Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 04 Nov 2018, 17:59

CERBOT wrote: 5) sorry, do you mean that it's been that way since the first merge? I assumed it was a bug since original mm6 had only 4 characters so the script must be checking only the first four inventories.
Your assumption was correct. That is a glitch. And it being like that since the first merge version doesn't change that fact.

Back then there was a lot of *game is used to four characters, the fifth glitches out* glitches, and it seems this one got through the net.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Daedros » 04 Nov 2018, 21:10

CERBOT wrote: One more question - I remember reading about a cap on the number of artifacts /relics that one can find (not sure if it was applied to all or just some of the games). Is that present in the merge or was it removed/not included?
The Artifact/Relic cap was removed in the Merge.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Draco Agariz » 05 Nov 2018, 12:43

Hello everyone,

found this mod through coincidence and love this from the first time I got it running.
Finally I can use my mod (simple edits of the monsters.txt, mapstats.txt and items.txt) in one big game.^^
Through playing I found some bugs, that I want to share with you (playtesting without my mod):

Might and Magic VI:

- Some Skill Teachers don´t recognize the requirements for teaching (I.e. Master of merchant can´t be learned even when the party member meets the requirements)
- Guilds have all the same skills and no membership is needed
- The Automap does not memorize the location of skill teachers (you can manually "bring" them to the map)

Might and Magic VII:

- Many (and I mean really lots of) maps have wrong names. I.e. Celeste is named Labyrinth ingame (Don´t know, if this is an error in the german translation or in the mod)

Thats it for now. If I find anything more, I will edit this here.
Just one question:

Does anyone know, if it is possible to edit the skills of classes (which one they could learn and what level they can achieve) ?
There was an editor for the not modded version of the game...but I can´t use it now, since I don´t have access to an 32bit pc.
Last edited by Draco Agariz on 12 Nov 2018, 14:56, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby CERBOT » 05 Nov 2018, 13:39

Draco Agariz wrote:
Thats it for now. If I find anything more, I will edit this here.
Just one question:

Does anyone know, if it is possible to edit the skills of classes (which one they could learn and what level they can achieve) ?
There was an editor for the not modded version of the game...but I can´t use it now, since I don´t have access to an 32bit pc.
Check the txt files in one of the subfolders (I think it's either Data or Data Files). There's a number of files, one of which covers the starting skills of different classes, another one covers the available skills.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Draco Agariz » 05 Nov 2018, 16:19

You mean the txt-files in the tables-folder?
Thanks, I already found them. But changing the file does not seem to change anything...
I will inspect this file a little closer. :D


The txt-files do work...i am too stupid at the moment to edit them properly. :)
Now the fun part (modding) starts.
Thank you. :)
Last edited by Draco Agariz on 05 Nov 2018, 16:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Jamesx » 05 Nov 2018, 19:12

I'm so glad to see, that project is still updates! Thank you guys for keep it alive! So many thing are done...) :)
By the way... zombies are here! :D
Thanks Templayer for reminds me about this cute creatures)
Based on cliric body pc05/pc06
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 05 Nov 2018, 21:01

Jamesx wrote:Hi!
I'm so glad to see, that project is still updates! Thank you guys for keep it alive! So many thing are done...) :)
By the way... zombies are here! :D
Thanks Templayer for reminds me about this cute creatures)
You're the best, man!!!

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 06 Nov 2018, 06:25

Oh btw and sorry for asking, but last I checked the tracker, I didn't see my suggestion about adding all the colored inventory screens. Not saying it isn't there, just couldn't see it. Could you confirm if you've added it? Thanks.

EDIT: One little thing I've noticed when starting a new game: the Pirate Cutlass (2d4+6, 490 gold) appears on the Emerald Isle, for me it appeared both in a treasure crate and at the blacksmith's. Isn't it rather suspicious that a weapon of this quality would appear in those s h i t-tier locations? I think this cutlass may have a too low treasure level assigned by mistake.

EDIT 2: More stuff I've noticed when playing the game - mostly regarding item tiering and character balance, but also some odd observations here and there (edit3: actually it went and turned into a full-fledged suggestion tirade, lol):

- MM8's Club (cheapest one) is now called "Barbed club" as per my suggestion, but the second word does not start with a capital
- Jadamean Green Apples make the eating sound when consumed, but Erathian red ones just play the usual ding tune.
- Ullyses the bow is still 5d2+13 instead of 6d2+14.
- MM8's Trollish Claymore's value is 300 against the suggested 200, making it conflict with the MM7 Steel Broadsword.
- I think the Dwarven Battleaxe (tier 4 MM8 1-hand axe) and the Steel Axe (its MM7 equivalent) should be switched in terms of their values. I just read the flavor text and it says the Jadamean Dark Dwarves are not as skilled as their Erathian counterparts, meaning the Steel Axe should plain and simple be superior.
- Do weapons with the Elf Slaying property work on Dark Elves too? I think they should (Elfbane, Old Nick and the generic enchantment perhaps, if it even spawns)
- Is it possible to bring back all generic enchantments from MM6 and MM7 to appear in MM8 too? I'm not sure which ones are there already and which ones aren't, but most notably, there was "of Power" in MM6 that gave you an actual boost to levels while equipped, translating to more hp and mana. Not sure if all the "of <insert monster> slaying" varieties are present too - MM7 and MM8 had different and exclusive ones.
- Minotaurs should have at least Druids and definitely Sorcerers selectable as classes when creating characters. Minotaur sorcerers are prevalent in lore of both MM and HoMM. I do realize the biggest obstacle for minotaurs being sorcerers is the lack of a Mino-Lich portrait (and that's probably something we won't soon overcome, if at all), but letting them choose Druid would be a good second choice (Darkstorn the Warlock, anyone?). In fact, we could just handwave it just like MM7 itself did with dwarf liches and zombies becoming tall again and just have minos became regular humanoid male liches. Bit of a waste but oh well, there are always the Enroth promotions :D
- Is there a Supreme Plate minotaur sprite for when you choose a Minotaur Knight?
- Why don't we ever seem to see MM6-based characters as hirelings in training centers? (Ohhhhh right, they don't have house portraits. Well darn.)
- Seeing as how MM7 characters generally have more HP than MM8 characters, I think Clerics should be nerfed to have less hp in their final promotions in this merge. Clerics used to be next to the bottom of the pool after just Sorcerers when it comes to hp, and now they equal or even surpass Dark Elves/Vampires with only a bit of Body Building. This shouldn't be so and priests of the light and dark should have no more HP than Priests of the Sun had in MM8.
- Many boss monsters don't seem to get boosted alongside their weaker friends. Like the High Priest of Baa for example - dude stays at 180 hp no matter what.
- The grammar for the Peasant promotions at skill teachers could be fixed. Instead of "Become Class." I suggest just "Class", with no period at the end. Add "the" before the class name in the promotion dialogue, "path of the Monk" for example.
- Thanks for implementing the MM6 gemstones! You never announce small but useful things like these, Rodril, and that's a shame :(
- What do you think about implementing some of MM8 monsters that never appeared outside of their single variety? For example there are only Blue tier Dark Elven Warriors and Minotaur Warriors in MM8, while their weaker and stronger equivalents can only appear in the Arena. Maybe it'd be nice to be able to encounter them somewhere else in all their varieties. Oh, there are also Manticores in MM7 that never got implemented, would be nice to have those too. If they appear in the Breach after the questline, that's a start at least.
- Make the 1st char in party dismissable too, as long as it's not the last character you have. That way you could rotate entire parties throughout your adventure if you so desire.
- Hume's Master promotion quest is still busted as of now.

That's it for now, thanks for everything so far!
Last edited by Xfing on 06 Nov 2018, 17:47, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 06 Nov 2018, 18:52

Draco Agariz wrote:Hello everyone,

Through playing I found some bugs, that I want to share with you (playtesting without my mod):

Might and Magic VI:

- Monster that should use the Ice Bolt spell are using Ice Bomb instead (I.e. Journey Mages) (I made no changes to that Monster)
- Guilds have all the same skills and no membership is needed
- The Automap does not memorize the location of skill teachers (you can manually "bring" them to the map)

Might and Magic VII:

- Many (and I mean really lots of) maps have wrong names. I.e. Celeste is named Labyrinth ingame (Don´t know, if this is an error in the german translation or in the mod)

Thats it for now. If I find anything more, I will edit this here.
Just one question:

Does anyone know, if it is possible to edit the skills of classes (which one they could learn and what level they can achieve) ?
There was an editor for the not modded version of the game...but I can´t use it now, since I don´t have access to an 32bit pc.
Monsters cannot use Ice Bolt and other "bolt / base arrow" elemental (fire, air, water, earth) spells since those spells only exist in MM6. I made a list of spells that were in MM6 and MM7, but were not in MM8 (and weren't renamed / moved), but one guy said that those spells were universally useless (because he didn't use them, even though I did, specifically the Ring of Fire and Golden Touch were mentioned), and thus that got nowhere. Enjoy explosions, I guess.

The wrong names are probably caused by the german translation, otherwise other people would be reporting it a long time ago. (since the last patch, that is)

Added other points to the bug tracker.
Jamesx wrote:Hi!
I'm so glad to see, that project is still updates! Thank you guys for keep it alive! So many thing are done...) :)
By the way... zombies are here! :D
Thanks Templayer for reminds me about this cute creatures)
Based on cliric body pc05/pc06
Xfing wrote:Oh btw and sorry for asking, but last I checked the tracker, I didn't see my suggestion about adding all the colored inventory screens. Not saying it isn't there, just couldn't see it. Could you confirm if you've added it? Thanks.

EDIT: One little thing I've noticed when starting a new game: the Pirate Cutlass (2d4+6, 490 gold) appears on the Emerald Isle, for me it appeared both in a treasure crate and at the blacksmith's. Isn't it rather suspicious that a weapon of this quality would appear in those s h i t-tier locations? I think this cutlass may have a too low treasure level assigned by mistake.

EDIT 2: More stuff I've noticed when playing the game - mostly regarding item tiering and character balance, but also some odd observations here and there (edit3: actually it went and turned into a full-fledged suggestion tirade, lol):

- MM8's Club (cheapest one) is now called "Barbed club" as per my suggestion, but the second word does not start with a capital
- Jadamean Green Apples make the eating sound when consumed, but Erathian red ones just play the usual ding tune.
- Ullyses the bow is still 5d2+13 instead of 6d2+14.
- MM8's Trollish Claymore's value is 300 against the suggested 200, making it conflict with the MM7 Steel Broadsword.
- I think the Dwarven Battleaxe (tier 4 MM8 1-hand axe) and the Steel Axe (its MM7 equivalent) should be switched in terms of their values. I just read the flavor text and it says the Jadamean Dark Dwarves are not as skilled as their Erathian counterparts, meaning the Steel Axe should plain and simple be superior.
- Do weapons with the Elf Slaying property work on Dark Elves too? I think they should (Elfbane, Old Nick and the generic enchantment perhaps, if it even spawns)
- Is it possible to bring back all generic enchantments from MM6 and MM7 to appear in MM8 too? I'm not sure which ones are there already and which ones aren't, but most notably, there was "of Power" in MM6 that gave you an actual boost to levels while equipped, translating to more hp and mana. Not sure if all the "of <insert monster> slaying" varieties are present too - MM7 and MM8 had different and exclusive ones.
- Minotaurs should have at least Druids and definitely Sorcerers selectable as classes when creating characters. Minotaur sorcerers are prevalent in lore of both MM and HoMM. I do realize the biggest obstacle for minotaurs being sorcerers is the lack of a Mino-Lich portrait (and that's probably something we won't soon overcome, if at all), but letting them choose Druid would be a good second choice (Darkstorn the Warlock, anyone?). In fact, we could just handwave it just like MM7 itself did with dwarf liches and zombies becoming tall again and just have minos became regular humanoid male liches. Bit of a waste but oh well, there are always the Enroth promotions :D
- Is there a Supreme Plate minotaur sprite for when you choose a Minotaur Knight?
- Why don't we ever seem to see MM6-based characters as hirelings in training centers? (Ohhhhh right, they don't have house portraits. Well darn.)
- Seeing as how MM7 characters generally have more HP than MM8 characters, I think Clerics should be nerfed to have less hp in their final promotions in this merge. Clerics used to be next to the bottom of the pool after just Sorcerers when it comes to hp, and now they equal or even surpass Dark Elves/Vampires with only a bit of Body Building. This shouldn't be so and priests of the light and dark should have no more HP than Priests of the Sun had in MM8.
- Many boss monsters don't seem to get boosted alongside their weaker friends. Like the High Priest of Baa for example - dude stays at 180 hp no matter what.
- The grammar for the Peasant promotions at skill teachers could be fixed. Instead of "Become Class." I suggest just "Class", with no period at the end. Add "the" before the class name in the promotion dialogue, "path of the Monk" for example.
- Thanks for implementing the MM6 gemstones! You never announce small but useful things like these, Rodril, and that's a shame :(
- What do you think about implementing some of MM8 monsters that never appeared outside of their single variety? For example there are only Blue tier Dark Elven Warriors and Minotaur Warriors in MM8, while their weaker and stronger equivalents can only appear in the Arena. Maybe it'd be nice to be able to encounter them somewhere else in all their varieties. Oh, there are also Manticores in MM7 that never got implemented, would be nice to have those too. If they appear in the Breach after the questline, that's a start at least.
- Make the 1st char in party dismissable too, as long as it's not the last character you have. That way you could rotate entire parties throughout your adventure if you so desire.
- Hume's Master promotion quest is still busted as of now.

That's it for now, thanks for everything so far!
First thing: It's under "GUI Settings"

"Is there a Supreme Plate minotaur sprite for when you choose a Minotaur Knight? " - if you check the paint tracker, the Supreme plate is there for other than normal paperdolls. I'm pretty sure, haven't really checked, but I do know that I did the class specific ones in there.

Other stuff added to the Bug tracker. Some of them are more of a suggestion variety, but let God sort them out. (i.e. Rodril)
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 06 Nov 2018, 19:02

As for the low-level mages, I think Draco Agariz means it should be Ice Bolt, but is Ice Blast instead. Ice Blast is a master-level spell and probably shouldn't be available to the bottom-tier spellcasters, so this is probably a valid complaint.
Last edited by Xfing on 06 Nov 2018, 20:19, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Jamesx » 06 Nov 2018, 19:28

Xfing wrote: You're the best, man!!!
Haha)) glad you like it)) Maybe dwarfs are coming soon... ;)

I played this mod long time ago, but i remember that I noticed some problems with ice-blast spell in Enroth too. Some low-level enemies are use this spell instead of ice-bolt. But if you say, that monsters can't use bolt spells, so maybe it makes sense to give them another low-leveled spell, because ice-bolt is too powerful for low-level party, it kills sorcerrers with one shot)))) :D

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 06 Nov 2018, 19:40

Xfing wrote:As for the low-level mages, I think Draco Agariz means it should be Ice Bolt, but is Ice Blast instead. Ice Blast is a master-level spell and probably shouldn't be available to the bottom-tier spellcasters, so this is probably a valid complaint.
Thou art correct, I was thinking of Cold Beam, which exists only in MM6. Argh.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 06 Nov 2018, 19:46

Jamesx wrote:
Xfing wrote: You're the best, man!!!
Haha)) glad you like it)) Maybe dwarfs are coming soon... ;)

I played this mod long time ago, but i remember that I noticed some problems with ice-blast spell in Enroth too. Some low-level enemies are use this spell instead of ice-bolt. But if you say, that monsters can't use bolt spells, so maybe it makes sense to give them another low-leveled spell, because ice-bolt is too powerful for low-level party, it kills sorcerrers with one shot)))) :D
I was thinking of Cold Beam, my mistake.
The reason for the mistake is kinda evident if you take a look at the spells that were in MM6 but weren't in MM8 on the tracker. :D

And then dracoliches, and zombie minotaurs, and skeletons (repainted liches), and troll vampires, and... (Erathian) Black dragons!! Glad to have you back on board! :P :D

Actually the Vampire variations for races other than human should be easy to do - a bit skin desaturation, and adding elongated fangs. Perhaps something with the eyes too. Liches and Zombies on the other hand... and more dragons,... those would be quite hard.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Jamesx » 06 Nov 2018, 20:12

Templayer wrote:
Jamesx wrote:
Xfing wrote: You're the best, man!!!
Haha)) glad you like it)) Maybe dwarfs are coming soon... ;)

I played this mod long time ago, but i remember that I noticed some problems with ice-blast spell in Enroth too. Some low-level enemies are use this spell instead of ice-bolt. But if you say, that monsters can't use bolt spells, so maybe it makes sense to give them another low-leveled spell, because ice-bolt is too powerful for low-level party, it kills sorcerrers with one shot)))) :D
I was thinking of Cold Beam, my mistake.
The reason for the mistake is kinda evident if you take a look at the spells that were in MM6 but weren't in MM8 on the tracker. :D

And then dracoliches, and zombie minotaurs, and skeletons (repainted liches), and troll vampires, and... (Erathian) Black dragons!! Glad to have you back on board! :P :D

Actually the Vampire variations for races other than human should be easy to do - a bit skin desaturation, and adding elongated fangs. Perhaps something with the eyes too. Liches and Zombies on the other hand... and more dragons,... those would be quite hard.
I'm trying to make dwarfs based on trolls doll, because minotaurs has too many restrictions. they have hooves instead of legs and it means that I need to remake all armors for them, besides we don't have any boots variations to fit for this doll. So my choice is set on trolls, in this case we have just one restriction - plate armor. But... I have another idea. What if we leave dwarfs doll as it is in mm7? Also we can leave mm7 armors/boots etc specialy for them. Set to level lists, to make a chance to get it in the chests, shops and as loot. So It will be special armor just for dwarfs? I don't know if this possible, or how hard this work can be, but logicaly human height armor shouldn't be fitted on small dwarfs, so we will have a "special" armor for them.
About other variations.. it will be a too great work :D
Add some changes to one existing race is not too hard, but make so much variations of different races.. it may took a years :D
Anyway, for now I focused on dwarfs, if I will make it, we will already have complete race set)

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 06 Nov 2018, 20:56

Jamesx wrote:
I'm trying to make dwarfs based on trolls doll, because minotaurs has too many restrictions. they have hooves instead of legs and it means that I need to remake all armors for them, besides we don't have any boots variations to fit for this doll. So my choice is set on trolls, in this case we have just one restriction - plate armor. But... I have another idea. What if we leave dwarfs doll as it is in mm7? Also we can leave mm7 armors/boots etc specialy for them. Set to level lists, to make a chance to get it in the chests, shops and as loot. So It will be special armor just for dwarfs? I don't know if this possible, or how hard this work can be, but logicaly human height armor shouldn't be fitted on small dwarfs, so we will have a "special" armor for them.
About other variations.. it will be a too great work :D
Add some changes to one existing race is not too hard, but make so much variations of different races.. it may took a years :D
Anyway, for now I focused on dwarfs, if I will make it, we will already have complete race set)
I'm against them having specific armor, but not against them having a standalone paperdoll (and MM6+8 armours would have to be repainted for their paperdoll).
Troll works too. I will have to remove my comments on the tracker about the minotaur paperdoll needing helmet and boot repaints if Dwarves are going to use a minotaur paperdoll, though. :D

Completing the races from the original games is a top priority. Undead variations for non-humans can wait. DRACOLICHES WOULD BE SO COOL THOUGH! I can dream, right? :S
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 06 Nov 2018, 21:13

And then dracoliches, and zombie minotaurs, and skeletons (repainted liches), and troll vampires, and... (Erathian) Black dragons!! Glad to have you back on board! :P :D

Actually the Vampire variations for races other than human should be easy to do - a bit skin desaturation, and adding elongated fangs. Perhaps something with the eyes too. Liches and Zombies on the other hand... and more dragons,... those would be quite hard.
Don't forget you'd need portraits along with idle animations as well as all condition sprites, those are way beyond the capabilities of any Sunday modder to introduce. Oh, also sounds. Perhaps you should temper your expectations a bit :P

About dwarves - I concur that bringing them into the game in in their MM7 form would probably be the least awkward option. Trolls would require repainting more armor in fact, since they might not even have native plate armor graphics in MM8 - also, trolls used very particular graphics for everything - everything looked more cartoony but at the same time less shiny, and as if from a bigger closeup than with the other paperdolls. It's enough that boots and helmets will have to be repainted for the trolls, while at least the helmets will take relatively little work to make work on dwarves.

Anyway, if we want dwarves in, that would probably be the easiest way to go. The only other remotely relatively viable thing I can think of is using human paperdolls and shortening their legs, but you'd end up more with midgets than dwarves there :P
Last edited by Xfing on 06 Nov 2018, 21:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Jamesx » 06 Nov 2018, 22:33

Templayer wrote: I'm against them having specific armor, but not against them having a standalone paperdoll (and MM6+8 armours would have to be repainted for their paperdoll).
Troll works too. I will have to remove my comments on the tracker about the minotaur paperdoll needing helmet and boot repaints if Dwarves are going to use a minotaur paperdoll, though. :D

Completing the races from the original games is a top priority. Undead variations for non-humans can wait. DRACOLICHES WOULD BE SO COOL THOUGH! I can dream, right? :S
Yes, why not))) Some of your ideas can be released actually) Not sure about undead, zombie-minotaurs and dracoliches...(isn't they should be just a bone dragons?)) but dark dragons and vampire races are quite possible :D
If we had many people working on graphics, maybe we could do it, even dress our dragons in armor and helmets with holes for their horns :D ))))
I can’t work on something for a long time, I quickly get bored and switch to something else. After some time I can return, like i did now, but I know that this is not for long. I can do nothing about it :| I just hope I can make dwarves at least, before I found something else to create)) Fallout 76 is coming so soon... :D :D :D
Xfing wrote: Anyway, if we want dwarves in, that would probably be the easiest way to go. The only other remotely relatively viable thing I can think of is using human paperdolls and shortening their legs, but you'd end up more with midgets than dwarves there :P
In this case you have to remake all armor that have a pants, and all boots I think. It's too hard, Trolls doll is most acceptable option. All problems that we have is a plate armor, but maybe i can come up with something. Beside this, we will have some bad suitable helmets, mostly low-leveled and female characters probably loose their....mmm.... bust, when armor is equipped :D Maybe its not too high cost for having dwarves in your party))
Last edited by Jamesx on 06 Nov 2018, 22:55, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 06 Nov 2018, 23:12

Yeah but actual dwarves already have plate armors, so like I said - if we want graphics for all objects from MM6-8, keeping actual dwarves from MM7 would lead to the smallest number of items needing repainting. But oh well, that's all hypothetical right now anyway,

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby spawnsen » 07 Nov 2018, 00:09

I encountered some odd bugs while stacking the effects of artifacts/relics:

1. Not sure if thats a bug but the extra skill points you get via items increase if your learned skill gets higher. My Lich with Dark Magic 26 for example gets +12 extra skill by a "of darkness" ring while my Priest of the Dark with Dark Magic 28 gets +13 off the same ring. Im pretty sure the same ring only gave +5 skill points at the beginning (when my chars had dark magic 10).

2. Apparently something around +38 is the max boni you can get off items before they turn negative! My Lich has 3 items which give a total bonus of 38 on Dark Magic. If I want to add another artifact/relic which boosts dark magic, the bonus "flips" and becomes -17. The same happens with my Priest: Here the bonus changes from +26 to -25. This isnt just a display error either. My dragons breath now hits for 1 dmg with Dark Magic 26 (-25). I couldnt test yet if this happens with other skills as well.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Daedros » 07 Nov 2018, 01:59

spawnsen wrote:I encountered some odd bugs while stacking the effects of artifacts/relics:

1. Not sure if thats a bug but the extra skill points you get via items increase if your learned skill gets higher. My Lich with Dark Magic 26 for example gets +12 extra skill by a "of darkness" ring while my Priest of the Dark with Dark Magic 28 gets +13 off the same ring. Im pretty sure the same ring only gave +5 skill points at the beginning (when my chars had dark magic 10).

2. Apparently something around +38 is the max boni you can get off items before they turn negative! My Lich has 3 items which give a total bonus of 38 on Dark Magic. If I want to add another artifact/relic which boosts dark magic, the bonus "flips" and becomes -17. The same happens with my Priest: Here the bonus changes from +26 to -25. This isnt just a display error either. My dragons breath now hits for 1 dmg with Dark Magic 26 (-25). I couldnt test yet if this happens with other skills as well.
Gear that increases your Magic skills, give +50% of your current skill. 10 Dark skill becomes 15 when wearing an item "of the Dark". 40 skill becomes 60 when wearing such an item. All skills max out at 60, trying to go over that with gear gives the negative skill bug. The effects of these items stack. A Lich with 30 Dark Magic skill wearing a single "of the Dark" item goes up to 45 skill. That same Lich with 30 Dark Magic skill wearing two pieces "of the Dark", goes up to 60 Dark Magic skill, the max. Wearing a third item "of the Dark", would take that Lich over into the negatives.

Gear that gives a flat +Skill though, like a Ring with +12 Unarmed skill, does not scale according to your current level, it's just a flat amount. I get my Monk char up to 38 real Unarmed and Dodging skill, then equip a +12 Unarmed and +12 Dodging Rings, then Hands of the Master (which give +10 Unarmed/+10 Dodging) and he's up to 60 Unarmed/Dodging skill, the max.

+Skill items like Unarmed, Dodging and Armsmaster max out at +12 per item, while items with Alchemy, Disarm Trap, ID Item, or ID Monster max out at +25 per item.

For my main Lich (Vetrinus Taleshire), i go with real 30 Dark, then 40 Water, and 10+ with the other Elemental skills. He wears the Crown of Final Dominion (+Dark), Ethric's Staff (+Dark, +15 Meditation), and Morgan (+Fire, +Air, +Water, +Earth).
Last edited by Daedros on 07 Nov 2018, 02:24, edited 5 times in total.

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