Greetings! First of all, want to say a special word of thanks to all who creates this project! I love this game so much, it has really changed my life.
Hope this project will be developing in the future, it is great that there are a lot of us who loves good old games.
I have some ideas for the merge. The main is that I always consider that the world of MM7 game is not complete. The lack of some areas of world Antagarich is for sure a disadvantage and makes to wish them to be added.
So, I selected some areas that I think are very important and interesting and can be added in the game, but the question is it is possible to add these areas and with the help of which program it can be done.
It will be the following areas:
1. Krewlod. The land of orcs, goblins, and barbarians. Maybe we can visit the capital of severe citizens and get a chance to take part in the Festival of Life.
2.Vori. Of course who didn't want to travel to Vori and see the land of Snow Elves and Ice Creature, and get the secrets of making a Vori Cheese.
3. Bracada Highland. In mm7 we see only a desert part of this area, but it is common knowledge that Bracada is snow lands with great mountains.
4. Marshank. If I am not mistaken this is a capital of Tatalia, is it? It is very nice to see a center of these land in the game, and take some quests from king of Tatalia.
5. Eofol. The heart of kreegans.
6. The death kiss. The capital of Nighon under the ground.
7.Rionpoint. Have no idea yet.
This is a simple scheme of the map.
So If in theory, it is possible to add these areas in the game, I can start with making a model of each area in the editor, start with simple models in Heroes 3 map editor.
The next post will be about new classes and races!