Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 28 Dec 2018, 09:58

J. M. Sower wrote:Hello! Small offtopic ;P but this can be added also to MM678 Merge. I started to make visualisation of gauntlets on characters bodies. I work with this for my modification, but this can be used separetly, or also in MM678 Merge. One problem is, this project needs to "paint" many graphics (every gauntlets for all hands positions and for all races), so it would be good if someone would like to help with this. ;)

One note. For needs of scripts that display graphics of gauntlets I recreated loupe button, but in different place, because it doesn't work correctly in place of the old one. Now the button glows on mouse over! There was unused original graphic for it in game archives.

HOLY BAZOOKAS! Sh*t, now I will have to make gloves section for every game and every paperdoll type in the Paint Tracker. :D
I can't draw if my life depended on it, but there were some people in this thread wanting to start painting for it and not knowing where to start. (Kristal is one that I remember...)
If instead of repainting all the gloves for all the paperdolls yourself you would show them, it would be much more productive I think!
So make a lot of tutorials on how to do what you just did!

Great work on the interface and on the loupe button, and finding cut content in the game! I am very interested if you would be able to find more cut assets in the games! Visual, code-based or sounds, I'm all for it!
The cutting room floor for the MM6-8 is quite a ghost town, be sure to share your findings there! It's basically the world's biggest database of cut content in games!

Also added to the paint tracker! :D

@Rodril - Please, implement all of these! PLEASE! Make the interface style an option in the menu! Add gloves and the restored / updated loupe button (and yes, from now on, I'm calling it that)!

Flr wrote:Sure thing!

Code: Select all

 C:\GOG Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\Weather.lua:145: attempt to compare number with nil

stack traceback:
	C:\GOG Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\Weather.lua: in function 'SetWeatherEffect'
	C:\GOG Games\Might and Magic 8\Scripts\General\Weather.lua:201: in function 'v'
	Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:68: in function <Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:63>

local variables of 'SetWeatherEffect':
	(*temporary) = nil
	(*temporary) = 3
	(*temporary) = 5.4645254596871e-287
	(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"

upvalues of 'SetWeatherEffect':
	CurrentEffect = -1
	WeatherState = nil 
Added to your original bug report in the Bug Tracker.
jester wrote:Hello! After update, artifacts like Supreme plate and Puck causes debug console.
Added to the bug tracker.
Rodril wrote:Hello, patch link have been updated, bunch of minor bugs have been fixed, thank you.
Which ones should I remove from the bug tracker?
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 28 Dec 2018, 12:14

Templayer wrote:HOLY BAZOOKAS! Sh*t, now I will have to make gloves section for every game and every paperdoll type in the Paint Tracker. :D
I can't draw if my life depended on it, but there were some people in this thread wanting to start painting for it and not knowing where to start. (Kristal is one that I remember...)
If instead of repainting all the gloves for all the paperdolls yourself you would show them, it would be much more productive I think!
So make a lot of tutorials on how to do what you just did!
Yeah, when I will share my work I will write something about my workflow, and how graphics needs to be prepared. Anyway, maybe Rodril or someone else will make my scripts better. At this time I noticed that when I clicked on my new loupe button, and character have bow/crossbow this weapon is taked from him. Also, maybe there is a way to put my button in old place and make it work properly.
Templayer wrote:@Rodril - Please, implement all of these! PLEASE! Make the interface style an option in the menu!
If you mean to make my blue interface as option to choose in Merge mod, I must say that at this time it is reserved for my own mod for MM8. ;) But I don't see any problem if after publication of my mod someone would implement my interface or other components (maybe even all world from my mod ;P ) to another modification with small notice, that it is taken from my project.
Last edited by J. M. Sower on 28 Dec 2018, 12:47, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 28 Dec 2018, 12:51

J. M. Sower wrote:
Templayer wrote:@Rodril - Please, implement all of these! PLEASE! Make the interface style an option in the menu!
If you mean to make my blue interface as option to choose in Merge mod, I must say that at this time it is reserved for my own mod for MM8. ;) But I don't see any problem if after publication of my mod someone would implement my interface or other components (maybe even all world from my mod ;P ) to another modification with small notice, that it is taken from my project.

How hard it would be for you to repaint MM6 and MM7 interfaces to fit with MM8, so that we could have a choice in the merge of interface styles? :)
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 28 Dec 2018, 13:06


Suggestion - the base attribute numbers in the stat screen in vanilla games show non-permanent increases (and I presume they do as well in the Merge).
Could you either: a) make it so that the base values shown only use permanent changes to the character (i.e. base attributes + black potion perm. effects + barrels and wells,...) and not attributes added from the enchanted equipment? And move those to the modified values? or b) in the context description menu, show a "base value: %a" where "%a" is base permanent attributes without modifiers from equipment?

Because I've recently played MM6 vanilla and it is BOTHERSOME to strip the entire group of equipment that adds to attribute just to find out who has the lowest attribute and should get a barrel boost next.
That works only in the early game. Late game, I just have a paper with base values and I scratch the current number once a barrel is used and replace it with a new base number (with the barrel raise included).

Also some stats are worse when incremented, and should thus be highlighted in red. In vanilla MM6, when age is raised, it is shown in green as a modified value - that should be red. Actually, probably any age modification should be in red. :D (unless it is younger and your base age value is beyond the values where other attributes get lowered. I.e. 100 years and such). I do not know how it works in the merge, but this should be at least partially implemented to better notify the player of such things.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 28 Dec 2018, 15:20

Templayer wrote::(

How hard it would be for you to repaint MM6 and MM7 interfaces to fit with MM8, so that we could have a choice in the merge of interface styles? :)
I think it isn't impossible, but it need a lot of work. I have not enough free time for that... For now I have to many unfinished projects.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 28 Dec 2018, 17:09

Here is my mini-mod. At this time it have only graphics for the weakest gauntlets (item 127) for women's doll. Put the .lod file to the "Data" folder and the script to the "Scripts/General". But it is for "clear" game, so for needs of Merge mod you must to do some fix. Look at variables "DragonsDoll" (for that mod it must be equal "5", not "4") and "Cords = {}" (probably you must add entry for "Cords[5]" because in this mod you have added dwarf doll).
http://www.mediafire.com/file/2r71khc79 ... 1.rar/file
Update [29.XII.2018]:http://www.mediafire.com/file/tz7cphn32 ... 3.rar/file

But at this time I will not write about how to help with graphics because there is a problem to fix. I made dynamic generation of all icons and after that I have game errors. As you can see below, when the graphics of gauntlets are missing everything works fine, but when there are graphics the game gets internal error after 1-2 seconds, even when I'm not doing anything. But maybe it is only problem with my game, because I have also some error when I try to put weapon to the second hand...

Edit: I applied this to the Merge mod and there is this error too, but also I noticed that command "DoGameAction(85)" doesn't work, so the loupe button haven't its function. :wall:

Edit2: Ok, I found that I had the first error because the graphics file names are too long... xD The link updated. But I still don't know why on Merge mod "DoGameAction(85)" doesn't work... Everything should work correctly on clear M&M8, just with "HardcodedTopicFunctions" and "InterfaceManager" scripts from Merge mod.
Last edited by J. M. Sower on 29 Dec 2018, 19:28, edited 21 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Flr » 28 Dec 2018, 23:34

Just finished everything but the obelisks. I just want to say, thank you, Rodril and all who have been helping. It was a lot of fun and a dream come true. I noticed very little issues and more post launch support and communication than most big developers. You guys are class.

Off the top of my head I can think of two fairly minor issues apart from the one I've already reported.

1) Stable in Avlee only seems to bring you to Deja once or twice a week and is unavailable the rest of the week.(should at least bring you to Turlerean Forest.)
2) When I entered the breach at the end of the game, it seemed that if I attacked a troll first, the game would crash. However if I first attacked a cactus, I could then attack a troll afterwards and the game was fine.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 29 Dec 2018, 00:24

So, a few words about graphics. Later I will write little more how I made leather gloves graphics.

There are 5 graphics for each gloves in different hands positions. Here you have explained names for item 127 (leather gloves id from ItemsTxt) and doll 1 (women) :down:
gnt127d1RHd -- right hand normal
...RHu -- right hand with weapon
...LHd -- left hand normal
...LHu -- left hand with weapon
...LHo -- left hand open (if 2 handed weapon weared)

It is important to cut small part of fist behind fingers, in graphic of right hand with weapon, to make illusion, that weapon is in hand, not behind or in front of it.

To left modification in simplest form I decided to make for all gauntlets graphics the same cords, only different for various doll types. Believe me, there will be to many graphics to write manually all of their cords, and also, when you will add new gloves items, they will not need to write anything new in code or text in gigantic tables.

So eg. for women paper doll, the graphics for leather gloves will be automatically showed in same place as trolls gauntlets (taken from "Cords[1]" table typed in script file). But if someone will need there is option to change cords separetly for each icon after they are created. Just type in console eg. "gnt127d1RHd.X = 123". It will be useful for testing, because change of values in "Cords" table from the game level will not work. ;P

At this time I established only cords for womens doll, so if someone would be working with other doll types, let him feel free to search good cords on his own. I think thats all for now. ;)
Last edited by J. M. Sower on 29 Dec 2018, 00:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 29 Dec 2018, 09:19

It looks like something in Merge mod is blocking "DoGameAction(85)" to use if mouse is over field of using Game action #133. It is action responsible for taking or wearing items on mouse click over paper doll window. In clear game both actions are turned on after click, so the loupe is working but also the bow/crossbow is taken from character (this item is taken not only if you will click on it, but also if you will click on almost entire background of paper doll window).

Edit: Here you have how game actions fields looks like. As you can see the loupe button is over field of action #133. I have blocked field #85 with "function events.Action(t) [...] t.Handled = true [...] end" because I want to show hidden equipment only if my new button is clicked (there is "loupeActive" viariable with bolean information about if hidden equipment is visible - it is needed because gautlets icons must be hidden in case of visible hidden equipment). But if added button is over that blocked field it doesn't work, so I moved it to left. As I wrote, button should run both functions (#133 and #85). In my mod it works, but in Merge #85 is blocked.
Last edited by J. M. Sower on 29 Dec 2018, 09:28, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 29 Dec 2018, 09:48

Flr wrote:Just finished everything but the obelisks. I just want to say, thank you, Rodril and all who have been helping. It was a lot of fun and a dream come true. I noticed very little issues and more post launch support and communication than most big developers. You guys are class.

Off the top of my head I can think of two fairly minor issues apart from the one I've already reported.

1) Stable in Avlee only seems to bring you to Deja once or twice a week and is unavailable the rest of the week.(should at least bring you to Turlerean Forest.)
2) When I entered the breach at the end of the game, it seemed that if I attacked a troll first, the game would crash. However if I first attacked a cactus, I could then attack a troll afterwards and the game was fine.
Added to the bug tracker.
J. M. Sower wrote:So, a few words about graphics. Later I will write little more how I made leather gloves graphics.

There are 5 graphics for each gloves in different hands positions. Here you have explained names for item 127 (leather gloves id from ItemsTxt) and doll 1 (women) :down:
gnt127d1RHd -- right hand normal
...RHu -- right hand with weapon
...LHd -- left hand normal
...LHu -- left hand with weapon
...LHo -- left hand open (if 2 handed weapon weared)

It is important to cut small part of fist behind fingers, in graphic of right hand with weapon, to make illusion, that weapon is in hand, not behind or in front of it.

To left modification in simplest form I decided to make for all gauntlets graphics the same cords, only different for various doll types. Believe me, there will be to many graphics to write manually all of their cords, and also, when you will add new gloves items, they will not need to write anything new in code or text in gigantic tables.

So eg. for women paper doll, the graphics for leather gloves will be automatically showed in same place as trolls gauntlets (taken from "Cords[1]" table typed in script file). But if someone will need there is option to change cords separetly for each icon after they are created. Just type in console eg. "gnt127d1RHd.X = 123". It will be useful for testing, because change of values in "Cords" table from the game level will not work. ;P

At this time I established only cords for womens doll, so if someone would be working with other doll types, let him feel free to search good cords on his own. I think thats all for now. ;)
I'm going to make a whole new section on the tracker for this, called Tutorials.
J. M. Sower wrote:It looks like something in Merge mod is blocking "DoGameAction(85)" to use if mouse is over field of using Game action #133. It is action responsible for taking or wearing items on mouse click over paper doll window. In clear game both actions are turned on after click, so the loupe is working but also the bow/crossbow is taken from character (this item is taken not only if you will click on it, but also if you will click on almost entire background of paper doll window).

Edit: Here you have how game actions fields looks like. As you can see the loupe button is over field of action #133. I have blocked field #85 with "function events.Action(t) [...] t.Handled = true [...] end" because I want to show hidden equipment only if my new button is clicked (there is "loupeActive" viariable with bolean information about if hidden equipment is visible - it is needed because gautlets icons must be hidden in case of visible hidden equipment). But if added button is over that blocked field it doesn't work, so I moved it to left. As I wrote, button should run both functions (#133 and #85). In my mod it works, but in Merge #85 is blocked.
Added to the bug tracker.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby panjaster » 29 Dec 2018, 10:43

Hello all,

at first I ant to say, this is great. Just amazing. :applause: :tsup:

Secondly, I found a bug in Blackshire - when I recive quest to place statues and open chest to get them, I have 4 statues and Lord Kilburn's Shield in there. this shield is also located in its right place, so basically you will get 2 Lord Kilburn's Shields and still will be missing one statue to place.

Also suggestion - there are archers placed in tower near stables in Blackshire as guards probably, but it could be nice if they stopped shooting at me all the time :tired:


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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 29 Dec 2018, 11:07

Templayer wrote:
J. M. Sower wrote:It looks like something in Merge mod is blocking "DoGameAction(85)" to use if mouse is over field of using Game action #133. It is action responsible for taking or wearing items on mouse click over paper doll window. In clear game both actions are turned on after click, so the loupe is working but also the bow/crossbow is taken from character (this item is taken not only if you will click on it, but also if you will click on almost entire background of paper doll window).

Edit: Here you have how game actions fields looks like. As you can see the loupe button is over field of action #133. I have blocked field #85 with "function events.Action(t) [...] t.Handled = true [...] end" because I want to show hidden equipment only if my new button is clicked (there is "loupeActive" viariable with bolean information about if hidden equipment is visible - it is needed because gautlets icons must be hidden in case of visible hidden equipment). But if added button is over that blocked field it doesn't work, so I moved it to left. As I wrote, button should run both functions (#133 and #85). In my mod it works, but in Merge #85 is blocked.
Added to the bug tracker.
Solved! In Scripts/Globa/ExtraArtifacts.lua I have disabled this function in area of new button:

Code: Select all

function events.Action(t)
	if t.Action == 133 and Game.CurrentScreen == 7	then
		local Pl = max(Game.CurrentPlayer, 0)
		Sleep(1, 1)
Here is the fixed function:

Code: Select all

function events.Action(t)
	if t.Action == 133 and Game.CurrentScreen == 7 and CustomUI.MouseInBox(473, 307, 473+34, 307+52)==false then
		local Pl = max(Game.CurrentPlayer, 0)
		Sleep(1, 1)
But now it will be good to find a way to disable taking bow/crossbow after clicking in this area.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 29 Dec 2018, 11:45

J. M. Sower wrote: Solved! In Scripts/Globa/ExtraArtifacts.lua I have disabled this function in area of new button:

Code: Select all

function events.Action(t)
	if t.Action == 133 and Game.CurrentScreen == 7	then
		local Pl = max(Game.CurrentPlayer, 0)
		Sleep(1, 1)
Here is the fixed function:

Code: Select all

function events.Action(t)
	if t.Action == 133 and Game.CurrentScreen == 7 and CustomUI.MouseInBox(473, 307, 473+34, 307+52)==false then
		local Pl = max(Game.CurrentPlayer, 0)
		Sleep(1, 1)
But now it will be good to find a way to disable taking bow/crossbow after clicking in this area.
Great job! I will keep it in the bug tracker for now until Rodril says otherwise. Just in case.
panjaster wrote:Hello all,

at first I ant to say, this is great. Just amazing. :applause: :tsup:

Secondly, I found a bug in Blackshire - when I recive quest to place statues and open chest to get them, I have 4 statues and Lord Kilburn's Shield in there. this shield is also located in its right place, so basically you will get 2 Lord Kilburn's Shields and still will be missing one statue to place.

Also suggestion - there are archers placed in tower near stables in Blackshire as guards probably, but it could be nice if they stopped shooting at me all the time :tired:

That suggestion is actually a bug. Added both to the Bug Tracker.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 29 Dec 2018, 12:54

Templayer wrote:
J. M. Sower wrote: Solved! In Scripts/Globa/ExtraArtifacts.lua I have disabled this function in area of new button:

Code: Select all

function events.Action(t)
	if t.Action == 133 and Game.CurrentScreen == 7	then
		local Pl = max(Game.CurrentPlayer, 0)
		Sleep(1, 1)
Here is the fixed function:

Code: Select all

function events.Action(t)
	if t.Action == 133 and Game.CurrentScreen == 7 and CustomUI.MouseInBox(473, 307, 473+34, 307+52)==false then
		local Pl = max(Game.CurrentPlayer, 0)
		Sleep(1, 1)
But now it will be good to find a way to disable taking bow/crossbow after clicking in this area.
Great job! I will keep it in the bug tracker for now until Rodril says otherwise. Just in case.
Done! Uff... for now the bow/crossbow is taken from character for a small moment (very small ;P ) and it is put back to its place. Now under the link you can find version for clear game and for Merge mod (for that second I enclosed changed "ExtraArtifacts" script). But this is still not the best solution. Maybe someone else will find the better way... but it works. ;P
http://www.mediafire.com/file/r2mo8rgs8 ... 2.rar/file
Last edited by J. M. Sower on 29 Dec 2018, 13:02, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 29 Dec 2018, 15:58

The glove thing would require drawing literally hundreds of variants. I don't think this is a job for an unpaid artist. Then again, if we created a small kickstarter fundraiser and hired an artist for money, I think it could be easily accomplished, same with repainting the previous games' armors and adding proper, original pant pieces to the female models.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 29 Dec 2018, 16:23

Xfing wrote:The glove thing would require drawing literally hundreds of variants. I don't think this is a job for an unpaid artist. Then again, if we created a small kickstarter fundraiser and hired an artist for money, I think it could be easily accomplished, same with repainting the previous games' armors and adding proper, original pant pieces to the female models.
Actually repainting armours requires more repaints because you have THREE armour types across the span of two games for four paperdolls.
Whereas gloves/gauntlets are a single line of items.

After doing math:

148 repaints needed for Leather, Chain, and Plate armours. (including for example the class-bound (and thus paperdoll bound) armours in MM8)
72 repaints needed for Gloves / Gauntlets if Dwarves and Humans share the graphic (only being smaller, since Dwarven hands are based on human ones anyway).
90 repaints needed for Gloves / Gauntlets if Dwarves and Humans don't share the graphic.

So no hundreds of variations, it's under a hundred.

EDIT: I forgot that the gloves require more pictures than one. D'oh. Multiply by 5 then. :D
Last edited by Templayer on 29 Dec 2018, 16:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 29 Dec 2018, 16:24

Templayer wrote: 148 repaints needed for Leather, Chain, and Plate armours. (including for example the class-bound (and thus paperdoll bound) armours in MM8)
72 repaints needed for Gloves / Gauntlets if Dwarves and Humans share the graphic (only being smaller, since Dwarven hands are based on human ones anyway).
90 repaints needed for Gloves / Gauntlets if Dwarves and Humans don't share the graphic.

So no hundreds of variations, it's under a hundred.
Thats sounds doable! ;)
Last edited by J. M. Sower on 29 Dec 2018, 16:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 29 Dec 2018, 16:27

J. M. Sower wrote:
Templayer wrote: 148 repaints needed for Leather, Chain, and Plate armours. (including for example the class-bound (and thus paperdoll bound) armours in MM8)
72 repaints needed for Gloves / Gauntlets if Dwarves and Humans share the graphic (only being smaller, since Dwarven hands are based on human ones anyway).
90 repaints needed for Gloves / Gauntlets if Dwarves and Humans don't share the graphic.

So no hundreds of variations, it's under a hundred.
Thats sounds doable! ;)
Read my edit. :D
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 29 Dec 2018, 17:33

Templayer wrote:
J. M. Sower wrote:
Templayer wrote: 148 repaints needed for Leather, Chain, and Plate armours. (including for example the class-bound (and thus paperdoll bound) armours in MM8)
72 repaints needed for Gloves / Gauntlets if Dwarves and Humans share the graphic (only being smaller, since Dwarven hands are based on human ones anyway).
90 repaints needed for Gloves / Gauntlets if Dwarves and Humans don't share the graphic.

So no hundreds of variations, it's under a hundred.
Thats sounds doable! ;)
Read my edit. :D
Hmm... I was mainly focused only on MM8 so there would be much smaller number. For Merge... hmm... maybe the idea to hire an artist isn't very bad. ;P We have a big fandom, so maybe we will colect needed funds.
Last edited by J. M. Sower on 29 Dec 2018, 17:33, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Milky1988 » 29 Dec 2018, 17:41

Anyone at all?? I can't figure out the console at all...

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