Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 25 Sep 2019, 13:59

Rodril wrote:
Kaikhorus wrote:Got a crash in Deyja from bolstered Harpies (the game doesn't crash when I enter Deyja with bolstered monsters off). My main character's level is 103 if that helps. Here's a save and the MM8extension debug output below. I'm using the latest patch that I downloaded today. Hope this helps!
Fixed, thank you. Apply latest patch: https://mega.nz/#!i2Zn3ABT!49Ce_fUj4gxZ ... ZW4_qvZCkk
I was JUST about to add it to the Bug Tracker! :D :D :D
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 25 Sep 2019, 14:19

Templayer wrote:YAAY. Can't wait to see your in-game pictures for the items you are repainting, after I saw that helmet...
As long as I can rely on people, especially you, on testing those things, since the Content Implementation Queue is bursting at the seams. Also, I hope that DaveHer might link me his own versions of the Angelic Helm, he just fixed some stuff like naming and such. ^^; I cannot test those stuff myself seeing how I'm still the one doing graphics ... he he he.
GrayFace wrote: :gong:
Jamesx wrote: :gong:
Just a notice for you 2 I you both wish to either fix both Male and Female Zombie Dwarf paperdolls or completely redo them, since they're really messed up compared to others due to me being a nasty newbie. ^^; :D
Last edited by SpectralDragon on 25 Sep 2019, 14:23, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 25 Sep 2019, 14:23

SpectralDragon wrote:
Templayer wrote:YAAY. Can't wait to see your in-game pictures for the items you are repainting, after I saw that helmet...
As long as I can rely on people, especially you, on testing those things, since the Content Implementation Queue is bursting at the seams. Also, I hope that DaveHer might link me his own versions of the Angelic Helm, he just fixed some stuff like naming and such. ^^; I cannot test those stuff myself seeing how I'm still the one doing graphics ... he he he.
It is not bursting at the seams, you are just being impatient. :D
We can use people to test stuff out. As you can plainly see, there are people making even ridiculous combinations. Eventually there are going to be zombie challenge runs, trust me! :D
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 25 Sep 2019, 14:28

Templayer wrote:It is not bursting at the seams, you are just being impatient. :D
We can use people to test stuff out. As you can plainly see, there are people making even ridiculous combinations. Eventually there are going to be zombie challenge runs, trust me! :D
If only, since I don't wish the Tracker to load even slower from turning the Content Implementation Queue into a mountain (and Rodril too would be grateful as well, I can believe, since Content Implementation Queue was made to gather stuff yet to be implemented in, not ones that already are and were confirmed to work as they're supposed to. :devious: ), since the Tutorial and Paint Tracker ones are already doing that. :P Also, my brother is planning to play the Merge at the start of December, thus ... yeah. (shrug)
I'd LOVE to see that be a Let's Play on YouTube! XD

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 25 Sep 2019, 14:59

I just translated the TxtEdit tool for txt table editing to Czech. The translated file was already sent to GrayFace.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Rodril » 25 Sep 2019, 16:18

UnknownHuman wrote:How exactly do you "unlock" characters to chose/create from ?
Open "Character selection.txt" from "Data\Tables" folder with GrayFace's TxtEdit. Names of races you can check in "Class Starting Stats.txt". Put "x" symbol into cell to make race/class combination available. Check "Portrait exeptions", "Available races" and "Available classes" fields.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby candida » 25 Sep 2019, 18:43

Templayer wrote:Some bugs removed from the Bug Tracker since they were evidently fixed (not reported as fixed by Rodril though, but by the reporter)

Code: Select all

Reported by: candida » Sep 14 2019, 20:08
No “I’ve got it or I’ve disarmed it" sound when the chest is disarmed, reaction only if the chest explodes
This one is not fixed

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby gurthaur » 25 Sep 2019, 20:12

Greetings. There is no vase over fireplace at Markhams Manor in Tatalia. I believe the code is "7OBJ268", or perhaps maybe something else. Can I add it to myself with console commands?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 25 Sep 2019, 21:39

UnknownHuman wrote:@Rodril.

Thanks mate :)

How exactly do you "unlock" characters to chose/create from ?

Or you can check the Tracker for an Unlocker that simply unlocks any race class combination on any continent. If you are lazy like us. :D

I missed this post from before, I am sorry.
candida wrote:
Templayer wrote:Some bugs removed from the Bug Tracker since they were evidently fixed (not reported as fixed by Rodril though, but by the reporter)

Code: Select all

Reported by: candida » Sep 14 2019, 20:08
No “I’ve got it or I’ve disarmed it" sound when the chest is disarmed, reaction only if the chest explodes
This one is not fixed
Then why did you suggest removing that line? I accepted your suggestion, thinking you tested it and it was removed, same as the other suggestion that was made by you in similar fashion...
gurthaur wrote:Greetings. There is no vase over fireplace at Markhams Manor in Tatalia. I believe the code is "7OBJ268", or perhaps maybe something else. Can I add it to myself with console commands?
On the Tracker look for Cheat Engine - a Cheat Engine was made specifically for the Merge. You can modify your characters, add any item, etc.
EDIT: Or you can use the console, but you need to know the index number of the item. What you have is not an index number, I am aftraid. :D (but an index number can be found from it if you find the indexing table that refers to your string "7OBJ268", I think. It's almost midnight here and I am too lazy to check. :P )
Last edited by Templayer on 25 Sep 2019, 21:42, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby DaveHer » 26 Sep 2019, 00:45

I am helping SpectralDragon with the MM6 helmets but the names of the helmets in the icons.lod is not the same as in the rnditems.txt See link. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yy7YZ ... 3K6X9kLOyz Is that the way it suppose to be? Also in MM6 there are three different colors for invisible background one is something like a pink. Is this true for MM678merge?
Last edited by DaveHer on 26 Sep 2019, 00:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Kaikhorus » 26 Sep 2019, 02:13

Am I wrong in thinking Dual Wielding is still bugged? On my first Troll I have GM Mace 22, M Sword 8 and M Armsmaster 24 (+17). The statistics page shows my unbuffed damage as 90-102, and when I take my sword out of the off hand the damage goes to 92-98. If I make Mace skill 23, my damage also stays 90-102 but goes to 93-99 without the sword. Feels like there is a conflict with the Mace skill adding damage and the offhand weapon, here is a save file of my characters with spare skill points to test around if it helps.

As an aside, Mace and Trolls are quite powerful and not often talked about. Trolls do a chunk less damage than Knights with their Master Armsmaster limit, but paralyzing dragons and titans is just brilliant. Having a huge health pool, free powerful heal every few minutes from GM regeneration and solid resistances from GM leather without buffing and my druid giving them resistance potions (take that Maddening Eyes and Liches!) makes a solid start to endgame character (not insane OP like some of the interesting combos being talked about though!).
Rodril wrote:
Kaikhorus wrote:Got a crash in Deyja from bolstered Harpies (the game doesn't crash when I enter Deyja with bolstered monsters off). My main character's level is 103 if that helps. Here's a save and the MM8extension debug output below. I'm using the latest patch that I downloaded today. Hope this helps!
Fixed, thank you. Apply latest patch: https://mega.nz/#!i2Zn3ABT!49Ce_fUj4gxZ ... ZW4_qvZCkk
Uploading version with fix, will be available in 15 min.
The fix worked, thanks Rodril!
Last edited by Kaikhorus on 26 Sep 2019, 02:21, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 26 Sep 2019, 05:39

Kaikhorus wrote:Am I wrong in thinking Dual Wielding is still bugged? On my first Troll I have GM Mace 22, M Sword 8 and M Armsmaster 24 (+17). The statistics page shows my unbuffed damage as 90-102, and when I take my sword out of the off hand the damage goes to 92-98. If I make Mace skill 23, my damage also stays 90-102 but goes to 93-99 without the sword. Feels like there is a conflict with the Mace skill adding damage and the offhand weapon, here is a save file of my characters with spare skill points to test around if it helps.
I made a thread about this a while ago. Not sure, but I think
said it was intended and alright, but I might be mistaken, it was a while ago. I believe this is something to be fixed on base MM8 level as well. Here's the thread if you're interested:

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 26 Sep 2019, 05:54

Xfing wrote: :gong:
Hey, since you know how to do apparel and helmets and all, do you know how to answer this in case Rodril isn˙t here?
DaveHer wrote:@Rodril
I am helping SpectralDragon with the MM6 helmets but the names of the helmets in the icons.lod is not the same as in the rnditems.txt See link. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yy7YZ ... 3K6X9kLOyz Is that the way it suppose to be?
Also in MM6 there are three different colors for invisible background one is something like a pink. Is this true for MM678merge?
I´m asking the same about the backgrounds for MM6 stuff, since they have that strange off-purple background that is nothing like the 00ffff azure one. ^^;
And yes, I´m doing those bloody helmets now. At least MM6 ones. :devious:
Last edited by SpectralDragon on 26 Sep 2019, 05:55, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 26 Sep 2019, 07:25

You can get the .zip file HERE: https://sta.sh/0a95sblj8gn

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 26 Sep 2019, 09:01

I think the background color should be the pink that's in all MM8 assets, not sure though. As for helmet naming conflicts, I'm not sure if there were any name changes for helmets in the tiering mod, or if they have, if they've already been implemented.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 26 Sep 2019, 09:08

Xfing wrote:I think the background color should be the pink that's in all MM8 assets, not sure though. As for helmet naming conflicts, I'm not sure if there were any name changes for helmets in the tiering mod, or if they have, if they've already been implemented.
Was told that by DaveHer as well and thus I˙m keeping the "base" helm (named just "helm(number)") inside these .zip files as well, since I don˙t know the exact color code for it in RGB setting compared to azure I used here (which is "00ffff" in RGB setting, which changes to "00fcfc" one in Indexed one) and I don´t wish to see the background show up in the game/mod because I used the wrong shade of pink/purple on it. ^^; :D :D ^^; Also, all MM8 paperdolls I got have that same azure background and from other people˙s tests, it´s properly seen as "invisible" by the game, thus you can consider said azure "a trusted go-to background color". ^^; :D I can only imagine MM6 assets have this pink/purple background because the vanilla game sees that color as "invisible". (thinking)
Which they weren´t. At least when it comes to this one and Angelic Helm they hadn˙t been implemented yet. I think either Rodril or GrayFace would know more about that.

Also yes, now your dream is coming true: someone is working on gear. :tongue: :tongue:
Last edited by SpectralDragon on 26 Sep 2019, 09:10, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 26 Sep 2019, 09:24

Kaikhorus wrote:Am I wrong in thinking Dual Wielding is still bugged? On my first Troll I have GM Mace 22, M Sword 8 and M Armsmaster 24 (+17). The statistics page shows my unbuffed damage as 90-102, and when I take my sword out of the off hand the damage goes to 92-98. If I make Mace skill 23, my damage also stays 90-102 but goes to 93-99 without the sword. Feels like there is a conflict with the Mace skill adding damage and the offhand weapon, here is a save file of my characters with spare skill points to test around if it helps.
I will add that to the Bug Tracker for now.
GM mace and M sword, what an ungodly combination.
I wonder how good a GM mace and GM dagger character would be (i.e. a Troll (GM mace) with a class that can GM daggers).
SpectralDragon wrote:MORE HELMS! :D :D :D
You can get the .zip file HERE: https://sta.sh/0a95sblj8gn
:devious: :applause:
Can't wait for in-game pictures. :devious: :hoo:
Last edited by Templayer on 26 Sep 2019, 09:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 26 Sep 2019, 11:48

We seem to have something more serious here:

Reported by: Kaikhorus » Sep 26 2019, 2:13
Temple of light monks crash the game, bolster monsters on/off:
d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:401: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'i' (a nil value)

Code: Select all

stack traceback:
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:401: in function 'GetMonsterTarget'
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:419: in function 'f'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1846: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1844>
    [C]: in function 'pcall'
    Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>
    [C]: in function 'call'
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:209: in function <d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:184>
    [C]: in function 'pcall'
    Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>

arguments of 'GetMonsterTarget':
    i = nil

local variables of 'GetMonsterTarget':
    (*temporary) = (table: 0x04a077d0)
    (*temporary) = 72050576
    (*temporary) = 1633180
    (*temporary) = (table: 0x04a07318)
    (*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'i' (a nil value)"

upvalues of 'GetMonsterTarget':
    u2 = (table: 0x04a077d0)
    TargetBuf = 72050576
In castle lament:
d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:14: array index (-90373.450617284) out of bounds [0, 69]

Code: Select all

stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'error'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1342: in function '__index'
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:14: in function 'GetMonster'
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:418: in function 'f'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1846: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1844>
    [C]: in function 'pcall'
    Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>
    [C]: in function 'call'
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:209: in function <d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:184>
    [C]: in function 'pcall'
    Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>

arguments of 'GetMonster':
    p = 2

local variables of 'GetMonster':
    i = -90373.450617284
    (*temporary) = (table: 0x0fef5da0)
    (*temporary) = (table: 0x13911018)
    (*temporary) = 1.8517306100996e-282
Last edited by Templayer on 26 Sep 2019, 11:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 26 Sep 2019, 13:17

Templayer wrote:I wonder how good a GM mace and GM dagger character would be (i.e. a Troll (GM mace) with a class that can GM daggers).
Aka a Troll Thief (Spy/Assassin) or a Troll Vampire (Nosferatu)? 8|
Templayer wrote:We seem to have something more serious here:

Reported by: Kaikhorus » Sep 26 2019, 2:13
Temple of light monks crash the game, bolster monsters on/off:

Code: Select all

d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:401: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'i' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:401: in function 'GetMonsterTarget'
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:419: in function 'f'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1846: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1844>
    [C]: in function 'pcall'
    Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>
    [C]: in function 'call'
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:209: in function <d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:184>
    [C]: in function 'pcall'
    Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>

arguments of 'GetMonsterTarget':
    i = nil

local variables of 'GetMonsterTarget':
    (*temporary) = (table: 0x04a077d0)
    (*temporary) = 72050576
    (*temporary) = 1633180
    (*temporary) = (table: 0x04a07318)
    (*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'i' (a nil value)"

upvalues of 'GetMonsterTarget':
    u2 = (table: 0x04a077d0)
    TargetBuf = 72050576
In Castle Lambent:

Code: Select all

d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:14: array index (-90373.450617284) out of bounds [0, 69]
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'error'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1342: in function '__index'
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:14: in function 'GetMonster'
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:418: in function 'f'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1846: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1844>
    [C]: in function 'pcall'
    Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>
    [C]: in function 'call'
    d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:209: in function <d:\Might and Magic VIII\Scripts\Global\Editor Navigate.lua:184>
    [C]: in function 'pcall'
    Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
    Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>

arguments of 'GetMonster':
    p = 2

local variables of 'GetMonster':
    i = -90373.450617284
    (*temporary) = (table: 0x0fef5da0)
    (*temporary) = (table: 0x13911018)
    (*temporary) = 1.8517306100996e-282
Here, let me fix those codes so that they display correctly in comments (good luck on these, Rodril!). Also, so many "temporary" stuff, they might as well be you! :D :D
You snowman.
Last edited by SpectralDragon on 26 Sep 2019, 13:21, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 22.09.2019]

Unread postby gurthaur » 26 Sep 2019, 14:11

I submitted the one above, couldn't know if I should it put on tracker or here.

So I went back to Jadame to do some massacre on Temple of the Sun instead, but Temple of the Sun secret button upstairs doesn't show up after jumping down (with GM Perception). Tried clicking on the spot, killing priests inside etc which also didn't work.

Also in Deyja, Pit Palace, aggroing script is bugged. Sometimes they trigger unnecessarily, sometimes not at all. You have to go to nearest boat near the entrance, unlike what guard says. Still you can get aggroed exiting boat outside court room.
Last edited by gurthaur on 26 Sep 2019, 14:27, edited 2 times in total.

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