Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 15 Feb 2019, 05:48

I agree there's no need to change monster stats just to make them different, but mixing up monsters in cross-contonent locations is something we have discussed already, but if it ever comes it'll probably have to wait, since it's quite work-intensive to do. I wouldn't mind seeing liches in mm8 either, personally :p especially since it's the most iconic lich design from the entire MM franchise.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Daedros » 15 Feb 2019, 22:31

NotABroom wrote: And btw, I made a short demonstration video showcasing the Artemis bow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THVUjYZu4XA
I also have the sword "Hades", which makes an acid burst kind of effect, an axe with explosive impact and the "Perfect Bow" with explosive impact.
Lmao. That's the Dragon's "Wing Buffet" spell effect on Artemis. Shouldn't be there, but still funny, lol.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Vetrinus » 16 Feb 2019, 00:53

LICHES YES! If you can't tell, I really love liches :p

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 16 Feb 2019, 10:15

NotABroom wrote:Just some random ideas and observations that crossed my mind:

We've got two kinds of wyrms. The mm8 Great Wyrm and the mm6 Wyrm/Giant Wyrm/Great Wyrm. Maybe rename the mm8 one (ancient dragon for example).
Also, some statistics seem a bit weird, when you compare monsters from the different games that are the same species. For example the mm6 minotaur king and the mm7 minotaur lord have the exact same amount of health, but if you see them next to one another in the arena, the lord is more than twice as large. Same goes for hydras, although the difference in size is even larger. Maybe we would need some name changes and tweaks of statistics. So maybe the mm6 minotaurs stay the way they are, the mm7 ones get renamed to greater minotaur/greater minotaur leader/greater minotaur lord. They would have their stats increased by a certain percentile. Hydras could be river hydras (mm6) and mountain hydras (mm7) with, again, higher stats.

Apart from those minor issues, there are many many new possiblities for enhancing the existing lands and dungeons in different ways. For exampIe I always found it a pity that mm8 had no liches. Now we could have some in the existing dungeons in shadowspire (for example replacing skeletons in the laboratory). I also think the mm6 warlocks would fit into nighon perfectly, as an addition to the existing warlocks. And wouldn't doom knights fit into The Pit?
I will eventually make a small mod like that for myself, but maybe this would be interesting for others as well?

And btw, I made a short demonstration video showcasing the Artemis bow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THVUjYZu4XA
I also have the sword "Hades", which makes an acid burst kind of effect, an axe with explosive impact and the "Perfect Bow" with explosive impact.
I wouldn't change their statistics. If Echo did some of the placements, I wouldn't mind having Liches in the laboratory of MM8.
Names I would change only if it sounded good. Renaming the same named Hydras to River Hydras and Mountain Hydras is good, but the "greater minotaur/greater minotaur leader/greater minotaur lord" sounds terrible.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Rodril » 16 Feb 2019, 11:44

Hello, patch link have been updated. Only bugfixes this time (full list below). Thank you for reporting.
(from bottom to top of tracker)

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Reported by: MagicIsMight » Feb 13 2019, 12:53
When you rescue Melody Silver, it gets triggered every time you walk over the threshold, instead of just once.
Not that her room is particularly interesting, but it's a bug nonetheless.

Reported by: NotABroom » Feb 11 2019, 21:34
I have a party of one priest and four knights, but when I click "promote necromancers", the activated character gets turned into a lich (even though he is a knight). I mean, I always wanted to play a lich knight, but it actually even changes my characters class to "lich" as well. And at that point I did not even bring the Book of Khel (only the jars).
The spear skill does not exactly what the description says. It says attack damage is added at expert, but it does that only from master level on.

Reported by: Xfing » Feb 11 2019, 15:21
- The Essence of Luck recipe in the notes only includes Haste + Heroism (or just the first recipe you use to mix it), and doesn't add the other two on successful mixes.

Reported by: MagicIsMight » Feb 11 2019, 10:40
I've found so far in MM6:
*Obsidian ground sounds like wetland. 
NotaBroom's detail: Walking on lava terrain in Kriegspire makes a sound like walking on water.
*Archers in tower in Blackshire are hostile. Pretty funny how you have to move around and take cover when you're in town ^^

Reported by: Xfing » Feb 2 2019, 21:10
the Enrothian priest promoter flavor text still says Priest of Light rather than High Priest. I assume the same must be true with the Wizard promoter's text.

Reported by: Xfing » Jan 30 2019, 13:32
- If you have a character in your party with the same model as one you encounter in a training hall, the one in the training hall will not have a "Join" line available
- Final promotion Priest class HP should be reduced, as as they are now, they rival Dark Elves and Vampires from MM8 in HP, while they're supposed to be more frail. Perhaps the final Priest promotion should come with no HP bonus at all, only mana bonus?
- While potion recipes appear to be sellable now (alchemy shopkeepers suggest they'll buy them and give their price), clicking on them still doesn't sell them and makes the player trying to do so do the "fail" face. This is probably quite easy to fix. BTW, while you're at it - think you could make potion recipes appear in actual loot, and not only be buyable from alchemists? This would make them a new and interesting class of treasure, as well as strengthen immersion and give players a potential new way to more organically learn potion recipes. They could be found unidentified and require a certain number of ID item points to identify, or be identified at a fee at an alchemist shop.

Reported by: by qtish » Jan 6 2019, 11:11
Fix Clanker's Amulet. It says it gives +15 to alchemy, but it gives +30. While If I put another +19 to alchemy ring, it only gives +4. Something is definitely wrong with that item.

Reported by: panjaster » Dec 29 2018, 10:43
There are archers placed in tower near stables in Blackshire as guards probably, but it could be nice if they stopped shooting at me all the time
Addendum by GrayFace » Dec 30 2018, 10:17 - Same thing in White Cap AFAIR.

Reported by: Templayer » Dec 8 2018, 11:39
The MM6 loading screens aren't animated! 
Apollo armor doesn't fit the base female paperdoll
Lizardmen hirelings (armorer shown) have no topics, so it is impossible to hire them

Reported by: Templayer » Dec 3 2018, 18:27
Look at the sky during the rain - it's almost without clouds. Is there a meter-wide cloud above the party? :D

Reported by: CERBOT » Nov 16 2018, 22:08
CERBOT found a Sun Cloak somewhere, even though it has not been repainted yet.
the sandals you get from the mega-dragon (hermes, I think) seem to work, but the only way to take them off is to replace them with another boots (I'm guessing the same issue as with the sun cloak).

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 16 Feb 2019, 13:43

Rodril wrote:Hello, patch link have been updated. Only bugfixes this time (full list below). Thank you for reporting.
(from bottom to top of tracker)

Code: Select all

Reported by: MagicIsMight » Feb 13 2019, 12:53
When you rescue Melody Silver, it gets triggered every time you walk over the threshold, instead of just once.
Not that her room is particularly interesting, but it's a bug nonetheless.

Reported by: NotABroom » Feb 11 2019, 21:34
I have a party of one priest and four knights, but when I click "promote necromancers", the activated character gets turned into a lich (even though he is a knight). I mean, I always wanted to play a lich knight, but it actually even changes my characters class to "lich" as well. And at that point I did not even bring the Book of Khel (only the jars).
The spear skill does not exactly what the description says. It says attack damage is added at expert, but it does that only from master level on.

Reported by: Xfing » Feb 11 2019, 15:21
- The Essence of Luck recipe in the notes only includes Haste + Heroism (or just the first recipe you use to mix it), and doesn't add the other two on successful mixes.

Reported by: MagicIsMight » Feb 11 2019, 10:40
I've found so far in MM6:
*Obsidian ground sounds like wetland. 
NotaBroom's detail: Walking on lava terrain in Kriegspire makes a sound like walking on water.
*Archers in tower in Blackshire are hostile. Pretty funny how you have to move around and take cover when you're in town ^^

Reported by: Xfing » Feb 2 2019, 21:10
the Enrothian priest promoter flavor text still says Priest of Light rather than High Priest. I assume the same must be true with the Wizard promoter's text.

Reported by: Xfing » Jan 30 2019, 13:32
- If you have a character in your party with the same model as one you encounter in a training hall, the one in the training hall will not have a "Join" line available
- Final promotion Priest class HP should be reduced, as as they are now, they rival Dark Elves and Vampires from MM8 in HP, while they're supposed to be more frail. Perhaps the final Priest promotion should come with no HP bonus at all, only mana bonus?
- While potion recipes appear to be sellable now (alchemy shopkeepers suggest they'll buy them and give their price), clicking on them still doesn't sell them and makes the player trying to do so do the "fail" face. This is probably quite easy to fix. BTW, while you're at it - think you could make potion recipes appear in actual loot, and not only be buyable from alchemists? This would make them a new and interesting class of treasure, as well as strengthen immersion and give players a potential new way to more organically learn potion recipes. They could be found unidentified and require a certain number of ID item points to identify, or be identified at a fee at an alchemist shop.

Reported by: by qtish » Jan 6 2019, 11:11
Fix Clanker's Amulet. It says it gives +15 to alchemy, but it gives +30. While If I put another +19 to alchemy ring, it only gives +4. Something is definitely wrong with that item.

Reported by: panjaster » Dec 29 2018, 10:43
There are archers placed in tower near stables in Blackshire as guards probably, but it could be nice if they stopped shooting at me all the time
Addendum by GrayFace » Dec 30 2018, 10:17 - Same thing in White Cap AFAIR.

Reported by: Templayer » Dec 8 2018, 11:39
The MM6 loading screens aren't animated! 
Apollo armor doesn't fit the base female paperdoll
Lizardmen hirelings (armorer shown) have no topics, so it is impossible to hire them

Reported by: Templayer » Dec 3 2018, 18:27
Look at the sky during the rain - it's almost without clouds. Is there a meter-wide cloud above the party? :D

Reported by: CERBOT » Nov 16 2018, 22:08
CERBOT found a Sun Cloak somewhere, even though it has not been repainted yet.
the sandals you get from the mega-dragon (hermes, I think) seem to work, but the only way to take them off is to replace them with another boots (I'm guessing the same issue as with the sun cloak).
"The MM6 loading screens aren't animated!" -> wait, are those animated now?!?? :O

"Reported by: Templayer » Dec 3 2018, 18:27
Look at the sky during the rain - it's almost without clouds. Is there a meter-wide cloud above the party? :D"

How was that fixed / implemented? :O
(because I might move that "biome weather table" suggestion to the suggestions if it wasn't implemented)

Thanks for the bugfixing! Bugs removed from the tracker (made a backup of it on my harddrive, like I periodically do).

We should make a kickstarter for Rodril's new boots. He might need a new pair after so much bugsquashing. :D :D :D
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby MagicIsMight » 16 Feb 2019, 15:06

Templayer wrote: We should make a kickstarter for Rodril's new boots. He might need a new pair after so much bugsquashing. :D :D :D
It's inspiring! I will for sure try and help to some greater effect in the future. But for now, here's some problems I found (seems to not be addressed in the last patch from the list I read):

*From Dragonsand I made my way as quickly as possible to Evenmorn Island to see that I could *for sure* get back to Enroth-Enroth, as I only wanted Light Magic, pretty much, and to check the place out. It's very nice! And impressive that you get the scavenger hunt quest! But when I flew away from the Water Guild to use normal teleportation, it fizzled out, and when I revisited the Water Guild, the normal teleportation system was in effect! Some strange logic is going on there...

*Shops in Celeste are pretty poor. In MM7 Pit and Celeste have the best shops.
Usually you can find a black potion or two in the magic shop at least.

And a question: are the thieves that I found in Tidewater Caverns really supposed to be that strong? they threw huge rocks in my face, and I had to flee and prepare to face them. Is it just the effect of the Bolster Monsters?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Rodril » 16 Feb 2019, 17:59

Templayer wrote:"The MM6 loading screens aren't animated!" -> wait, are those animated now?!?? :O
Sorry, i've selected this one accidentally. They are not animated. And, to be honest, i doubt they will be ever. It just will be strange to have one animated screen amongst all with just barline. And second mm6 loading screen (with dragon) did not have animation, so i don't even know how it should be animated.
Templayer wrote:"Reported by: Templayer » Dec 3 2018, 18:27
Look at the sky during the rain - it's almost without clouds. Is there a meter-wide cloud above the party? :D"
How was that fixed / implemented? :O
(because I might move that "biome weather table" suggestion to the suggestions if it wasn't implemented)
There is no weather table, most of implementation sits in code. Each continent have table of available sky textures in "Continent settings.txt", where first texture is supposed to be clear sky, and last - storm one. Each day random number generator define weather seed (from 1 to size of textures list), i.e. which sky will be used. If seed > than 1/2 of list size, then weather effect will be used. Seasons affects seed, spring and autumn adds 2, winter adds 1. Snow effect used at winter, snow and rain randomly ar spring/autumn, summer - only rain. Weather effects can be disabled for special maps in "Bolster - maps.txt". Maybe i have to add seed modifier in "Bolster - maps.txt", but it have not been done yet.
MagicIsMight wrote:And a question: are the thieves that I found in Tidewater Caverns really supposed to be that strong? they threw huge rocks in my face, and I had to flee and prepare to face them. Is it just the effect of the Bolster Monsters?
Yes, it is bolster. If it becomes too hard you can temporary disbale bolster or change "Spells" field of Tidewater caverns in "Bolster - maps.txt" to "-", then new spells won't be generated for monsters.
Last edited by Rodril on 16 Feb 2019, 18:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 16.02.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 16 Feb 2019, 18:20

Found another bug by accident now. The Elven Chainmail (the already identified artifact chainmail from MM7) does not grant its stat or recovery bonuses like it says.

Also, not sure if I've mentioned this - but the random weather effects interfere with the permanent snow in the Frozen Highlands. - it's never snowing there permanently, even before the quest is solved. After that some intermittent snow should be OK of course.

Both Balthazar Lair and Shadowspire can now train characters regardless of level. In previous games only one training hall could do that - the hardest one to reach. I suggest that Shadowspire be brought back down to 200 and only Balthazar Lair's trainer can train you above that level.
Last edited by Xfing on 16 Feb 2019, 18:28, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 16.02.2019]

Unread postby Kliff » 16 Feb 2019, 19:02

Still no Dwarf voices, they use the four Knight voices from M&M8 by default. Is there anything we can do to help find the voices from M&M7?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 16 Feb 2019, 20:22

MagicIsMight wrote: *From Dragonsand I made my way as quickly as possible to Evenmorn Island to see that I could *for sure* get back to Enroth-Enroth, as I only wanted Light Magic, pretty much, and to check the place out. It's very nice! And impressive that you get the scavenger hunt quest! But when I flew away from the Water Guild to use normal teleportation, it fizzled out, and when I revisited the Water Guild, the normal teleportation system was in effect! Some strange logic is going on there...

*Shops in Celeste are pretty poor. In MM7 Pit and Celeste have the best shops.
Usually you can find a black potion or two in the magic shop at least.
Added both to the Bug Tracker.
Xfing wrote:Found another bug by accident now. The Elven Chainmail (the already identified artifact chainmail from MM7) does not grant its stat or recovery bonuses like it says.

Also, not sure if I've mentioned this - but the random weather effects interfere with the permanent snow in the Frozen Highlands. - it's never snowing there permanently, even before the quest is solved. After that some intermittent snow should be OK of course.

Both Balthazar Lair and Shadowspire can now train characters regardless of level. In previous games only one training hall could do that - the hardest one to reach. I suggest that Shadowspire be brought back down to 200 and only Balthazar Lair's trainer can train you above that level.
Added to the Bug Tracker
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 16.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 16 Feb 2019, 20:27

Kliff wrote:Still no Dwarf voices, they use the four Knight voices from M&M8 by default. Is there anything we can do to help find the voices from M&M7?
I was wondering about that too. I wonder why didn't Rodril add them in, maybe he forgot about it? Anyway, try using the reply button on Rodril's post (and copy paste that to an edit screen of your post that I am quoting now), because that way, notifications work better for Rodril. He might miss it otherwise.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 16.02.2019]

Unread postby FacelessMaster » 16 Feb 2019, 21:13

Bug Report

Seven's League Boots are currently not applicable to "of water magic" (let alone image problem)


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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 16.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 16 Feb 2019, 22:20

FacelessMaster wrote:Bug Report

Seven's League Boots are currently not applicable to "of water magic" (let alone image problem)

Because they haven't been repainted to the new paperdolls. Where have you found them? That is important, because they shouldn't be spawning until someone repaints them.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 16.02.2019]

Unread postby Daedros » 16 Feb 2019, 23:57

Does each T6/Artifact capable mob draw from the same pool of Artifacts? Or do certain T6 monsters have a different pool of Artifacts to pull from? I've been save scumming the loot on Dragons and Blood Titans in the Land of the Giants for about 2-3 hours now, and have yet to see Hands of the Master, Morgan, Ethric's Staff, or the Scholar's Cap show up. I didn't see Igraine pop up on them either, for that i had to save scum the loot on Wromthrax.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 16.02.2019]

Unread postby Daedros » 17 Feb 2019, 08:03

Turning in the Tapesty to Niles Stantley drops your Reputation by -25 in Tatalia. This looks like a bug.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 16.02.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 17 Feb 2019, 14:11

Suggestion: Make Necromancers promotable to Master Wizards so that they can be turned to Master Necromancers at Su Lang Manchu's - either that or introduce another way for them to get that level while bypassing Master Wizard. Guys like Arcanus or Roberts from MM8 were so cool that it would be nice to let them obtain the pinnacle of dark skill while preserving their cool portraits and voices :P

Necromancers are implied to be too far gone to try light magic as Master Wizards, so I'm thinking what else could be tried here. Having non-lich Jadamean Necromancers would really be nice.

Maybe adding another dialogue option and setting up a flag that checks whether at least the Jadame lich quest has been completed (or the Antagarich one as well if the party has chosen the Dark), and then he could promote all necros in the party to master necros? Like a new quest or something.
Last edited by Xfing on 17 Feb 2019, 14:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 16.02.2019]

Unread postby Daedros » 18 Feb 2019, 06:56

Just looted a spell book for Sacrifice off of a Blood Titan. That probably shouldn't be possible, since the spell doesn't exist in the Spellbook anymore.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 16.02.2019]

Unread postby justl » 18 Feb 2019, 17:23

Daedros wrote:Turning in the Tapesty to Niles Stantley drops your Reputation by -25 in Tatalia. This looks like a bug.
i'm not quite sure if it wasnt already in mm7 this way (though rep wasnt as important as in mm6 - due to light or dark path)
V2: Compendium of mm6-8 Secrets + Details about the base merge and DaveHer's redone merge (its in english!)
https://www.mightandmagicworld.de/fileb ... index.html

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 16.02.2019]

Unread postby Daedros » 19 Feb 2019, 05:25

The "Teacher Locations" section of the Journal has some errors for the Antagarich teachers. It lists the GM Item ID teacher, Payge Blueswan, in Avlee, when she's actually in the Tularean Forest.
It doesn't even list the Master Repair Item teacher, Thomas Moore, as being in Tatalia.

It wouldn't let me click on the water in the Breeding Pit to extend the bridge. I had to use Telekinesis on the water to trigger it.

Hirelings are taking gold from your winnings at the Arena, as well as the 100k Gold you find at the Obelisk "chest" in Evenmorn Islands. This can be quite a large chunk of gold they're taking. I have 4 Instructors for +60 Learning skill (which doesn't seem to be functioning correctly), so that right there is 28% of gold looted/won.

Most Temples on Antagarich do not train Merchant skill. Only temple i've found so far that does, is the "Temple of Stone" in Stone City.
Last edited by Daedros on 19 Feb 2019, 08:36, edited 3 times in total.

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