Unread postby Panda Tar » 28 Sep 2018, 16:32
Cerberus is mainly a good boss if the previous waves did a very good job, leaving him vs 1 or 2 enemies. The fact that the 2 of the 3 attacks are random makes the mitigation of damage bad vs 4-5. Also, given that it'll inflict DoTs on targets, it makes him able to heal on the next Special, providing some sustaining.
But yes, they are very good at attacking. As a record, Lich did a 62K once and Cerberus a 21K x 3, but I don't remember the combo numbers. When focusing a single target and the target is white, they might be pretty close though. Whilst Lich steal mana for a second strike, Cerberus inflicts 2 DoTs, enabling it to heal itself on the next Special.
I don't own Raiju though.
I feel like Dragons are a bit underwhelming though. Actually, not only them, but some Legendary kinda feels like I will never use in battle or defense. Some we use for a while, then ditch them completely. I have one Black Succubus. She was my second Legendary beast. I used her a lot for a while, given she had some decent damage and also healed a bit based on inflicted damage. But after a little while, I have never used her again and I see no use for her whatsoever. I don't like that much.
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2.