Roticet wrote:To be honest, I really couldn't care less. Especially at this point. All I was saying is that there is no reason to be so condescending when someone has a different opinion. And that goes for everyone, myself included. Why cant we just have peaceful discussion about this stuff like we used to? Why does everyone have to get so pissed about a new suggestion? Isn't that what this thread was about? Fixing bugs for the mod and making suggestions? Or is this mod now yours and temps?
And jesus christ... when did I say I hated the stuff you've done? No, the issue that I have is everyone's **** attitude. The work itself is great. How many more times do I need to repeat myself? Or are you just going to gloss over that because it doesnt fit your narrative about me?
literally trying my hardest to keep it all civil, as you saw when it comes to my opinion regarding the entire race-class thing that GrayFace and Xfing are speaking about (not even minding it this much nowadays after both him and me cleared stuff up via PMs), but seeing how you're speaking to me as if I'm like Templayer is pushing dangerously close to my limits and when I'm pushed you'll
definitely hate me. I even said this when it comes to new Dragon variants, does this prove to you that I'm like Templayer in any way, shape or form???
SpectralDragon wrote:And speaking of other Dragon variants, if other variants (Black, maybe Dracolich, (incoming) Green (?), Gold, Azure) would be too much for you other people, then I support the notion of them being bundled in a separate mod named "Dragons of Enroth" and have it all as optional modification as long as it doesn't replace pre-existing Brown and Red ones, instead adding them as new random NPCs/hirelings.
Not to even mention I asked for your (and everyone else's) opinion on which Troll to make into a Zombie, Green or Blue. I'm fully aware that this mod is
not mine or anyone else's, only Rodril's, yet here you are, implying that it is all because all I wish is to do "hole-patches" for it (so that no "weird stuff" happen like Trolls not looking like Zombies when being turned into such or Dwarves "growing up" when they do get zombified, which is
not even my field to do because I don't know how to do this ... and/or being forced to use the Unlocker to fix those "holes" in the base mod/game) and "extra options" (now I'll specifically restrict them to Templayer's Unlocker only and no, this won't include more outlandish stuff suggested because I know better than this), but I guess even THAT is too much. I'm here voluntarily after all and can opt out at any time, but you and others can be sure as Kreegans that I'm NOT leaving my work undone. I'll just do my stuff I've said I'll do and leave the rest for you and others to sort out while leaving everyone's suggestions alone ... and if they (yours, mine, everyone else's) don't make in, then that's ok. I'll then just use the Unlocker as a mandatory addition to this mod/game. (shrug)
In the end, everything is just temporary after all and this is just rambling of a crazed overly devoted madperson that is clearly too absorbed into work for this thing that's ultimately going to be unused, discarded like used tissue paper even if I spend
weeks working on them and using everyone's suggestions and critiques to make them better in everyone else's eyes.
For someone that claims that doesn't hate my work you surely as Kreegans do try to antagonize me personally for doing this exact work. I'm not convinced.