Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

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Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby INCOGNITO » 03 Jan 2019, 06:37

MM6 World Record Score : 1,534,175 points ... 7 days finish, almost naked, ofcourse Lvl 1... Mark my words this aint a fool ssspeedrun, quests are done as much as possible.

& thats how INCOGNITO starts.., having nice items from all hard chests & then slaying all Dragons...

I am a passanger, cant stay too long, if you will hear anybody over 450 Lvl in MM6 or over my score pls let me know. Till then see you on the otherside...

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby Pitsu » 03 Jan 2019, 07:45

The score is certainly impressive. Whether it is some kind of world record or not remains unknown since many people have achieved great scores, but most of these playthroughs were over 20 years back. Who play MM6 today, probably play some kind of modified version. Also, AFAIK most people do not consider NWC dungeon as a part of the game and do not use items or money from there. But that is the beauty - everyone can come up with rules and restrictions that make the game fun for him/her.
Last edited by Pitsu on 03 Jan 2019, 07:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby INCOGNITO » 03 Jan 2019, 11:56

Pitsu wrote:The score is certainly impressive. Whether it is some kind of world record or not remains unknown since many people have achieved great scores, but most of these playthroughs were over 20 years back. Who play MM6 today, probably play some kind of modified version. Also, AFAIK most people do not consider NWC dungeon as a part of the game and do not use items or money from there. But that is the beauty - everyone can come up with rules and restrictions that make the game fun for him/her.
I am one of them who played 20 years ago, that game... Finding after in GOG was a very good suprise for me. I am telling that as a 50 years old man... In past they knew me as INCOGNITO... I cant play todays Rpg games... To old and got no time to understand... My sons do... better...

For your information...The scored game played %100 without NWC dungeon. Because you gotto be so fast and got no time to waste for going in there. Even got no time for looking any items. What you find on road, you equip... At old times there was one guy, SEOMAN one of the game maker who was close to my score... 1,180,865
Mandate of Heaven -> The January Game -> Seoman

If you ask me my best play was over 450 Lvl with in a year of game.. (39 times Arena in Lord LvL)

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby Anubis » 04 Jan 2019, 00:42

Why leave? If you're a fan of the Might & Magic series, you should stay. Have you played BigDaddyJim's Chaos Conspiracy mod for MM6 or the Rev4ModF for MM7? If not, you should. You should also try out Rodril's MM6-MM8 merge mod. Those are amazing. On top of all that, you should play the games with GrayFace's patch installed. There's a couple other mods lurking around that are enjoyable.
Last edited by Anubis on 04 Jan 2019, 00:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby INCOGNITO » 19 Jan 2019, 12:49

Anubis wrote:Why leave? If you're a fan of the Might & Magic series, you should stay. Have you played BigDaddyJim's Chaos Conspiracy mod for MM6 or the Rev4ModF for MM7? If not, you should. You should also try out Rodril's MM6-MM8 merge mod. Those are amazing. On top of all that, you should play the games with GrayFace's patch installed. There's a couple other mods lurking around that are enjoyable.
Anubis.., Thanks for the tip... i did not know these mods before, after a long time i sit again to play mm6... may be i play one for you Anubis

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby Anerag » 20 Jan 2019, 05:46

With the help of some glitches, I achieved this score with only what's possible in the game and no outside help. Certainly not the highest possible score, more like a proof of concept. Played on the GOG release.


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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby Anubis » 21 Jan 2019, 09:23


If you need help installing/playing any of these mods, feel free to post in the other relevant threads and someone will help you. I recommend playing BigDaddyJim's Chaos Conspiracy mod for Might and Magic 6 first!
Last edited by Anubis on 21 Jan 2019, 09:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby Tress » 21 Jan 2019, 12:07

While i understand general idea of 5-7 day run, how exactly you get 0 days spent ? Which glitches are used. I know that at least in my version i could get access to npc like oracle by abusing some bugs (release companion and it got replaced with random one, including oracle.) But getting 0 days is kinda intriguing.

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby Anerag » 21 Jan 2019, 18:49

Here's a video showcasing the basic idea (explained below):

At the start of the game, you need to buy lloyd's beacon and town portal at least. Then, set beacons in places you would otherwise need to travel to like sweet water, hermit's isle, etc. Now you might notice some days have passed, here's where the glitch comes in.

Make all characters inactive and ctrl+click one of them to move some memory around (commonly known as the 5th slot glitch). Now wait for the goblins to kill you. After that, make everyone inactive again and ctrl+click the same slot as before. The time is now 12:00 AM 1 January 1165 regardless how many days you might've spent so far. Note: the game normally begins at 9 AM, here's what happens if you finish the game before then

Thanks to lloyd's beacon and town portal you never have to travel or rest (to heal) again. One drawback is that you can't start or do any quests before performing the glitch as it makes the game crash. This means you have to wait for the stables to open to fix the prices.

Hopefully that's all, ask away if you have any questions. Now, I'd like to hear about this glitch regarding accessing NPCs by fiddling with followers.

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby Tress » 21 Jan 2019, 19:50

Anerag wrote:Here's a video showcasing the basic idea (explained below):

Hopefully that's all, ask away if you have any questions. Now, I'd like to hear about this glitch regarding accessing NPCs by fiddling with followers.
Not exactly sure if that can be reproduced on normal version of the game, but back when i played game in 199xies i had half translated Russian version(Obviously not too legal one, but there wasn't really proper one to be get ). But at some points if i had NPC hired , and i would release them i would automatically get NPC in his stead. usually same one so i had to fire him again, but at least once i got oracle this way. Due to that i never used NPC;s too much as it risked to permanently lock me a slot.

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby INCOGNITO » 24 Jan 2019, 23:35

Anubis wrote:@INCOGNITO

If you need help installing/playing any of these mods, feel free to post in the other relevant threads and someone will help you. I recommend playing BigDaddyJim's Chaos Conspiracy mod for Might and Magic 6 first!
Thanks Anubis... I will play just one more time the old original version for you... Just to show how it can be done without some keyboard helps... I really dont understand what the glicth means ?

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby INCOGNITO » 24 Jan 2019, 23:44

Anerag wrote:With the help of some glitches, I achieved this score with only what's possible in the game and no outside help. Certainly not the highest possible score, more like a proof of concept. Played on the GOG release.


Gentlemen !... I play this game over 20 years. Never ever use any cheats (guess there is no cheat) or any glitches !... ( What the Glitch means any way?)
I play normal with the ground rules.., cause we old one have respect to Game Funs and to ourselfs...
No one can come up with some tricks... and say i got 1.500.000 score... People will make fun of you...
So we got before (15 years ago) game logs saves... But then others understood who we are and never needed to put game logs to internet.
I tell now how we play

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby INCOGNITO » 24 Jan 2019, 23:59

Once again Gentlemen

There is no way to finish this game before 5 days... Just we make that clear first...
You can take Gatemasters ... for some destinations.
And other maps you must cross by walking with 2 NPCs .. 1 Pathfinder + 1 Tracker or 1 Guide
Crossing will cost you just one day...
And rest of all... your capacity of your talent...
Any doubts pls check my old friend Seoman game log... again..
Mandate of Heaven -> The January Game -> Seoman

İf anyone put here over 1.000.000 score... then i say Talented.

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby INCOGNITO » 23 Feb 2019, 13:24

Anubis wrote:Why leave? If you're a fan of the Might & Magic series, you should stay. Have you played BigDaddyJim's Chaos Conspiracy mod for MM6 or the Rev4ModF for MM7? If not, you should. You should also try out Rodril's MM6-MM8 merge mod. Those are amazing. On top of all that, you should play the games with GrayFace's patch installed. There's a couple other mods lurking around that are enjoyable.
Anubis.., i couldnt find a way to thank thee... It's really nice to play with Grayface's patch.
Seeeee how old i am... having no ideas what can be done with my old game...
So i played again with your name... as a thanks for your suggestion...

Now that i can put some MM7 video as well, like how easy to kill red dragon in emerald island...

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby INCOGNITO » 23 Feb 2019, 13:34

Ofcourse thanks to all persons who brings these improvements...

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby GrayFace » 24 Feb 2019, 07:48

INCOGNITO wrote:Gentlemen !... I play this game over 20 years. Never ever use any cheats (guess there is no cheat) or any glitches !... ( What the Glitch means any way?)
You do use this buggy behavior of the game:
INCOGNITO wrote:3. Save the game before click the dead Titans - then click - if you dont get any Artifact or what you needed - reload again.
Anerag's glitches are more 'glitchy'. They took me by surprise when I saw them a few months ago. WRs with glitches are always fascinating.
INCOGNITO wrote: So we got before (15 years ago) game logs saves... But then others understood who we are and never needed to put game logs to internet.
I tell now how we play
Me and my father also wanted to participate back in the day, but then found out during the run that the contest didn't accept runs with use of NWC (rather arbitrary restriction IMO). AFAIR, my father did a 100%(except Nicolai's circus) run and I finished in about a week with lvl 1 party.
Last edited by GrayFace on 24 Feb 2019, 10:37, edited 3 times in total.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby Anubis » 24 Feb 2019, 12:28

My dad is in his 60's and he still plays the Might and Magic series from time to time (MM6 and up). He especially enjoys playing the mods made available to the community (Chaos Conspiracy, Rev74Mod, Rodril's Merge Mod). He also enjoys playing with different party sizes via GrayFace's Solo Game Script. The one thing he will never do though is a 6-day speedrun, lol. (Too intense for him, he says)
Last edited by Anubis on 24 Feb 2019, 12:33, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby INCOGNITO » 28 Dec 2019, 19:50

Happy Christmas Round Table

Wish You all the Best

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Re: Good...Bye... Round Table - Here is the Record Score & INCOGNITO Start

Unread postby Anubis » 30 Dec 2019, 21:47

Hope you had a good Christmas. Have yourself a Happy New Years as well.

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