So the newest version doesn't work for me. This happened multiple times before, when the zip file was being generated, which now it isn't. Does the newest update work for other people?
Code: Select all
...f Enroth\Scripts\Structs\After\LocalizationAndQuests.lua:564: use of unknown global variable "TakeItemFromParty" after _KNOWNGLOBALS_F declaration
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
Scripts/Core/RSNoGlobals.lua:602: in function 'dofile'
Scripts\Core\main.lua:484: in main chunk
arguments of 'dofile':
fname = "H:\\Might and Magic MERGE - The World of Enroth\\Scripts\\Structs\\After\\LocalizationAndQuests.lua"
local variables of 'dofile':
f = nil
err = "...f Enroth\\Scripts\\Structs\\After\\LocalizationAndQuests.lua:564: use of unknown global variable \"TakeItemFromParty\" after _KNOWNGLOBALS_F declaration"
upvalues of 'dofile':
loadfile = (function: 0x01125940)
error = (function: builtin#19)
What I did? Clean GOG install, copied base merge files into it, overwriting existing, then copied the update files into it, again overwriting existing. Boom.
I tried for the last hour trying to find out what is wrong. There is next to no way for me to screw it up, since the process is so simple.
I spent 10,5 hours at work today, and I have about 2 hours of free time, so time well spent I guess.
Someone, PLEASE send me your game with the mod and the newest patch applied, while packaging it. I do own the game, so it is not illegal. Preferably give me a link in a PM or email.
I did look at the newest Character Creation, and my unlocker should still work. Here's an more actual version, someone tell me if it works or not. If not, it isn't my fault, and I need a working copy of the newest merge to find out where the problem lies. I do not even know which other races appear on the newer character creation - there were a few added. Are the dwarven female liches OK? Or ARE those glitched ones actually female liches? There is a "zombie dragon" there now, does it appear, or is it the one glitching? I need to know which is actually the glitched character, but I presume this isn't my screwup (for once, that is).!pS0UTFzzMmHj/ch ... ection-txt
Someone test it.