MM3-5 modding?

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Is there a legit way to open both sides of Ellinger's Tower?

Unread postby Rune_Caster » 03 Jun 2010, 05:06

Depending on your answers when you enter the tower, either the left side opens or the right side opens... the only other way I have visited both sides is to use OverKill's darkside-uge editor plug in to edit my party location after I unlock the path to the stairs...

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This is weird while exploring the Volcano Cave Lv. 2...

Unread postby Rune_Caster » 04 Jun 2010, 03:13

I finished clearing the floor standing right next to the exit and I noticed "Danger Sense" bat telling me monsters can see my party. I cast Detect Monster and located two Demons X=4 Y=0. I tried to bash through the wall... no sucess... so I used darkside-uge editor and moved my parties location over to X=4 Y=0 and reloaded my save and killed the two demons then wondered how I would get out... I ended up bashing through the wall I couldn't bash through before... very weird... I even checked my game before last yep the monsters were in the same location...


X=18 Y=12 Found a Fire Dragon inside the wall of the Dragon Cave, had to use the ulg editor again lol

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Unread postby tolich » 04 Jun 2010, 17:58

Yep, I often detected monsters inside walls.

I think they were added to prevent the location to become 'Safe' (with no possible encounters while resting).

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Re: This is weird while exploring the Volcano Cave Lv. 2...

Unread postby Talin_Trollbane » 06 Jun 2010, 00:27

Rune_Caster wrote:I ended up bashing through the wall I couldn't bash through before... very weird... I even checked my game before last yep the monsters were in the same location...
i believe thats because the unbashable walls are locked textures on the outside but are bashable from the inside, i cleaned an entire level from walls with this method once.
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Ellinger's Tower at X=4 Y=4 found a Beholder Bat

Unread postby Rune_Caster » 07 Jun 2010, 08:38

Killed the Beholder Bat bashed through the wall on the 4th floor of Ellinger's Tower and out of curiosity I went through to the outside of the tower (where you cannot teleport) it dropped me down on the Elemental Plane of Air (with no Levitate spell) took one step as I fell down to the sky road and I was surrounded by Sky golems... lol

Wait, wasn't I below the skyroad and plane of air? lol I use a jewel of town portal (the game said I couldn't use it) I did and the game closed. lol

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Missing file

Unread postby Hayven » 04 Jan 2014, 15:26

Hey, I'm new here so hello there! :)

Sorry for digging this thread up but IMO it's better than creating new one ;)

Anyway, could somebody reupload the Xeenmusic.exe or send it on my email? It's inaccesible on the Rebirth of Xeen and I need it to read out the notes :D

Cheers :)


Nevermind, Musictest.exe was enough :)

But is there any way to convert music from MM3?

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Re: MM3-5 modding?

Unread postby Rune_Caster » 12 Jul 2019, 06:45

Is this project still alive?

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