New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby d4rk3lf » 30 Nov 2018, 22:39

Yeah man, once I write previous post, my friend told me exactly what you told me.
I have a DropBox (it's full :) , but will delete stuff I don't need, and upload next test there).

That's a great Griffin find! And other creatures. Thanks. And very MM looking.
Although, there are no griffins on New Sorpigal map, and if I remember correctly, neighter they are in whole MM6... only in MM7.

Now, check this out.

Trying to play with day-night cycle, and here is the result.
I won't upload exe now, because it's just a small change, and still testing it...
Even I am happy with the result so far, I'll probably disable it for the time being, and will maybe integrate it in some other exe's (but slower, so it don't distract, yet fast enough so anyone can look at it and not being bored to death).

The (final) goal for the day night cycle is that is going on really slow (like in real MM6), but you can speed it up for 1 hour with pressing R key.
But that's like the.. .last thing I'll do, or worry about.
Still looking forward to fill that empty terrain with stuff (yet, I'll be watching, not to overfill)

Cheers to all. :)

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby Panda Tar » 01 Dec 2018, 08:33

IT looks gorgeous, and really, making people almost sad that this is not something that will turn out to be playable. :lol: But nice to watch, nonetheless. :) The night sky looks very alive.
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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby d4rk3lf » 01 Dec 2018, 20:39

Yeah, well I'd rather not promise anything, then promise and fail.
Don't you think, I would also very much like to play mm6 in Unreal engine.
It's just so much work both for programmers, and graphics artists.

I hope that Ubisoft, at some point, decide to remake mm6,7 and 8.
Or some fan team of 10 people to remake it (and I would gladly help anything I can)

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby DrakeBD » 18 Dec 2018, 01:58

Love the idea of this will gladly help with it as i have knowledge of UE4 have sent you a PM

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby GrayFace » 30 Dec 2018, 08:49

Great news! Turns out the MM in Unreal project that impressed me a lot a few years ago is open source! It has all core mechanics in place. by
Now I should definitely wrap my patches and MMExt and focus on turning his work into a full MM6-8 remake.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby DrakeBD » 03 Jan 2019, 10:57

GrayFace wrote:Great news! Turns out the MM in Unreal project that impressed me a lot a few years ago is open source! It has all core mechanics in place. by
Now I should definitely wrap my patches and MMExt and focus on turning his work into a full MM6-8 remake.
Sadley that projects github has not been updated in over a year so i think the remake is dead

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby Sslaxx » 03 Jan 2019, 11:11

Even if the original project is dead, its source code is available (as it has been declared "public domain" by the original author). Which means a new project can be forked from this one.

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby DrakeBD » 03 Jan 2019, 13:53

Sslaxx wrote:Even if the original project is dead, its source code is available (as it has been declared "public domain" by the original author). Which means a new project can be forked from this one.
Only if you use the same version of UE4 had a look at the source myself its a tad on the messy side for my liking tbh tried to recompile it in the newest version of UE4 and alot of there calls in the graph work are now depreciated so they dont work anymore

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby d4rk3lf » 08 Jan 2019, 15:53

I still can't find free time to make update...but hey... anyone is interested, at any point, I'll share all the source files.
But let me first finish this first level :)
(but then again, I'll share whatever you want guys)

As for video that Grayface referenced, I saw that, even before I started this... and kudos to that guy... he did amazing thing with UE4.
The only thing that I (personally) feel, is that this New New Sorpigal, doesn't look much as New Sorpigal look. And that is what I didn't liked.
But I repeat, guy did amazing job overall...

And... stopped...

That's why my goal is so limited (and even this limited, I can update only every month or so)...
My ultimative goal is to provide graphics for the first level (that can be reused for other (open) levels), and then, if someone that do only programming in Unreal 4, can use that to do a real remake.
After New Sorpigal is all finished (if all went well), I'll do one dungeon level (with ambient lights), so it can be reused also.
But I am not promise anything. :)
Thanks all.. cheers all :)

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby unknownone » 08 Jan 2019, 16:55

Lack of time is an always present issue the older one becomes and the more responsibilities he has. Thank you for all the effort you manage to put into this project!
I've played and enjoyed many RPGs:
MM6,MM7,MM8,MM9, Fallout 1&2, Planescape Torment, Torment: ToN, TES3, TES4

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby NurbOfDoom » 09 Jan 2019, 23:07

What you’ve done looks great. It’s crazy you’re working on something very similar to me! I just recently have been learning the blueprint system for ue4 and started working on a “remake” of mm6 with a few quality of life changes and graphical updates (remaking buildings in engine). If you could make the smoothed assets for any dungeons or terrain maps you have available , that would be awesome. I have no experience with smoothing .obj so currently my terrain object destroys ue4 when it tries to render the lighting, So I’ve been working with no light effects and haven’t bothered retexturing or modeling buildings as a result. Came across your video looking for solutions to my problem.

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby DrakeBD » 11 Jan 2019, 20:09

I have also been working on the level from scratch got the villager animation logic implemented too and the way the sprites always face the player took a little different way with the texture work instead of making knew just upscaled them through AI from there base 128x128 to 512x512 and it is pleasing to the eye.
Also used the M&M8 terrain texture sets as there more up to date and look better.

here is a few screenshots
Last edited by DrakeBD on 11 Jan 2019, 20:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby Panda Tar » 13 Jan 2019, 05:01

It looks really nice!
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2. :panda:

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby Prince_of_Thieves » 28 Jan 2019, 16:19

My God, this is AMAZING. :-D
What more to live for if not to see THIS?

If youn don’t mind, i’m making series of posts about your projects in russian community (more than 3k fans) and other social networks, dedicated to might and magic (facebook page @love.enroth). I am pretty sure you can find a team!

Guys, i tell you, You better finish this project, or my heart will be forever broken!
All i want after watching this is to buy VR-glasses and joing the New Sorpigal atmosphere!
Last edited by Prince_of_Thieves on 28 Jan 2019, 16:27, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby random_content » 29 Jan 2019, 05:57

any updates from...
...would be great.
I am thinking about this project very much.
Perhaps, as a complete novice, I am missing the complexity described by you (d4rk3lf) about just how easy the conversion process is from old to new.
It makes me think even I can do it. I do have the time and energy to convert files, if that is all that is involved to explore the lands of Enroth in an Unreal way. I know making the game function as the game is complex, but if I were to convert everything for exploration purposes, at least that aspect is finished. I'm sure all the other fans would like it too.
d4rk3lf wrote: Here is the steps I did for this:
1) Exported with Grayface patch - imported in 3DS Max.
2) In 3DS Max applied to everything "smooth" modifier and checked "autosmooth" (it wil work without this, but I highly recommend it)
3) Exported as fbx.
4) Imported in Unreal in some of the preset walking scenes.
There you go . :) You have all the stuff within modern engine.. shadows... everything :)
And that's it..
Is Autodesk required (is there a proprietary lock?) to unpack and do 3D/CAD conversion? Does Unreal or any/every other CAD program have this functionality?

I know GrayFace and DrakeBD, you both have interest in this project; if you have already converted Enroth, I wouldn't mind saving myself the trouble :)
Unreal Engine has finished installing. I think I will get to know it for a few days, waiting/hoping to get some answers and advice.

Thank you All for your time.

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby DrakeBD » 15 Feb 2019, 12:00

random_content wrote:any updates from...
...would be great.
I am thinking about this project very much.
Perhaps, as a complete novice, I am missing the complexity described by you (d4rk3lf) about just how easy the conversion process is from old to new.
It makes me think even I can do it. I do have the time and energy to convert files, if that is all that is involved to explore the lands of Enroth in an Unreal way. I know making the game function as the game is complex, but if I were to convert everything for exploration purposes, at least that aspect is finished. I'm sure all the other fans would like it too.
d4rk3lf wrote: Here is the steps I did for this:
1) Exported with Grayface patch - imported in 3DS Max.
2) In 3DS Max applied to everything "smooth" modifier and checked "autosmooth" (it wil work without this, but I highly recommend it)
3) Exported as fbx.
4) Imported in Unreal in some of the preset walking scenes.
There you go . :) You have all the stuff within modern engine.. shadows... everything :)
And that's it..
Is Autodesk required (is there a proprietary lock?) to unpack and do 3D/CAD conversion? Does Unreal or any/every other CAD program have this functionality?

I know GrayFace and DrakeBD, you both have interest in this project; if you have already converted Enroth, I wouldn't mind saving myself the trouble :)
Unreal Engine has finished installing. I think I will get to know it for a few days, waiting/hoping to get some answers and advice.

Thank you All for your time.
Hi there nice to see your interested in this it is a little more complicated than just converting 3d meshes as working out game logic sometimes relates to how the level meshes need to be set.

if your any good with UE4 we are looking for team members to help on this little project but it is not priority within our team but more of a side line project we use to learn but perhaps somthing will come of this with enough interest from the community and help of course

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby lapislosh » 20 Mar 2019, 20:30

Hey, just wanted to chime in. I made the other video posted in this thread a few posts up. The reason development stopped was because I was unable to find artists to work with, and I was interested in making a new game with heavily-inspired mechanics rather than attempting to clone old behavior. Also it was my first UE project ever and as mentioned, the code was not great.

After stopping that project and taking a break, I began working on a general-purpose RPG framework that would allow people to get up and running with functional prototypes much quicker. It handled skills, stats, party members, inventories, combat/damage, and a few other things, allowing game designers to create or modify any of these things using only Blueprints. Unfortunately, this too was put on hold due to a change of job. However, it was about 75% done and could likely be integrated into a project with a few weeks of work.

Not sure what the status of this project is currently or where it's going in the future, but if you or anyone else needs some assistance on implementing game mechanics I might be able to help. I'm not looking to join a project myself, but I want to help others create what they want if I'm able to.
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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby Erisian » 21 Mar 2019, 09:35

What a really really beautiful remake of NS. It's a shame I missed the exe download.
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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby d4rk3lf » 28 Apr 2019, 20:53

Hey guys - long time no see :)
Sorry for the delay, and thanks for all the support!
You're such a great community!

I have a 2 good news, and 1 bad news:
Bad news:
1) I still couldn't find the time to make some (serious) progress in my New Sorpigal map.

Good news:
1) My usual work, more and more often, includes Unreal. I've learn a tons of stuff, that I can't wait to try on this level. For example, I've learn a tons of stuff about materials, and also, some really cool tricks about road placement.
2) I will upload my last exe file. This time it has some minor changes, but includes day/night cycle that I tried to do slow like in the real MM6. Try to wait 5 minutes or a bit longer, and it will be night.. then sunrise.. etc.

This time I am uploading exe on my personal google drive, so even if I am out of here for months, anyone can look into it.
Here is the link: ... sp=sharing

Now to answer to all the questions:

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Re: New Sorpigal Unreal Engine 4

Unread postby d4rk3lf » 28 Apr 2019, 21:14

unknownone wrote:Lack of time is an always present issue the older one becomes and the more responsibilities he has. Thank you for all the effort you manage to put into this project!
Thanks man.
NurbOfDoom wrote:If you could make the smoothed assets for any dungeons or terrain maps you have available , that would be awesome. I have no experience with smoothing .obj so currently my terrain object destroys ue4 when it tries to render the lighting, So I’ve been working with no light effects and haven’t bothered retexturing or modeling buildings as a result. Came across your video looking for solutions to my problem.
Sorry for the late reply mate.
Well, I also noticed problems with smoothing polygons. I loaded obj into 3DS Max, and exported on fbx (for Unreal), and smoothing was terrible..Then I just (once more), open the scene in 3DS Max, and fix I did was really simple, I just applied smooth modifier, and checked "auto smooth" button. And that fixes all. :) I exported it in fbx format, and that was it. :)
If you want, I can search for that fbx and export you, but keep in mind, now, there's an even much better approach:
Datasmith plugin (it works with lots of software packages), and it exports to Unreal perfectly.
Try it!
DrakeBD wrote:I have also been working on the level from scratch
Also used the M&M8 terrain texture sets as there more up to date and look better.
That's great man!
If you ask me... I'd place less fog in there, and a little more ambient light (your dark (shaded) parts, are way too dark), and everything else is great!
As for the sprites, I think it's much easier using 3D models in Unreal then sprites. I know it's hard to find that exact 3D model, but only a basic 3D mesh, with some simple mapping of that texture could work. And will release you a lot's of headache's with 2D sprites. I still haven't got to that part, so my advices are only theoretical
As for the textures and MM8. That's great idea, but I am unsure how even MM8 textures handles todays standards.
That being said, I am uploading a PSD with all textures I created (so far), that you can use freely on your own project (or anyone else): ... sp=sharing

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