Unless it's a bright green one (aka one that goes into yellow more than into blue), but what?Templayer wrote: But green seems such a great colour for Lich eyes! I would've wished it for at least one variant. We still have a Troll Lich and a Zombie lich to do, eventually! I vote it for the Troll Lich, since it would be a nice contrast, whereas on a zombie it would be pretty much lost. (contrasting colours are important)
I don't care what Ubisoft does. Might and Magic V is nice though, they have really tried with that one. The Sylvans ("Big Tree") and the Dark Elves (Dungeon) are my favourite there. Actually the Blade Dancers from V inspired me to pick up fencing. And I do not mean the sporty fencing thing with white costumes and thin cords with a ball on the end, I can actually fight with ACTUAL BIG-WHOOP swords (one-and-a-half-handed sword, usually referred to in various games with the improper name "Bastard Sword").
But I digress.
Nice. If I have to be critical (and that is only because I love your work!) it is a bit "too cartoonish" (the first portrait) due to the lack of features - some more lines and shapes on the face could maybe do wonders for that. (referring to poisoned portrait)
I do agree on the amount of decomposition of the zombie variety of Minotaur. Even though an injury on the leg could look nice. Your decision, ultimately.

Thank the Ancients for that, as I don't wish people to get bad memories from Ubi causing this and Heroes franchise to decay very much from comments I've seen. Kind of wish to have it all unique and all. ^^;
Where would these lines go though, seeing how we're dealing with a naked nigh-textureless skull there?

Just as long as 1, doesn't have anything to do with movable parts and 2, doesn't force Jamesx to have to convert it into "in-game" layout again. I'll get done with the Mino Lich first before coming to Zombie again, methinks. ^^;