrorLog.txt from the Merge folder:

Code: Select all


Time: 2.11.2019 15:56:27 (02.11.2019 14:56:27 UTC)
Windows Version 6.1 Service Pack 1

Exception EAccessViolation in module DXTORY~1.DLL at 0007F4DA.
Access violation at address 5F93F4DA in module 'DXTORY~1.DLL'. Read of address 88760244.

Function Calls:

5F93F160 | V:\DXTORY~1.0NA\DXTORY~1.DLL + 7F160
5F93F1C1 | V:\DXTORY~1.0NA\DXTORY~1.DLL + 7F1C1
5F93E560 | V:\DXTORY~1.0NA\DXTORY~1.DLL + 7E560
5F924D7A | V:\DXTORY~1.0NA\DXTORY~1.DLL + 64D7A
5F9251CF | V:\DXTORY~1.0NA\DXTORY~1.DLL + 651CF
5F91A23A | V:\DXTORY~1.0NA\DXTORY~1.DLL + 5A23A
5F917FE5 | V:\DXTORY~1.0NA\DXTORY~1.DLL + 57FE5
03BC0CEE ? H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8patch.dll + 60CEE
03BC0CEE ? H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8patch.dll + 60CEE
0049BA26 | H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8.exe + 9BA26
0049D27A | H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8.exe + 9D27A
004C1DE2 ? H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8.exe + C1DE2
004D1D51 ? H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8.exe + D1D51
00460BE4 | H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8.exe + 60BE4
00460E2A | H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8.exe + 60E2A
73143EA8 ? C:\Windows\AppPatch\AcLayers.DLL + 3EA8
778C0034 ? C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll + 20034
7633E21D ? C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll + E21D
7633E339 ? C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll + E339
7317EFDE ? C:\Windows\AppPatch\AcLayers.DLL + 3EFDE
03B7ED97 ? H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8patch.dll + 1ED97
03B7EDB3 ? H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8patch.dll + 1EDB3
03BCC2F1 ? H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8patch.dll + 6C2F1
03BD7DCD ? H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8patch.dll + 77DCD
03BD65C1 ? H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8patch.dll + 765C1
004DC906 | H:\MIGHTA~2\MM8.exe + DC906
76337508 ? C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll + 7508
766533C8 | C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll + 133C8
778D9ED0 | C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll + 39ED0
778D9EA0 | C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll + 39EA0


EAX = 88760244
EBX = 88760244
ECX = 27307B10
EDX = 00000002
ESI = 27307B18
EDI = 27307B6C
EBP = 0018FABC
ESP = 0018FAB8

Stack Trace:

0018FAB8: 2730A010
0018FABC: 0018FAD4 | Last EBP
0018FAC0: 5F93F162 | V:\DXTORY~1.0NA\DXTORY~1.DLL + 7F162
0018FAC4: 27307B6C
0018FAC8: 2731C284
0018FACC: 27307B6C
0018FAD0: 27309F84
0018FAD4: 0018FAE8 | Last EBP
0018FAD8: 5F93F1C6 | V:\DXTORY~1.0NA\DXTORY~1.DLL + 7F1C6

Last edited by Templayer on 02 Nov 2019, 15:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Thonkerton » 02 Nov 2019, 16:07

Templayer wrote: I have a bug report or something akin to it. My Merge crashes (HARD, no debug screen or anything) to desktop if I try recording it with DXTORY. Other software simply doesn't produce good enough results (like at least 30 FPS) or doesn't work either. Could there be something done to make it more compatible with it? I tried every possible option and codec I could think of with DXTORY.
How to record a 1440p resolution Merge at 30 (and more) FPS with zero quality loss? I have been trying to do that for months now, with no avail.

My specs are decent. FX 8350 CPU (4 GHz per core, one thread per core, 8 physical cores), GTX Titan X 12 GB GPU, 24 GB RAM, Operating system located on an SSD, and the drive the files are saved to is another SSD.

If my screen wasn't a DisplayPort 1.4 2K 165FPS one, I wouldn't have brought an HDMI capture card at this point, just for this game. Unfortunately it looks like decent DisplayPort capture cards do not exist, unless you are the army or somethin'.
Well, according to California, FX 8350 does not have 8 physical cores :D
Is OBS also not working properly for you? I was able to record 1080p 60fps "lossless" both with x264 and NVENC with no issue with similar PC. i7 4790K (4 cores, 8 threads), 32gb RAM, GTX 1070 (8gb) and all SSD. With x264 encoding I did notice CPU usage at around 50% but the quality settings were pretty maxed out and it didn't affect game or recording at all, just woke up the CPU cooler. With NVENC there was no performance issues whatsoever and something like 1440p should be just as doable.

Your one issue may be the SSD write speeds being lower than what true lossless 1440p 60fps content requires, which is something around 450MB/s. SATA 3 is also capped around 550MB/s, dunno if that's 550MB total transfer rate or if there's 550 for in and out separately, I assume it's total transfer rate so if you're reading and writing a lot on the SSD, it could also cap the SATA 3.
Just out of curiosity, why record lossless? Or did you just mean perceived lossless?

Here's the short clip I recorded with NVENC, the artifacts are from youtube encoding, the actual video files were clean.
Last edited by Thonkerton on 02 Nov 2019, 16:09, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby kkkender » 02 Nov 2019, 17:00

Templayer wrote:Point 3 might actually not be a bug - the time might count WHILE you are in the said time-space (i.e. continent). Makes sense in a trans-dimensional sense. :D :D
I thought so, but the year in UI is consistent through the dimensions, and that confused me. I understand though, that it would be a great trouble to try implementing separate timelines into the game. I'll try to see what happens in a year on this timespace. Also, just hope quests are not broken totally by me leaving the continent :)

upd. Report after year +2-4 months on target continent. Nothing's changed, I just visited Judge, king, queen and my castle and didn't find any trace of plot development. Also throughout the year I didn't see any knights fighting with elves, which I expected from one of side quest's description. So, seems like plane travel does crash the Antagarich timeline
SpectralDragon wrote:As for kkender's Town Portal bug, please, answer me this: Is your Water Magic marked as Master or Grand?
Since being able to choose the place of your Town Portal destination is meant for Grand-level Water Magic.
Not sure if I understand the question. On Master as well as Grand you can choose the town, or - in Dimensional Door - the continent, and I never heard of choosing certain coordinates. Coordinates I received in error message are default and the same wherever I try to teleport to and from. Game crashes on UI change, which just can also happen when travelling between continents, no problems with teleport itself.
Last edited by kkkender on 02 Nov 2019, 17:47, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby raekuul » 02 Nov 2019, 18:13

<deleted, reposting with quote/ping>
Last edited by raekuul on 02 Nov 2019, 18:15, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby raekuul » 02 Nov 2019, 18:16

SpectralDragon wrote:As for kkender's Town Portal bug, please, answer me this: Is your Water Magic marked as Master or Grand?
Since being able to choose the place of your Town Portal destination is meant for Grand-level Water Magic.
Choice of Destination being restricted by skill tier was exclusive to MM6, where you had to be a Master in Water Magic to get your choice of destination.

MM7 and MM8 require you to be a Master in Water Magic before you can legally learn Town Portal in the first place, so that distinction is now meaningless. The GM perk is that you don't have to be in a "safe" situation to cast the spell.
Last edited by raekuul on 02 Nov 2019, 18:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby mimickxd » 02 Nov 2019, 19:36

OK, to clarify things:

1) I have Water Magic Mastery (not Grand Mastery), also 10 + 3 points in that skill. I use Town Portal spell like it was intended, only if "My team is safe". This should not be obligatory with Grand Mastery which for now I lack. My point is that in MM7 when using Town Portal spell with only Mastery, you could choose where to teleport. This "usually" works that way. However, sometimes I have this "bug", that when I use it, the map appears and the choice is made automatically and randomly. This also happens when using TP to teleport to other continent. It is just chosen randomly, puff, I can't do anything. I think this is a bug but dunno, maybe was it intended?

2) Well, I thought that I can make cleric -> priest -> high priest -> high priest of light (so not -way but 4-way of promotion, something cool actually :D), so in that particular way I "can" maintain dark magic on M level and have light magic on GM level. As I understand, now when using High Priest, the High Priest of the Light Quest from MM7 does nothing, and the only way to "promote" is to change path so also "forget" dark magic, right?
My question is - why is it resolved like that? I may be wrong here, but this 4-way promotion path seems more fun (come on, MM6-8 are about being OP super-duper beings), as well as a guy who developed light magic at all in MM6-8 world was the same guy who developed dark magic. So it "should" be possible, even in some way.
Now I also think it was a pity to take a Druid as another magic caster in team, because now Lich seems still a much better option :p.
Last edited by mimickxd on 02 Nov 2019, 19:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby raekuul » 02 Nov 2019, 19:50

Ok, so we do need a little more information about your issue (since crossing continents is supposed to dump you in a random location)
1) When this happens, where are you when you're casting Town Portal?
2) Are you arriving at a "normal" town portal destination (i.e. at the Big Fountain at Blackshire, or near the reflecting pool in Castle Harmondale), or in a random location on the map (such as anywhere in Tatalia or Murmurwoods)

With respect to moving from High Priest to Priest of Light/Dark - My understanding is that the cross-promotion routine is also supposed to remove your incompatible path skill (sealing off the spells). If you want both paths on the same character, you can't gain GM in either (which would be consistent with MM6, which didn't have GM in the first place, in spite of the loss of Souldrinker and Divine Intervention). Personally, I'd rather have a Light Magic specialist and a Dark Magic specialist (like what you'd get in MM8) compared to two being able to cast from both paths since Souldrinker is a lifesaver at times and GM Hour of Power is too convenient to pass up.
Last edited by raekuul on 02 Nov 2019, 19:53, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby mimickxd » 02 Nov 2019, 20:42

raekuul wrote:Ok, so we do need a little more information about your issue (since crossing continents is supposed to dump you in a random location)
1) When this happens, where are you when you're casting Town Portal?
2) Are you arriving at a "normal" town portal destination (i.e. at the Big Fountain at Blackshire, or near the reflecting pool in Castle Harmondale), or in a random location on the map (such as anywhere in Tatalia or Murmurwoods)
It's not exactly like that. When you use TP spell, you get to see a map, e.g. Antagariach map. You can choose Harmondale or Erathia etc. Thing is, sometime I cannot choose anything, as something is chosen automatically in a blink of an eye and I am teleported to one of possible locations from my map. Same thing happens with Dimension Door, normally you get the map to teleport to Jadame, Enroth etc. Sometimes I just get teleported randomly to one of those 3 and in there I am indeed teleported to a random location on a map.
raekuul wrote: With respect to moving from High Priest to Priest of Light/Dark - My understanding is that the cross-promotion routine is also supposed to remove your incompatible path skill (sealing off the spells). If you want both paths on the same character, you can't gain GM in either (which would be consistent with MM6, which didn't have GM in the first place, in spite of the loss of Souldrinker and Divine Intervention). Personally, I'd rather have a Light Magic specialist and a Dark Magic specialist (like what you'd get in MM8) compared to two being able to cast from both paths since Souldrinker is a lifesaver at times and GM Hour of Power is too convenient to pass up.
Yeah, I misunderstood the whole thing. I thought that by doing High Priest -> Priest of the Light, I can keep Dark Mastery but still learn GM Light mastery (I didn't aspire to get GM Dark and Soul Drinker). It's a pity now because I am too far in the game (level 50+) to start again and having that knowledge I would have taken a mage instead of druid.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby raekuul » 02 Nov 2019, 21:38

mimickxd wrote:
raekuul wrote:Ok, so we do need a little more information about your issue (since crossing continents is supposed to dump you in a random location)
1) When this happens, where are you when you're casting Town Portal?
2) Are you arriving at a "normal" town portal destination (i.e. at the Big Fountain at Blackshire, or near the reflecting pool in Castle Harmondale), or in a random location on the map (such as anywhere in Tatalia or Murmurwoods)
It's not exactly like that. When you use TP spell, you get to see a map, e.g. Antagariach map. You can choose Harmondale or Erathia etc. Thing is, sometime I cannot choose anything, as something is chosen automatically in a blink of an eye and I am teleported to one of possible locations from my map. Same thing happens with Dimension Door, normally you get the map to teleport to Jadame, Enroth etc. Sometimes I just get teleported randomly to one of those 3 and in there I am indeed teleported to a random location on a map.
Does it happen if you click slowly when casting Town Portal? Does it happen if you cast Town Portal as a Quickspell? Do Enchant Item or Recharge Item also break in a similar way?
Last edited by raekuul on 02 Nov 2019, 21:41, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby mimickxd » 03 Nov 2019, 00:29

raekuul wrote:
mimickxd wrote:
raekuul wrote:Ok, so we do need a little more information about your issue (since crossing continents is supposed to dump you in a random location)
1) When this happens, where are you when you're casting Town Portal?
2) Are you arriving at a "normal" town portal destination (i.e. at the Big Fountain at Blackshire, or near the reflecting pool in Castle Harmondale), or in a random location on the map (such as anywhere in Tatalia or Murmurwoods)
It's not exactly like that. When you use TP spell, you get to see a map, e.g. Antagariach map. You can choose Harmondale or Erathia etc. Thing is, sometime I cannot choose anything, as something is chosen automatically in a blink of an eye and I am teleported to one of possible locations from my map. Same thing happens with Dimension Door, normally you get the map to teleport to Jadame, Enroth etc. Sometimes I just get teleported randomly to one of those 3 and in there I am indeed teleported to a random location on a map.
Does it happen if you click slowly when casting Town Portal? Does it happen if you cast Town Portal as a Quickspell? Do Enchant Item or Recharge Item also break in a similar way?
When I use it the traditional, slow way. I don't use Quickspell during my playthrough, about enchant item.. I haven't seen this effect during enchanting. But it may be possible, I'll check later. Also, I don't use Recharge Item, so have no data in that field.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Daedros » 03 Nov 2019, 02:09

mimickxd wrote:
raekuul wrote:Ok, so we do need a little more information about your issue (since crossing continents is supposed to dump you in a random location)
1) When this happens, where are you when you're casting Town Portal?
2) Are you arriving at a "normal" town portal destination (i.e. at the Big Fountain at Blackshire, or near the reflecting pool in Castle Harmondale), or in a random location on the map (such as anywhere in Tatalia or Murmurwoods)
It's not exactly like that. When you use TP spell, you get to see a map, e.g. Antagariach map. You can choose Harmondale or Erathia etc. Thing is, sometime I cannot choose anything, as something is chosen automatically in a blink of an eye and I am teleported to one of possible locations from my map. Same thing happens with Dimension Door, normally you get the map to teleport to Jadame, Enroth etc. Sometimes I just get teleported randomly to one of those 3 and in there I am indeed teleported to a random location on a map.
It almost sounds like you have a malfunctioning mouse button that is rapid double clicking and therefore selecting your teleport destination if your mouse is over a location on the map. I've had mouses do that before, click once, and it double clicks lightning fast. Really annoying.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Arch-vile » 03 Nov 2019, 10:08

Czech localization NPC error:



Lloyd's beacon labels error



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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Nov 2019, 11:04

Thonkerton wrote:
Templayer wrote: I have a bug report or something akin to it. My Merge crashes (HARD, no debug screen or anything) to desktop if I try recording it with DXTORY. Other software simply doesn't produce good enough results (like at least 30 FPS) or doesn't work either. Could there be something done to make it more compatible with it? I tried every possible option and codec I could think of with DXTORY.
How to record a 1440p resolution Merge at 30 (and more) FPS with zero quality loss? I have been trying to do that for months now, with no avail.

My specs are decent. FX 8350 CPU (4 GHz per core, one thread per core, 8 physical cores), GTX Titan X 12 GB GPU, 24 GB RAM, Operating system located on an SSD, and the drive the files are saved to is another SSD.

If my screen wasn't a DisplayPort 1.4 2K 165FPS one, I wouldn't have brought an HDMI capture card at this point, just for this game. Unfortunately it looks like decent DisplayPort capture cards do not exist, unless you are the army or somethin'.
Well, according to California, FX 8350 does not have 8 physical cores :D
Is OBS also not working properly for you? I was able to record 1080p 60fps "lossless" both with x264 and NVENC with no issue with similar PC. i7 4790K (4 cores, 8 threads), 32gb RAM, GTX 1070 (8gb) and all SSD. With x264 encoding I did notice CPU usage at around 50% but the quality settings were pretty maxed out and it didn't affect game or recording at all, just woke up the CPU cooler. With NVENC there was no performance issues whatsoever and something like 1440p should be just as doable.

Your one issue may be the SSD write speeds being lower than what true lossless 1440p 60fps content requires, which is something around 450MB/s. SATA 3 is also capped around 550MB/s, dunno if that's 550MB total transfer rate or if there's 550 for in and out separately, I assume it's total transfer rate so if you're reading and writing a lot on the SSD, it could also cap the SATA 3.
Just out of curiosity, why record lossless? Or did you just mean perceived lossless?

Here's the short clip I recorded with NVENC, the artifacts are from youtube encoding, the actual video files were clean.
Wrong, it has 8 physical cores, but they are set into two modules per, which share some resources. No logical cores shennanigans.

It has 8 integer cores, which is why its considered an 8 core. it has 4 FPU shared between each module. 4 modules with 2 int cores and 1 FPU per module. :P

There is a single FPU per module but it has two independent 128-bit FMAC pipes to allow executing two instructions (one from each thread) in parallel. So arguably each module has two FPUs when running 128-bit instructions and one FPU when running AVX-256 instructions (or MMX instructions).

Also thanks for the answer, but 1440p and 1080p are surprisingly different to record. I can record 1080p just fine, even with Bandicam and MPEG1. 2560x1440p is quite a lot more pixels to record. :P

OBS bugs for me, hard. I had a setup that work with x264 and it worked for a time. Then suddenly I can see the game fine (Xcom 1 the firaxis remake), but the recorded video is choppy as heck (actually choppy, tried different players of course). So I switched to NVENC. Again it worked for a time, and then suddenly, without any chances, choppy videos (which shouldn't even be, given that NVENC is a completely standalone thing!). I am unable to use OBS to produce fluid videos for the Merge (tried everything, even a crapload of FFMPEG codecs with OBS, to no avail).

So far DXTORY is the only thing capable of recording 60 FPS 1440p gameplay for me, and it crashes the Merge...

Also as you have suggested, I meant perceived lossless. Even though DXTORY I am using Lagarith (a lossless encoder) to record 60 FPS 1440p, so in that case I do actually mean lossless, but I prefer perceived lossless.
Last edited by Templayer on 03 Nov 2019, 11:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Nov 2019, 11:10

Arch-vile wrote:Czech localization NPC error:



Lloyd's beacon labels error


Good job. What I do not get is why didn't Rodril test it before. Probably didn't have much time, as he doesn't have much time in recent days.

Added to the Bug Report.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Nov 2019, 11:33

kkkender wrote: upd. Report after year +2-4 months on target continent. Nothing's changed, I just visited Judge, king, queen and my castle and didn't find any trace of plot development. Also throughout the year I didn't see any knights fighting with elves, which I expected from one of side quest's description. So, seems like plane travel does crash the Antagarich timeline
Added to the original bug report as an update.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby raekuul » 03 Nov 2019, 12:04

Templayer wrote:DXTORY crashes the Merge...
I have the same issue with MM7 and MM6, so it might not be merge itself so much as a conflict with Grayface's patch.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Nov 2019, 12:39

Templayer wrote:
Thonkerton wrote:
Templayer wrote: I have a bug report or something akin to it. My Merge crashes (HARD, no debug screen or anything) to desktop if I try recording it with DXTORY. Other software simply doesn't produce good enough results (like at least 30 FPS) or doesn't work either. Could there be something done to make it more compatible with it? I tried every possible option and codec I could think of with DXTORY.
How to record a 1440p resolution Merge at 30 (and more) FPS with zero quality loss? I have been trying to do that for months now, with no avail.

My specs are decent. FX 8350 CPU (4 GHz per core, one thread per core, 8 physical cores), GTX Titan X 12 GB GPU, 24 GB RAM, Operating system located on an SSD, and the drive the files are saved to is another SSD.

If my screen wasn't a DisplayPort 1.4 2K 165FPS one, I wouldn't have brought an HDMI capture card at this point, just for this game. Unfortunately it looks like decent DisplayPort capture cards do not exist, unless you are the army or somethin'.
Well, according to California, FX 8350 does not have 8 physical cores :D
Is OBS also not working properly for you? I was able to record 1080p 60fps "lossless" both with x264 and NVENC with no issue with similar PC. i7 4790K (4 cores, 8 threads), 32gb RAM, GTX 1070 (8gb) and all SSD. With x264 encoding I did notice CPU usage at around 50% but the quality settings were pretty maxed out and it didn't affect game or recording at all, just woke up the CPU cooler. With NVENC there was no performance issues whatsoever and something like 1440p should be just as doable.

Your one issue may be the SSD write speeds being lower than what true lossless 1440p 60fps content requires, which is something around 450MB/s. SATA 3 is also capped around 550MB/s, dunno if that's 550MB total transfer rate or if there's 550 for in and out separately, I assume it's total transfer rate so if you're reading and writing a lot on the SSD, it could also cap the SATA 3.
Just out of curiosity, why record lossless? Or did you just mean perceived lossless?

Here's the short clip I recorded with NVENC, the artifacts are from youtube encoding, the actual video files were clean.
Wrong, it has 8 physical cores, but they are set into two modules per, which share some resources. No logical cores shennanigans.

It has 8 integer cores, which is why its considered an 8 core. it has 4 FPU shared between each module. 4 modules with 2 int cores and 1 FPU per module. :P

There is a single FPU per module but it has two independent 128-bit FMAC pipes to allow executing two instructions (one from each thread) in parallel. So arguably each module has two FPUs when running 128-bit instructions and one FPU when running AVX-256 instructions (or MMX instructions).

Also thanks for the answer, but 1440p and 1080p are surprisingly different to record. I can record 1080p just fine, even with Bandicam and MPEG1. 2560x1440p is quite a lot more pixels to record. :P

OBS bugs for me, hard. I had a setup that work with x264 and it worked for a time. Then suddenly I can see the game fine (Xcom 1 the firaxis remake), but the recorded video is choppy as heck (actually choppy, tried different players of course). So I switched to NVENC. Again it worked for a time, and then suddenly, without any chances, choppy videos (which shouldn't even be, given that NVENC is a completely standalone thing!). I am unable to use OBS to produce fluid videos for the Merge (tried everything, even a crapload of FFMPEG codecs with OBS, to no avail).

So far DXTORY is the only thing capable of recording 60 FPS 1440p gameplay for me, and it crashes the Merge...

Also as you have suggested, I meant perceived lossless. Even though DXTORY I am using Lagarith (a lossless encoder) to record 60 FPS 1440p, so in that case I do actually mean lossless, but I prefer perceived lossless.
You know, to continue this mini-thread - I just updated OBS to the newest version and tried again. Choppy playback. So tried out various settings, it always told me that the encoder is overloaded. So I decided to try to go low as low I can go with it. 250 kbps constant bitrate mode. Guess what? Encoder is overloaded and choppy as hell. Unfortunately OBS doesn't support Lagarith it seems, so I cannot try that instead, but I presume that if both 250 kbps CRF x254 and NVENC produce choppy videos with OBS, and DXTORY works fine, it might be OBS' fault. What a steaming pile of garbage. And I have a few 250 000 kbps (max) videos recorded with it flawlessly, until it started doing this and no setting is helping it no matter what (tried for months, every single setting everywhere). Video here (not only low quality, but choppy as well): https://youtu.be/uDN29uKjjDY

But let's continue this mini-thread through PMs, people here might not be interested in this. Unless OBS doesn't work for them and DXTORY crashes the Merge for them as well, then it might. :D
MMMerge Tracker (= Info + Paint Tracker + Missing Features + Suggestions):
Anybody can view or suggest edits.

Dedicated MMMerge Forum (Bug Tracker included): shorturl.at/lryAF

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