Panda Tar wrote:Hm ... I would think having a close up of the castle perhaps, the finished version of it. I don't know the freedom of placing things there? Would it work having any sort of art placed there?
The upgraded castle, but zoomed in.
But you could also consider the creatures portraits being listed there on a line and spells below them. Moving them from their original position, the space created would be used to increase the size of the castle | mini maps, the list of owned castles.
Pol wrote:I would put here a minimap with town location, yes that small one which is already here on the right. Get rid of it and put here a big one!
My second thought would be to list here a spells available in the town, from the best to the worst.
Heck, and don't hate me, you can even put here a nice Castle animation day/night clickable.
this is still to be tested if possible
Other suggestions
Simple Logo: (we could add Heroes IV logo as well)
List of creatures:
Short cut buttons:
Empty for other to display their suggestions:
These are just quick drafts for display, but what do you think?
For me #1 does fill out the space quite well, although I don't find it very useful. But still it adds a bit of atmosphere imo.
#2 Even if the scroll bar was moved with the towns, the switched portraits/town mini maps doesn't work for me.
#3 To me it still leaves too much blank space.
#4 List of spells does somewhat fills out the space (here I also used the unused images, so cut away 6 images and we'll still have some blank space.. Not sure if it would look better if the images were cut out in circles, to avoid the massive chunk of blue.. I could try adding the creature portraits - that would most likely fill out the remaining space..
#5 Logo is well, just a bit plain and unimaginative.
#6 Now this works surprisingly well I think. One could add expansion creatures as well or iconic hero portraits like Crag Hack..
#7 Short cut buttons might be a nice addition - perhaps the only really useful one, but I think they should be added with either of the above. I think that would work better..
Others: To some degree it is possible to add animations like weather effects (or day/night), but wheter it's possible to make them changeable is still unclear.
I'm silent in seven languages - and I got all my familys fear.
Everytime you throw dirt, you loose a little ground