Only way to make the nose ring stay, I'm afraid ... and bovine skulls are already really iffy on their own, thus I could only do as much as the Mino portrait head allowed me to. Sorry if I've disappointed you or others. ^^;GrayFace wrote:To me it looks like a reptile. That nose on the 1st pic. Half reptile, half minotaur.SpectralDragon wrote:Say hello to more wonky-ass anatomy, people!![]()
Thank the Ancients even dev-made classic Liches have the iffiest of anatomies, thus I can get away with stuff like this. X,DD
That aside, yus,got some paperdoll problems with the horned Lichy boy. ^^; Either make a class that has the in-game paperdoll position moved up for 12 pixels or have him with same horns as the brown Mino, which are ... really small. ^^;