Balanced Difficulty level for H5 TotE

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Wurtzel » 02 Apr 2008, 23:59

With regards to the ai fleeing, I've pretty well established that the ai DOES loose his army after fleeing... I did this by having a secondary hero camped next to his last town... After attacking his main hero, who fled, the ai rehired him WITHOUT the army. I was then able to take the final town quite easily... :D

Hope this clears up a lot of confusion... ;)

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Unread postby apathy59 » 27 Aug 2010, 19:27

Is it still possible to get this mod somewhere? The link seems to be dead.

Also, is this designed to work with in campaign or multiplayer only? I found that the Classic AI mod that someone else wrote doesn't work very well in the single player campaign.

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Re: Balanced Difficulty level for H5 TotE

Unread postby yotamolenik » 29 Mar 2019, 13:29

i just found out about this forim, and it looks amazing! and i will definitely check out your mod
edit: the link is broken. any chance to get another link?
i think the problem with heroes 5 is the time it takes to attack the enemy - which makes the hard mod cheats really hard to beat. ive played heroes 3 for years and 200% is easy for me now, but i just dont understand how to beat the H5 AI on hard...
Last edited by yotamolenik on 29 Mar 2019, 22:26, edited 1 time in total.

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