Making Randomized Recruits go to the Adventurer's Inn
Can you make so that — as in MM8 mechanics, at least for how it works for most of its Recruits — whenever you tell "YES" to a Randomized Recruit to Join your Party and he/she replies that your Party is full (because it is), he/she goes nonethless to the Adventurer's Inn?
Retroactive and Cumulative/Accumulated bonuses of the pilgrimage Shrines in Enroth continent
I don't know how it is working now… But, what if the pilgrimage Shrines of MM6 (which are already Cumulative, year by year: i.e., let's say, Shrine of Might: +10 Mig in first pilgrimage, then +3 Mig for any future ones), were actually Retroactive, so that, if you happen to miss or skip the month of the year for it (or even many years of it), the time you succeed at pilgrimage, you get the current bonus plus all that you might have missed, Retroactively? For example, you started the game in Jadame, but you only arrived in January 1174 in the Shrine of Might of Enroth; 2 years of pilgrimage lost. But, isn't this a Time Travelling storyline? What if, when you do this first pilgrimage later, the bonus you get is +10+3+3 = +16 Might, instead of just +10 Might?
Reset Systems for Maps and Shops? VISITING EVENT × SCHEDULED
Remember the Town Hall in New Sorpigal? The clerk tells you that the resources for the shops arrive every Tuesdays. This was mostly never really true, as the Resetting system for the game engine works not like the Boats and Coaches (i.e., Scheduled), but by Visiting Event (the first time you open a shop on visiting it), or the first time you visit a Map Region, or a Dungeon Map. This "Visting Event" system for the Resets of Shops AND Maps made the game quite more complicated than necessary in my opinion; sometimes making the player having to note down specific information about his 'own-made Visiting Events' (both of Maps and Shops); also, this Visting Event mechanics implied that, in order to obtain the most profit of Shops and Maps, concerning Resets/Respawns, there was a logical way to focus the starting of the game in 'rushing around the world', to be 'there' (to generate Visiting Events) as soon as possible. It's funny of course how this affects gameplay for certain players (like me!); but it's also very annoying if you start to considering that, a simple feature like that, made the game a lot more exploitable even though complicated in some sense.
I don't know if anything has been changed about the systems of Resets of Maps/Dungeons and Shops. But as an experienced player, I'd strongly suggest an 'upgrade' from 'VISITING EVENT' systems to 'GENERALIZED SCHEDULED' systems. In order to compensate for this change (as it is also possible to exploit this system somehow anwyays), Resets (especially of Shops) could take a bit longer than usual, or even quite longer. The fact, anyways, is that it seems logical that a Shops receives its products scheduled by the logistics/trade time, and not 'YOUR TIME'!
Add in-game information about Random Recruits
I'm still not quite sure what governs the Random Recruits timings and availability; as I cannot find information anywhere (not in the Tracker, not in-game). As much as I know, those Random Recruits can appear (or even not appear) in certain Training Halls and Inns, probably whenever you enter the Map in the first time; and there seem to have a chance of a respawn that might take something like about 1 month; I'm not sure, but I think I've seen it.
It would be nice if there was some tips chats/messages/informations in the game talking about the reality of those Recruits.
Randomization of Recruits affected by already-took Portraits feature?
Wouldn't it be nice if the Randomizing Recruits NEVER used the Portraits of the Characters you've created already, or that have already Randomly spawned or already Recruited? Look, I've started a game with only one character in Enroth; then I was eager to see my Random Recruit who might have spawn at the Training Hall at New Sorpigal… I was so frustrated it was a character with the SAME PORTRAIT of my main character. I just gave up that game.
![sad :(](/forums/images/smilies/sad.gif)
Sad. Maybe one day this kind of thing could be avoided? (Yes! I am one of those 'traumatized' people, by MM8 Recruits with all same Portraits multiple times!
![smile_teeth :D](/forums/images/smilies/smile_teeth.gif)
Fix minor speech mechanics in houses? maybe one day…
There is something really annoying in this game engine, generally speaking, which is that, sometimes (or always?), even without selecting the portrait of a NPC in a house to chat with, certain of his/her chat options are actualised as if you have already talked to them, by just entering and leaving the building, and entering again. This happens very clearly with the Daggerwound Island Town Hall NPCs. It is a bit more subtle, but I think also happens with every single Teacher greeting speeches in the houses of Jadame. This is vanilla stuff of course; dumb 'AI'.
'Monster' characters HUE variation: minimally improving issue of Portraits (expected) repetitions
Is it possible to have, like, Lich Portrait hue variations, for minimal aesthetics differentiation between those monster characters which have very little original variation (e.g., Male/Female), despite the fact that the game (MM7 and especially MM8) allowed you to have multiple of those fellows in your Party?
Of course, Liches is just the most symbolic example! I think the same situation applies to Zombies, Trolls, Minotaurs and Dragons (but Dragons have benefited already from whole new Portraits [incredible new Portraits btw!]
![applause :applause:](/forums/images/smilies/applause.gif)
The idea of hue variation might be just a very crude alternative, in addition to other greater stuff.