GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.5.7 [Mar 4, 2022]

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby GrayFace » 27 Jun 2019, 03:21

EstelRandir wrote:The 2.3 patch offers an option to install a "Widescreen-friendly flexible UI in Hardware 3D mode." I did not find any documentation on how this new UI was "flexable" in the patch notes.
I meant that it adapts to any window size :)
EstelRandir wrote:So, I played around with them & got a feel for what they do. Is it possible to find a list of all the parameters of the MM UI & can we add our own to the mm7.ini?
These are all the parameters. StatusbarPosition can be from -1 to 1.
EstelRandir wrote:Say for instance, a parameter specifying the location of the UI elements I.E. the party portraits). Or the ability to turn back on parts of the UI that you turned off. etc. I would be interested in playing around with making my own UI.
What parts of the UI?
Yes, it's possible to write your very own UI (e.g. UILayout=Estel) or modify existing UI (e.g. creating estel.UI.txt. estel.icons.UI.txt). Layout definitions have a number of commands and some non-obvious quirks.
Last edited by GrayFace on 27 Jun 2019, 03:22, edited 1 time in total.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby EstelRandir » 28 Jun 2019, 01:24

GrayFace wrote:What parts of the UI?
I like the main game interface. But I personally do not prefer the missing sidebars, or the new mesh texture on the other screens like the shops, etc. Is it possible to have only the main game UI new & the rest of the windows, etc back to the original UI?
GrayFace wrote:Yes, it's possible to write your very own UI (e.g. UILayout=Estel) or modify existing UI (e.g. creating estel.UI.txt. estel.icons.UI.txt). Layout definitions have a number of commands and some non-obvious quirks.
I would like to move several of the UI elements such as the character portraits. I would like to line them up vertically on the side of the screen like MMIX. How exactly would I move any of the UI elements? I am not familiar at all with the might & magic interface coding, etc.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby GrayFace » 30 Jun 2019, 05:17

EstelRandir wrote:I like the main game interface. But I personally do not prefer the missing sidebars, or the new mesh texture on the other screens like the shops, etc. Is it possible to have only the main game UI new & the rest of the windows, etc back to the original UI?
Do you mean you want to see old UI with dialogs like Notes or Spell Book? And black bars?
EstelRandir wrote: I would like to move several of the UI elements such as the character portraits. I would like to line them up vertically on the side of the screen like MMIX. How exactly would I move any of the UI elements? I am not familiar at all with the might & magic interface coding, etc.
You'd need to search for the last use of the word "Party" and turn that command into NewX = 0, NewY = C + (offset for each player). Are you playing with a 4x3/5x4 screen or wide screen?
Last edited by GrayFace on 30 Jun 2019, 05:18, edited 1 time in total.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby EstelRandir » 30 Jun 2019, 17:27

GrayFace wrote:Are you playing with a 4x3/5x4 screen or wide screen?
Widescreen 16:9 monitor
GrayFace wrote:Do you mean you want to see old UI with dialogs like Notes or Spell Book? And black bars?
When I looked at your UI version, I had just been playing around with your patch without the UI & I was stretching everything. So when I saw your UI version as a comparison, it threw me off a bit. I see what you did now. The black/grey mesh sidebars on screens where you can see the game world behind the mesh texture; I.E. the map screen, talking with NPC's in the overworld, the character screen, the options screen, etc are for some reason disorientating to me. The screens where the mesh texture is overlaid on top of a solid color like interacting with shops, imo is much better. I like the feel that when going from one screen to another you are"going" to an isolated screen like the original game instead of "mixing" screens - if that makes sense. Is it possible to have a toggle option to use the solid color behind all of the mesh textures like in the shop screens?

On widescreen monitors there is so much more space than the old game format, I am curious if it is possible to enlarge (without stretching) the shop graphic to fill more of the screen & maybe make the character portraits vertical and move them to the side (in the unused space). If possible, it would really transform those screens very nicely.
GrayFace wrote:You'd need to search for the last use of the word "Party" and turn that command into NewX = 0, NewY = C + (offset for each player). Are you playing with a 4x3/5x4 screen or wide screen?
What file is that found in? Can you give me an example of what the old / new code would look like? I really have no idea how this games UI works. I am used to more modern games where the UI is more like skins.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby GrayFace » 02 Jul 2019, 13:41

EstelRandir wrote:When I looked at your UI version, I had just been playing around with your patch without the UI & I was stretching everything. So when I saw your UI version as a comparison, it threw me off a bit. I see what you did now. The black/grey mesh sidebars on screens where you can see the game world behind the mesh texture; I.E. the map screen, talking with NPC's in the overworld, the character screen, the options screen, etc are for some reason disorientating to me. The screens where the mesh texture is overlaid on top of a solid color like interacting with shops, imo is much better. I like the feel that when going from one screen to another you are"going" to an isolated screen like the original game instead of "mixing" screens - if that makes sense. Is it possible to have a toggle option to use the solid color behind all of the mesh textures like in the shop screens?
What about the main menu, cast spell and similar small screens?
EstelRandir wrote:On widescreen monitors there is so much more space than the old game format, I am curious if it is possible to enlarge (without stretching) the shop graphic to fill more of the screen & maybe make the character portraits vertical and move them to the side (in the unused space). If possible, it would really transform those screens very nicely.
I tried to experiment with it by making portraits smaller like in the base adventure screen and moving food/gold into a corner instead of the top bar, but it didn't look very well.
EstelRandir wrote:
GrayFace wrote:You'd need to search for the last use of the word "Party" and turn that command into NewX = 0, NewY = C + (offset for each player). Are you playing with a 4x3/5x4 screen or wide screen?
What file is that found in? Can you give me an example of what the old / new code would look like? I really have no idea how this games UI works. I am used to more modern games where the UI is more like skins.
Data\UI.txt. I personally don't see a point in vertical portraits on a wide screen, because not noticing them isn't what you'd want, instead you need to keep an eye on their health and whatnot.
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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby Anubis » 02 Jul 2019, 14:03

Minor bug: All the Kergar Ore scattered around on the ground in Tatalia region has the visual of Erudine Ore.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby Anubis » 05 Jul 2019, 19:29


For some reason, I crash in the Red Dwarf Mines (Located in Bracada Desert) from time to time. I know someone else in this thread a while back also had the same issue and we have no idea why.

Code: Select all

Time: 2019-07-05 1:27:25 PM (05.07.2019 19:27:25 UTC)
Windows Version 6.2 

Exception EAccessViolation in module mm7.exe at 00023B40.
Access violation at address 00423B40 in module 'mm7.exe'. Read of address 108FC94A.

Function Calls:

00423B40 | C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + 23B40
004AFF95 | C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + AFF95
00440C00 | C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + 40C00
00440C2F ? C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + 40C2F
00441D04 | C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + 41D04
00441299 | C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + 41299
00463789 ? C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + 63789
00462CC8 ? C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + 62CC8
00463026 ? C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + 63026
004CAC35 ? C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + CAC35
004CD889 ? C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + CD889
75010417 ? C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL + 20417
7708662B ? C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll + 6662B
770865F8 ? C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll + 665F8


EAX = 0002FFFD
EBX = 7F938CF0
ECX = 1089C950
EDX = 000077B8
ESI = 108FC94A
EDI = 0019FCE0
EBP = 0019FCFC
ESP = 0019FCD0

Stack Trace:

0019FCD0: 00000000
0019FCD4: 006F15FC
0019FCD8: 7F938CF0
0019FCDC: 00000ECD
0019FCE0: 0000FB88
0019FCE4: 00000D98
0019FCE8: 00000083
0019FCEC: 05F2D020
0019FCF0: 00000000
0019FCF4: 000000FE
0019FCF8: 00000000
0019FCFC: 0019FDAC | Last EBP
0019FD00: 004AFF9A | C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + AFF9A
0019FD04: FFFFFFD1
0019FD08: 00000048
0019FD0C: 00000000
0019FD10: 108DEC40
0019FD14: 108DF440
0019FD18: 108DF640
0019FD1C: 108DF6C0
0019FD20: 00180000
0019FD24: 00000005
0019FD28: 7F938CF0
0019FD2C: 04F5E618
0019FD30: 06782CB6
0019FD34: 00000005
0019FD38: 00000000
0019FD3C: 006F15FC
0019FD40: 000011D2
0019FD44: 00019500
0019FD48: 00000280
0019FD4C: 00F80F08
0019FD50: FFFFE992
0019FD54: 000377CB
0019FD58: 001780BC
0019FD5C: 108DF640
0019FD60: 06782CB6
0019FD64: 000001D4
0019FD68: 00019500
0019FD6C: 00000144
0019FD70: 7F9E23C0
0019FD74: 30104E01
0019FD78: 00180000
0019FD7C: 00000003
0019FD80: 0424057B
0019FD84: 00000000
0019FD88: 0000000E
0019FD8C: 00000000
0019FD90: 7FAB5160
0019FD94: 000000A2
0019FD98: 7F9E28C0
0019FD9C: 7F9E28C0
0019FDA0: 00000012
0019FDA4: 00000020
0019FDA8: 00000001
0019FDAC: 0019FDCC | Last EBP
0019FDB0: 00440C05 | C:\Program Files (x86)\Might & Magic VII\mm7.exe + 40C05


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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby raekuul » 07 Jul 2019, 16:50

Code: Select all

Time: 07/07/2019 12:39:43 (07.07.2019 16:39:43 UTC)
Windows Version 6.2 

Exception EAccessViolation in module MP3DEC.ASI at 00003C02.
Access violation at address 26F03C02 in module 'MP3DEC.ASI'. Write of address 092DF000.

Function Calls:

26F03C02 | B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\MP3DEC.ASI + 3C02
26F05CE5 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\MP3DEC.ASI + 5CE5
26F019D2 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\MP3DEC.ASI + 19D2
21112781 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 12781
21112556 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 12556
21112CE0 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 12CE0
21112C21 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 12C21
21101549 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 1549
21101638 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 1638
76B36357 ? C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL + 16357
77827A92 ? C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll + 67A92
77827A5F ? C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll + 67A5F


EAX = 00000000
EDX = 00000004
ESI = 092A40B8
EDI = 092DF000
EBP = 092A60D8
ESP = 0A30FDC0

Stack Trace:

0A30FDC0: 00000000
0A30FDC4: 00000000
0A30FDC8: 00000418
0A30FDCC: 092A40B8
0A30FDD0: 092A72F6
0A30FDD4: 092A6AB0
0A30FDD8: 000000C2
0A30FDDC: 092A40D4
0A30FDE0: 00000000
0A30FDE4: 092A6304
0A30FDE8: 00000000
0A30FDF4: 092A40B8
0A30FDF8: 00000001
0A30FDFC: 00000000
0A30FE00: 092A60D8
0A30FE04: 092A40D4
0A30FE08: 0000001C
0A30FE0C: 00000000
0A30FE10: 00000002
0A30FE14: 00000000
0A30FE18: 00000000
0A30FE1C: 00000001
0A30FE20: 00000000
0A30FE24: 0000B3E8
0A30FE28: 000000C2
0A30FE2C: 00000004
0A30FE30: 0000036A
0A30FE34: 26F05CEA ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\MP3DEC.ASI + 5CEA
0A30FE38: 00000000
0A30FE3C: 00000000
0A30FE40: 00000418
0A30FE44: 00000000
0A30FE48: 092A40B8
0A30FE4C: 00000001
0A30FE50: 00000001
0A30FE54: 00000005
0A30FE58: 00000002
0A30FE5C: 00000000
0A30FE60: 00000000
0A30FE64: 00000003
0A30FE68: 0000088A
0A30FE6C: 00000001
0A30FE70: 00000000
0A30FE74: 092A62D4
0A30FE78: 26F019D8 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\MP3DEC.ASI + 19D8
0A30FE7C: 00000002
0A30FE80: 0917C570
0A30FE84: 04CD2F58
0A30FE88: 00000002
0A30FE8C: 00000418
0A30FE90: 21112787 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 12787
0A30FE94: 092A40B8
0A30FE98: 04CD80D8
0A30FE9C: 00000000
0A30FEA0: 00003000
0A30FEA4: 0917C570
0A30FEA8: 00001001
0A30FEAC: 00000000
0A30FEB0: 0000003B
0A30FEB4: 092578A8
0A30FEB8: 00001FFF
0A30FEBC: 7FFE0010
0A30FEC0: 00005622
0A30FEC4: 00017385
0A30FEC8: 00000002
0A30FECC: 00000000
0A30FED0: 00000003
0A30FED4: 00000003
0A30FED8: 00000415
0A30FEDC: 00000000
0A30FEE0: 2111255B ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 1255B
0A30FEE4: 00000000
0A30FEE8: 0A01BF90
0A30FEEC: 00000001
0A30FEF0: 04CD2F58
0A30FEF4: 3D3F37FF
0A30FEF8: 00000000
0A30FEFC: 21112CE5 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 12CE5
0A30FF00: 00000000
0A30FF04: 04CD2F58
0A30FF08: 000002D0
0A30FF0C: 21112C26 ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 12C26
0A30FF10: 0A30FF80
0A30FF14: 011C6F88
0A30FF18: 00001770
0A30FF1C: 00000000
0A30FF20: 0000A910
0A30FF24: 00000000
0A30FF28: 00000000
0A30FF2C: 000002D0
0A30FF30: 00009EBC
0A30FF34: 2110154C ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 154C
0A30FF38: 0A01BF90
0A30FF3C: 76B43E40
0A30FF40: 76B43DC0
0A30FF44: 76B43E20
0A30FF48: 2110163D ? B:\Games\3DO\7 - For Blood and Honor\mss32.dll + 163D
0A30FF4C: 00000000
0A30FF50: 00000000
0A30FF54: 00000000
0A30FF58: 00000000
0A30FF5C: 00000000
0A30FF60: 211015B0
0A30FF64: 211015B0
0A30FF68: 00000000
0A30FF6C: 00000498
0A30FF70: 0000033C
0A30FF74: 76B36359 ? C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL + 16359
0A30FF78: 00000000
0A30FF7C: 76B36340
0A30FF80: 0A30FFDC
0A30FF84: 77827A94 ? C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll + 67A94
0A30FF88: 00000000
0A30FF8C: 77E66841
0A30FF90: 00000000
0A30FF94: 00000000
0A30FF98: 00000000
0A30FF9C: C0000005
0A30FFA0: 00000000
0A30FFA4: 7560A4A0
0A30FFA8: FC83E85F
0A30FFAC: F907D0BF
0A30FFB0: 00000000
0A30FFB4: 00000000
0A30FFB8: 0A30F7D4
0A30FFBC: 89E34CFF
0A30FFC0: 00000000
0A30FFC4: 0A30FF8C
0A30FFC8: 0A30F7D4
0A30FFCC: 0A30FFE4 |
0A30FFD0: 77839EA0 | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll + 79EA0
0A30FFD4: 0A5AF5F5
0A30FFD8: 00000000
0A30FFE0: 77827A64 ? C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll + 67A64
0A30FFE8: 77848E13 | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll + 88E13
MP3DEC crashed attempting to decode music from Crypt of the NecroDancer: OverClocked, specifically Chimpazilla's Mausoleum Mash (1-3) and Ben Briggs' Watch Your Step (Training). The songs in question have embedded album covers.

EDIT: Yeah, the video stream is what broke the decoding process. It's easy enough to remove with ffmpeg or general audio editing tools.
Last edited by raekuul on 07 Jul 2019, 18:59, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby Figo » 27 Jul 2019, 17:53

I've found a bug with the latest M&M patch:
I have a 2560x1080 desktop resolution, and starting the M&M7 (and 8) in Hardware Accelerated 3D (with BorderlessFullscreen=1) is causing the error:
"Exception Exception in module mm7.exe at 000A0667. Init - Failed to create D3D device."

The only solution to play in "Hardware Accelerated 3D" with widescreen options is to set desktop resolution to eg. 1920x1080 (with WindowWidth=-1, WindowHeight=1080).
Changing settings in mm7.ini to something like 21:9 is not working.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby GrayFace » 01 Aug 2019, 01:07

Figo wrote:I've found a bug with the latest M&M patch
It turned out to be a Direct3D bug. It just can't render to a surface bigger than 2048 in any dimension. All that can be done for now is setting RenderMaxWidth=2048. I don't know if this can be fixed without switching to a newer version of DirectX.
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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby Anubis » 01 Aug 2019, 18:57

Not sure if you'd consider this a bug, but:

This will occur if one is using your solo script for Might and Magic 7.

There's a Haste pedestal on Emerald Isle as well as Eeofol. Clicking on this Pedestal grants the Haste buff, which is applied to all party members. The Haste Pedestal will not work if one of your party members has the "Weak" condition.

The "possible bug" is that the "Weak" condition is applied to the dead party members from the Haste Pedestal. You must use a temple or the "Cure Weakness" spell to remove the "Weak" condition from the dead party members before one can use the Haste Pedestal again.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby GrayFace » 02 Aug 2019, 03:09

Anubis wrote:Not sure if you'd consider this a bug
It certainly is. Updated script: ... e.rar?dl=1
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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby Figo » 03 Aug 2019, 18:16

GrayFace wrote:
Figo wrote:I've found a bug with the latest M&M patch
It turned out to be a Direct3D bug. It just can't render to a surface bigger than 2048 in any dimension. All that can be done for now is setting RenderMaxWidth=2048. I don't know if this can be fixed without switching to a newer version of DirectX.
Thing is, that I can set any resolution in mm7.ini (width, height) but it won't work ("init - failed to create D3D device") until I change the desktop resolution to something lower than my native 2560x1080.
To make it clear:
1.Desktop: 2560x1080, mm7.ini: 1920x1080 = D3 error
2.Desktop: 2560x1080, mm7.ini: 2048x("-1") = D3 error
3.Desktop: 1920x1080, mm7.ini: 1920x1080 = success

/Windows 7 + DX11/

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby GrayFace » 05 Aug 2019, 07:22

Figo wrote:Thing is, that I can set any resolution in mm7.ini (width, height) but it won't work
Are you sure you're changing RenderMaxWidth?
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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby Figo » 05 Aug 2019, 20:24

GrayFace wrote:
Figo wrote:Thing is, that I can set any resolution in mm7.ini (width, height) but it won't work
Are you sure you're changing RenderMaxWidth?
My apologies, You are right ! I was changing the wrong value... :wall:
Thank You :)

So now I can play with desktop resolution 2560x1080 and with mm7.ini settings:
WindowHeight=-1 (but most likely 1050)

However, playing in windowed mode is ok (with visible desktop bars on both sides), but when I'm changing to full screen (by F4), the game window is stretching those 2048 to 2560 and it looks awful (even if my video card is set to not stretch the games).

Is there any possibility to play full screen (F4) with black bars (to cover those 512 pixels /2560-2048/)? Or maybe someway "compress width"?

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby GrayFace » 07 Aug 2019, 07:58

Figo wrote:Is there any possibility to play full screen (F4) with black bars (to cover those 512 pixels /2560-2048/)? Or maybe someway "compress width"?
It renders in half of resolution. It would've been possible to compress only width and not height, but currently it's not supported in UILayout mode. Eventually I'll either add new DirectX support based on Emjayen's sources or make the patch utilize dgVoodoo.
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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby Figo » 11 Aug 2019, 09:22

GrayFace wrote:
Figo wrote:Is there any possibility to play full screen (F4) with black bars (to cover those 512 pixels /2560-2048/)? Or maybe someway "compress width"?
It renders in half of resolution. It would've been possible to compress only width and not height, but currently it's not supported in UILayout mode. Eventually I'll either add new DirectX support based on Emjayen's sources or make the patch utilize dgVoodoo.
Ok, I see. Anyway I'm grateful that I don't have to change desktop resolution every time I'd like to play :)
Out of curiosity, which version of DirectX does the patch support by now?

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby GrayFace » 14 Aug 2019, 07:13

Figo wrote:Out of curiosity, which version of DirectX does the patch support by now?
Probably DirectX 5.
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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby cori14 » 14 Aug 2019, 09:50

Hey guys!

I just installed MM7 with the GreyFace patch (thanks for the patch btw it's a life saver, can't even imagine how could you guys play it back in the day without the mouse turning :D ).
So I installed it, runs fine, I can strafe, use mouselook etc, BUT for the life of me I can't figure out how to change the controls, like WASD instead of arrow keys. I know MM6 had a control tools addon where I could change these but I can't find one for MM7 on the patch site. (and I couldn't find any options to change them in the ini files.)

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

edit: Sorry I was stupid! When I clicked in game to change the controls, I have clicked on "back" next to the "default" button instead of "Return", so my control changes weren't saved. No I clicked on Return and everything is saved. Lol! Sorry to bother, and thx again for the patch GreyFace!
Last edited by cori14 on 14 Aug 2019, 17:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: GrayFace MM7 Patch v2.3.1 [June 10, 2019]

Unread postby albahr » 30 Aug 2019, 09:56

[EDIT: solved. Was trying to launch it with reduced color mode]

Hey everyone! I'm trying to get the new UI from Grayface's patch 2.30 for Rodrils merge but so far I can't succeed.
I installed MM8 (gog version), then the merge mod (with Grayface patch 2.30) and I'm launching the game in Hardware mode. I've also set up my resolution in mm8.ini. In the game I have the old UI but clickboxes are off (they respond to their new places even though they don't show). Does anyone know what to do?
Last edited by albahr on 30 Aug 2019, 10:36, edited 1 time in total.

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