MMExtension v2.2 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [June 4, 2019]

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby DaveHer » 15 Apr 2019, 17:34

Decompiling Evt files with the script you have at that site seems to work only for MM8. I get an error messages when I try it with the others, MM6 & MM7. :(

Debug Mode Started. Press Ctrl+Enter to execute commands.
> local dir = "Decompile/"
for f in path.find(dir.."*.evt") do
evt.Decompile(f, 0, dir.."Scripts/"..path.setext(, ".lua"))
evt.Decompile(f, 0, dir.."Scripts/txt/"..path.setext(, ".txt"), true)
J:\3DO\Might and Magic VI/Scripts/Core/evt.lua:682: attempt to concatenate a boolean value

stack traceback:
J:\3DO\Might and Magic VI/Scripts/Core/evt.lua:682: in function 'CmdComment'
J:\3DO\Might and Magic VI/Scripts/Core/evt.lua:709: in function 'CmdParams'
J:\3DO\Might and Magic VI/Scripts/Core/evt.lua:1275: in function 'EmitCmd'
J:\3DO\Might and Magic VI/Scripts/Core/evt.lua:1322: in function 'DecompileEvt'
J:\3DO\Might and Magic VI/Scripts/Core/evt.lua:1389: in function 'DecompileCmdLua'
J:\3DO\Might and Magic VI/Scripts/Core/evt.lua:1439: in function 'DecompileBuffer'
J:\3DO\Might and Magic VI/Scripts/Core/evt.lua:1462: in function 'Decompile'
[string ""]:3: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'pcall'
J:\3DO\Might and Magic VI/Scripts/Core/Debug.lua:89: in function 'DoDebug'
J:\3DO\Might and Magic VI/Scripts/Core/Debug.lua:131: in function 'debug'
...O\Might and Magic VI\Scripts\General\DebugConsoleKey.lua:6: in function 'v'
Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:68: in function <Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:63>

arguments of 'CmdComment':
num = 26
struct = (table: 0x0c7b5180)

local variables of 'CmdComment':
comment = nil
(*temporary) = "("
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = ")"
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = ", "
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = "attempt to concatenate a boolean value"

upvalues of 'CmdComment':
mmver = 6
GetFromArray = (function: 0x0369bee8)
GetStr = (function: 0x0369bf48)
JoinStr = (function: 0x02f53918)
GetFromFile = (function: 0x03a4ea08)
The reason I wanted to decompile the evt files is because the version of "Chaos Conspiracy" that I have has more evt files (84) than the one, decompiled, that I download at the site.
Last edited by DaveHer on 16 Apr 2019, 14:09, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby DaveHer » 16 Apr 2019, 14:47

I am also a big fan of Morrowind and created a mod for it with two quest and over 100 new meshes (made with blender). I have learned a lot about modding MM6-8 with the tools provided. I Have made many changes to them. There were three things I did not like about the games and it was stable, boats, and Reagents. Now I have transportation everyday of the week and the Reagents are more powerful for MM7 & 8. But I still need to learn more. Where are the obj files that you import into the editor? I checked all the Lod files. All they have is bmp files when you try to extract them with MMArchive. I would like to put more thing in the maps( unless they have limitations). In the original MM6 there has to be a script to change the amount of hp and sp for the red and blue bottles give. If there is. Where is it. Other wise the bottles are useless. I did not bother collecting them. If I learn more maybe I can help with the merge in some way. I am retired and this keeps me busy. I will start work on making echo's monstrosity mod compatible with the merge. Rodril told what I need it to do. There are over three hundred pal file in the monstrosity but only 70 have the some name as in the merge. So only 70 file names will be change. He also told me what I need it to do with the SFT file.
Last edited by DaveHer on 10 May 2019, 23:16, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby BTB » 17 Apr 2019, 00:38

Quick question... will the following check a character's base skill or will it factor in NPC/equipment bonuses:

if evt.Cmp("RepairSkill", 1)
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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby killeroid356 » 21 Apr 2019, 09:43

hello! i am new to modding and was told to come here to ask for help, if there are any tutorials on how to use this i would appreciate them greatly

my idea is a mm6 randomizer of sorts, where on a new save you could pick several options on what you want randomized (eg, dungeons, buildings, shops & guilds, overworld monsters) and then have it swap those things around. i want to know if something like this is possible and how hard it would be (the basic version would just be dungeons so if everything else is impossible / uber hard thats fine).

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby kristal » 24 Apr 2019, 20:02

DaveHer wrote:Hi Garyface and Rodril,
I just want to thank you for the thing you are doing for us fans of might and magic. I know it is a lot of work. I know because I have been making changes to all three games. But I still need to learn more.
The example quests you have at your site need one more thing (awards). I have done six quests using your examples. But when you finish a quest there are no awards. There needs to be some kind of command add to the list:
QuestItem = 1, -- quest item index (Longsword)
Gold = 1000, -- reward: gold
Exp = 1000, -- reward: experience
RewardItem = 536, -- reward: Lucky Hat
Something that will place text in the awards page.
Better to write here so (Put the script in the Scripts\Global folder):

local A, B, C, D, E, F = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

local function QCheck(name, state, b)
b = (b == nil) or b
return function(t)
return (vars.Quests[name or t.Name] == state) == b

QuestNPC = 1 -- The lizard in the tavern

-- a simple quest: require item #1 (Longsword), give 1000 exp, 1000 gold and an artifact hat
"ExampleQuest", -- Same as: Name = "ExampleQuest",
Slot = A,
Quest = 498,
Texts = {
FirstGreet = "Hello, world!",
Greet = "Hi.",

Topic = "Quest!",
Give = "I need a Longsword!",

GreetGiven = "How's it going?",
-- TopicGiven can be set as well, but I keep it at "Quest!" here
Done = "That's the sword I was looking for! Thank you! I have this hat and some gold coins for you!",
Undone = "You don't have the sword yet?",

GreetDone = "Greetings to you, The Man Who Gave The Sword!",
TopicDone = "Thanks!",
After = "Thank you for the sword!",

Quest = "Bring a Longsword (the most basic of swords) to that lizard in the tavern of Dagger Wound Islands.",
CheckDone = function()
evt.Player = evt.Players.All
if not evt.Cmp{"Inventory", Value = 729} then
return false
evt.Subtract {"Inventory", Value = 729}
evt.Add {"Experience", Value = 5000}
evt.Add {"ReputationIs", Value = 50}
evt.Player = evt.Players.Current
evt.Add {"Gold", Value = 5000}
return true

The code below can be modified with examples from the original MM. It gives a great opportunity. You can get examples of this code from the GrayFace website (Download decompiled scripts of all games):

CheckDone = function()
evt.Player = evt.Players.All
if not evt.Cmp{"Inventory", Value = 729} then
return false
evt.Subtract {"Inventory", Value = 729}
evt.Add {"Experience", Value = 5000}
evt.Add {"ReputationIs", Value = 50}
evt.Player = evt.Players.Current
evt.Add {"Gold", Value = 5000}
return true

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby DaveHer » 24 Apr 2019, 23:00

kristal wrote:
DaveHer wrote:Hi Garyface and Rodril,
I just want to thank you for the thing you are doing for us fans of might and magic. I know it is a lot of work. I know because I have been making changes to all three games. But I still need to learn more.
The example quests you have at your site need one more thing (awards). I have done six quests using your examples. But when you finish a quest there are no awards. There needs to be some kind of command add to the list:
QuestItem = 1, -- quest item index (Longsword)
Gold = 1000, -- reward: gold
Exp = 1000, -- reward: experience
RewardItem = 536, -- reward: Lucky Hat
Something that will place text in the awards page.
Better to write here so (Put the script in the Scripts\Global folder):

local A, B, C, D, E, F = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

local function QCheck(name, state, b)
b = (b == nil) or b
return function(t)
return (vars.Quests[name or t.Name] == state) == b

QuestNPC = 1 -- The lizard in the tavern

-- a simple quest: require item #1 (Longsword), give 1000 exp, 1000 gold and an artifact hat
"ExampleQuest", -- Same as: Name = "ExampleQuest",
Slot = A,
Quest = 498,
Texts = {
FirstGreet = "Hello, world!",
Greet = "Hi.",

Topic = "Quest!",
Give = "I need a Longsword!",

GreetGiven = "How's it going?",
-- TopicGiven can be set as well, but I keep it at "Quest!" here
Done = "That's the sword I was looking for! Thank you! I have this hat and some gold coins for you!",
Undone = "You don't have the sword yet?",

GreetDone = "Greetings to you, The Man Who Gave The Sword!",
TopicDone = "Thanks!",
After = "Thank you for the sword!",

Quest = "Bring a Longsword (the most basic of swords) to that lizard in the tavern of Dagger Wound Islands.",
CheckDone = function()
evt.Player = evt.Players.All
if not evt.Cmp{"Inventory", Value = 729} then
return false
evt.Subtract {"Inventory", Value = 729}
evt.Add {"Experience", Value = 5000}
evt.Add {"ReputationIs", Value = 50}
evt.Player = evt.Players.Current
evt.Add {"Gold", Value = 5000}
return true

The code below can be modified with examples from the original MM. It gives a great opportunity. You can get examples of this code from the GrayFace website (Download decompiled scripts of all games):

CheckDone = function()
evt.Player = evt.Players.All
if not evt.Cmp{"Inventory", Value = 729} then
return false
evt.Subtract {"Inventory", Value = 729}
evt.Add {"Experience", Value = 5000}
evt.Add {"ReputationIs", Value = 50}
evt.Player = evt.Players.Current
evt.Add {"Gold", Value = 5000}
return true
First of all thank you for the code. So with that code I can add the following line to the code above? " evt.Add("Awards", 90)". I have text in the Awards.txt at lines 90, 91, and 92. They were the next available. Also It looks like I am to replace this:

QuestItem = 1, -- quest item index (Longsword)
Gold = 1000, -- reward: gold
Exp = 1000, -- reward: experience
RewardItem = 536, -- reward: Lucky Hat

with the code above. Yes or No.
Thanks again. Ignore the following post. I made a mistake.
Last edited by DaveHer on 24 Apr 2019, 23:07, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby DaveHer » 24 Apr 2019, 23:01

DaveHer wrote:
kristal wrote:
DaveHer wrote:Hi Garyface and Rodril,
I just want to thank you for the thing you are doing for us fans of might and magic. I know it is a lot of work. I know because I have been making changes to all three games. But I still need to learn more.
The example quests you have at your site need one more thing (awards). I have done six quests using your examples. But when you finish a quest there are no awards. There needs to be some kind of command add to the list:
QuestItem = 1, -- quest item index (Longsword)
Gold = 1000, -- reward: gold
Exp = 1000, -- reward: experience
RewardItem = 536, -- reward: Lucky Hat
Something that will place text in the awards page.
Better to write here so (Put the script in the Scripts\Global folder):

local A, B, C, D, E, F = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

local function QCheck(name, state, b)
b = (b == nil) or b
return function(t)
return (vars.Quests[name or t.Name] == state) == b

QuestNPC = 1 -- The lizard in the tavern

-- a simple quest: require item #1 (Longsword), give 1000 exp, 1000 gold and an artifact hat
"ExampleQuest", -- Same as: Name = "ExampleQuest",
Slot = A,
Quest = 498,
Texts = {
FirstGreet = "Hello, world!",
Greet = "Hi.",

Topic = "Quest!",
Give = "I need a Longsword!",

GreetGiven = "How's it going?",
-- TopicGiven can be set as well, but I keep it at "Quest!" here
Done = "That's the sword I was looking for! Thank you! I have this hat and some gold coins for you!",
Undone = "You don't have the sword yet?",

GreetDone = "Greetings to you, The Man Who Gave The Sword!",
TopicDone = "Thanks!",
After = "Thank you for the sword!",

Quest = "Bring a Longsword (the most basic of swords) to that lizard in the tavern of Dagger Wound Islands.",
CheckDone = function()
evt.Player = evt.Players.All
if not evt.Cmp{"Inventory", Value = 729} then
return false
evt.Subtract {"Inventory", Value = 729}
evt.Add {"Experience", Value = 5000}
evt.Add {"ReputationIs", Value = 50}
evt.Player = evt.Players.Current
evt.Add {"Gold", Value = 5000}
return true

The code below can be modified with examples from the original MM. It gives a great opportunity. You can get examples of this code from the GrayFace website (Download decompiled scripts of all games):

CheckDone = function()
evt.Player = evt.Players.All
if not evt.Cmp{"Inventory", Value = 729} then
return false
evt.Subtract {"Inventory", Value = 729}
evt.Add {"Experience", Value = 5000}
evt.Add {"ReputationIs", Value = 50}
evt.Player = evt.Players.Current
evt.Add {"Gold", Value = 5000}
return true
First of all thank you for the code. So with that code I can add the following line to the code above? " evt.Add("Awards", 90)". I have text in the Awards.txt at lines 90, 91, and 92. They were the next available. Also It looks like I am to replace this:

QuestItem = 1, -- quest item index (Longsword)
Gold = 1000, -- reward: gold
Exp = 1000, -- reward: experience
RewardItem = 536, -- reward: Lucky Hat

with the code above. Yes or No.
Thanks again.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby kristal » 25 Apr 2019, 08:19

DaveHer wrote: First of all thank you for the code. So with that code I can add the following line to the code above? " evt.Add("Awards", 90)". I have text in the Awards.txt at lines 90, 91, and 92. They were the next available. Also It looks like I am to replace this:

QuestItem = 1, -- quest item index (Longsword)
Gold = 1000, -- reward: gold
Exp = 1000, -- reward: experience
RewardItem = 536, -- reward: Lucky Hat

with the code above. Yes or No.
Thanks again. Ignore the following post. I made a mistake.
Add entry to Awards.txt - evt.Ad("Awards", 92)
Yes. You can replace, but quests different. Much to look for and experience.
I can't explain much - my English is bad.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby DaveHer » 25 Apr 2019, 09:06

kristal wrote:
DaveHer wrote: First of all thank you for the code. So with that code I can add the following line to the code above? " evt.Add("Awards", 90)". I have text in the Awards.txt at lines 90, 91, and 92. They were the next available. Also It looks like I am to replace this:

QuestItem = 1, -- quest item index (Longsword)
Gold = 1000, -- reward: gold
Exp = 1000, -- reward: experience
RewardItem = 536, -- reward: Lucky Hat

with the code above. Yes or No.
Thanks again. Ignore the following post. I made a mistake.
Add entry to Awards.txt - evt.Ad("Awards", 92)
Yes. You can replace, but quests different. Much to look for and experience.
I can't explain much - my English is bad.
Thanks again. Do not worry about your English. Your doing fine. :tsup:

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby Rodril » 05 May 2019, 10:10

Found few issues in this version:
- List of monsters (when you select monster and click "Type"), shows names of monsters starting from zero indexed monster, so pictures are correct, but names are shifted.
- "Select similar" button does not work - just clears current selection.

List of maps which includes ones from extra lods is very convenient - not necessary to rename them and relaunch game anymore.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby DaveHer » 10 May 2019, 23:31

@ GrayFace or Rodril
I am having problems with map editing. This is the procedure I used. First, activated the editor, then pressed the wheel button to get access to the buttons on the left. second, export the map, then clicked continue, third, Placed some models, trees and plants to Sutter's Bay. Saved it. Compiled it. Place the files created into the Game.Lod. Started a new game. After finished creating party, I clicked on the OK button and went to Sutter's Bay. Every thing I placed was there. However, the horse shoes and the barrels you sell for 200 gold were gone. Also, I am unable to start a new game( Crash to desk top). :( But I am able to load a saved game and all the new sprites and models are there I placed with the editor.Please advice. Thanks
Last edited by DaveHer on 17 May 2019, 17:43, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 31 May 2019, 22:45

Anerag wrote:Trying to modify a MM6 map but the game always crashes when loading a compiled map. Even if all I did was open the map in the editor and immediately compiled it without changing anything it still crashes. Any help?

Update: It's working fine in 7 and 8 so this seems like a MM6 specific issue.
Fixed it: ... g.rar?dl=1 ... l.rar?dl=1
MrHarmondale1184 wrote:The thing is, I would like to know how (if possible) can I make the summoned 'monster' to stand passively around, just like the Castle Harmondale guards for example. As the default behavior is that the summoned 'monster' moves around.

Code: Select all

mon.GuardX, mon.GuardY, mon.GuardZ = XYZ(mon)
if mon.GuardX == 0 then
	mon.GuardX = 1
mon.GuardRadius = 0
Last edited by GrayFace on 31 May 2019, 22:46, edited 2 times in total.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby Anerag » 31 May 2019, 23:46

Nice, thanks a lot!

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby DaveHer » 01 Jun 2019, 00:40

Thank you for the up date of the editor and hope you can fix that MM6 bug. Spray it with some thing. lol :D
Last edited by DaveHer on 01 Jun 2019, 00:40, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 01 Jun 2019, 23:52

DaveHer, what bug?
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby DaveHer » 02 Jun 2019, 03:00

GrayFace wrote:DaveHer, what bug?
Sorry I did not notice your post above. I will install the new update. Did you received the bitmap texture I sent you via email?
Last edited by DaveHer on 02 Jun 2019, 03:08, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby DaveHer » 02 Jun 2019, 03:57

The update did not work for me. The problem is the same as before the update. Made changes to Sutter's Bay and Ellesia. When I start a new game and go to Sutter’s Bay, it will load the map O.K. However when I enter Ellesia map crash to desk top. But, I have a saved game in Ellesia. When I load this saved game, it will load O.K. and all the changes I made to the map are there. This is "The Chaos Conspiracy" mod.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby GrayFace » 02 Jun 2019, 11:52

Forgot to fix it for outdoor maps. Now it should be fine.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby DaveHer » 02 Jun 2019, 13:58

The compatibility mod I made for the MM678 merge had two maps with ground textures messed up. So I use the editor to fix that for both maps, but the barrels are not working, they are disabled. By the way, the event number was there. The event number was a five digit number. Please advice. Thanks. This post has been redone by me.
Last edited by DaveHer on 05 Jun 2019, 00:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MMExtension v2.1 + MMEditor v2.1 Level Editor [Apr 22, 2016]

Unread postby DaveHer » 02 Jun 2019, 14:02

GrayFace wrote:Forgot to fix it for outdoor maps. Now it should be fine.
Thank you very very much for the update. I am all excited. I thought that I was going to have to abandon the project. As you remember, I made six quests because I felt that there was not enough quests at the beginning. These six quests prepare you for those brutes that throw rocks at you. Thanks to you now I can finish the mod and upload it to the nexus.
Last edited by DaveHer on 02 Jun 2019, 17:59, edited 2 times in total.

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