Now Smiths, Armorers, Alchemists, Sailors, Navigators, Horsemans and Explorers are available to be hired;
Sounds of mm6 monsters will be quiter/louder depending on distance to party, same as mm7/8 ones;
First levels of Breach's basement will be less swarmed with monsters, also fixed maze generation issue happened at levels below 6th.
Why do you need to change age of your characters? There's ingame way to do it - drink rejuvenation potions, age will be decreased (bonus age will go to negative values), though actual age will stay same. If there's reason to only do it via console, there's script:Milky1988 wrote:Anyone at all?? I can't figure out the console at all...
Code: Select all
for i,v in Party do
v.BirthYear = Game.Year - 18
I've changed ExtraArtifacts.lua, no idea why "Sleep" function causes other Action events to be handled. It is very good script, i think any kind of additional paperdoll paintings can be added in game this way, but i don't know why would you need to change position of loupe, could not you just keep it at same spot and let original button to change interface, while new button will just track it's state. Also you can directly change state of loupe by editing dword at 0x523040: "mem.u4[0x523040] = 1" will activate it, "mem.u4[0x523040] = 0" will deactivate, "mem.u4[0x523040] == 1" will tell state.J. M. Sower wrote:In Scripts/Globa/ExtraArtifacts.lua I have disabled this function in area of new button:
These bugs have been fixed, thanks:
Code: Select all
Reported by Strobe:
- Travel with Stable to Tularean Forest is a bit too rare (it seemed more often in vanilla game imo)
reported by: Yaknchuk » Oct 18 2018, 14:38
Enroth, Bounty hunts can spawn in New Sorpigal while party is at level 1 and checks the bounty hunting quest. This really sucks when it turns out to be a very high level creature and you no longer have access to town. Don’t ever recall checking the bounty and having it spawned in town when you leave the building, But I like the idea of the bounty spawning somewhere on the map you are in.
Reported by: Jamesx » Nov 13 2018, 22:53 and commented upon by the community
Right now i did a quest for cleric promotion, and those thieves in Smugglers cave seemed too strong. Somehow they learn the Rock blast spell, that kills half of may squad 21lvl in one shot Maybe it should be like that, so.. just in case))))
Xfing: But yeah - thieves having master spells is overkill, not to mention not very lore-friendly :p
A good solution for scaling weaker monsters would just be raising their magic skill, rather than giving them the most powerful spells. A Fire Bolt scaled up to Fire Magic level 60 can be devastating as well, you know! Low-tier mages and non-mage characters shouldn't run around wielding master-level spells. Liches on the other hand could get Souldrinker on higher levels, if it's been even coded to work for monsters.
Found a bug with character conditions: when characters get cursed or something else, their portraits changes for a moment, but then returns to normal. don't know if this happen after last update or previous.
Kliff: Yeah, I'm checking a bit and when my party had Haste wear off, Weakness was applied for all of a couple milliseconds before, poof, everyone was fine again.
Xfing: for some reason since the latest patch the weak condition doesn't display on the portraits. I suspect this has something to do with Rodril working in the zombies, I might be wrong though.
Vetrinus: I noticed that too. When reviving a character from death they don't come back weak.
Jamesx: Not only weakness, other conditions like curse or madness have the same problems
Reported by: Phobos » Nov 22 2018, 13:49
Explorers, Navigators, and Sailors can't be hired.
Reported by: Xfing » Nov 25 2018, 17:44
The Fine Chain Mail (MM7) coordinates for the male paperdoll are wrong.
Reported by: Xfing » Dec 2 2018, 14:09
Playing now I've just noticed that in Erathia there are no longer any hirelings, everyone's just a plain female "Peasant" with no other special properties. Same goes for Tatalia too, haven't checked the other lands.
Hirelings when displayed in the Adventurer's Inn often have different names in their descriptions than they do in reality.
Merlin the MM6 unique staff says in the description that it gives extra 40 spell points, while in reality it gives +5 to Meditation.
Pls swap the stats of the Dwarven Battleaxe (MM8 tier 4) and the Steel Axe (MM7 tier 4)
Reported by: Flr » Dec 24 2018, 22:50
Upon entering Ravage Roaming the debug console pops up. I was able to just close it and it loaded, but one time the sky didnt load in and the when i sleep at the inn, it will sometimes crash the game. Not game breaking by any means. Only issue I've found so far though.
Reported by: jester » Dec 27 2018, 13:46
After update, artifacts like Supreme plate and Puck causes debug console.
Reported by: Flr » Dec 28 2018, 23:34
Stable in Avlee only seems to bring you to Deja once or twice a week and is unavailable the rest of the week.(should at least bring you to Turlerean Forest.)
Reported by: J. M. Sower » Dec 29 2018, 9:19
It looks like something in Merge mod is blocking "DoGameAction(85)" to use if mouse is over field of using Game action #133. It is action responsible for taking or wearing items on mouse click over paper doll window. In clear game both actions are turned on after click, so the loupe is working but also the bow/crossbow is taken from character (this item is taken not only if you will click on it, but also if you will click on almost entire background of paper doll window).
Reported by: panjaster » Dec 29 2018, 10:43
I found a bug in Blackshire - when I recive quest to place statues and open chest to get them, I have 4 statues and Lord Kilburn's Shield in there. this shield is also located in its right place, so basically you will get 2 Lord Kilburn's Shields and still will be missing one statue to place.