Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 15 Nov 2018, 20:05

Xfing wrote:Another issue I've noticed: Skill teachers no longer have the "you have to be promoted to X to learn this skill level" line, they always say "This skill cannot be learned by class X". This could be misleading to new players.

Grognard the goblin warlord is named "Zog" instead.
Added to the bug tracker.
keksua wrote:Can i suggest some simple changes?
The one thing in mm7 were always disappointed me: the fact you can clear half of the locations with lvl1 team with bows..
it can be easily changed by adding some spells effect(so it cannot be dispelled) or just an alternate skill to some monsters e.g.
- Wyverns(Avlee) ancient ones can spit Acid Burst (smt. like Matrons in mm6, they are melee but not free targets)
- Trolls(Tatalia) regeneration (no more free trolls and it's very lore friendly)
- Griffins(Bracada) shield (half arrow dmg.. still possible but i think not worth at super low lvl)
- Bandits(Erathia) they are fine.. but adding few archers would be great..
ps: i know we can limit ourselves not to kill them with arrows or whatever but it's so better if you don't have to..
Added to the Suggestions tracker. And I actually agree that this would be a change for the better.
Jamesx wrote:Found a bug with character conditions: when characters get cursed or something else, their portraits changes for a moment, but then returns to normal. don't know if this happen after last update or previous.
Also suddenly one of my characters (cleric) got an unlimited Preservation buff with timer, that starts at 2:37, then it reaches 1:09 and comes back to 2:37. Unfortunately I didn't notice when it happend(
But I noticed, that all characters HP\SP are regenearates even if they don't have an item with regeneration atribute. I like this bug actually, because its slow effect that helps a little and didn't affected the gameplay so much, but it's a bug anyway. It's so strange that I didn't saw any reports about this because it happens to me from previous update. Maybe I'm not so attentive, or maybe this problem is on my side..

Right now i did a quest for cleric promotion, and those thieves in Smugglers cave seemed too strong. Somehow they learn the Rock blast spell, that kills half of may squad 21lvl in one shot Maybe it should be like that, so.. just in case))))
Xfing wrote:But yeah - thieves having master spells is overkill, not to mention not very lore-friendly :p A good solution for scaling weaker monsters would just be raising their magic skill, rather than giving them the most powerful spells. A Fire Bolt scaled up to Fire Magic level 60 can be devastating as well, you know! Low-tier mages and non-mage characters shouldn't run around wielding master-level spells. Liches on the other hand could get Souldrinker on higher levels, if it's been even coded to work for monsters.
Kliff wrote:Yeah, I'm checking a bit and when my party had Haste wear off, Weakness was applied for all of a couple milliseconds before, poof, everyone was fine again.
Xfing wrote:
Kliff wrote:Huh, really? So the portrait tooltip is based on the portrait and not the actual status, then.
Yeah, for some reason since the latest patch the weak condition doesn't display on the portraits. I suspect this has something to do with Rodril working in the zombies, I might be wrong though.
Vetrinus wrote:I noticed that too. When reviving a character from death they don't come back weak.
Jamesx wrote:Not only weakness, other conditions like curse or madness have the same problems(
Added both to the bug tracker, paired with what others have said about the issues. Didn't add the one about the Preservation buff, since that is an intended feature.
Xfing wrote:
keksua wrote: Dude we are talking about mod where you play mm6 with 50% discount in macacost of the most powerful dark and light magic(hate it tbh), hirelings etc, etc and you tell me you wouldn't change anything on the original gameplay. :D
MM6 had hirelings too. Also, if you stick to Enroth, you're stuck to Master level of all skills, which in many cases gives you less power than it did in vanilla MM6 (many of the perks are unlocked at GM only). For that reason, I think playing MM6 without jumping continents even once would actually be harder in this merge.
IF you stick to Enroth. Which you don't have to. Also MM6 doesn't have hirelings that are actual playable characters.
Last edited by Templayer on 15 Nov 2018, 20:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Daedros » 16 Nov 2018, 04:24

keksua wrote:Can i suggest some simple changes?
The one thing in mm7 were always disappointed me: the fact you can clear half of the locations with lvl1 team with bows..
it can be easily changed by adding some spells effect(so it cannot be dispelled) or just an alternate skill to some monsters e.g.
- Wyverns(Avlee) ancient ones can spit Acid Burst (smt. like Matrons in mm6, they are melee but not free targets)
Early on, you basically have to take Wyverns on at range. The Ancient Wyverns have a Death effect tied to their melee attack, there's a chance that they'll instantly kill any character they hit in melee range, regardless of the char's remaining HP. The only way to protect against it, is the Protection from Magic spell at GM Body Magic skill. Preservation will also prevent the death, but it'll still knock the character out.
Greater Vampires in Shadowspire can do the same once they've drained your SP.

Speaking of draining SP, the Protection from Magic spell doesn't protect against it at all. The Devil Kings (M&M 6), Devil Captains (M&M 7), and Greater Vampires (M&M 8) are capable of performing SP Drain attacks. The SP Drain effect completely drains all of your SP in one hit, regardless how much you have. My Lich has even lost 2,000+ SP to it before.
Last edited by Daedros on 16 Nov 2018, 05:13, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby CERBOT » 16 Nov 2018, 22:08

Been playing for about to weeks without updating and I noticed a few bugs -

1) I'm not getting credit for the Master promotion (2nd monk). - update: works in latest update
2) I got credit for the Vampires task on Light path without going to the Wine Cellar
3) when I put on the Sun Cloak it doesnt appear properly (goes into top left corner, looks like a red "no stopping" sign in czech republic, with a black background and blue line at the top). I haven't figured out uploading photos but i can send it over.
4) some items dont seem to work properly, e.g. i have a helmet with a bonus to armsmaster skill and it doesnt work at all. With rings I noticed that only one gives bonus to a particular magic skill. But ring + another object will result in counting both. - update: some combinations of items work, soem don't. Haven't figured out the pattern yet.
Last edited by CERBOT on 17 Nov 2018, 09:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Eldanesh90 » 17 Nov 2018, 03:09

Hello People! I'm very happy playing this merged game of MM6-7-8! How fun it is!
I have some questions, (I don't know if it is me as a noob of not)
I can't Find Nicolai (I traveled among the circus around enroth and the circus isn't there: nor Bootleg Bay, nor Mire of Damned, not even in Blackshire)
without this I think is impossible to continue the main quests.
Another question is: how do I get the Lord of Harmondale if I have initiated the game in Enroth? Can't I own the Casttle of Harmondale If i'm not originally from Antagrich?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby justl » 17 Nov 2018, 07:11

Eldanesh90 wrote: I can't Find Nicolai (I traveled among the circus around enroth and the circus isn't there: nor Bootleg Bay, nor Mire of Damned, not even in Blackshire)
without this I think is impossible to continue the main quests.
in the winter there is a time, when the circus is "nowhere" - wait til the next saison to have him pop up in one of the above mentioned locations
V2: Compendium of mm6-8 Secrets + Details about the base merge and DaveHer's redone merge (its in english!)
https://www.mightandmagicworld.de/fileb ... index.html

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 17 Nov 2018, 10:25

Eldanesh90 wrote: Another question is: how do I get the Lord of Harmondale if I have initiated the game in Enroth? Can't I own the Casttle of Harmondale If i'm not originally from Antagrich?
Of course that is not how that works. There is a ship that can take you to the Emerald Island somewhere in Antagarich.
CERBOT wrote: 2) I got credit for the Vampires task on Light path without going to the Wine Cellar
3) when I put on the Sun Cloak it doesnt appear properly (goes into top left corner, looks like a red "no stopping" sign in czech republic, with a black background and blue line at the top). I haven't figured out uploading photos but i can send it over.
4) some items dont seem to work properly, e.g. i have a helmet with a bonus to armsmaster skill and it doesnt work at all. With rings I noticed that only one gives bonus to a particular magic skill. But ring + another object will result in counting both. - update: some combinations of items work, soem don't. Haven't figured out the pattern yet.
The Sun Cloak has not yet been repainted to the MM8 style of paperdolls. As it is with most MM6&7 armours. Check the paint tracker to see which ones were and which ones are not (link is in my signature). If a graphic doesn't exist for the given paperdoll, it makes that picture. Zákaz stání! :)
Some skill based items work differently now, as they can be percentual. That might be the problem - if it is added percentually, and you have 0 in the skill... then it won't get applied until you get a non-percentual addition.
Wine Cellar glitch added to the Bug Tracker.
Also - are you a Czech too? :D

The Bug Tracker is quite massively full right now, are there bugs that were squashed or actually shouldn't be there anymore?

Code: Select all

Reported by Strobe: 
- Hirelings don't take gold/percentage
- Travel with Stable to Tularean Forest is a bit too rare (it seemed more often in vanilla game imo)
- Citizens are not changing randomly through reloading the saved game, or travel (spending some time)
- About Arcomage deck: the player shouldn't get a deck before the mm7 quest, or as an alternative, it could be buyable in some inn's in all over the 3 continent
- Starting kit should be more randomized imo
- More accurate descriptions, mentioning all the classes in the stats (it only has the mm8 classes, bit confusing)

Reported by fortego:
I get the list of all thirteen taverns, won everywhere (I excluded the tavern from the the list after i won), but can't finish the quest. (MM7)

Reported by Phobos:
The rings in characters' starting items used to have quite a high chance of giving random bonuses to attributes ranging from 1 to 5. I haven't seen those bonuses in the merge.

reported by: Yaknchuk » Oct 18 2018, 14:38
Alchemy doesn’t exist in Enroth and the Potion Settings.txt “Required mastery” makes it impossible to create anything other than basic potions on Enroth. Alchemy is also attainable as a skill on Enroth and should be removed as there are no alchemy trainers on Enroth. But…without getting the alchemy skill you cannot mix potions at all.
Cauldrons in Enroth Temple of Baa in Castle Ironfist sometimes fail to give the +2 bonus to resistance and all cauldrons that give resistance to fire seem to fail in giving the +2 bonus.
Enroth, Bounty hunts can spawn in New Sorpigal while party is at level 1 and checks the bounty hunting quest. This really sucks when it turns out to be a very high level creature and you no longer have access to town. Don’t ever recall checking the bounty and having it spawned in town when you leave the building, But I like the idea of the bounty spawning somewhere on the map you are in.
Enroth, Teacher auto notes does not show anything. Guessing that the info just needs to be added to the “Teacher autonotes.txt” file.
Enroth, History tab shows Day of the Destroyer(Jadame) story line.

reported by: Xfing » Oct 19 2018, 22:28
The Smuggler's Cove is always hostile after respawning, even after you ally with the Wererats
Ogres from MM8 scale up way too fast in terms of hp. Ogre Brawlers in my game have over 2000 hp now (party's close to level 200), while normally they have 67, while most monsters initially more powerful haven't scaled up this drastically. I believe a more reasonable scaling is called for when it comes to Ogres.

reported by: Anubis' dad » Oct 27 2018, 8:19
Some artifacts/relics simply don't work as intended or have a graphics error. For example, Seven League Boots, Odin, Twilight, Atlas, Pendragon, Hermes' Sandals, etc. I'll try to get a more comprehensive list later on this if you need, Rodril. Found them all at one point or another. Any artifact/relic that's ever been in MM6/MM7/MM8's been found, usually off looting dragons and such in Dragonsand, as well as the circus pyramid trade-in.

reported by: Xfing » Oct 28 2018, 14:20
Some things you've fixed but haven't mentioned are the sword sprites. Oh, and Ullyses the bow's damage value still looks broken.

reported by: spawnsen » Oct 30 2018, 11:02
The interaction between GM staff and GM unarmed still does not seem to work properly. While adding skill points to GM unarmed now increases attack and dmg accordingly even while wearing a staff, the same doesn't apply to gear with +unarmed. If I equip my monk with the "Hands of the Maker" artifact or any other equiptment with "of the fist", the attack rating increases but the damage rating stays the same. If I unequip the staff, the +dmg rating is added accordingly.

reported by: spawnsen » Nov 1 2018, 17:01
The ArcoMage Chest in MM7 no longer contains the 4 predetermined items but random artifacts. The items from the chest (at least Elven Chain Mail) can now be obtained as loot from Dragons/Titans though. Havent seen any items from the ArcoMage Chest from MM8 as loot yet, so they seem to be unaffected. Obelisk Chest in MM7 is working fine as well.
If I restart the game, the names and appreances of my Hirelings have changed. Not really a bug issue since they keep their "jobs" (e.g. being a instructor) but its a bit confusing.
Items in shops are not changing randomly through reloading. They dont even change by saving & reloading before entering the map the shop is located in. (I think this one had already been reported but I couldnt find it in the bug tracker) Editor's note: Might just be due to not understanding how the RNG works.

reported by: CERBOT » Nov 4 2018, 2:41
when I open a door in a dungeon, the creatures behind it will not attack me until I do that first (at least that's the case if I don't enter the room first). And only the ones that I've attacked will come after me.
when selling bones at free haven, only bones in inventories of first 4 characters are used. If the 5th character has them, then they don't get sold. On the other hand, when I was converting items at the circus main tent, it used the stones/leafs/feathers from all 5 characters.

reported by: Draco Agariz » Nov 5 2018, 12:43
Monster that should use the Ice Bolt spell are using Ice Bomb instead (I.e. Journey Mages) (I made no changes to that Monster)
Guilds have all the same skills and no membership is needed
The Automap does not memorize the location of skill teachers (you can manually "bring" them to the map)

reported by: Xfing » Nov 6 2018, 6:25
- One little thing I've noticed when starting a new game: the Pirate Cutlass (2d4+6, 490 gold) appears on the Emerald Isle, for me it appeared both in a treasure crate and at the blacksmith's. Isn't it rather suspicious that a weapon of this quality would appear in those s h i t-tier locations? I think this cutlass may have a too low treasure level assigned by mistake.
- MM8's Club (cheapest one) is now called "Barbed club" as per my suggestion, but the second word does not start with a capital
- Jadamean Green Apples make the eating sound when consumed, but Erathian red ones just play the usual ding tune.
- Ullyses the bow is still 5d2+13 instead of 6d2+14.
- MM8's Trollish Claymore's value is 300 against the suggested 200, making it conflict with the MM7 Steel Broadsword.
- I think the Dwarven Battleaxe (tier 4 MM8 1-hand axe) and the Steel Axe (its MM7 equivalent) should be switched in terms of their values. I just read the flavor text and it says the Jadamean Dark Dwarves are not as skilled as their Erathian counterparts, meaning the Steel Axe should plain and simple be superior.
- Do weapons with the Elf Slaying property work on Dark Elves too? I think they should (Elfbane, Old Nick and the generic enchantment perhaps, if it even spawns)
- Is it possible to bring back all generic enchantments from MM6 and MM7 to appear in MM8 too? I'm not sure which ones are there already and which ones aren't, but most notably, there was "of Power" in MM6 that gave you an actual boost to levels while equipped, translating to more hp and mana. Not sure if all the "of <insert monster> slaying" varieties are present too - MM7 and MM8 had different and exclusive ones.
- Minotaurs should have at least Druids and definitely Sorcerers selectable as classes when creating characters. Minotaur sorcerers are prevalent in lore of both MM and HoMM. I do realize the biggest obstacle for minotaurs being sorcerers is the lack of a Mino-Lich portrait (and that's probably something we won't soon overcome, if at all), but letting them choose Druid would be a good second choice (Darkstorn the Warlock, anyone?). In fact, we could just handwave it just like MM7 itself did with dwarf liches and zombies becoming tall again and just have minos became regular humanoid male liches. Bit of a waste but oh well, there are always the Enroth promotions 
- Seeing as how MM7 characters generally have more HP than MM8 characters, I think Clerics should be nerfed to have less hp in their final promotions in this merge. Clerics used to be next to the bottom of the pool after just Sorcerers when it comes to hp, and now they equal or even surpass Dark Elves/Vampires with only a bit of Body Building. This shouldn't be so and priests of the light and dark should have no more HP than Priests of the Sun had in MM8.
- The grammar for the Peasant promotions at skill teachers could be fixed. Instead of "Become Class." I suggest just "Class", with no period at the end. Add "the" before the class name in the promotion dialogue, "path of the Monk" for example.
- What do you think about implementing some of MM8 monsters that never appeared outside of their single variety? For example there are only Blue tier Dark Elven Warriors and Minotaur Warriors in MM8, while their weaker and stronger equivalents can only appear in the Arena. Maybe it'd be nice to be able to encounter them somewhere else in all their varieties. Oh, there are also Manticores in MM7 that never got implemented, would be nice to have those too. If they appear in the Breach after the questline, that's a start at least.
- Make the 1st char in party dismissable too, as long as it's not the last character you have. That way you could rotate entire parties throughout your adventure if you so desire.
- Hume's Master promotion quest is still busted as of now.

reported by: spawnsen » Nov 7 2018, 0:09 & Daedros » Nov 7 2018, 1:59
spawnsen: Apparently something around +38 is the max boni you can get off items before they turn negative! My Lich has 3 items which give a total bonus of 38 on Dark Magic. If I want to add another artifact/relic which boosts dark magic, the bonus "flips" and becomes -17. The same happens with my Priest: Here the bonus changes from +26 to -25. This isnt just a display error either. My dragons breath now hits for 1 dmg with Dark Magic 26 (-25). I couldnt test yet if this happens with other skills as well.
Daedros: Gear that increases your Magic skills, give +50% of your current skill. 10 Dark skill becomes 15 when wearing an item "of the Dark". 40 skill becomes 60 when wearing such an item. All skills max out at 60, trying to go over that with gear gives the negative skill bug. The effects of these items stack. A Lich with 30 Dark Magic skill wearing a single "of the Dark" item goes up to 45 skill. That same Lich with 30 Dark Magic skill wearing two pieces "of the Dark", goes up to 60 Dark Magic skill, the max. Wearing a third item "of the Dark", would take that Lich over into the negatives.

reported by: by spawnsen » Nov 8 2018, 15:22
When I am at the "world-travelling-locations" (Pedelstal at Dragon Sand, Water Guild at Evenmorn, Stone Circle at Murmurwoods) instead of a message telling me to use Town Portal I get a message reading somethin like "Your Copy of Might and Magic ist invalid. Please activate it with a valid key". A friend of mine who is testing the merge mod got the same error as well. The "contintent hopping" via Town Portal works though, it's just really confusing.
Suggestion: Can we track the Inns where the game of ArcoMage has been won already? Might and Magic 8 did this IIRC but now it just lists the total wins and losses. It gets really hard to track manually where you have already won, especially if you play on jadame and anatagarich simultaneously.
Note from tracker guy: Since this was a vanilla MM8 feature, I'm considering the absence a possible glitch. (Rodril will know more, of course) 

reported by: spawnsen » Nov 8 2018, 22:20 & CERBOT » Nov 8 2018, 21:48
The arco mage wins were originally listed in the "awards" tab though. Also the miscellaneous section contains some other quest completions that should be in the awards tab as well. Showing the arco mage wins in the miscellaneous section is actually a pretty elegant solution to prevent overcrowding the "awards" tab but right now it seems like a mix up.

Although I chose the Dark Path in MM7, all minions in Celeste are friendly. And I can use the artifacts/relics which should only be usable on the Light Path. The guards in the other major cities are hostile though. A friend of mine chose the Light Patch and the enemys in the Pit are hostile to him. So I dont know if thats a bug that occurs only if you choose the Dark Path or if its just my game.
Vetrinus added: I have noticed this too. Celeste was previously hostile to me but, after the latest update, they respawned non-hostile.

reported by: Vetrinus » Nov 9 2018, 5:25
if I remember correctly regarding MM8, the sky in Dagger Wound is supposed to clear up and the volcano is supposed to stop erupting when you beat that game. I have beat MM8 long ago but so far this has not happened.

reported by: Kliff » Nov 9 2018, 13:27 & Phobos » Nov 9 2018, 13:31
Kliff: I forget, was Goblinwatch and the Abandoned Temple in New Sorpigal always supposed to have a few very out-of-depth items available in chests at the end? Like, every time I've done them I've gotten about three, two from Goblinwatch and one from the Temple - this latest time I snagged a set of Siertal Chainmail from the Temple, in fact. Was this always the case in base M&M6?
Phobos: The items at the very end are meant to be of good quality, as a reward. I don't know what item level they are meant to be though.
Templayer: Might be an actual bug, but maybe it isn't. A check might be in order.

reported by: Xfing » Nov 12 2018, 11:25
Bug from the newest version: Ravenshore and Balthazar lair houses don't display labels when you point at them with the cursor. There are possibly more places where this happens, haven't checked them yet. This might be a good opportunity to uniformize the behavior of this. For example, in MM7, you only got a label of what house you're entering when you pointed at the door - in MM8 you already got it when pointing at any part of the house. I believe MM8's solution is the most quality-of-life-friendly.
Also, when I rest too long, the Weak condition gets cleared immediately from my characters after I stop resting (in other words, they reset to Good). That doesn't reset the "time without resting" timer though, as if you have them not rest for a long enough time, they will still start randomly dying or going insane.
Also I've noticed that the Raise Dead spell shows the same animation as Resurrection did in MM7. MM8 cut both of them from the final game, so it's nice to have this one back, but I don't think it's necessary to show the "restoration from eradication" mechanic for just Raise Dead, where the body is intact.

Reported by: Xfing » Nov 13 2018, 21:25
Another issue I've noticed: Skill teachers no longer have the "you have to be promoted to X to learn this skill level" line, they always say "This skill cannot be learned by class X". This could be misleading to new players.
Grognard the goblin warlord is named "Zog" instead.

Reported by: Jamesx » Nov 13 2018, 22:53 and commented upon by the community
Right now i did a quest for cleric promotion, and those thieves in Smugglers cave seemed too strong. Somehow they learn the Rock blast spell, that kills half of may squad 21lvl in one shot  Maybe it should be like that, so.. just in case))))
Xfing: But yeah - thieves having master spells is overkill, not to mention not very lore-friendly :p
A good solution for scaling weaker monsters would just be raising their magic skill, rather than giving them the most powerful spells. A Fire Bolt scaled up to Fire Magic level 60 can be devastating as well, you know! Low-tier mages and non-mage characters shouldn't run around wielding master-level spells. Liches on the other hand could get Souldrinker on higher levels, if it's been even coded to work for monsters.
Found a bug with character conditions: when characters get cursed or something else, their portraits changes for a moment, but then returns to normal. don't know if this happen after last update or previous.
Kliff: Yeah, I'm checking a bit and when my party had Haste wear off, Weakness was applied for all of a couple milliseconds before, poof, everyone was fine again.
Xfing: for some reason since the latest patch the weak condition doesn't display on the portraits. I suspect this has something to do with Rodril working in the zombies, I might be wrong though.
Vetrinus: I noticed that too. When reviving a character from death they don't come back weak.
Jamesx: Not only weakness, other conditions like curse or madness have the same problems

Reported by: CERBOT » Nov 16 2018, 22:08
I got credit for the Vampires task on Light path without going to the Wine Cellar
CERBOT found a Sun Cloak somewhere, even though it has not been repainted yet.
some items dont seem to work properly, e.g. i have a helmet with a bonus to armsmaster skill and it doesnt work at all. With rings I noticed that only one gives bonus to a particular magic skill. But ring + another object will result in counting both. - update: some combinations of items work, soem don't. Haven't figured out the pattern yet. NOTE: Probably caused by the percentuality of some enchantments. SOLUTION: Better description so that people will no longer get constantly confused by this behavior if that is indeed the case.
EDIT: I've changed my profile picture, because the profile picture limitations on this forum were too harsh and my avatar looked terrible due to this. This forum does however have a great gallery of Heroes portraits, you can choose from Heroes 1 to Heroes 7 (or 6 or whatever) + MM4. Since there are now quite a lot of posts coming in, perhaps it would be nice of people like Daedros, CERBOT, Eldanesh90, justl and others to choose their favourite hero from their favourite Heroes game (unless they do not have one), since it would make it easier for me to discern them from each another. I have severe dyslexia. :( It's just a suggestion that would make what I do easier for me, especially when citing stuff on the bug tracker, etc..
Last edited by Templayer on 17 Nov 2018, 13:11, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 17 Nov 2018, 13:03

Thought you were American, Templayer. Your English is pretty much flawless lol

Really waiting for Rodril's another wave of changes and fixes, I wonder what's going to come this time ^^

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 17 Nov 2018, 13:07

Xfing wrote:Thought you were American, Templayer. Your English is pretty much flawless lol

Really waiting for Rodril's another wave of changes and fixes, I wonder what's going to come this time ^^
English is my third language, actually. My "main" language is Czech and I've spent most of my life learning German.
My fourth and fifth languages are Cs (C, C++, C#) and Java, respectively. :D
Last edited by Templayer on 17 Nov 2018, 13:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby CERBOT » 17 Nov 2018, 13:58

Jo, jsem Čech (z Chotebore kdybys to náhodou znal) ale poslednich osm let jsem v US/UK.

I've noticed the percentage adjustment on some items, but doesn't seem to be the case here.

Also, couple smaller bugs -
1) the sandals you get from the mega-dragon (hermes, I think) seem to work, but the only way to take them off is to replace them with another boots (I'm guessing the same issue as with the sun cloak).
2) some artifacts can't be sold, I'll write down the precise names next time but I had some swords which I couldn't sell to a blacksmith.
3) some artifact restrictions on race/character type/good or evil work and some don't. I'll send examples once I remember which ones I noticed earlier.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 17 Nov 2018, 16:11

CERBOT wrote:Jo, jsem Čech (z Chotebore kdybys to náhodou znal) ale poslednich osm let jsem v US/UK.

I've noticed the percentage adjustment on some items, but doesn't seem to be the case here.

Also, couple smaller bugs -
1) the sandals you get from the mega-dragon (hermes, I think) seem to work, but the only way to take them off is to replace them with another boots (I'm guessing the same issue as with the sun cloak).
2) some artifacts can't be sold, I'll write down the precise names next time but I had some swords which I couldn't sell to a blacksmith.
3) some artifact restrictions on race/character type/good or evil work and some don't. I'll send examples once I remember which ones I noticed earlier.
Je pěkné potkat dalšího Čecha u takového projektu, jako je MMMerge!

I'll wait for you to write the faulty items down before posting them on the bug tracker. Good job, though. I will remove my comment about the percentage on skill items, and I will add the sandals from mega-dragon spawning in when they shouldn't to the bug tracker. (since they are yet to be repainted)

If anybody else is intrigued by the Czech language and want to have a laugh at our expense, check this video on the Czech language. :D
Just make sure you don't end up with half of your face paralyzed. :D
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Daedros » 18 Nov 2018, 01:59

CERBOT wrote: 4) some items dont seem to work properly, e.g. i have a helmet with a bonus to armsmaster skill and it doesnt work at all. With rings I noticed that only one gives bonus to a particular magic skill. But ring + another object will result in counting both. - update: some combinations of items work, soem don't. Haven't figured out the pattern yet.
Items that boost magic skills, boost them by +50% of what they're really at, and always stack. 10 Dark skill becomes 15 with 1 "of the Dark" item equipped. It'll become 20 with 2 "of the Dark" items equipped.
Items that have like +25 Alchemy, or +12 Armsmaster, only stack with Artifacts. For example, if you have 10 Alchemy skill, and wear a Focal Ring of Alchemy +25, you'll be at 35 Alchemy skill. Equipping a second "Ring of Alchemy +25" will not take you to 60. However, wearing a Ring of Alchemy +25, along with the Ring of Fusion (+5 Alchemy) will take you to 40 Alchemy skill. Wearing a Ring of Alchemy +25, the Ring of Fusion (+5 Alchemy), and Clanker's Amulet (+15 Alchemy) would take you up to 55 Alchemy skill.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby alexseevdenis » 18 Nov 2018, 11:34

Yandex translator: Hello, please replace the localization files. Verdatn text and its themes (topics) are integrated. Fixed some bugs in existing localizations and names. Applied font of localization of the company "Buka". The work is still under way and a lot of it, but a lot has been done too.

https://yadi.sk/d/Sp89Ya3bhfFCOw - Russian localization

Everything works, everything is checked.

No longer necessary LocalizeTables.NPCText, we have it embedded in the game archive.
Last edited by alexseevdenis on 19 Nov 2018, 04:16, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby waltc » 18 Nov 2018, 22:41

Templayer wrote:...

If anybody else is intrigued by the Czech language and want to have a laugh at our expense, check this video on the Czech language. :D
Just make sure you don't end up with half of your face paralyzed. :D
Hah--pretty funny...;) Enjoyed that! Very expressive, very colorful! I had to keep twisting my ears, though, to keep up!...;) My hat is off to you for being literate in so many languages--When I was in school in the states they offered a choice of either French or Spanish--and I loathed both with equal enthusiasm--especially Spanish!

But your post reminded me of something really funny my wife and I have seen here in the states, recently. Netflix has taken to procuring a lot of foreign films (by that I mean films made outside the US) in various languages with the appropriate English subtitles--and needless to say if the translations are good we enjoy them a lot--well, the acting and movies have to be good, too--but you can guess what I mean. A good movie is a good movie, regardless of the native language--etc. (Provided the subtitling translations are good.) Missing Americanisms and other idioms is pretty funny--like subtitling in one movie we saw, over and over again, "Joyful Christmas!" instead of "Merry Christmas!"--things like that where the translations are close--but still off...;)

But the funniest things are the rash of what I think are Indonesian movies lately...we kept hearing, for instance, in one, "What-I-want-is-an-American-taco!" which was subtitled, "It would appear that the monster is close and death is near," or something very close to that. Just listening to the staccato, machine-gun like burps of those languages was a challenge in itself. Whereas European languages for the most part seem more natural to us, these Indonesian languages are quite unintelligible! Sort of like trying to read Japanese text--and from right to left, no less!

Anyway--thanks for the interesting comment--and my compliments, again, for your language proficiencies...;)

Now, back to the regularly scheduled programs...
R5 1600 @ 3.8GHz
Radeon RX-480 8GB
16 GB ram
4.2 TB's of storage

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Rodril » 19 Nov 2018, 14:58

Hello, patch link have been updated, zombies are in game now and should behave like in mm7. I hope there is not, but if you encountering any zombie-related gamebreaking bug, remove "ZombiePlayers.lua" from "Scripts\General" folder.
Face animations will work correctly again, and skill teachers will mention 3rd and further steps of promotion you have to get to learn skill.
alexseevdenis wrote:Yandex translator: Hello, please replace the localization files. Verdatn text and its themes (topics) are integrated. Fixed some bugs in existing localizations and names. Applied font of localization of the company "Buka". The work is still under way and a lot of it, but a lot has been done too.
https://yadi.sk/d/Sp89Ya3bhfFCOw - Russian localization
I've added files, thank you.
alexseevdenis wrote:How can I find the coordinates (x,y) of the characters or object ?
For characters - open your map in game, or open debug console with ctrl+f1 and execute with ctrl+enter:

Code: Select all

To find coordinates of any other object, open map in edit mode:
1. switch to windowed mode with f4
2. press alt+f1 to open editor GUI
3. click "Internal map" button, choose one (name of map shown in header of window)
4. select any object with left mouse click, press "E" to open object's properties, find X, Y, Z values there.
To open mm6/7 maps rename "games.lod" to "mm8.games.lod" and "mm6.games.lod" or "mm7.games.lod" to "games.lod".
Xfing wrote:I wonder - since the merge does restore the Regnan elemental guild that's missing from vanilla MM8, was there also a training center planned on Regna? If so, I suppose that one would be the best bet for the uncapped training center for Jadame.
There is no training hall for Regna in game resources.
Vetrinus wrote:I... um... still need to reduce respawn time, if... er... anyone can help... yeah...
Use GrayFace's MMArchive ( https://grayface.github.io/mm/#MMArchive ) to open EnglishT.lod, find MapStats.txt, edit "Refill days" column. If you use localization, edit MapStats.txt from localization files aswell.

@Daedros, chests in Breach should appear without any additional actions even in old savegames. If you don't have them even after last update, try this: open debug console, execute

Code: Select all

check if chests are there, tell me.

These bugs have been fixed:

Code: Select all

reported by: spawnsen » Oct 30 2018, 11:02
The interaction between GM staff and GM unarmed still does not seem to work properly. While adding skill points to GM unarmed now increases attack and dmg accordingly even while wearing a staff, the same doesn't apply to gear with +unarmed. If I equip my monk with the "Hands of the Maker" artifact or any other equiptment with "of the fist", the attack rating increases but the damage rating stays the same. If I unequip the staff, the +dmg rating is added accordingly.

reported by: spawnsen » Nov 1 2018, 17:01
If I restart the game, the names and appreances of my Hirelings have changed. Not really a bug issue since they keep their "jobs" (e.g. being a instructor) but its a bit confusing.
Items in shops are not changing randomly through reloading. They dont even change by saving & reloading before entering the map the shop is located in. (I think this one had already been reported but I couldnt find it in the bug tracker) Editor's note: Might just be due to not understanding how the RNG works. -- Items are generated once you entering shop, if you've entered it, they won't be generated again next two weeks of gameplay.

reported by: CERBOT » Nov 4 2018, 2:41
when selling bones at free haven, only bones in inventories of first 4 characters are used. If the 5th character has them, then they don't get sold. On the other hand, when I was converting items at the circus main tent, it used the stones/leafs/feathers from all 5 characters.

reported by: by spawnsen » Nov 8 2018, 15:22
When I am at the "world-travelling-locations" (Pedelstal at Dragon Sand, Water Guild at Evenmorn, Stone Circle at Murmurwoods) instead of a message telling me to use Town Portal I get a message reading somethin like "Your Copy of Might and Magic ist invalid. Please activate it with a valid key". A friend of mine who is testing the merge mod got the same error as well. The "contintent hopping" via Town Portal works though, it's just really confusing.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby alexseevdenis » 19 Nov 2018, 16:51

Yandex translator:

Is anyone else working on Russian localization ?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 19 Nov 2018, 17:44

waltc wrote:
Hah--pretty funny...;) Enjoyed that! Very expressive, very colorful! I had to keep twisting my ears, though, to keep up!...;) My hat is off to you for being literate in so many languages--When I was in school in the states they offered a choice of either French or Spanish--and I loathed both with equal enthusiasm--especially Spanish!

But your post reminded me of something really funny my wife and I have seen here in the states, recently. Netflix has taken to procuring a lot of foreign films (by that I mean films made outside the US) in various languages with the appropriate English subtitles--and needless to say if the translations are good we enjoy them a lot--well, the acting and movies have to be good, too--but you can guess what I mean. A good movie is a good movie, regardless of the native language--etc. (Provided the subtitling translations are good.) Missing Americanisms and other idioms is pretty funny--like subtitling in one movie we saw, over and over again, "Joyful Christmas!" instead of "Merry Christmas!"--things like that where the translations are close--but still off...;)

But the funniest things are the rash of what I think are Indonesian movies lately...we kept hearing, for instance, in one, "What-I-want-is-an-American-taco!" which was subtitled, "It would appear that the monster is close and death is near," or something very close to that. Just listening to the staccato, machine-gun like burps of those languages was a challenge in itself. Whereas European languages for the most part seem more natural to us, these Indonesian languages are quite unintelligible! Sort of like trying to read Japanese text--and from right to left, no less!

Anyway--thanks for the interesting comment--and my compliments, again, for your language proficiencies...;)

Now, back to the regularly scheduled programs...
Thanks for the reply! I'm glad someone liked it! I have some things I wish to respond to - most profusely the fact that you were offered French or Spanish. At elementary, my only choice was German (and I hate German!). At the secondary school, my only choices were the languages that I have been taught to at elementary (what a crappy condition!). So I have spent my school days learning a language I hate. Why my only option was German and why did I learn English? Well, while secondary schools are partially funded by the government, elementary schools are fully funded by the government. Due to the ... what is the "politically correct" way of saying it nowadays ... "multicultural enhancement" the Germans did in the past (and which still lives in the memories of some older Czech people), nobody really wanted to learn German (due to obvious reasons). Suddenly you had a country with abundance of German teachers and with a really low amount of English teachers (this trend continues still, there aren't enough English teachers currently and the quality of teachings the current ones provide tends to be ... subpar at best), while almost no-one wanted to learn German and almost everyone wanted to learn English (and Russian to lesser extent). Due to funding elementary schools, the government had to solve the issue in some manner. And thus came to be, that one day I got a letter from the government that I am forbidden to learn English. I was really, really, REALLY piss*d off. And so I started learning English myself, with hatred unsurpassed by mortal men.

Me learning programming languages went along a similar path. I have "two" secondary schools (one was an "apprenticeship", which was an secondary school alternative, where you become an apprentice to a master, and which is somewhat frowned upon for some reason - as an high voltage electrician, and then a normal secondary school as an electrotechnician), and I have finished university (getting a degree in what can be summarized as ecology in layman's terms). Then - I was unable to get a decent job. First I worked as a factory worker (ugh... the hardest job for the minimum income ... which is like one fifth of the German one), then as an electrician, where I spend weeks hacking a pickaxe at solid stone. While raining. I had to make 80 cm deep holes in solid rock in order to make anchors for light lamps in Kožichovice. One day there was rain ALL DAY LONG. After nearly dying from the resulting sickness, I decided to hold on on working crappy jobs, only trying to get good but hard to get jobs. After a year of not having a job (and one month I had to eat roasted bread each day due to not having finances), an "opportunity" arose. I got into a meeting for a position of a Java programmer by some twist of fate. The first thing I said at the interview for a Java coder job was that I do not know Java and that I cannot code in it. They were in ecstasy to hear that. Do you wonder why? Because several of the previously hired coders lied about what they knew, knowing nothing. They told me if I am willing to learn Java on my own, and bring proof in two months, then they are going to hire me. So I did a Java course and brought back a certificate that I do indeed know Java. So I was hired. Before that, I did have some experience in coding due to computer gaming (mainly modding and making hundreds of scripts (some of them as complex as I could manage) for my shard http://www.Zerenxess.xf.cz; which is in C#, and C# is syntactically almost identical to Java).

99% of what I was taught in school I have never used. Fast forward a year+ and some promotions, now I work on software for nuclear powerplants, energy distribution systems and a ecology management system. Zero thanks to school, many thanks to my love for PC games (even though that isn't enough - modding games does give you some skills). I hope this will inspire other people that had thought that just because they had crappy schools and crappy teachers, they couldn't become more than a "basic worker" in life. With little self-discipline, some assertivity and a lot of honesty, you can actually archive EDIT: achieve things. Even though being an lying arsehole might have been easier. :D
Rodril wrote: These bugs have been fixed:

Code: Select all

reported by: spawnsen » Oct 30 2018, 11:02
The interaction between GM staff and GM unarmed still does not seem to work properly. While adding skill points to GM unarmed now increases attack and dmg accordingly even while wearing a staff, the same doesn't apply to gear with +unarmed. If I equip my monk with the "Hands of the Maker" artifact or any other equiptment with "of the fist", the attack rating increases but the damage rating stays the same. If I unequip the staff, the +dmg rating is added accordingly.

reported by: spawnsen » Nov 1 2018, 17:01
If I restart the game, the names and appreances of my Hirelings have changed. Not really a bug issue since they keep their "jobs" (e.g. being a instructor) but its a bit confusing.
Items in shops are not changing randomly through reloading. They dont even change by saving & reloading before entering the map the shop is located in. (I think this one had already been reported but I couldnt find it in the bug tracker) Editor's note: Might just be due to not understanding how the RNG works. -- Items are generated once you entering shop, if you've entered it, they won't be generated again next two weeks of gameplay.

reported by: CERBOT » Nov 4 2018, 2:41
when selling bones at free haven, only bones in inventories of first 4 characters are used. If the 5th character has them, then they don't get sold. On the other hand, when I was converting items at the circus main tent, it used the stones/leafs/feathers from all 5 characters.

reported by: by spawnsen » Nov 8 2018, 15:22
When I am at the "world-travelling-locations" (Pedelstal at Dragon Sand, Water Guild at Evenmorn, Stone Circle at Murmurwoods) instead of a message telling me to use Town Portal I get a message reading somethin like "Your Copy of Might and Magic ist invalid. Please activate it with a valid key". A friend of mine who is testing the merge mod got the same error as well. The "contintent hopping" via Town Portal works though, it's just really confusing.
Excellent! I'm going to remove them from the bug tracker right away!
Last edited by Templayer on 19 Nov 2018, 17:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Vetrinus » 19 Nov 2018, 19:00

Rodril wrote:
Vetrinus wrote:I... um... still need to reduce respawn time, if... er... anyone can help... yeah...
Use GrayFace's MMArchive ( https://grayface.github.io/mm/#MMArchive ) to open EnglishT.lod, find MapStats.txt, edit "Refill days" column. If you use localization, edit MapStats.txt from localization files aswell.
How do I make this work? I downloaded MMArchive and found MapStats.txt, but how do I edit it? Sorry, but I'm inexperienced when it comes to these things.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Rodril » 19 Nov 2018, 19:16

Vetrinus wrote:How do I make this work? I downloaded MMArchive and found MapStats.txt, but how do I edit it? Sorry, but I'm inexperienced when it comes to these things.
Forgot to tell about these txt tables, best of all open it with GrayFace's TxtEdit ( https://grayface.github.io/mm/#Txt-Edit ), then it will look like actual table, edit "Refill days" and put edited MapStats.txt either back into EnglishT.lod or in "DataFiles" folder of your game.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Phobos » 19 Nov 2018, 20:34

I'm impressed at how quickly you fix things! I just noticed another anomaly: Fame is counted wrong. It seems to show the complete amount of EXP earned during the game, so it reaches massive numbers. I guess it should be divided by a certain number or something?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby CERBOT » 19 Nov 2018, 20:45

Templayer wrote: If anybody else is intrigued by the Czech language and want to have a laugh at our expense, check this video on the Czech language. :D
Just make sure you don't end up with half of your face paralyzed. :D

I'm trying to teach my gf Czech, she found the video very accurate haha

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